MTL - Master Sheng, Ma’am, She Became Popular All Over the World with Her Fortune-telling Skills-~ About Completion and Updates

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  About completion and update

  Ahem, first of all, ask for leave today (please don’t scold me, Xiaoxiao is trembling)

  Okay, let's continue to talk about the update and completion.

   Baozi, who has been chasing the article recently, should have noticed that the article is already finishing up during this period, and no surprises, it will be finished before the 15th of next month.

  (The main line part, the remaining pits will be filled in as much as possible in the extra episode)


   There can also be surprises.

   Let me tell you a good news (or bad news), Xiaozai is going to give birth to a younger brother and sister for the female goose.

  (It may be bad news because I will see the next reaction after the update. If I look at my female goose, it will be completely cool. I hope I can not toss a little this time T^T)

  In fact, Xiaoxiao has been planning to have a second child for a long time, but on the one hand, some indicators in the previous physical examination were not very good, and it took two or three months to go back and forth to the hospital to meet the standards; on the other hand, she was worried about this article.

When I was pregnant with a female goose, I just opened a new book (the Yuling book, which can be found on the Xiaoxiao homepage), and then it was found out that I was pregnant as soon as it was put on the shelves. After that, I had a strong pregnancy reaction, and finally had to stop Update, writing intermittently later, I have been writing for nearly two years before finishing the book normally.

  This time the situation is much better than last time, the text is just in the final stage, no matter what, it will definitely be finished within a month.

   After finishing this book, I’m going to rest for a while~ Recharge your batteries to nourish your body, and be a leisurely little salted fish (thinking about it makes me happy, hahahahaha!)

  I spent a day in the hospital today, and my head hurts too much. I will take a day off and work again tomorrow.

   love you~

  (end of this chapter)