MTL - Master Quan Pets the Mysterious Wife-Chapter 194 go get married

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   Chapter 194 Going to rob a marriage

The night is dark. For country T on the other side of the ocean, it has escaped the curse of war a few days ago and has become extraordinarily quiet. The Dar desert in the north of country T is the famous desert of death in the entire country T, and no one has been involved all year round. The land, which occupies a quarter of the entire territory of country T, is buried in yellow sand all the year round, and no one has set foot in it.

It's not so much that no one comes here, it's better that no one dares to come here, because besides the desert of death in country T, 80% of people know that there is IE here, and no one has set foot here all the year round. , but also to avoid them.

In such a country, the war is turbulent and endless year after year. Whoever has weapons and who is strong can become the master here. IE has undoubted strength. They are qualified to occupy the entire desert. Even if they don't send troops to guard them, no one dares. to provoke.

   This side is a powerful deterrent.

The moon in the desert tonight is extraordinarily round. It is different from the blizzard and snow in Dijing. Although the temperature drops sharply at night, it also has an extremely beautiful night scene. The soft moonlight sprinkles on the desert and caresses the accumulated gravel on the ground. Layers of white brilliance, these days is a windless climate, the sand city storm did not block the night, and naturally accommodated the beauty of this side.

The entire IE base is immersed in the quiet night. The patrolling people walk around the whole base and can hear the movement of their boots on the ground. There is no Jedi peace in such a place. People walking in the dark night, naturally Will not choose to rest at night.

   From time to time, you can hear the sound of the propeller taking off, and the roaring engine of the car. It is twelve o'clock in the middle of the night. For many young people, the nightlife has just begun, and it is naturally the same for them.

  Changming and Ghost Doctor stood on the balcony on the second floor and watched the soldiers who started to dance around the bonfire with songs and dances. They were also infected by their flying emotions.

   "You said this place, there is nothing in the desert, but they can live so happily." The ghost doctor looked at the young people below and said.

"What's so strange about this, these people have come from the war, and it is God's blessing to keep this life, and now they can avoid the city that is constantly bombarded by shells every day, and live so freely and in a state of mind. It has also changed a lot." Lu Ming replied.

The ghost doctor also understands that the mood of these people is different from the rest of them. He chose to give up the prosperity and live in seclusion, and wants to live in peace and tranquility, but these young people are different. They have a different past from their own. It is not easy for a boy with a painful and heavy childhood to be able to live.

   "Lian Yue's body has been cleaned of toxins. We will leave tomorrow. It's too dry here. After a few days, I feel like my whole body is darkened." Lu Ming reached out and touched his face.

   You can even feel the dehydration of the skin is very obvious.

   "The doctor can't stay when she's gone, and we can't stay here when she recovers, but tomorrow morning you can accompany me to the desert to find a few poisonous scorpions or something, so I can do research and use them as medicine."

Although this place is a bit desolate, there are also a lot of strange plants growing there, and some small things in the desert, which have extremely high medicinal value. Anyway, I have come here anyway. .

"Let's go back and rest. They are guarded here. Besides, now that the toxins are cleansed, there is no need to worry about any problems. It is estimated that people will be completely awake by tomorrow morning." forehead woman.

   During the ten days of treatment, Lian Yue abruptly fell asleep and never opened his eyes again, but it was quite convenient for Zhang Ming and the ghost doctor to treat.

   "Let's go, I'm tired." The ghost doctor and Zhang Ming went downstairs together.

The two had just walked for a few minutes when the woman on the bed opened her eyes, and her pupils gradually focused, not as lethargic and lethargic as the previous two days. She seemed to have seen a lot of things in her sleep. But it is not clear.

  Lan Yin went downstairs to cook and eat, but he didn't come up just now, and there was only one person left in the empty room. The cheers of singing and dancing outside the window and the sound of tambourine beating came in, which was extraordinarily lively.

  Lian Yue moved, her hands were not as weak as when she woke up last time, she felt a little more refreshed, and it seemed that the toxins on her body had been cleaned up.

She got up and sat on the bed, listening to the cheers of the people downstairs, and looked at the wall clock on the wall. The time was still so lively, Lian Yue sat for a while, and her body strength gradually recovered. When she was no longer overwhelmed, she Lift the quilt and step on the slippers to get out of bed.

