MTL - [Mecha] Bandit Army Reborn-Chapter 52 history and fist -1

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The military training for freshmen is two months after the start of school, so on the first day after the start of school, Fei Wushu and Adolf sat in the classroom honestly with their tablet computers in their hands.

This class is a history class, not only students from the mecha department, but students from several departments are mixed together.

Adolf sat down in the back row and fell asleep directly on the table. Although Fei Wushu also wanted to sit down in a hidden place like Adolf did, but last night Qin Yi told him to take notes in each class carefully, and the elders and juniors would check them one by one.

The old man Nima never asked for such a thing! The most despairing thing was that he didn't dare to say no to Xiao Yiyi! Fei Wushu sat down on the seat Mo Sheng had occupied for him in the first row with a disgruntled face, turned on the computer and connected it to the classroom's local area network.

Mo Sheng joked with a smile: "I thought I wouldn't be able to use the seat I occupied again."

Fei Wushu forced a hard face, and replied dully: "Who told me that my family is too virtuous."

"Haha." Mo Sheng covered his mouth and suppressed a smile, "No wonder."

"Langlot isn't here?" Fei Wushu wanted to seek healing from his gentle dad.

Mo Sheng didn't have the so-called hand-to-hand: "The majors in the horticulture department are too far away from our combat-related majors, so they didn't line up together."

Fei Wushu lay down listlessly on the table, really bad luck.

Before he was given too long to be depressed, the first class began. The teacher who attended the class was a middle-aged man with a refined temperament, surnamed Ji, without too much nonsense, he went straight to the topic.

Although he was drowsy, Fei Wushu still had his hands flying like flying. He gave full play to the advantages of high hand speed and recorded the content of the teacher's speech verbatim.

"Speaking of history, we have to trace back to the place where our ancestors came from before the Federation was established—the earth. It is said that the galaxy where the earth is located is the Milky Way solar system, so when our ancestors discovered this galaxy and settled down on the capital planet At that time, they named this vast galaxy the New Milky Way, and the small galaxy where the capital star is located was called the New Solar System."

Fei Wushu blinked his heavy eyelids, is there really such a thing as the earth? He had always listened to this kind of thing as a legend.

"Why did our ancestors leave their hometowns, leave the earth, and go deep into the unknown place of the universe? I think everyone here has heard the story behind the great migration of human beings. The male student in the first row has been taking notes seriously ...Is it Fei Wushu? Please answer it." Teacher Ji obtained the name of Fei Wushu from the local area network.

Fei Wushu held back the yawns in his mouth, turned on the computer's PA system, and replied weakly: "Because there are bugs. Greedy bugs have occupied the earth. Human beings have to start a great migration in the universe for the continuation of the race." Insects and the like can kill a large area with one slap. Human beings forced by bugs had to leave their homes? Isn't this really the script of a legendary novel? It’s okay to use it directly as a history, right?

"That's right." Teacher Ji smiled, "A student from the Mecha Department, right? Next time you answer the question, please be confident. If you are soft, the teacher will mistake you for a student from the Horticulture Department."

Good-natured laughter erupted in the large classroom.

Fei Wushu curled his lips, isn't the Department of Horticulture soft and soft, okay? Such a sturdy Langlot is number one in the Department of Horticulture.

Teacher Ji continued: "This period of history cannot be verified. We don't know what kind of insects are like and how powerful they are to force humans to stay away from their homeland. During that period of human migration, countless stories about the earth, Precious information about bugs was abandoned and lost for various reasons, and now, we can only obtain a vague legend."

"However, legends are also a kind of history, and there are real traces of history. I hope that students will keep this in mind." The teacher said cautiously, "From the time when the ancestors arrived in this galaxy to the beginning of the chaotic age, this period Time is called the creation era, and all kinds of untestable legends are left behind. In the chaotic era, there are not even untestable legends left."

"Everything that happened in the thousand years of the chaotic era can no longer be found. It seems that there is an invisible hand that erased everything in that era, leaving no trace of information for future generations. Teacher Ji sighed helplessly, "Finding out what happened in the chaotic era is the lifelong pursuit of all historians."

Chaotic age? Fei Wushu's sleepy bugs seemed to be missing a few. He stared at the computer light screen for a while, and Xiao Yiyi would probably be interested in such vague things, right? So should he ask the old man? Isn't the old man bragging about how old the Fei family's inheritance is all day long? Maybe you will know something about the era of chaos?

"After the end of the era of chaos, the Federation issued a new ephemeris - the Federal Calendar. The Federal Calendar does not start counting from year zero, but from the 2000 year of the Federal Calendar, and the Federal Calendar is now 7621 years. Those two thousand years are to commemorate the creation of the world Age and Chaos Age."

The rest of the lecture revolved around the history of the Federation for thousands of years. Fei Wushu recorded it quickly, but his thinking was still stuck in the chaotic era. The old man was on his way back to Planet Aquamarine, and spent most of the time in the dark space, unable to be contacted. So to ask clearly, or to wait a week.

After the history class was over, Fei Wushu bid farewell to Mo Sheng, and walked out with Adolf, who was droolingly asleep, in the back row.

In the afternoon, it was a professional class of the Mech Department. Physical training courses.

There are five courses in mecha, physical training, spiritual training, mecha theory, mecha combat skills, and mecha actual combat. Only A passes in the daily tests of the first four courses are eligible for the fifth course.

Gymnastics training sessions take place in the huge training ground.

Before the class time came, a hundred students from the mecha department gathered there one after another.

The post that Fei Wushu had posted had already made him famous among the students of the Capital College without his knowledge. In addition, his soft performance in the history class in the morning also made other people know him. And Adolf next to him, the number one freshman in the mecha department, was already well known under Adolf's unassuming high-profile publicity.

