MTL - [Mecha] Bandit Army Reborn-Chapter 65 Surprise-1

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At night, Fei Wushu slipped into the woods not far from the dormitory alone, and contacted Feitu's number again.

At this time, it is impossible for a guy as lazy as the old man to patrol the underground base anymore, right? Fei Wushu was absent-mindedly guessing Feitu's movements, while glancing at the connecting signal on the light screen, but unexpectedly, Feitu's rough face was not displayed on the light screen, but it was like a row of people before him. big red characters—

"The contact signal cannot be found. The possible reasons are as follows: 1. The other party's communication device is damaged; 2. The other party's communication number has been canceled; 3. The other party's location is special and cannot establish a connection with Skynet..."

what happened? Fei Wushu frowned, what was the old man doing again?

After thinking about it, he simply dialed the communicator of the housekeeper Zongshou. At this time, it is time to show that the housekeeper is all-knowing and omnipotent.

"Master Wushu?" After connecting to the communication and seeing Fei Wushu, Zong Shou put on a caring smile on his expressionless face, "What's the matter?"

Facing the undisguised concern of the elders, Fei Wushu unconsciously restrained his playful and lazy attitude, and said in a polite manner: "Uncle Zongshou, I want to contact the old man, but I can't contact anyone, what's the matter?" What happened? Where did he go?" When it came to the end, it was completely distrustful and skeptical. The old man is not serious, what good will he do?

"The leader of the bandit?" Zong Shou blinked slowly, remembering Feitu's prudent advice, he turned around when he said the words, and said calmly, "A few days ago, a new natural planet was discovered under Fei's house, the leader of the bandit I was very interested, so I just came back from Capital Star, so I went directly. It is probably still in the dark space, and it is also possible that the communication is not available."

New discoveries...Natural planets...Sensitive words in the depths of memory...

Fei Wushu's eyelids twitched, and a strong heart palpitation made his face turn pale instantly. The memory fragments of his previous life surged like a tidal wave, submerging his whole body in it.

…At that time, he was already abolished, staying in the underground base of the Fei family. Because he couldn't pass his level, and couldn't face Feitu, so after a year, he hardly saw each other. Feitu also knew his mood, accommodated him, avoided him from a distance, and quietly waited for the day when he regained his confidence.

However, neither Feitu nor he waited for the day when they could laugh and joke with each other again.

That day he was in the underground base, training a group of young lads. His hands and mental strength were disabled, but his experience was still there. He put his halfway dream on these children. At that time, he received a communication from Feitu, who said with a smile that he was going to explore a newly discovered natural planet, and asked him if he wanted to go together.

At that time, he didn't want to step out of the underground base at all. Apart from training others all day long, he was obsessed with the New World OL, and he simply rejected Feitu's words. And his answer was already expected by Feitu. Feitu smiled and told him to pay attention to his body, then hung up the communication.

Thinking about it now, that was the last normal communication between the father and son.

A month later, Feitu's starship returned to Fei's house. At the same time, Fei Wushu in the underground base received even worse news than he was deposed: Feitu was infected with an unknown virus during the exploration of the new planet, and his life was in danger.

He rushed out of the underground base like crazy, and broke into Feitu's ward. Facing the man who was unconscious, as if he was about to fall asleep, he was so shocked that he couldn't believe the facts before him. At that time, the sun was too strong, and the dry eyes that hadn't seen natural light for a long time shed large and large teardrops, which soaked his entire cheeks.

After that, there was endless treatment, the establishment of a special medical team, the digging of well-known pharmacists from all over the Federation, the proposal of the latest plan time after time, the treatment attempts time after time, hope time after time, disappointment time after time...until the final unstoppable despair .

Perhaps it was because of his desperation that he didn't notice it when Fei Wuzheng made his last move. When Fei Wuzheng stood in front of him, he was too slow to give any response... His world collapsed ten years ago, is it brother or not? His family supported him. Five years ago, his father lay on the hospital bed, sleeping like a dead man. His world hovered between endless hope and despair, ups and downs, and tortured. On this day, he His father, the powerful and bold bandit leader of the Fei family, finally left, and his world quickly collapsed and fell apart...

Fei Wuzheng was the last heavy blow to his world, a blow that could never recover.

It was a gray time full of restlessness and despair. Fei Wushu had thought a thousand times, if he replied that he wanted to go with him when he received contact from Feitu at the underground base, would there be a happy ending? What's the difference?

He once hoped that time could be turned back and he could save it, but at the moment when Feitu's breathing stopped, he burst into tears, his heart was ashamed, and finally gave up this unrealistic delusion.

—However, after his death, his time really turned back!

After being reborn, he thought a lot about what to do, what to do, and he daydreamed vigorously, planning his future life. But in his future, the most colorful stroke is sketched on Feitu.