The floor was covered with a carpet of traditional handicrafts from country T. It was soft and comfortable to walk on. Lian Yue was wearing clean cotton pajamas. She wanted to put it on for the convenience of treatment at night. Lian Yue took two steps to the bed. Looking at the bonfire flames rising below and the soldiers dancing and cheering.

She seems to have not seen a scene like    for a long time. Life here is unrestrained and there are not so many etiquette norms. As long as you think it is right, you can do such a thing.

It has been like this for many years. The moonlight shines on the back of Lian Yue's feet through the window, and she takes a coat from the cabinet and puts it on her body and walks down the stairs on the side. A pair of shoes, a coat and a lively field of the opposite direction go out step by step.

She lives on the east side, just close to the fence. In order to facilitate her to open a door here, she can go directly out of the base and see the scenery on the dunes outside. The sunset and sunset in the Thar Desert are the best. , every time the rising sun dyes the horizon red against the ground, it is the most comfortable.

   In the past, she liked to be alone on the sand dunes and watch the sunset. It was the most comfortable.

   After walking for a while, Lian Yue sat on the sand dune and looked up at the round moon above her head. The climate here is opposite to that of Dijing, and now Dijing is afraid that it is still snowing.

She was adopted by Qin Shanglin at the age of seven. What she saw most when she was a child was the sunrise and sunset at the seaside. She still had the memory of picking up shells at the seaside with her parents in the evening. After her parents died at sea, she was taken to the center of country T, the capital city. Motor, but a country with frequent wars, the city is baptized in the war every day. At the age of eleven, she moved here from Motor.

That is, in IE's base. Now, it has been twelve years. She watched the morning light and night scene in this desert. For twelve years, from the ocean to the desert, she never came into contact with T country again. The sea to the south.

  The evening wind blew over with a hint of coolness, and even Yue wrapped her coat tightly, and her whole person was silent in her own world.

She never liked the restrained life of Taikoo, so even if she was in charge of IE's affairs like Qin Zhong, she was never willing to accept the name of a commander. These things were not important to even Yue, from childhood to adulthood, In fact, she hadn't really thought about what kind of life she wanted, what kind of life she wanted.

   In short, she lived happily in IE,

   When Qin Zhong came over, Lian Yue stared at the moon in the sky in a daze, her back was sluggish, and her already thin body became thinner after these few incidents.

   He walked over, put his coat on her shoulders, and sat beside Lian Yue.

   "You came out just after waking up. It's cold at night, so you're not afraid of catching a cold." Qin Zhong looked down at her.

  Lian Yue's eyes didn't move, she fixedly looked into the distance, "I went out for a walk, and Zhang Ming said that my body is clean of toxins, there is no problem."

   Qin Zhong put his hands behind him and propped himself behind him. He followed Lian Yue's gaze and looked into the distance without speaking.

   "I've been outside this year, and when I come back here, I still feel that the moon is the roundest in this place." Lian Yue's tone was calm.

  Qin Zhong looked at her, "You've been in country M for so long, haven't you heard that sentence, Yue is the hometown of Yuan."

   There is nothing better than the home where you grew up.

  Lian Yue looked at Qin Zhong sideways and laughed softly, "When did you say these words?"

Qin Zhong moved his fingertips and squeezed the sand in his hand, "You should take a good rest for a while, I won't give you tasks these days, you just woke up and you need to adjust your body well before you can return to the original state. "

   "Don't worry about me for now, I will leave for Mingyuan tomorrow, and it will probably take a while to come back." Lian Yue continued his words.

   "Mingyuan?" Qin Zhong looked at her, "Are you going to investigate?"

   "Those people plotted against me, causing our entire army to be wiped out. I can't swallow this breath. Besides, Dr. Ding gave me the chip, and I put it in Mingyuan and need to go and get it back."

  The reason why Dr. Ding hired IE was to protect the chip. Before his death, Dr. Ding told her that the chip must be returned to M. This is the last thing they can do for the country.

   "What about Dijing? Are you not going back?" Qin Zhong opened his mouth and asked.

He is very clear about Quan Jingting and Lian Yue, but that doesn't mean he can't say anything. He has to ask clearly before he can settle down. Over the past year, she and Quan Jingting have been facing each other day and night. , in Lian Yue's eyes, what is it?

