MTL - Master Sheng, Ma’am, She Became Popular All Over the World with Her Fortune-telling Skills-Chapter 677 Slag abuse (two more)

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  Chapter 677 Abuse of scum (second update)


  A loud noise exploded in the basement, Yi Shaowen flew upside down, and slammed **** the wall on one side, with such force that the entire underground secret room shook uncontrollably.

   Severe pain came, Yi Shaowen's throat felt sweet, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale instantly.

   But no amount of pain can match the shock and panic that surged up in my heart.

  He raised his head, fixedly staring at Xie Xihe in the distance, and at the same time frantically mobilized the power of gu blood, trying to control Xie Xihe.

Xie Xihe's expression froze for a moment, and a faint sense of powerlessness came from deep in his body, but only in the next moment, the imprint of the contract hidden between his brows suddenly lit up, and the warm and soft breath spread out, and it only took a few breaths Spread all over the body.

  The sense of stagnation and powerlessness disappeared instantly, Xie Xihe raised his eyes, his eyes were filled with coldness.

  Yi Shaowen suddenly opened his eyes wide. He looked at the girl who was walking towards him step by step, and his heart sank.

How could this be?

  He clearly felt that the gu blood had taken effect, why did it disappear in the blink of an eye, what was the mark between her eyebrows, and why was it able to restrain the gu blood?

  Countless questions flashed through his mind, but there was no more time for him to think about it.

  Xie Xihe stood down in front of him, covered by shadows, giving people a strong sense of oppression, and Yi Shaowen felt that even breathing became difficult.

   He couldn't help but retreated, only to find that there was a cold wall behind him, and he had no way to retreat.

  Xie Xihe squatted down in front of him, and suddenly said an unrelated topic: "Before you said that you wanted to learn Thirteen Killing Swords?"

  Yi Shaowen's heart skipped a beat: "What do you want to do?"

  Xie Xihe didn't answer, a silver-white scalpel appeared in Xinnian's hand, and he swung his wrist to cut away.

   It's really shaking. It's shaking like the hands of the aunt in the cafeteria when serving dishes, but the effect is completely different.

  Auntie shaking hands while serving dishes is at most to make you eat less, but Xie Xihe shaking hands with a scalpel is killing you.

  It hurts like hell.

  Yi Shaowen only felt that the skin was cut layer by layer, and the muscles and bones were cut off segment by segment. The feeling of the blunt knife grinding the flesh tortured people could not help but want to scream and go crazy.

   Rao Yi Shaowen, who thought he was immune to the pain, turned pale and gritted his teeth so as not to scream.

   The hand gesture is indeed the gesture of killing thirteen swords, but it is completely different from Yi Shaowen's cognition that it can reduce the pain and damage to the greatest extent!

   Or should I say the exact opposite.

  Every cut Xie Xihe made went against the texture of the skin, muscles and bones, expanding the pain to the greatest extent.

   In addition, she used the back of the knife, which made the pain multiply exponentially!

   Another knife fell, and Xie Xihe insisted on using the back of the knife, which was difficult to cut vegetables, to separate the artery and flesh of Yi Shaowen's bicep.

  When Yi Shaowen tilted his head, he could see the thick brachial artery and the bright red blood flowing in it, and his heart beat uncontrollably.

  Xie Xihe finally stopped the movement in her hand. She turned the scalpel in her hand, without showing any emotion on her face, and said calmly: "Have you learned it? This is the real thirteen cuts."

  Yi Shaowen's throat was so dry that he couldn't speak a word.

  Xie Xihe didn't need him to answer, she didn't even take the next step, she just stood up and stepped aside.

  Yi Shaowen felt that she couldn't let him go so easily, so he couldn't help but frowned. When he was on guard, a rustling sound came to his ears.

   His heart moved, and he immediately looked in the direction of the sound.

   When he saw the scene in front of him clearly, his pupils suddenly constricted to the extreme!

   As far as the eye can see is a bright red color.

Nearly a hundred blood gu worms gathered together, rushing towards him like a wave, although they couldn't see their expressions, but as the master's induction told him, the blood gu worms at this time were very excited and very excited. excited!

   Excited to the point of losing control!

  He kept giving instructions in his heart, but it just slowed down the forward speed of the blood gu worms, and he didn't mean to stop at all!

   Ten meters, nine meters, eight meters, seven meters...

  The gloomy coldness rushed towards his face, Yi Shaowen clearly felt the desire and greed emanating from the blood gu worms, he finally couldn't help it!

   "You can't kill me!" Yi Shaowen shouted.

  Xie Xihe turned a deaf ear and continued to use his mental power to control the blood gu worm to rush towards him.

Yi Shaowen suddenly calmed down, stared at her firmly and said, "You have a way to not be affected by Gu blood, but what about Mo Huaizhi, and other people who bought those medicinal materials from the Chinese Medical Association, they also Can it be like you?"

  "They are my appendages after being hit by my Gu blood. As long as I stimulate the Gu blood, they will be in pain. If I die, they will die with me!"

   "At that time, how many people can you save?"

"Especially Mo Huaizhi," Yi Shaowen sneered: "He has been drinking health-cultivating tea for several years longer than you, and the amount of Gu blood in his body is also many times stronger than yours. Minutes, he will surely die!"

   "Are you sure you can save him in time?"

   "There are hundreds of thousands of members of the National Medical Association, all of whom must die!"

   "Those are all figures who stand at the top of Huaguo's medical field. Once they die, Huaguo's medicine will stagnate for at least ten years. Can you bear the consequences?"

  The forward speed of the blood gu worm gradually slowed down until it stopped completely.

As soon as Yi Shaowen looked up, he saw Xie Xihe's frowning. Not only did he not feel happy, but his face became even more ugly: "At the beginning, I begged you to take me away from that place, but you were not even half moved. Now it's just for A group of ants, you actually hesitated?"


  He can't compare to Mo Huaizhi, Sheng Shijing, why can't he even compare to a group of insignificant ordinary people?

  How could she hesitate?

   Xie Xihe finally couldn't control the anger welling up on his face, and said impatiently: "If you are sick, go see it. Why are you crazy?"

   "If you beg me, I have to take you away. If I don't take you away, I'm sorry for you. Who do you think you are? Do I know you very well?"

  Her expression was cold, without any emotion: "Don't just refuse to take you away, even if you die in front of me, it has nothing to do with me."

   Xie Xihe had endured him for a long time, and now he didn't want to bear it any longer.

   With a flick of his hand, he threw a few silver needles to control him in place, and at the same time looked coldly at the entrance of the secret room: "When do you want to watch the show again?"

  There was a heavy moving sound, and the door of the secret room opened, and several figures appeared in Yi Shaowen's sight, making his pupils shrink.

   Too late to make up today, good night.



  (end of this chapter)