MTL - Master Sheng, Ma’am, She Became Popular All Over the World with Her Fortune-telling Skills-Chapter 6 Add black material

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  Chapter 6 adds black material

  The back of her head was still aching, and her head felt dizzy. Xie Xihe thought that in her current state, she should be able to fall asleep just by touching the pillow.

  However, half an hour passed, and there were still all kinds of mixed memories in my mind, but I didn't feel sleepy at all.

  She simply sat up.

   He casually threw a simple version of the panacea into his mouth, and after a few minutes the effect of the medicine came up, and the pain in his head gradually subsided.

  I wanted to lie back and continue to sleep, but when I caught a glimpse of the computer on the desk not far away, I changed my mind.

  She lifted the quilt and walked over.

As early as when it took nearly ten minutes to hack into the hospital system, Xie Xihe knew that today's technology has developed to a very high level compared to her previous life, and her previous technology has been put into the present Some are not enough.

   There is still much to learn.

  You can’t fall asleep either, so let’s find out first.

  The computer was turned on, Xie Xihe logged in to several websites from memory, browsed quickly, and quickly built a modern framework in his mind.

   After two hours, she stopped what she was doing.

  Slowly, the girl's perfectly lined lips evoked a smile of interest: "It's quite interesting..."

After digesting the newly acquired knowledge for a while, Xie Xihe moved the mouse and was about to close the webpage. At this moment, a notification popped up in the lower right corner of the webpage: [Missing the game, mad at my father, a trainee with the surname X Add new ingredients! 】

   Below is a profile photo.

  She is very familiar with this face, besides Miss Xie in the past, who else is she now?

  Xie Xihe looked at the push, paused for a second, and clicked in.

  The stereotyped copywriting of scolding the dead is not worth the life, with a few pictures inserted in the middle from her escaping the game, to rushing to the hospital gate, and finally turning around to leave, completely restoring the "truth" of the matter.

  Finally, he concluded: All kindness and filial piety are the first, and he didn’t even look at his father after he was mad at him. Such a person has even abandoned the bottom line of being a human being, and is worthy of debut as an idol? !

  Xie Xihe watched it from beginning to end, with a calm expression throughout the whole process, only when he glanced at the last words "I'm so mad at my dear father", his brows were slightly darkened, and a shallow darkness was cast in his peach blossom eyes.


  She chuckled and closed the webpage unhurriedly, but instead of getting up and leaving immediately, she opened an editor.

  The slender fingers tapped the keyboard one after another, the movements changed from slow to fast, from jerky to smooth, and finally only a blurred afterimage remained...

   Two minutes later.

  Xie Xihe logged into the writing background of the marketing account named [Fanquan Leaker Jun], unexpectedly found more than a dozen breaking news articles kept as drafts, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly.

   Tsk, it's actually a prepared revelation...

Xie Xihe ate a few first-hand melons with great interest, while digging out the information of the corresponding melon owner in his mind, and finally selected five of the thirteen articles, and pressed the button without hesitation. "Publish" button.

   Call it a day and go to bed.

   At the same time, on the other side of the capital, the whistleblower who was still stuck in front of the computer waiting to see the results of the revelation was bombarded by waves of phone calls.

   Without exception, they scolded him for taking money but not doing anything, and agreed to suppress the message and post a marketing article.

   The whistleblower was confused, and immediately boarded his marketing background. When he saw the five drafts that had been released, he was struck by lightning!

   Really posted it!

   But how is this possible? !

  He can be sure that only he knows the account password of this marketing account, and for the sake of confidentiality, he specially spent a lot of money to buy a high-level protection system, so ordinary hackers can't sneak in.

  As for advanced hackers... Hehe, which big hacker would hack his computer with a small marketing account?

   Just as he was puzzled, another call came in.

The Whistleblower connected with an irritable face, and before he had time to speak, the other party had already scolded: "It was agreed that only Xie Xihe and one person will be exposed today, and this is how you do things? Do you have Sick, post six revelations in one go, then who else will pay attention to Xie Xi and a young trainee?"

   "I don't care, you delete the other five articles immediately! Repost Xie Xihe's black material! Otherwise, give me my money back!"

   Money Back! money back! money back!

   In less than ten minutes, the whistleblower has heard these two words countless times, and his heart can't stop getting angry.

   finally broke out: "Retire as soon as possible! Shut up, you!"

  Taking a deep breath to calm his emotions, he sneered and said, "It's okay to refund the money, but I can't lose any money that should be paid to me!"

  The woman's voice suddenly became sharp: "Losing money? You still dare to ask me to lose money, why should I pay you money!"

  The whistleblower took it for granted: "My computer was hacked just because I just published Xie Xihe's marketing text. Don't tell me that the Xie family is not behind this incident!"

"It was you who told me that Xie Xi and her father were going to die soon after being **** off by her, and that she would not be Miss Xie's family soon, that's why I agreed to post this marketing article. Now people must not be dead. , and even came to take revenge on me, you just said that you should be responsible for this matter?"

  The woman was so angry that she almost spat out a mouthful of blood: "This is all your speculation, do you have evidence?!"

  Whistleblower Jun is very single: "Is there any evidence? What do you want? For example, the chat records and call records when Ms. Zhou invited me to blackmail Xie Xihe, which one do you want? All of them!"

  Ms. Zhou's face on the other side of the phone changed.

  The whistleblower reminded with a smile: "This time, the "Ancient Rhythm and Tiancheng" program is led by CCTV, and the national attention is quite high. Are you willing to ruin this hard-won opportunity for a vase trainee?"

"Tsk, although Xie Xihe's strength is not very good, but he can't bear to be good-looking, and his popularity has always been high. If the evidence from my side is released, it will be regarded as an indirect whitewash for her. Then... "

  The Whistleblower did not continue, but it was enough for Ms. Zhou to understand, and her face became even uglier.

   Gritting his teeth fiercely, the voice almost squeezed out from between his teeth: "How much do you want?"


   Xie Xihe didn't know that his operation not only made the Whistleblower miserable, but also bought one get one free and also made the black hands behind the blackmail of her.

  After waking up from sleep, the pain in the back of her head and dizziness disappeared, and she felt refreshed.

   After simply washing up, I went to visit Mr. Xie.

  The condition of the old man stabilized very quickly. After one night, all the indicators had basically returned to normal, and the hospital transferred him back to the ordinary VIP ward.

   It was arranged next to Xie Xihe's lounge, and it was just a turn away from the door.

  Xie Xihe opened the door and went out, but before he could close the door, he looked up and met a pair of wolf cub-like eyes.

   was staring at her angrily at the moment.

  Xie Xihe didn't move his brows and eyes. While continuing to close the door, he looked slightly sideways at his little nephew: "What's the matter?"

   Regarding the update: The public period has two chapters per day, with a total of 4,000 words. The time will be adjusted as soon as possible. Normally, the first chapter will be published before 12:00 noon, and the second chapter will be published before 5:00 p.m.

   The new book issue is extremely slow, with an average speed of 500 per hour. Let me get used to it first.



  (end of this chapter)