MTL - [Mecha] Bandit Army Reborn-Chapter 48 Bai Bingxing Visiting Friends-3

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In the bright study room, two rows of log bookshelves are so high that they almost reach the ceiling, and rows of books are neatly placed on them, almost to the point of filling a house. Not far from the bookshelf was a rectangular desk with a thick stack of documents piled up on it.

Fei Wuzheng's gaze wandered around the room, looking at the bookshelf and the desk, but he was still unwilling to look at the person behind the desk in front of the bookshelf.

For that person, he has a heartfelt fear.

I don't want to watch it, it's better to say I don't dare to watch it.

But in the end, that person did not allow him to escape, just like that night more than ten years ago, the white-haired and beautiful boy stood by the window, and the wind blowing outside the window lifted the heavy curtains, and slapped the boy On him, the young man looked at him without the slightest emotion, and gave him two choices: to persuade the future Patriarch Fei Wushu to cooperate with the military, or to become the Patriarch of the Fei Family himself.

He chose the second, and at that moment fate began to turn, sliding down the rough and rough road.

For a person who changed the trajectory of his own destiny with a single sentence, Fei Wuzheng really couldn't respect him like Ningqing Liusutang did, only fear and fear from the bottom of his heart.

But it was impossible to escape, he had already paid too much for it and gave up too many things. Fei Wuzheng finally shifted his gaze to that man, with white hair and gray eyes, he was extremely handsome, but he was cold and unpopular, making people feel cold in his heart when he saw it.

"Major General, I'm here." He said dryly, making the man buried in the document notice his existence.

"Sit." Hastings raised his head, his gray eyes swept over Fei Wuzheng, without any emotion.

Fei Wuzheng sat down on the bench stiffly, and heard the person in front of him ask him, "Do you know who the person who provided the recovery medicine to the hospital is?"

"No, I don't know." He replied in a low voice, "They said someone provided it anonymously. Mo Sheng couldn't find out the other party either."

After answering, there was no response from the other party for a while, the room was silent, the temperature seemed to be getting colder and colder, Fei Wuzheng felt like he was sinking into the ice water a little bit, his whole body became stiff and numb from the cold.

Finally, when he felt that he was about to suffocate, Hastings' voice sounded again: "You can go back."

"...Yes." Fei Wuzheng stood up stiffly, and walked out step by step. Just ask this question?

He closed the door with trembling fingers, and when the light in the study was completely shut behind the door, he finally slid down against the door and sat down. Gasping heavily on the soft carpet.

That person doesn't have any popularity, like a cold hole that can swallow people up.

"Wuzheng, are you okay?" A warm palm rested on his shoulder, "Thank you for your hard work."

"Uncle Hongying." Fei Wuzheng turned his head, looked at the tall man beside him, and grinned uglyly, "I'm fine, this is the path I chose, no matter how difficult it is, I will go on."...No regrets , I can’t regret it, regretting is denying my hard work for so many years, regretting is proving that the price I paid is not worth it!

He took a deep breath and stood up: "It's time for me to go back. The Mo family and the Caesar family have never stopped suspecting me. I can't be caught by them."

Hongying patted him on the shoulder with concern in his eyes: "Be careful."


"By the way, after Colonel Su Tang asked you to enter the game, pay more attention to the abnormal performance of Xia Fei Wushu." Red Eagle added.

Fei Wuzheng frowned hesitantly: "What abnormal behavior?"

"For example, he doesn't act like himself occasionally." A hoarse voice with **** rang out nearby, Su Tang was wearing a baggy military uniform, and walked over with a smile, "You can treat this situation as a split personality, and you can do it like this Observe. By the way, remember to send the information about his character in the Heyue galaxy Duoshe. This is the order of the major general... Well, I don’t know why, but just do it, understand?”

He turned his head and glanced at Hongying, his red lips curled up in a highly suggestive arc: "I forgot a little thing, so I just came here in person. Would you like to have a cup of coffee, Mr. Hongying?"

