MTL - Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant-Chapter 37 everyone here

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  Chapter 37 Everyone is here

  On the night of returning to the vineyard, An Feng received a call from his old classmate Wu Chao. He and Ji Min arrived in the United States three days ago, but they have been visiting San Francisco. They plan to go south tomorrow, and the first stop is An Feng. As the central point of San Francisco and Los Angeles, it can go south and north, with convenient transportation.

Then the news of Wang Le also came. He said that he had already boarded the plane and expected to arrive in Los Angeles in more than ten hours. When he learned that Wu Chao and Ji Min's couple had come to meet him, Wang Le canceled the plan to play in Los Angeles first. Plan, after asking about the flight number, will also transfer to SLO.

  Finally, the news from my sister and brother-in-law. Coincidentally, they are preparing their luggage and they will arrive around tomorrow afternoon. An Feng made up a timetable, and tomorrow morning, noon and afternoon are full, it is absolutely amazing, it is estimated that the whole day will be spent picking up and dropping off guests.

   The next day, seeing that the time was almost up, I drove out and arrived at SLO Airport in more than 40 minutes. The airport is very ordinary, probably smaller than the station in the county seat, and there are not many people there. The flights that land are all small passenger planes, transporting 20 or 30 people in one round trip. After waiting for half an hour in boredom, his eyelids were twitching. He was too tired from playing these days, and he didn't get enough rest last night. He only felt someone walking towards him at the exit.

   "An Feng?"

It wasn't until the Chinese name sounded that he woke up in a jerk. When he looked up, he saw Wu Chao and Ji Min, both with large bags and a trolley case in their hands. Ji Min was also wearing a pair of sunglasses and a cool long skirt. . An Feng hurried forward, hugged Wu Chao, let go of him to look at the two of them, and joked: "Is this a sweep or a move? Why do you look like an African refugee?"

  Wu Chao smiled wryly: "Didn't you see that a lot of things are cheap? It's okay if you don't look at them. Once you look at them, it looks like you've eaten Xuanmai. You can't stop your hands at all. That's how it turned out."

  An Feng looked at Ji Min: "I guess classmate Ji Min 'felt' it?"

Wu Chao scratched his head, Ji Min curled his lips, and said as a matter of course: "Otherwise, how can I make money back? The air ticket is so expensive, so I buy more for each trip, bring it to my family, colleagues and friends, and then charge some tips. , the air ticket price can be discounted in half, why not take advantage of this cheap price?"

   "It makes sense, Wu Chao, you are so happy!" An Feng admired Ji Min's cleverness, and the phone rang at this moment, and he picked it up after looking at it: "Hello?"

"It's me, Wang Le. I'm at the airport. This is the number I just bought." Wang Le said on the other end of the phone, "I've already got a ticket for the flight to St. Louis, and it will take off in 20 minutes. How long? If it’s too long, I’ll go buy some snacks.”

   "Not very long, about an hour." An Feng said.

   "Okay, let's do this first, brother, go and have a look at Dayang Ma first!" Wang Le hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

  An Feng said to Wu Chao and Ji Min: "Second brother's call, he has arrived in Los Angeles, why don't we wait a little longer? He will come over in an hour and a half."

  Ji Min said: "It's okay, just sit here and wait. It's so troublesome to go back and forth, and it's a waste of gas money."

   Wu Chao shrugged and had no objection. It's been a long time since I saw a few classmates chatting at the airport, buying some snacks and a few cups of coffee, the time passed quickly. When Wang Le appeared, he was dressed in a cool outfit, with a suit and leather shoes, and a handbag, walking quickly. As soon as he touched the mobile phone in his pocket, he was surrounded.

  Wu Chao said: "It's a hot day, why don't you pretend to be a secret agent?"

  Ji Min followed: "It's overdone, let me see how you unlock the phone with one hand?"

  An Feng's lines were overwhelmed: "Ahaha."

  Wang Le also laughed: "You bastards, are you trying to tear me down?"

   This group of people was not serious when they were in college, and it’s normal to be single, but when there are too many people, they will become two. It has been many years, and An Feng has gotten used to it. He took them outside the airport, drove out his pickup truck, and threw the luggage behind him. Wang Le wondered: "I thought you were going to drive a Ferrari over here!"

  Wu Chao said: "Yeah, aren't you a rich man? How can you drive a broken pickup?"

   "Ferrari can only seat two people, so put you in the trunk?" An Feng rolled his eyes, "Also, F150 is a high-end pickup in China, tall, rich and handsome, okay?"

  Wang Le smiled: "You also know that it can only be used in China!"

  Wu Hao said: "I heard that the pickup truck is driven by a farmer. In other words, we urbanites can despise Lao San, a poor farmer. Suddenly, I feel that the atmosphere in capitalist society is so balanced!"