So when the two of them arrived at the training ground together, they immediately attracted a lot of attention.

Fei Wushu stroked his chin, and returned a cheerful smile. It's a new start in a new place. He doesn't want to continue the pitiful life of Star Aquamarine where no one cares about him. Probably because of his smile that won him favor, a man and a woman came out of the crowd and walked towards him.

Adolf's eyes lit up immediately, and he leaned close to Fei Wushu's ear and repeated like chicken blood: "Oh, you are so lucky, that woman has the best figure among the three women!"

Fei Wushu silently pushed the guy's head away, what's the matter with him? A woman who has reached a certain stage in physical fitness has muscle bumps all over her body, okay? The muscular aunts he saw at Fei's house made him feel ashamed.

So in his eyes, looking at the woman with a devil figure who came over, he would only show her a tall and strong image in the next ten years... Time is really a butcher's knife. Fei Wushu sighed silently, how many things have changed in ten years.

If Mo Sheng knew what he was thinking, he would definitely laugh and say, the women from your Fei family are a case, okay? Physical arts also includes Jiu-Jitsu training. Most women have practiced this aspect, and their bodies will only get better and better. Unlike your aunts in the Fei family, women treat themselves as men, and they are all extremely sturdy !

But Mo Sheng is not here, so Fei Wushu can only continue to get along with the female students in the class with this misunderstanding.

The figure of the woman who walked over was quite enchanting and sexy, which can be seen from Adolf's straight eyes. Just looking at her appearance, she seems to be much more mature than girls of this age, and she spoke in a straightforward tone: "My name is Martha, hello, Fei Wushu."

"Hello." Fei Wushu nodded politely—this was the first time he had a calm and peaceful conversation with a woman outside his family in more than ten years.

"This child is Garcia. He seems to like you very much. Now that he has seen the real person, he is embarrassed to speak up." Martha pushed the young man beside him who had been keeping his mouth shut. The child looked thick and big-eyed. , but it is a little smaller than the people around.

He originally pursed his lips as if swearing not to speak, but when Martha said this, he immediately became anxious: "Me, me, me, me!"

"Pfft, speak slowly." Martha narrowed her eyes maliciously.

"I didn't like him!" Garcia pointed at Fei Wushu and quickly argued.

Fei Wushu: "..." Was he shot while lying down?

"Yeah, I don't hate you!" Garcia hurriedly explained to Fei Wushu.

"Then why do you act like you don't want to talk to him?" Martha continued to tease.

Fei Wushu could see that this sister Yu was deliberately trying to tease the kid Garcia, and had nothing to do with him.

"Me, me, me!" Garcia glared at Martha, and strode away after saying a word, "You know it!"

Martha's smile froze, Zhao Fei shrugged helplessly and chased after her.

Fei Wushu patted Adolf who was reluctant to part with him: "Everyone is gone, you should recover your senses. This foolishness has already aroused a lot of resentment, okay?"

Adolf blinked, and was immediately poked by suspicious, contemptuous and angry eyes from all around.

He was at a loss: "What's wrong with me?"

Fei Wushu stared at him with a smile, but he could understand everyone's thoughts. With such a first, this kind of guy is actually pressing on his head, which is really annoying.

Adolf shuddered under his gaze, there was a conspiracy, there was definitely a conspiracy!

But before Adolf could figure out the content of the conspiracy, the physical training teacher arrived. Wearing a combat uniform, his good physique was fully highlighted, and his face was tense, which made him look extremely stern.

Adolf was most annoyed by this kind of person, he stretched lazily, twisted his waist, shook his buttocks, raised his eyelids and cast a casual glance—oh my god! Adolf jumped back a step, why did this person suddenly come in front of him.

"You can call me Instructor Wen." Instructor Wen's voice seemed to come out of his chest, with a heavy taste, "Physical training will be divided into five groups, with 20 people in each group. According to the degree of excellence, Ranked in turn as ABCDE five groups."

"Is it based on the entrance score?" Someone raised his hand and asked.

The cultural instructor slowly raised a smile, and before Adolf could back away, the cultural instructor grabbed his neck with one hand and lifted him up.

Being lifted up by the neck and dangling in mid-air, Adolf's skinny appearance was almost like a piece of clothing hanging on the balcony, with a kind of ostentation in the wind.

"Are you convinced to be crushed on your heads by such a weak chicken?" the cultural instructor asked loudly with a straight face.

Fei Wushu's eyes lit up, he immediately raised his arms high, and shouted angrily: "I won't accept it!" It's the truth ╮(╯▽╰)╭ "Brother, you are too mean." Adolf stared at Fei Wushu sadly with small eyes.

I'm still standing with you at this time? Isn't it scrambling to set a model for the teacher? Typically, you are enough. Fei Wushu raised the corners of his lips imperceptibly, look, isn't this an easy way to gain the instructor's favor?

The cultural instructor glanced admiringly at the students full of fighting spirit, and even more appreciatively at Fei Wushu, put Adolf down, and said loudly, "Okay, I'll give you this chance now!"

He announced: "The previous admissions rankings are all cancelled, and the next competition will determine your rankings for this school year. Classes are also based on this ranking, do you understand?"

"Understood!" Fei Wushu roared righteously.

There was strong contempt in Adolf's eyes, traitor!

Fei Wushu raised his eyebrows provocatively at him, I just want your number one, so why not ╮(╯▽╰)╭ Only after taking the first place can I show off in front of Xiao Yiyi~ Even the second one is too embarrassing to say it Yes, it must be the first!