MTL - Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant-Chapter 100 Invisible Rich

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  Chapter 100 The Invisible Rich

   A few days after the incident, the company's management continued to meet.

  Even An Feng can't avoid it, because what's being discussed now is the distribution of "money". The new technology is highly competitive, and there is a lot of money in front of him. If he is still in the mood to be lazy... how is it possible! When it comes to money, An Feng is not ambiguous at all.

After discussion between the management and shareholders, the patent they decided to apply for is a "weakened version of the super battery", while the higher-tech super battery is completely confidential and does not apply for a patent, as a "proprietary technology" that outsiders will never be able to imitate —I was knocked off and could only cry by myself.

  However, only a few people know how to make the full version of the "Super Battery", and there is no way to make a copycat. The weakened version increases publicity to increase the reputation of GP. The most direct manifestation is that the original original stock price of one dollar, now foreign companies or individuals want to invest, and now they have to pay more than ten times the price.

Even if it is not listed, if the company has enough potential, the price of absorbing investment can double crazily, depending on how the two parties negotiate... An Feng didn't pay much attention to this before, but after listening to everyone's discussion, it has really gone up Quite a lot, and now the transfer of equity can earn at least ten times.

However, he was not so poor that he wanted to sell his shares. After many meetings, everyone unanimously decided to increase the investment internally, increasing it from the original 20 million shares to 40 million shares, and then set aside a part to absorb foreign companies or investors. Individual investment - specific qualifications are also screened.

An Feng doesn't quite understand. I heard that shareholders don't want cats and dogs to squeeze in. Outsiders who want to get equity must consider their abilities and qualifications in addition to paying a high price... There are too many rules in this regard, An Feng heard Confused, he called his assistant and accountant in California.


   Two days later, all the directors of the company got together.

  The content of the discussion is aimed at absorbing investment and the form and direction of future development.

  Things are many and complicated. An Feng summed it up for himself, that is: how to cheat foreign investors; how to use technology to cheat money faster.

   During the meeting, the shareholders were all present and it was very lively. An Feng, Mrs. Sinclair, Anthony, the representative of the Blue Lane family, and George, who hadn't seen him for a long time, were sitting, and the rest were assistants or secretaries standing. The company's shareholders don't talk much, and most of the things are talked about by their respective assistants.

A boring morning passed, and there was a break at lunch time. An Feng also chatted with Mrs. Sinclair for a while. The old lady didn't seem to have much appetite. I ate dim sum with relish, and I also tasted some.

When it comes to the issue of additional investment, An Feng has a lot of doubts in his heart, because Mrs. Sinclair will transfer most of the equity, and he will only keep about 5%, and the rest will be mainly transferred to a company called "Xin's Energy" , it is an oil giant in the United States and enjoys a good reputation in the world.

Mrs. Sinclair heard An Feng's doubts and said: "The emergence of new energy will have an impact on traditional fields, such as automobiles. In the era of lithium-ion batteries, oil dominates, but after the emergence of graphene batteries, it will inevitably be Take the cake of the market from certain demographics."

  An Feng also knows that the nature of new energy is like this, but it will take a lot of time for graphene batteries to shake up the automotive industry, and oil is not only used in the automotive field. But no matter how you say it, it is impossible to avoid the fact that batteries can slowly change the market structure, so sooner or later it will become a market competition.

She looked at An Feng, knew that he understood, and continued, "Competition will have a lot of impact on personal life. There will always be people trying to pay attention to you. If you don't plan to be a tech star, then keep a low profile." There is no need to be too high-profile, it is more free to be an invisible rich man."

  An Feng understands, it seems that the shares have been reduced, but in fact it is just a transfer method, after calculation, he still has so many shares in his hand. Thinking about myself, the absolute controlling shareholder of the company, if it was okay to say in the past, after the company became famous, I would be too conspicuous.

Mrs. Sinclair went on: "Invisibility is also a way to avoid trouble. Of course, competition is about the rules of the game, no one can trample on the rules, and we help you, they are not worth mentioning. But you, boy, can you Incapable of dealing with these troubles."

  The old lady's words made An Feng understand thoroughly.

She did not attend the meeting in the afternoon. It is said that she was unwell. An Feng glanced at the vacant seat and did not know how her condition was. However, most of the cancers were scared to death. Keep a good attitude and actively treat cancer. It's horrible, at least he knows it well as a professional.

   silently blessed her, and the meeting continued.

Everyone really showed their muscles, and An Feng was eye-opening. I am afraid that buying shares as an individual was just an interest. It can also be said that everyone basically maintained a wait-and-see state. Until now, it is the real thing. Shareholders have put on their armor Mrs. Sinclair's shares will appear as the oil giant "Sinclair Energy". In addition, the newly added shares will be divided up by "Western Investment Group" and "Sinclair Fund".