  An Feng was speechless, he couldn't fight them with one mouth. He changed the subject: "Is the driver's license notarized?"

  Wu Chao and Wang Le both nodded. This is not the first time they have gone abroad, and self-driving travel is a must. An Feng said, "Then let's go to the car rental company?"

   While still in SLO, everyone agrees. Before coming here, Anfeng had inquired. There are many car rental companies, some of which are large international chain companies, and there are many types of vehicles. An Feng took them to one of the largest local car rental companies. After discussing with Ji Min, Wu Chao and Ji Min chose a comfortable full-size seven-seat SUV: GMC-Acadia, which has a strong American rough style and has never been listed in China. Based on experience idea to try.

  Wang Le chose the Ford Mustang convertible sports car, saying that he couldn't let An Feng show off alone. As a result, one car turned into three cars when we went back. Everyone drove behind An Feng in fear, maintaining a speed of about 75 miles per hour, allowing these guys to experience American-style driving.

  It took me a while to get home after one o’clock, especially after driving out of Paso Robles, the road was full of beautiful scenery with plump grapes and sunshine, everyone unanimously asked to slow down and give the camera time to take pictures. Especially Wang Le, the feeling of driving a convertible in this kind of place is indescribable, free and fresh, with a beautiful view, if there is a beautiful girl... An Feng used to take Jenny out to play like this before.

  After arriving home, everyone admired his house and kept taking pictures. An Feng was elated. The house he had spent more than 200,000 yuan to repair finally showed its value. But before he could proudly introduce the layout, everyone was busy choosing a room after saying hello.

   Mistake, it seems that the room is more attractive than myself.

After everyone went downstairs, the house was very lively. My mother also specially made some delicious food that An Feng coveted, such as roasted pork ribs with potatoes. After a full meal, none of them could stop and went to explore An Feng His territory made him wonder how he could have such strong physical strength.

  An Feng showed off Wang Le to his cinema.

"Damn!" Wang Le's expression satisfied him, "You're fine, it's so high-end, with a giant projection screen, and a full set of leather sofas, it's a movie theater that has been shrunk down and moved here, right? What movies are there, how many will be shown tonight?"

   "Whatever you want, I bought a lot of Blu-ray high-definition ones, and I will save them until you bother me!"

  After visiting the theater, they walked out.

   "Wu Chao, come quickly, what a beautiful swimming pool!" Ji Min's cheers came from the backyard, and An Feng and Wang Le followed out.

  Wu Chao said with a smile: "You guys can really enjoy it. There is no frame and there is a height difference. There are two sets of swimming pool heating equipment. Look at the colorful lights under the pool. Swimming at night must be very exciting!"

   "I don't even look at who my brother is!" An Feng was even more proud.

  Wang Le smiled: "Look at the expression of the landlord, the third son! If you make a movie, you can win an award, right?"

   "Hahaha, you bunch of stinky dicks!" An Feng smiled strangely with his hips on his hips.

  Everyone burst into laughter, this guy didn't do it on purpose, he did it on purpose.

The lighting of the swimming pool is really good. Turn on the colored lights at night. The pool is colorful, like a rainbow in the sky. Different areas are illuminated into different colors, as if dyes are added to the pool water. People swimming in the water are dreamlike. The reason kids like to come to parties.

  Wang Le said: "Hurry up and get into the water, what are you waiting for!"

   Several people who changed into swimsuits jumped into the cool swimming pool one after another. An Feng moved a dozen cans of beer and threw them to them one by one, "Do what you can, be careful if you drink too much and fall off the side... Hey! I just said it, classmate Ji Min! Don't jump on the side, stretch yourself Go and look outside, more than ten meters high, if you fall from the fourth floor, will you have to fart your ass?"

  Because he had to pick up people in the afternoon, he didn't go into the water, and only drank a few sips of beer while playing with his mobile phone. Occasionally, I saw Xiaoyu having a great time playing with two dogs. She held a few flying saucers in her hand and ran with her short legs.

  In the afternoon, An Feng continued to be the driver and picked up his sister and brother-in-law at the airport. They remembered An Feng's suggestion clearly, they don't need to bring anything, just two sets of clothes, and they can buy them locally if they want. The experience of blood and tears of donkey friends proves that if you bring too many things, you will almost always be discarded in the end. Because local brands are too cheap.

Talking all the way back home, mom and dad happened to be cooking, and a few friends were playing with Xiaoyu in the front yard. After An Feng introduced the two parties, he heard the sound of his mother calling for dinner, and everyone walked into the house, together As soon as I sat down at the long table, relatives and friends gathered together, and it was very lively.

  (end of this chapter)