MTL - Mister Li, the Heart Bandit-Chapter 92 President Li, can you stop

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Chapter 92 President Li, Can You Stop It?

If he does, he will pay a painful price.

Mo Nanfeng was trembling with scared eyes and his pupils tightened slightly. He swallowed and nodded.

When he got home, Ji Weixi was sitting on the sofa, curled up and dazed.

The little milk bag came over, and her little hand touched her cold face: "Mum ... Mom, what's wrong with you, the baby is worried."

Ji Weixi looked down, looking at his big grape-like eyes, she smiled bitterly and touched his head.

Li Shaoling sat over and wrapped her arms around her fine waist with strength and dominance.

Ji Weixi didn't have any expression, hesitated, his face was dry with tear marks, and his eyes moved in the past.

He looked very distressed.

Li Shaoling frowned. "Ji Weixi, you laugh at me."

She'll get sick if she continues like this.

Ji Weixi rolled his eyes a few times, don't overdo it.

Li Shaoling forcibly pulled her face to herself, and said, "Laugh!"

Ji Weixi's interest was lacking, but he was helpless: "Li Shaoling, don't make trouble."

She was tired of crying and didn't want to care about him.

If it was normal, she would definitely applaud.

Li Shaoling hugged her, his lips were very close to each other, his eyes exuded danger: "If you don't laugh, I will kiss you."

Which line!

Ji Weixi hooked the corner of his lips very forcefully, Li Shaoling rejected it: "Ugly dead."

I Cao, the ugly makes me laugh!

Li Shaoling's eyes turned red, and he pressed his head directly.

There was a cold on her lips, and she stiffened.

She had forgotten the struggle and even excited him.

She looked at him blankly.

Li Shaoling was afraid that he would hurt her again, very gentle and gentle.

Lingering, lips and teeth entangled.

Ji Weixi couldn't help holding his arms in both hands, and his breathing was a little unstable.

The small breast bag was watching, and his big eyes stared without blinking.

Wow, is my sister coming out soon? !!

Think about it, Oye!

Li Shaoling let go of her somewhat reluctantly, rubbing her lips with her fingertips.

"You're good, be happy, eh?"

Ji Weixi nodded blankly.

He had never seen her so well-behaved, and obediently wanted to eat her.

The small milk bag touched the flat stomach, breaking the ambiguous atmosphere of both of them: "Daddy, the baby is hungry! I want to eat!"

Li Shaoling's sharp eyes glanced at him, "hungry."

Small milk bag: "..."

Ji Weixi licked his dry lips: "I too ... hungry ..."

Li Shaoling stood up immediately: "I'll do it for you."

It ’s so fragrant.

The little milk bag made a grimace at his back, and muttered in a low voice: "Abominable man! Wife slave!"

There are some vegetables in the fridge.

Li Shaoling entered the kitchen. Under the light of warm light, his side face was soft and his cuffs were rolled up.

Now he looks like an ordinary person who cooks for his wife.

But ... it ’s a little bit like ...

Li Shaoling's brow froze into the Sichuan word, the vegetables on the cutting board seemed not vegetables, and the enemy.


He chopped it fiercely with a kitchen knife, watching Ji Weixi's mouth twitch.

The tight thin lips and the face that gradually cooled down seemed to set him up at the scene of a large corpse, which was terrifying.

Will he cook?

The rice is ready, and three bowls of unknown things are brought.

The small milk bag looked at the black, yellow and green food, and he directly put down his chopsticks. "Mum, let's take it out."

Li Shaoling gave a sharp glance: "Give me food!"

What he makes must be eaten.

Otherwise it cost him a lot of labor.

The little milk bag took a sip and spit it out directly holding the trash can.

Ji Weixi didn't want to eat, but when she saw Li Shaoling's expectation and praise, she was ... softened.

Clipped a piece and put it in his mouth. Ji Weixi wanted to die instantly.

My day, what is this **** smell?