"Colonel Su, there's no need for that. Wuzheng, I'll go first." Hongying didn't have the guts to respond to Su Tang's ambiguous hint, nodded slightly, and hurriedly walked away.

"Hehe." Su Tang smiled lowly, "I run fast, can I eat people, Xiao Wuzheng?"

As if he didn't see Fei Wuzheng's apprehensive look, he walked up to Fei Wuzheng, touched Fei Wuzheng's shoulder with his fingertips, but returned the tiny object to its original place: "Here, this one is pinned here again. .Mo Sheng’s monitor, please take it with you, don’t make people suspicious.”

"Thank you Colonel Su." Fei Wuzheng whispered, "Can I leave?"

"Ah, of course it's okay." Su Tang pinched his cheek and said with a smile, "Hurry up, Mo Sheng just entered the hospital."

Fei Wuzheng's face froze, and he immediately turned and ran outside.

"Oh, what's the rush?" Su Tang smiled, "Under my arrangement, are you still worried about being knocked out?" He was in a good mood, and in the contest with Mo Sheng, he finally made it back. But... that monitor is really exquisite, I'll go back and study it later.

Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand and opened the door closed by Fei Wuzheng.

"Major General." After entering the door, his expression became serious.

"Hmm." Even in the face of his trustworthy right-hand man, Hastings remained expressionless, like a finely crafted statue of a real person. The soles of the feet spread to the whole body.

Su Tang sighed in his heart, no matter how long he watched the major general, he still trembled involuntarily. Presumably that guy Ning Qingliu is the same, he still can't fully adapt to the great pressure in front of the major general.

Putting away his wild thoughts, he reported seriously: "Recently, some people in the military have followed up on the attack and blamed us." Why would Hastings, who has always been low-key, be leaked in advance and hyped by the news? If not , How could it attract a large number of people that day, and how could they be ambushed by criminals, causing such a heinous bloodshed.', they accused so, thinking that we should bear most of the responsibility."

"Those people don't have to pay attention."

"Yes." Su Tang continued, "Some other people have applied for this matter, requesting to reduce the military expenditure of the twin starships." The corners of his lips curled up sarcastically, "'The financial and material resources spent on interstellar pirates every year are irrelevant. After all, those bugs will never be wiped out, and Hastings will do nothing but burden the armaments, and gain himself a reputation with the common people of the Commonwealth.'—This It was the result of their discussion."

"Suppress it." Hastings said expressionlessly, "Military expenditure can only be increased, not reduced."

"Yes." Su Tang took the order with a smile, with mocking eyes, after all, those people are still jealous of the major general's prestige and military achievements at such a young age, they must be jealous.

"The last thing." Su Tang frowned, "The insect poppy black crystals necessary to make the spiritual guiding device were exhausted a month ago, but so far no next insect poppy black crystal veins have been found. It seems that the game The promotion can only be suspended for a while.”

"Make the search for the black crystal of the insect poppy an urgent matter." Hastings' gray eyes reflected Su Tang's surprised expression, and he pointed out the way out for Su Tang, "Go to the chaotic star field to find it."

"Yes." Su Tang saluted in a standard manner, "What orders does the major general have?"... The chaotic star field, which is full of dangers, is not a good place. For a game like this, it is really a lot of work.

Hastings' eyes fell on the light screen of the computer at hand, which was a screenshot of a post that Fei Wushu had posted. Fei Wushu has now deleted this post, he must never have imagined that someone saved a special backup of it.

Stealing the sky and changing the sun is a thing of the Heyue galaxy. The probability that someone in the Federation can do it is one in ten thousand who understands its medicinal properties and can quickly configure the corresponding recovery potion. Therefore, the biggest possibility lies here—his fingertips touched the light screen, and the above sentence clearly caught his eye: "Is there a possibility that after you seized the NPC's body, the NPC's mind did not disappear, but Is it coexisting with you? Like one body with two consciousnesses?"