He thought, if Feitu wanted to explore that new planet five years later, he must stop it. Even if it can't be stopped, he will go along with it. Never allow history to repeat itself, blocking his second life!

However, what did he just hear?

Newly discovered planet? The old man went?

Why can't he remember, where did the Fei family discover the natural planet at this time?

Fei Wushu fixed his eyes on Zongshou stubbornly, and said in a deep voice, "Uncle Zongshou, you didn't lie to me?"

"That's the truth." Zong Shou had a sullen face, but his eyes showed worry, "Wushu, did something happen to you?" On high alert for an attack?

"Which planet?" Fei Wushu asked word by word in a flat voice, "There should be a name...Since it has been discovered."

At this moment, his whole body seemed to be soaked in icy water. The ominous instinct made him tense up, and dense cold sweat oozed from his forehead and palms... Don't, don't be...

don't be...

Matsuyama Star!

"It's Songshan Xing." Zong Shou casually made up a name, and then watched Fei Wushu's face lose all color in an instant, his eyes were shocked and dazed, like a lost child.

how is this possible? ! how come? ! It's not five years from now, is it? !

Fei Wushu opened his mouth, but couldn't make any sound.

Why five years earlier? Why didn't the old man give him a message this time? Why did the things he tried so hard to restore happen quietly in places he didn't know?

Could it be that this is an inevitability that cannot be reversed even by going back in time? Or, is this the deviation and distortion of the historical track caused by his going back in time?

"Old many days have you been away?"

"It's been three days." Zong Shou found that Fei Wushu's expression was completely silent, only a pair of dark eyes were shining brightly, like a wild beast driven mad, showing its last sharp minions.

"I'm going." Fei Wushu made a firm request that could not be refused.

Zong Shou frowned: "Master Wushu, you should put your studies first."

"The old man...may be in trouble. I have to chase him back!" Fei Wushu looked at Zongshou firmly, "Even so, Zongshou, won't you agree to me?"

Zong Shou's expression suddenly stiffened: "What does Master Wushu know? Why do you say that?"

"I don't have any evidence to show." Fei Wushu let out a long breath, and there was a faint glint of water in his bright black eyes, "But it's about the old man's life, so I won't talk nonsense. Uncle Zongshou, this Please believe me this time!"

"Wait. Let me think about it." Zong Shou cut off the contact unilaterally, leaving Fei Wushu standing silently under the tree, like a stone sculpture forgotten in the wilderness, desolate and barren, just like his state of mind at the moment .

Uncle Zongshou... Please hurry up...

He raised his head, took a deep breath, glanced at the star-studded sky, and tried to get rid of the desperate and sad memories of his previous life... The facts have not yet been settled, and it is still too early to say the end, Fei Wushu, you should hurry up.


Zong Shou went outside. At this moment, Aquamarine was pouring light rain, and the air was cool and humid. While breathing, I felt refreshed and my mind became much clearer, so many tiny details came to my mind one by one like a revolving lantern.

Before leaving, the bandit leader carefully explained that he must not tell anyone, including Wushu.

After the bandit leader left, he felt an inexplicable sense of irritability and ominousness recently.

Wushu's eyes glistened under the stars and moonlight.

"Bandit chief, this is the first and last time I have disobeyed your instructions." Zong Shou closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he was already calm, and dialed back the number on the communicator. This time, he chose to believe Master Wushu.

"Master Wushu." Still standing at the same spot, if he didn't give an answer, would he stand there all night?

"Uncle Zongshou." Therefore, you have already guessed that Uncle Zongshou will not hide it from me.

For the same person, the same firmness appeared on their faces.

Fei Wushu raised the corners of his lips, and said seriously: "Tell me the truth, don't be perfunctory, Uncle Zongshou."

Zong Shou looked at him helplessly: "Master Wushu, you always have a way to make me speak."

"The bandit leader has been away for six days." Zong Shou said indifferently, "Not three days."

Feitu didn't return to Planet Aquamarine, but secretly boarded another starship arranged by Zongshou on the way, and went to a place that Zongshou didn't know. As for the bandit leader who went to develop the new planet, he was naturally pretended by someone else. For things like the new planet, the slightly older big families hold a few that are not registered in the Federation.

"Where is that unknown place?" Fei Wushu's eyes widened in astonishment at what he heard. It turned out that Songshan Star was just a publicity stunt? So the old man went to other places secretly?

So in the past, did the old man go to the real destination instead of going to the new planet like this time?

So, who made up the so-called virus infected on the new planet?

Zong Shou looked at Fei Wushu's increasingly indifferent face, and sighed slightly: "Chaotic Starfield. That's where the bandit leader went. That's all I was told."