MTL - Mister Li, the Heart Bandit-Chapter 75 Good, remember to cut the carotid artery next time

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Chapter 75 Good, remember to cut the carotid artery next time

Just where it hurts to poke.

Too fatal.


Ji Weixi reacted for a second, Sister Lan?

Lying down!

Who knows the famous blue sister of Jiangcheng Club?

The famous Bi Chi!

Ji Weixi's mouth couldn't be closed, the news was a bit explosive, let her slowly.

Co-authoring this vicious stepmother with hidden identities, she is still alone!

Zhou Huijie hides deep enough, she is really a werewolf.

Ji Xiangdong was like a head of silly eyes, his face was gradually white as paper. He stared at Zhou Huijie inconceivably, feeling that all the blood rushed to his brain, and his throat was like a sweet, trembling like sieve.

"You, what are you talking about, I don't understand!" Zhou Huijie's eyes dodged.

"Why? What dirty job did you forget?" Li Shaoling sneered: "May I help you remember?"

Zhou Huijie was completely panicked. She trembled and held Ji Xiangdong's hand; "husband ..."

Ji Xiangdong yanked her with a slap, his lips trembling; "No wonder many men came to you at the time, you ... you ..."

No wonder ... when he and she were just married, there were always many men coming to her.

Zhou Huijie said that it was some creditors, who shaped herself into a miserable woman who came out at a young age to struggle to repay debts.

He still believed, but always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

For more than two decades, the truth has finally come to light.

After being deceived for so many years, he suddenly knew that the Hulunbuir prairie above his head suddenly collapsed.

Thanks to him, he has been guarding her all the time. Thanks to him, he has always felt sorry for her, for her and her own daughter!

Ji Xiangdong now feels that Ji Jianing is not his biological one! He began to feel more and more guilt about Ji Weixi.

Ji Xiangdong's face was as ugly as eating shit, pointing at her for a long time without saying anything, she turned suddenly and strode away, her face could no longer hang.

"Husband, listen to me, husband!" Zhou Huijie followed Ji Xiangdong in a panic and chased after him.

For a time, the promenade finally quieted down.

Ji Weixi asked curiously, "How did you know Zhou Huijie ... the previous identity?"

Stop talking about her, her dad doesn't know.

Honestly myself.

Li Shaoling: "My friend told me."

"Really?" Ji Weixi was obviously not convinced, why was he a little bit sour?

Is he often in and out of such flowery places ...

Didn't everyone say that the private life of rich sons and daughters is chaotic.

That's why she and him ... one night stand ...

The rescue room door finally opened, and the doctor took off his mask and walked out.

"Who is Ji Jianing's family?"

Ji Weixi came over, "I am."

The doctor glanced at her: "Who are you from?"

Ji Weixi thought for a while: "Enemies."


For so many years as a doctor, it was the first time I heard that an enemy had come to the hospital to see the enemy.

"She's not in the big trouble right now, but her cut wrist won't be too flexible in the future."

The implication is to be abolished?

When Ji Jianing was pushed out, she was still awake. Her lips were pale and bloodless. If she hadn't opened her eyes, she would have thought she was dead.

What to do, Ji Weixi was disappointed.

"Less ... Shaoling ..." Ji Jianing saw Li Shaoling and was excited to sit up.

Li Shaoling quickly said, "Don't move."

This silence didn't make Ji Jianing's tears moved, and she cried bitterly, "Shaolin, I just ... I know you have me in your heart, right?"

Li Shaoling chuckled: "Take care of your injuries."

"Huh!" Ji Jianing nodded again and again, as if he had heard the imperial edict: "I will!"

Li Shaoling said calmly: "The next time you commit suicide, you must cut the carotid artery. After all, the chance of death by cutting the wrist is not great."

After all, the carotid arteries were cut and ejected, which was very stimulating.

The smile on the corner of Ji Jianing's mouth was frozen for a moment, and her breathing was stagnant, her voice trembling: "You ... Shaoling you ..."

Ji Weixi was about to laugh, but yawned involuntarily.

Under the light, her eyes were slightly darkened, and her eyes were red with yawning tears.

Li Shaoling felt a little pain under his heart, he raised his hand and touched her face with pity, and said softly, "Go home and sleep."

Ji Weixi covered his mouth and yawned, nodded cleverly, and let him take him away.

Ji Jia Ningqi simply died on the spot.

Damn, she didn't let Li Shaoling change her mind with her bitterness, sacrificing her own hands and not saying, she still had to watch their two dog food!

She squeezed the sheet tightly with both hands, and the wound leaked blood again, staring at Ji Weixi pinched by Li Shaoling, her eyes resentful.

It seems that if Li Shaoling wants to return to his side, he must discuss from a long-term perspective.