MTL - Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant-Chapter 26 The pursuit of life

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  Chapter 26 The Pursuit of Life

According to the nature of the Americans, after everything has been negotiated, the tension will be resolved, and a few bottles of champagne will be opened, and the enemy will suddenly become a friend. We will have a few drinks together to celebrate the success of the cooperation, and then leave on our own. stay to continue the consultation.

  Hawk stayed, and he briefly described the company's operations. The current task is the review of new products. The United States also has the experience of recklessly engaging in agriculture. Later, the water resources were polluted due to the abuse of chemical fertilizers, which attracted the attention of the government. Therefore, if the new fertilizer wants to go to the market, it still needs a lot of tests.

"Mr. An, our company has cooperated with government departments many times in this regard, and we are proficient in submitting for review. It is estimated that the product will be launched to the market in about half a year. At the same time, I am considering asking the company to apply for a bank loan, and use this time to develop new products in the western region. Customers in the region tout new technologies.”

  According to the CEO's development plan, it is basically steady and steady. It may be a bit lacking in aggressiveness, but for companies lacking funds, the method is the safest. An Feng expressed his trust: "You are responsible for the specific work, I don't care about the process, I just want to see the profit."

  Bray was full of confidence: "It will satisfy you, sir."

   "I hope so." An Feng said. If he can't do well, as the boss, he will hold a general meeting of shareholders and fire him as the CEO, and replace him with a more capable one.

   Ke Anfeng didn't like trouble, so he made the only arrangement.

   "John, you did this beautifully!" An Feng leaned on the comfortable swivel chair, and his assistant John Adams sat opposite him.

  This is the chairman's office.

  The company's office building is not big, and An Feng hardly comes to work, but the company still arranged an office for him according to the regulations. It is about 30 square meters, with a luxurious desk and a leather sofa. Behind the desk stands a black wood-grained bookcase, which contains books related to economic management. It's okay, lean back on the chair: XXX, you don't have to come to work tomorrow. It's really a bit like a big leader.

   "This is exactly what I'm good at." John is completely relieved now, the investment negotiation went smoothly, and his overtime work all night was not in vain.

An Feng was very satisfied with his prudence: "Considering that you have also served as my financial consultant, accountant, assistant, etc., your professional quality is also good. How about this, I will give you an annual salary of 120,000, and your duty is to perform for me work, oversee company finances, provide investment planning. How?"

  John nodded happily: "I am happy to accept this job."

  An Feng knew that he would not refuse, because he had learned that the annual salary of a financial consultant in this part of California is about 60,000 US dollars, and the income of other accounting, investment management and other occupations is similar. According to the data of a polling company in the United States, if a white family of four wants to live a more comfortable middle-class life, the annual salary should not be less than 70,000 US dollars, and the Spanish-speaking South American immigrants can lower it, 50,000 US dollars.

  The salary offered by the boss is almost double, which makes John flattered. He graduated from a famous university and worked in a company for several years, earning considerable income. However, the downturn in the economy has led to huge employment pressure. Companies are laying off employees and lowering wages one after another, but house prices and prices are all rising.

  He also lost his job in this wave. His wife and children needed to support him, and the pressure was all on him alone. As a talent in the field, it is not difficult to find a job of 40,000 to 50,000 yuan, but people always have to go up, right? With the idea of ​​giving it a try, he gave the information to the professional league, conducted a special assessment, and paid the membership fee, but there was no good news for several weeks in a row. When he was getting more and more disappointed, An Feng found him.

Seeing the contract drawn up in his hand, he felt the excitement of guarding the clouds and seeing the moon. The salary was higher than before, but the work pressure was less than before. Ming is not only familiar with financial management, but also able to supervise the company's subordinates.

  Although An Feng didn't point it out, John knew that he couldn't let Bray Hawk monopolize the power of the company like before. The big boss doesn't interfere, but he always has his confidants to watch over him. Once there are any wrong decisions or financial problems, John, as an expert, is naturally not a vegetarian.

   It only takes a few glances and a sentence or two, and both parties know that the other party understands.

   His subordinates are smart, so An Feng naturally goes his way.


After living in Los Angeles for a few days, An Feng accompanied Jenny to travel around the streets and alleys. Jenny saw that he missed the pets at home and didn't want to make life difficult for her boyfriend because of herself, so she suggested to pack up her luggage and go back to live with him for a while. When on vacation. The tired An Feng naturally raised his hands in agreement.

   When returning, they took civil aviation. An Feng always thought that the only way to travel such a short route is by car, but he was wrong. From Los Angeles to San Luis Obispo, the straight-line distance is 260 kilometers, and it takes three hours to drive there, but there are still flights, ten times a day.