According to the explanation from assistant John Adams, it is said that in the industry, the "Western Investment Group" is very famous, and many high-tech companies in the world have its shadow. Clay Fund" is also like a shadow, so it has strong strength.

  An Feng understands that these seemingly unrelated business organizations are actually one group.

The Blueline family holds the original shares, and the newly added part is received by the "Browline Fund"—this is just a collective name in private. In fact, it is composed of more than a dozen profit-making or non-profit foundations, and Blueline Sr. also oversaw the company's partnership with American Express.

This is a bit eye-catching. An Feng used to think that the Blue Lane family was just a small shareholder of Express, but since he knew that they had countless foundations under their hands, he vaguely understood that things are not that simple... The official appearance of the giants is nothing more than announcing their territories. Clear the ground.

  An Feng is delighted to hear it, competition will be inevitable in the future, if he fights alone, he might be eaten to the bone, but now there are two big guys standing up, anyone else would be wary. According to my assistants, Xin's Energy and the Blueline Foundation, an oil giant and a financial family, are an organization with internal capital circulation... also known as a consortium.

When they appeared as individuals, An Feng didn't feel how strong they were, but when they joined forces, the shadows of various big companies and companies overlapped and intertwined. It was pierced, but nothing could cover up the scene of rampant power.

   So they are very powerful. Taking this into consideration, An Feng decided to give up part of the equity, and keep 51% of the shares in his own hands, that is, the holding. The help of the giants is not given for nothing, and everyone has to pay a little profit so that everyone can cooperate better. And the giants also know that if there is no guidance from Anfeng on the way of technological research and development, they will get nothing. Not only the super batteries that have appeared, but also the super chips that are under development... all need Anfeng's technical support. Therefore, everyone is mutually beneficial and agrees with this decision.

Then An Feng talked about low-key issues, and John Adams, an experienced assistant in this area, gave his opinion: "The easiest way is to establish multiple companies, spread the equity among them, and then consider the degree of confidentiality and future international operations. , I recommend offshore companies.”

The exclusive accountant, Hardy Locke, also agrees: "From the financial point of view, the registration of offshore companies is simple, and the shareholder information, shareholding ratio, and income status of the client company are kept confidential, and offshore companies have no income tax and stamp duty. , can reasonably avoid a lot of taxes.”

  An Feng has heard of offshore companies and is curious about their tax avoidance methods.

Hardy pushed his glasses, and said as concisely as possible: "Let's use an analogy. It is reasonable and legal: Company A wants to sell products worth 100 million US dollars to foreign company B, without considering other taxes and cost deductions, and only calculating income tax : A and B trade directly, the 100 million US dollars need to calculate 35% income tax.”

"Legal and unreasonable: If Company A first sells its goods to its offshore company for 80 million US dollars, and then sells it to overseas company B at a price of 100 million US dollars through the offshore company, the price difference of 20 million yuan will not be calculated. For income tax, only the 80 million need to calculate the 35% income tax. In total, the tax avoidance is 7 million US dollars."

   "I see." An Feng suddenly realized.

But Hardy reminded: "This is just the simplest example! Now the United States is very wary of offshore companies. If they want to avoid taxes, the cost difference should not be too large. For goods worth 100 million, you sell them to offshore companies for 50 million. Corporations, the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) will come on like wild dogs!"

  An Feng smiled: "I heard that many large international companies have offshore subsidiaries. Do they avoid taxes like this?"

Hardy nodded: "Of course! According to the information provided by some US senators, Microsoft has eight offshore companies, Dell and IBM have thirty-eight companies, HP has fourteen companies, and Apple has more than one. A certain senator once accused Apple of evading billions of dollars in offshore taxes, but this is a gray area that everyone defaults to, and it is still difficult for a few senators to shake the interests of large groups."

  An Feng thought about it. In the future, world trade will definitely be indispensable. Offshore tax avoidance is everyone’s default. Before the United States has issued specific laws, there is no saying whether it is illegal or not. It is only a joke that exposes itself, causing the tragedy of the IRS. But what do accountants do?

   Thinking that the United States has to deduct so much tax for overseas trade, An Feng is not happy. His uncle, I have worked hard to make a little money, and you just open your mouth at 35%? Although it is a little troublesome to transfer the funds of offshore companies to the United States for use, the United States is not the only place in the world where dollars can be consumed.

So An Feng made a decision and decided to set up an offshore company first, fully controlling himself, and transferring a part of the equity of GP company through the offshore company, so that he would no longer bear the aura of absolute control and become a low-key rich man. Leave the killing to the giants!

  (end of this chapter)