MTL - [Mecha] Bandit Army Reborn-Chapter 85 One Person One Story-1

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The news of Angela's going to the Capital Academy was kept secret before his arrival.

Counting the time, the cultural instructor led the students to the school gate and waited for the arrival of the federally recognized angel of peace. As for Adolf, who was poking around, the trainer tried hard to convince himself that he couldn't see this person.

The arrival time notice was nine o'clock, but Angelail, who has always had a good reputation for being punctual, hadn't even been seen at nearly ten o'clock.

Fei Wushu had grown impatient for a long time, and together with Adolf, he sat down on the ground with no image under the incredulous eyes of several seniors and sisters, lazily basking in the sun, looking like he was about to fall asleep.

The cultural instructor endured the veins that popped out on his forehead—it’s fine if you don’t have skills, Adolf, you look like a fan of Angelil’s brain, why don’t you also look like a lazy bone who is not interested!

Adolf acted as if he didn't see the instructor Wen's eyes. He couldn't help it. He had never been able to stand upright for more than ten minutes, and his body instincts were not controlled by subjective thoughts.

And Angelil, who was being missed by the people here, was still blocked on the way to the capital star at this moment.

He has silver-white hair like moonlight, clear and clear peacock blue eyes, and smooth and fair skin like milk, just like what people call him, just looking at this person, you will think of a pure white and dirty angel, kind-hearted Sincere and beautiful, even the tyrannical people can't bear to desecrate him.

His manager, Ai Ji, was walking back angrily, got into the car and slammed the door with a "slap", and was about to curse a few words to vent his anger, but when he saw Angirelle like this, he suddenly lost his anger.

In front of Angelil, rude words are like a kind of profanity. His person is like a mirror, no matter who stands in front of him, the beauty or ugliness of himself can be reflected without omission.

Ai Ji rubbed his nose, since he became Angie's manager, his San Zi Jing said goodbye to him forever.

"What's going on in front?" Angelael asked in confusion. They have been stuck in traffic for almost an hour. Could it be that the news that he went to the Capital College was leaked?

Speaking of this, Ai Ji was angry: "A cordon has been set up in front of him, and everyone is forbidden to pass. It doesn't make sense, a group of soldiers are brain-dead!" He finally met the person in charge, but only then On the one hand, I was sent back with a sentence - "No one is allowed to pass, this is an order from the military department."

As soon as he was curious, he asked what happened, the military department was going to make such a big move, but he just asked the beginning, and was grabbed by the collar and thrown out-it was too deceitful! If he didn't want to cause trouble for Angie, he had to reveal the identity of Angie's manager!

"Can't you go in a different direction?" Angelail said distressedly, "It's already past the appointment time with Capital College."

"I think it's better to wait until the cordon is withdrawn before going." Aiji waved his hand, "On the way back, I asked friends in the military. There is a group of interstellar pirates who intend to oppose the Federation. Fortunately, they are creating chaos. A few days ago, they were spotted by Major General Hastings' men, and they are now being hunted down."

"Major General deserves to be the nemesis of interstellar pirates." At the end of the sentence, Aiji still did not forget to express his admiration and admiration, and nodded seriously, "The reason why the federal interstellar transportation is as safe as it is today is thanks to Major generals fight on the front line every year."

Angeliel bent his eyes and nodded: "Well, he is very powerful."

"I thought you were going to say that war is cruel, and the life of a dead enemy is life." Aiji shrugged exaggeratedly, "Sometimes I don't understand what is going on in your mind .”

Angelil smiled slightly and said, "I just don't want to see too much meaningless bloodshed. After every life there is a crying family, and I don't even want to see those people's tears."

"…" Edge sighed, then smiled, "You can always convince me easily."

Angelil smiled and lowered his eyes, his long eyelashes covered his beautiful peacock blue eyes—he couldn't even convince himself, Ai Ji, he just said that he didn't want to see meaningless bleeding, but he couldn't stop it at all Pointless bloodshed. There are disputes in every part of the Federation every day, from small frictions to wars, but he can't do anything about it.

It's just a nice word of mouth.

However, seeing his ecstasy, Aiji knew that he was in the dead end again, and raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder in a funny way: "I said, you have done enough and good enough. The rebellion on Vido Star, If you didn't mediate between the two sides of the war regardless of the danger, the people on that planet would still be living in dire straits. The latest revision of the Federation's labor law for miners was also won by you from the top of the Federation under the pressure of the nobles... There are many more Do you want me to tell you one by one the credit for it?"

Aiji really admired the man in front of him. He may not be the savior of the entire Federation, but he is an angel who extended a hand of hope to countless desperate people.