Even if the probability of this possibility is as small as zero, it still exists. After all... people in the Heyue galaxy are not NPCs at all... It is possible to retain the consciousness of the original owner after taking the house.

Hastings tapped the words "two consciousnesses" with his fingertips. If Fei Wushu coexisted with an excellent trainer, then Fei Wushu could naturally enter the game and seek help from him.

However, there are still doubts. Hastings stared at Fei Wushu's name on the light screen, his eyes getting colder.

After being hit by Stealing the Sky and Changing the Sun, his mental power was in a period of decline, and Fei Wushu couldn't enter the Heyue Galaxy at all. And the trainers of the Heyue galaxy don't understand the medicinal properties of the Federation's plants at all, so how can they use the Federation's plants to write the formula for the recovery potion?

… Langlot.

Hastings came up with this name in his mind. This person is immune to dilution and is a brilliant pharmacist. If he enters the game and seeks the help of a trainer who coexists with Fei Wushu, it is also feasible.

Then, the final question is: Who is the trainer who coexists with Fei Wushu?

To be able to design a recovery potion with such perfect medicinal properties, it must be a well-known trainer in the Heyue galaxy... Which one will it be?

"Continue to monitor the abnormality of Fei Wushu." After confirming that there was nothing to ignore, he turned off the light screen, and finally gave Su Tang instructions.

"Yes." Su Tang agreed, and with Hastings' permission, he exited the room and closed the door.

However, even if there are no omissions, Hastings still forgot another possibility—the consciousness of the Heyue galaxy can come to the Federation. He had never thought about it this way, just as he had no idea that there was a system.

Standing up, he opened the secret door on the side of the wall and walked in. This is a small room with a simple layout, only a nutrition cabin, a round table, and a spirit guidance device on the table.

He turned on the spirit guidance device, entered the nutrition cabin, and closed his lifeless gray eyes.

And in the hospital in Capital Star, Mo Sheng finally rushed to Fei Wuzheng who was being pushed for a walk by the nurse.

The boy in the wheelchair raised Violet's eyes in surprise: "Hey, Brother Mo Sheng? What's the matter? You seem to be running in such a hurry."

"Fei... Wuzheng." Mo Sheng smiled with peach blossom eyes, but there was a seriousness hidden in his eyes, it was... me...

Mo Hua, who was in the ward, was pressed on the bed by the nurse at the moment: "It's time for the injection, children, don't move around!"

Mo Hua struggled to look out of the window, but his sight was completely blocked by the nurses surrounding the bed. He beat the quilt to vent his anger, **** it, he was so weak that he didn't even have the strength to push a woman away, I don't know if his brother rushed to that guy's side, is it Fei Wuzheng himself?

…The precise control of the situation and the rigorous layout of the future are the necessary talents for an excellent intelligence officer, don't you Mo Sheng? Back in the laboratory, Su Tang looked at the scanned picture of the monitor structure on the light screen, and nodded his lips with great interest. This time I won, the intelligence genius of the Mo family.

Regardless of the turbulent and dark tides in the Federation, everything in the Heyue Galaxy is progressing smoothly.

After jumping out of the space gate and driving for a certain distance, Qin Yi told Fei Wushu that Bai Bingxing had arrived.

Overlooking the White Ice Star from the universe, this is a pure white planet, the whole planet is covered with thick snow and ice, it is particularly conspicuous in the dark universe.

The starship enters the atmosphere. From the porthole, you can see the ice mixed with the wind and large snowflakes, violently hitting the outer shell of the starship. The whole world is disturbed by the wind and snow. White, white surging violently with the strong wind.

"No wonder it's called Bai Bingxing." Fei Wushu could imagine the biting cold and harsh weather outside just by seeing it, "Your friend actually lives here?"

