MTL - Mei Gongqing-Chapter 22 Reproduce

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Chen Rong’s carriage drove to the forefront of the team.

Several elders were talking to each other, and Chen Rong was inconvenienced, and he stayed quietly on one side.

The beautiful and weak girl finally regained her gaze. She saw Chen Rong in a blink of an eye. She approached the prostitute and looked at her and smiled. "You are Arong? Only when everyone talks about you, they like it. Nothing."

Speaking of this, the girl is embarrassed to add: "My name is Chen Wei, it is your sister."

Chen Rong certainly knows that she is her sister.

She lowered her eyes and whispered, "I have seen my sister." Unconsciously, she found that her hands clasped her clothes were a little tight. Chen Rong took a deep breath and relaxed his hands.

Chen's tiny red face, between the beautiful eyebrows, with the shyness of the young girl's spring heart. She once again looked at her insanely, and said that she did not care about Chen Rong: "Arong, you said that he is a real husband?"

The one in her mouth is naturally paralyzed.

Chen Rong turned his head and looked at him. At this moment, the handsome face was faint, and the smoldering in the black scorpion disappeared. The whole person looked very gentle.

Chen Rong looked at him and then looked away and said faintly: "Well, he is a real husband."

Chen Rong’s affirmation, Chen Wei’s little face is even redder. She looks at her with joy and said cheerfully: “Is it true that Arong is that he is a real husband? Great.” Her face is red. The neck is gone, Chen Wei bowed his head, and embarrassedly said to Chen Rong: "I don't know why, when I saw Arong, I felt good, so I wanted to tell you anything."

Is it? Chen Rong sneered in the bottom of his heart.

She dropped her eyes and smiled. "My sister is like a lotus flower, pure and natural."

Chen Rong’s evaluation came out, Chen Wei was overjoyed, and her eyes looked at Chen Rong with a brilliant look. For the first time, she focused her attention on Chen Rong.

Looking at Chen Wei's unrequited joy and disappointment, Chen Rong couldn't help but sigh: she really forgot, and after three trips to this road, she is no longer Chen Rong. The evaluation she has said has some weight.

At this time, the elders around the hustle and bustle had already dispersed, and a middle-aged scribe who waved toward Chen Rong and signaled her to approach.

Chen Rong quickly rushed over and walked out of the carriage. He turned to the middle-aged scribe and became a blessing. He bowed his head and said honestly: "Ping Cheng Chen Rong has seen the family."

The middle-aged scribe nodded and said, "Arong is it? You don't have to introduce me yourself. I know who your father and brother are. A year ago, when your father and brother saw me, they followed the people to Jiankang."

After a pause, the middle-aged scribes waved toward Chen Wei.

Chen Wei’s eyes quickly recovered from his body and ran to his father with a red face.

The middle-aged scribe turned to Chen Wei and said with kindness: "Wei, Arong's father is not there, we are her family, and your sisters are taking care of each other." After that, he said to Chen Rong: "Since your father and brother No, I am a parent. When I am in Nanyang, you live with Wei."

Chen Rong licked his lips and wanted to change something, but she thought about it and whispered, "Yes."

Chen Wei smiled and said with joy: "I know my father. I just said a lot to Arong. She also said that I am like a lotus."

In this tone, with a bit of innocence, the middle-aged clerk laughed and touched her head and shook his head. "You, it is not growing. Ok, you can play with Arong."

Chen Weige smiled and jumped to Chen Rong's side, holding her hand and rushing to the crowd. Just running and running, she couldn't help but look back and look forward.

Looking at the handsome man, Chen Wei’s little face is red and simple.

At this moment, perhaps it was Chen Min’s gaze, and suddenly he turned around and his deep eyes passed through the two.

Awkwardly, Chen Wei blushes over her neck. She quickly bows her head and her head is buried in her chest.

When I saw it, I picked a thick eyebrow in a strange way. He stared at the two women, and when they stepped in, they came over to them.

Chen Wei took Chen Rong's hand and couldn't help but tremble. She asked slyly, "He, he came, Arong, what should I do?" The voice is shy and happy and fearful.

Chen Rong quietly greeted the man who strode forward and said in an understatement: "Just come over, don't eat people, what are you afraid of?"

That is to say, the left hand in the wide sleeve of the robe is tightly clenched into a fist - she never understood the man in her previous life. Later in the years, she remembered this scene countless times, she would think that this man is mostly very fond of the family sister, so he will come to them.

Once again, you can finally see everything clearly.

At this time, he walked to the two women.

He is very tall, so standing in front of the two women, is condescending, and the momentum is compelling. Unconsciously, Chen Wei has already trembled.

Chen Rong is extremely calm, her eyebrows are slightly convergent, her eyes have not looked at her, she has never looked at Chen Wei, she just stood like this, and she does not seem to know that he is in front of her.

I stared at Chen Wei and looked at Chen Rong in a blink of an eye. I asked, "What is your name?" The voice was low and slightly sandy, very pleasant.

Yes, when he was alive, he opened this sentence.

This time, Chen Rong did not answer, her eyes turned to the sister, waiting for her to say.

Chen Wei blushes and screams in a panic, and he said, "I, I, my name is Chen Wei."

His gaze turned to Chen Rong.

Chen Rong’s mouth moved and whispered: "My name is Chen Rong."

He nodded and said, "Chen Arong? I know you." When he was alive, he did not say this. He looked at her hand and asked: "Do you like whip?" How did I answer it at the time? It seems that I just thought about it. When I thought of the worldly people’s views on the use of whip women, I quickly hid the whip behind me and said, "This is someone else, but I just play and play."

He said, "I know you." Although the words are simple, but he spit out, Chen Wei’s blushing face was pale and she pulled back the hand holding Chen Rong.

Chen Rong took a look at Chen Wei, and did not answer this time.

He stared at Chen Rong deeply, nodded and turned and strode away.

Until his back disappeared into Chen Rong’s line of sight, Chen Rong still did not move, and Chen Wei did not move.

Suddenly, Chen Wei turned and rushed back into her carriage.

Looking at the back of Chen Wei's departure, Chen Rong frowned with a puzzled look and secretly said: "Is it difficult for him to be a family sister?" I used to think that he saw the family sister like it at first sight, just guessing wildly?