The    model is a small business jet produced in Brazil, which can accommodate thirty passengers and is sometimes used as a sightseeing plane. After boarding the plane, An Feng was bored looking at the map of airports in California. American Airlines has well-developed routes, and there are airports in larger areas. Even Paso Robles, a small city with a population of 30,000 to 40,000, also has an airport.

  An Feng said with emotion: "No wonder you all say that taking the train is more expensive than flying!"

  Jenny rested her head on his shoulder. She liked this position, maybe it felt safe. After listening to what An Feng said, she explained: "The trains in the United States are almost all used to transport goods, but when traveling far away, I will choose the plane, and occasionally I can buy a one-dollar ticket."

   "It sounds unbelievable." An Feng had heard of such things in China before, and his first reaction was: Are you kidding me?

   "I promise it's true." Jenny looked up at him, "I've taken it before. If the occupancy rate of the flight does not reach 60%, the airline will sell a one-dollar ticket in order to preserve capital."

  An Feng kissed her on the forehead and said with a smile: "I believe in you. I'm just wondering when my motherland will open up such a policy."

   "China? What's it like?" Jenny asked him.

   "What do you think?" An Feng asked back.

Jenny sat up straight and said with great interest: "In the past, many of my classmates and I thought that China was a very backward country. People often starved to death. They had to swear allegiance to the party when they were interviewed by TV stations. They wore the same clothes. What did they do? They will be monitored by the police, and ML before marriage will break the law. But since the number of Chinese tourists coming to the United States has increased, we feel that they are a group of very rich people who wear famous brands. They buy four or five French-made designer bags. When you buy more than 10,000 Rolex, you buy three of them. We wonder, what is China like?"

He actually has a North Korean feeling, he explained with a smile: "It's not as exaggerated as you think, but it's not as rich as you think. The big cities are similar to yours, bustling and congested, but the conditions in the countryside are not as good as yours. Relatively backward, just the traffic Systematically speaking, the eastern coastal areas are more developed."

  Jenny asked: "It turns out that we have a big misunderstanding?"

"Misunderstandings are for sure! Just for me, before coming here, many people and I thought that the United States is a developed and beautiful country, but after experiencing it, I found that it also has shortcomings: except for some metropolises, other places It’s also similar to China, with some cities still older. Highway traffic is well developed, but many of your highways are just ordinary four-lane roads, and the roads in New York are also repaired, and dirty and messy areas also exist in areas where black people concentrate.”

   Jenny laughed: "You think too well of this."

An Feng nodded: "Some people say that the United States has the best welfare, but I also found that there are beggars. In fact, the welfare of neighboring Canada is better than that of the United States, and the welfare of Switzerland is the top; Need to pay a lot of property taxes, management fees and other items. When the economic crisis came, many people could not afford the maintenance fees and had to sell their houses to live in cheaper ones; Located in a slum area, you have to worry about gunshots during the day, the house is only a shell, and you have to pay at least $100,000 for renovations if you want to live in it.”

   "So the news and newspapers lied to us?"

  “I never believe in CNN, BBC, CCXX, I view those broadcasts as serials. Many of us are looking forward to the finale of a N-season program that has been broadcast for decades.”

   "What is it?" Jenny asked.

  An Feng hugged her with a smile: "Can you slap my face first?"


   In the end, Jenny still didn't get the answer.

   But all she cares about is the warmth and flirtation with her boyfriend.

  Back to the small town of Paso Robles, breathing the fresh air, An Feng felt at ease.

  Although the life in the metropolis is wonderful and colorful, it is like a delicacy, which is memorable once tasted once in a while, but it will get boring after eating every day. He is a bit lazy in his bones. He likes to sleep on a recliner, stare at the blue sky in a daze, or occasionally ride a horse and play with the dog. He will only be motivated when he likes things. Let him go shopping, attend parties, once or twice is no problem, but it will be annoying if there are too many times.

  He knows that he has huge wealth, big enough to change the world, but the problem is that he lacks motivation and ambition. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been in a position for three years at the beginning. If it were someone else, he might have found another job, and he still received that salary honestly.

   That is, the communication with other rich people at the auction made him feel that he should have a little big pursuit in life. He has a luxury house and sports car, and yachts and planes should also be realized.

   It's also possible, his attitude is the real realm. Enough money has been earned, and everything that should be obtained, what's next? Isn't it just lying on the beach in a leisurely afternoon in the sun?

  (end of this chapter)