The person controlling the body at the moment is Qin Yi. Firstly, Fei Wushu felt the huge pressure under Qin Yi's monstrous promotion speed. Whatever he said, he should hurry up to practice the Zonghai Jue and improve his spiritual level. It was Qin Yi who also thought that Ping Fei Wushu's lame acting skills would definitely be seen by his friends as something wrong.

So the two agreed, Qin Yi went to Baibingxing for a walk, while Fei Wushu stayed in the spiritual world to watch the fun.

"Bai Bingxing belongs to the Nissen family. Brolin has been weak since he was a child, and has been living here to recuperate." Qin Yi operated the starship in an orderly manner, "This place is far away from the stars, and the average temperature is maintained at minus 70 degrees Celsius all year round, which is good for his health. .”

"Is it to freeze the body to slow down the rate of disease erosion?" Fei Wushu had a whimsical idea.

"Probably so." Qin Yi affirmed his statement, "If he went to a normal planet, he would probably get sick within half a year."

"This guy is really miserable." Fei Wushu sighed, "You said he is a very powerful trainer? Could it be that he gradually learned to become proficient in the process of treating diseases?"

Qin Yi expressed his surprise in a flat tone: "Are you actually able to use your brain?"

"I'm sure I'm right, can you change it to a more straightforward way?" Fei Wushu smiled, "So, your friend is quite inspirational, and your vision is not bad."

The friends Fei Wushu talked about were friends who could attack both sides, while Qin Yi himself referred to friends who could exchange experience in training and training. Fei Wushu didn't realize this, and Qin Yi didn't intend to tell him, like Fei Wushu. He himself does not have such friends as those without skills.

Having said that, the idiot will laugh again. Qin Yi is well versed in this, so naturally he won't do things that are self-destructive.

The starship sent a signal to the mooring point below to request a landing, and the huge landing platform was quickly put into operation. The soft snow layer and the hard ice layer below were quickly removed, and Qin Yi also received feedback that he could land safely. information.

Controlling the starship to land smoothly, Qin Yi opened the hatch and walked down.

The mooring point is chosen to be surrounded by mountains, and there is almost no strong cold wind. It's just that after stepping out of the starship, the icy coldness of the air made it possible to confirm that this place is indeed on the White Ice Star.

A body with a ninth-level physical skill is not afraid of such an environment. After Qin Yi followed the staff off the landing platform and walked into the passage of the mountain, he couldn't even feel the extremely cold air. Although it was not warm, the temperature was still maintained at minus one or twenty degrees, which was much better than the severe cold outside.

After walking a few steps, Qin Yi saw a familiar friend sitting in a wheelchair, as if waiting for him specially.

"I'm going! This is too similar!" Before Qin Yi and Brolin could speak, Fei Wushu first cried out in surprise in the spiritual world.

Brolin, who is sitting in a wheelchair, is a pale and frail man, quite different from the beautiful and powerful aura of Hastings. But Fei Wushu felt that the two were too similar.

People who have met Hastings will never forget his unpopular eyes, like gray glass beads, which clearly and thoroughly reflect the whole person, leaving no privacy, which makes people feel chills all over their bodies. And this Brolin also has such a pair of cold, emotionless light blue eyes that seem to have assimilated with ice and snow.

Like a person made of lifeless ice and snow, he looks like he has no desires or desires, without any emotions.

Qin Yi ignored Fei Wushu's emotion, he walked forward calmly, his dark eyes were calm: "I came to visit rashly, I hope I didn't disturb you."

Brolin shook his head expressionlessly: "It's okay. I need your help with something."

He turned the wheelchair: "Please follow me."

Fei Wushu, who had always thought that there would be a big meeting with a warm hug, suddenly felt that the conversation between the two abruptly made the surrounding temperature drop by another level, so cold that it fell off ice.

But this made him doubt Brolin even more: "Little Yiyi, since I can take you away, why can't Hastings take away your friend? I really think he is like him." Intuition told him, not only Like, the person inside this shell is definitely Hastings.