Ji Weixi spit out directly, and quickly went to the kitchen to pick up a glass of water, gargle madly.

Li Shaoling's face was extremely gloomy.

Don't give me face?

He eats himself.

Li Shaoling put it into his mouth, and stunned, the expression on his face lags for a few seconds, and then his face is extremely ugly.

He closed his eyes and held his forehead, once doubting life.

Well, this must not be what he did.

In the end, the small milk bag ordered a take-out, and the three of them simply ate a little.

When he went to bed, Li Shaoling came up with a thick face.

Ji Weixi was exhausted: "Li Shaoling, you should go home."

Li Shaoling lay down: "I lost the keys to my house."

"... then you get another one."

"Not worth it. It's all off at this time."

"Then you go to the hotel."

"The hotel is out of position."

Ji Weixi was angry and helpless: "Then you go to Jiang Cong's house to sleep."

She was really in no mood to quarrel with him.

Li Shaoling was holding the quilt, his eyes were dark and his voice was dull: "His home is not as warm as yours."

Is this the stinky shame in the legend?

Ji Weixi turned off the light and held his small milk bag back to him.

Li Shaoling posted it and held her in her arms, soft.

In the darkness, Ji Weixi opened his eyes, and Mo Bin's face appeared in her head. Her eyes were astringent, and tears came up.

Tonight, doomed to sleeplessness.


Three days later, in Jiangcheng, the sky was hazy and gloomy, and the raindrops were falling.

Mo Bin's funeral was held very low-key.

Hardly anyone came.

Ji Weixi wore a black cotton skirt with long hair and her pure little face was calm.

A small milk bag is also here. He is wearing a small black suit, carved with facial features and pink jade, and dark eyes blinking at the tombstone in front of him. Perhaps, for his age, he didn't know what death was.

The white rose on the tombstone was gradually withered by the rain, desolate and desolate.

I heard that this funeral was run by Mo Nanfeng with only the remaining savings.

He said that Mo Bin had been respected by everyone when he was alive, so he didn't want his father to be shameful.

Sum Mo Nanfeng still has some conscience.

It's ridiculous. Mo Bin had a good relationship with Ji Xiangdong and Zhou Huijie before his death. Now that Mo Bin has passed away, Ji Weixi did not find them at the funeral.

She sneered in her heart, like a wolf-hearted couple.

Regardless of her curiosity, what would Ji Xiangdong know about Zhou Huijie as a person of that status, and would he divorce? Or will you choose to compromise?

After Li Shaoling sent them in the morning, they left, and the company had something to deal with.

After he asked her to attend the funeral, he called him and he came to pick it up.

"Hey." Li Shaoling's voice was very nice.

Ji Weixi said lightly, "Come and pick me up."

"OK, wait for me."

After hanging up.

"Mum, when can Daddy come?" Xiaomi Bao looked up at her against the rain, and asked milkily.

Ji Weixi bent down and touched his head: "It's coming."

She looked at the little milk bag with a painful expression, and she panicked, "What's wrong with my son? Is it uncomfortable?"

The small milk bag covered her belly: "Oh, I have a stomachache, I want to go to the bathroom."

Ji Weixi hurriedly hugged him to run to the toilet, for fear he couldn't help but fix it in his pants.

When he reached the toilet, the little milk bag rushed in and closed the door.

Ji Weixi was about to breathe a sigh of relief, and the small milk bag said, "Mummy, there is no paper ..."

"... wait, I'll buy it for you."

The funeral is so remote that it is too difficult to find a small shop.

The rain was getting heavier, and there was a layer of mist and blurred vision. Ji Weixi held an umbrella to face the wind while complaining about why he had a child.

Not troublesome enough.

She was about to cross the road, and suddenly a rush of whistle pierced her eardrum.

Ji Weixi turned around violently, and saw a car bumping towards him. The tire of the car slipped and swept the rain, like a wild animal that broke through its cage, and came fiercely.