His unremitting efforts have helped many people live a peaceful and beautiful life. Maybe he didn't care, but the people who have been helped remember. Aggie smiled, like himself, a teenager who was imprisoned and returned to normal society in his thirties. At a time when he was out of place, this man also reached out to him: My former manager went on a trip with his wife, do you want to try being my manager?

"You're just a human being, not a god, Angie." Aggie smiled, "Don't be too **** yourself."

Angelil nodded quietly, not sure if he really listened.

"Wait." Aiji patted his thigh, "It sounds like it's going to be fast, and we'll be able to pass in less than 20 minutes."


The cordon formed a huge circle in the city, and the pedestrians and maglev vehicles outside the circle were all blocked, crowding and waiting for the cordon to be withdrawn.

In the circle, those who failed to evacuate in time nervously huddled in their rooms, not daring to make unnecessary noises. Therefore, the streets inside the circle were empty, as silent as a corner of a dead city.

But if you listen carefully, you can hear the crackling sound of the flame burning.

Around a half-collapsed hotel, you can see the wreckage of four mechas that have burned to the end. It is pitch black, and the original outlines can hardly be seen. Only the faint flames flickered and trembled on it.

The battle here is over.

Su Tang in the laboratory, the corners of his lips curled up in a sneering cold arc: "The four guys are really beyond their limits. How far can Fei Wuzheng escape from the self-destruction delay?"

— "Colonel Su, a small starship illegally suspended in the air was found in the sky, and the target person is approaching it."

At this moment, a message jumped out from the lower right corner of the screen.

To be able to break through the military's intelligence network and prepare the starship for Fei Wuzheng - Mo Sheng, it really deserves his serious attention. Su Tang smiled lowly: "Mobilize the warships and block the space gates everywhere." The young master of the Mo family, don't underestimate the military's mobility and mobility.

Mo Sheng in the dormitory sat with his knees tucked up, his eyes scanning the information that kept flashing past on the light screen.

The people from the Mo family pretended to be arms dealers to connect with the people from Fei Wuzheng, and promised to provide them with a small starship, which was suspended over the Red Moon Hotel today. And when those pirates were pressed by the military every step of the way, they believed them so desperately, and they didn't think about how the forces that could do this under the nose of the military would be so easy to answer These little characters.

They're all stupid enough that it's no wonder that each of them just destroys itself to buy time for the others.

Mo Sheng glanced at a message, four of the five people died? How could those pirates be so weak? Then if Su Tang sent people to block the space doors everywhere, who should confront those people who blocked them and create an opportunity for Fei Wuzheng to leave?

A bunch of fools. Mo Sheng frowned, is it really necessary to send out the Caesars who are secretly waiting for support?

And at the high altitude here, where the atmosphere broke through, a small starship was quietly floating there.

The door of the starship slid open, and a pitch-black mecha got in.

The cockpit of the mech slid open, and Fei Wuzheng jumped out of it. He turned and looked at the unclosed mech cabin. His violet eyes, which had been empty for many days, finally regained their brilliance, flustered, sad, desperate, and pleading: "Uncle Jonah, come with me!"

"The four of them can only hold back the military for a while." Thinking that the four brothers who have been through life and death for many years have probably passed away at this moment, Jonah's eyes are also a little moist, "I will hold back the pursuers after that. There is no dispute, You must leave through the space gate, and never give up on yourself until the last moment!"

Fei Wuzheng twitched his lips, but he couldn't say anything... In the end, everyone was gone, and he was the only one left?

"Promise to Uncle." Jonah stared at Fei Wuzheng closely, and said word by word, with a tough and cruel tone, "Your life is what we bought with your life, you have no right to be willful or weak!"

"I..." Fei Wuzheng released a broken voice from his throat, but when he saw Jonah's moist eyes, he swallowed the words again. His eyes became empty, he nodded slightly, "Okay."

"That's good." Jonah took a last look at Fei Wuzheng, vaguely saw in those violet eyes the appearance of Boss Ley back then, his eyes were astringent, "Live well...I'm sorry..." - Mecha Cabin Closed, the aisle buffer door closed, the pitch-black mech disappeared in front of Fei Wuzheng, leaving only the silver-white aisle buffer door with dazzling light reflecting in front of his vision, blocking his hand stretched forward.

The fingers closed together in vain, the air slipped away from between the fingers, nothing was held, it was empty.

From then on, I was really alone.

Heartbroken, is this the end of the path he chose?

If, if at first...

What if?

He narrowed his eyes in confusion, suddenly he couldn't remember anything, he wanted to say what if it was back then? When was it? Why did he say if?

My mind was blank, only Jonah's words - "Wu Zheng, you must leave through the space gate, and never give up on yourself until the last moment!" echoed in my ears constantly, like a curse.

Like a puppet being manipulated, he turned around slowly and subconsciously ran towards the control room. If he wanted to live, he should live... right?