Qin Yi was silent for a moment, and then said lightly: "From the time I knew him, he has been like this."

Fei Wushu sneered: "This only shows that when you knew him, he was no longer the original owner, but Brolin after being taken over by Hastings."

Qin Yi: "I met him when I was ten years old."

"..." Fei Wushu got stuck, and after pondering for a while, he retorted uncertainly, "No one knows when this so-called game started, maybe there was a spirit guidance device fifteen years ago, and it could be launched? "The intuition in his heart told him that his guess was correct. Brolin is Hastings, it must be!

He called the system in the spiritual world: "Heavenly Dao, are you here? Am I right?"

Tiandao: "I can't say."

Fei Wushu was surprised again: "Hey! I'm not right, am I?" Did someone enter the Heyue Galaxy fifteen years ago and seize someone? This man is Hastings? Brolin who lost his home and was still a child? ...Hastings was only ten years old then, wasn't he? !

Tiandao fell silent.

Seeing that Tiandao stopped talking, Qin Yi said calmly at this moment: "Whether it is true or not, you must not reveal it."

"I know. Why do you say that?" Fei Wushu muttered, "You think I'm an idiot?!"

Qin Yi: "..."

Tiandao popped up again: "This is the default."

╰_╯)#" Fei Wushu was irritable, but just as he was about to toss, he found that Brolin had brought Qin Yi into an artificial greenhouse in the mountain, where strange plants grew, some of which were his own. I have seen some of them on Qin Yi's starship, but I don't even know some of them. And Brolin obviously had something to say, so Fei Wushu immediately threw away his anger, calmed down in a well-behaved manner, and listened carefully.

"Qin Yi, look at this." Brolin pointed to a plant enclosed in a special glass box.

The plant has slender stems and palm-sized green leaves. The only thing that makes it unique is the elegant dark golden lines that cover the stems and leaves. This seemingly ordinary plant has a bit of inexplicable noble taste, like the emperor among plants.

Qin Yi's voice hesitated: "Is this the Dark Phoenix Grass?"

"Dark yellow grass?" Fei Wushu burst out laughing, such a beautiful grass has such a frustrating name!

Qin Yi seriously corrected him: "It's the phoenix of the phoenix in ancient mythology."

"Really?" Fei Wushu suppressed a smile, and said casually, "By the way, there are also birds like phoenix in our ancient mythology... eh?" What, "Heyue galaxy and our new Milky Way have a lot of similarities."

Qin Yi's eyes darkened slightly, that's right, I didn't expect that idiot would find this out one day.

However, not knowing about Qin Yi's various activities in the spiritual world, Brolin took Qin Yi's silence as surprise. After all, the Dark Phoenix Grass has been extinct for thousands of years, and it is said that just one leaf can poison the entire planet. And the fruit produced after ripening can completely reduce a planet to a waste star with no vitality.

"The family sent me a batch of plants a few days ago. This is just one of them." Brolin's voice was cold and mechanical, Fei Wushu had the illusion that he was a simulated robot, "in order to make better use of They, I would like to invite well-known trainers from the Heyue galaxy to study together here. Qin Yi, can you stay here for a few days?"

Qin Yi readily agreed, and he was also very interested in this.

And the Xiangshuigu family, who was far away in Peixiangxing, received a letter from the Nissen family at this moment. Langlot, who was wearing the vicious skin of the Gu family, intercepted the letter, glanced at it, and found that it was an invitation from the well-known son of the Nissen family, Brolin, and listed all kinds of precious and rare plants. I'm a little moved.

"I'm invited here, who has any objection?" Putting on an extremely arrogant expression, Langlot stunned a group of men and women who were buried in the experiment, Langlot snickered in his heart, and strode out the door with the letter in hand... to Bai Bing Xing Ah, I heard it's cold there?