  Tomorrow, the man will get engaged, and he will be with the girl from the Qing family who looks exactly like her. Qin Zhong still doesn't understand that this girl's temperament has been domineering since she was a child, so she won't let go so easily.

  Emotionally, he is extremely reluctant to mention Quan Jingting, but intellectually he still has to ask clearly, some wounds are better if they are not hidden, and they have to be faced directly.

  Lian Yue's face was calm, she didn't move at all, she held a handful of sand in her hand and watched as they slowly leaked out from between her fingers and fell to the ground.

   "Dijing has nothing to do with me. I stayed for a year, and it was really no fun. I don't have to go there again in the future."

   "Then can you forget?" Qin Zhong asked following her words, looking directly at the woman, as if to see through her mind, "Can you forget him?"

  Some things are better to say directly and honestly than to keep them in the heart. Qin Zhong’s temperament has always been open, and he and Lian Yue are more or less like their father.

  Lian Yue hugged her knees with both hands, her feet were on the soft sand, she stared at the round moon in the distance, and she replied frankly, "I can't."

But what can I do if I can't forget? In the end, it's not the same result. In her world, killing people and stealing money is a common thing. Just on the other side of the ocean, the essential difference is different.

   Black and white never blend.

   "But you're not going back, are you?" The sentimentality in his voice was audible.

  Lian Yue moved her knees, "Well, I won't go back again."

  Between them, so be it.

Qin Zhong smiled and rubbed his palm behind her head. No one knew Lian Yue better than him. Many times, she was able to maintain her sanity to a frightening level. In her world, many things did not happen overnight. Yes, you can afford it and let it go, only if you have to give up.

   This principle was once taught him by Lian Yue in a prudent manner. Now that she has confirmed that she and Quan Jingting will not get together in the end, she will not do too much entanglement. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.

   This is her greatest sanity.

   Dijing's more than a year is like a dream. When she wakes up, it's over. She won't care about anything anymore, and those memories will always be in her mind.

   "I haven't asked you yet, how did you get to M country, what happened in Mingyuan, you won't go to M country anyway."

When Lian Yue had an accident, the entire IE turned Mingyuan over. Although it was the place where the three countries bordered, it was the closest place to country H, and they couldn't go to country M no matter what, so they went in the wrong direction. , the country H and country T were regarded as the key places, but the people were not able to be found.

Lian Yue's eyes narrowed slightly, and the memory of that time flashed quickly in her mind. After she fell into the sea, she was picked up by Qing Jianye on a beach. Her head was confused and she didn't care where she was in that country. .

   "The center of your investigation is best placed on Qing Jianye." Lian Yue opened her mouth, "I don't think he is a simple person."

  If Qing Jianye had no problems, he wouldn't have picked up Lian Yue near Mingyuan, an ordinary businessman, what would he do in a place where the Three Kingdoms intersect and no one has jurisdiction.

   "Qing Jianye?" Qin Zhong obviously didn't expect it either.

   He checked the information of the Qing family clearly, they were all clean businessmen, and the three generations up and down were all clean, so he didn't think much about it.

   "I understand, let someone start an investigation immediately."

  The sound of the roar of the propellers came from the air behind the two of them. Qin Zhong watched a black helicopter hovering over the base. The searchlights from above were shining brightly. Finally, he slowly descended. He got up and stretched out his hand to Lian Yue.

   "Let's go and have a look, Dad is back."

  Lian Yue took a look and followed him back into the base. The two entered the door from the side and went to the open space behind.

A man in a black coat came out of the cabin. He looked about fifty years old. He looked very mature and stable. Man, with a smile on his wrinkled face, he walked over and hugged Qin Zhong.


   "Godfather." Lian Yue called out.

Qin's line of attention fell on Lian Yue, with a distressed expression on his face, he hugged Lian Yue and went to the living room building in the back, "You kid, you have scared your godfather to death for more than a year, where have you been? I don't know, I came back and said that I was poisoned, how is it, is my body better, no big problem, what did the doctor say?"

  Lian Yue took his hand and walked into the room. Qin Shanglin's palm was broad, as warm as when he brought her back from the sea.

   "I'm fine, you don't have to worry so much, you don't know me yet, how could something happen to me if I'm so good, and I'm going out this time as an experience."

   Qin Shanglin went to the main seat above the living room. The woman who cleaned the house immediately poured a pot of coffee for them. Lian Yue sat on Qin Shanglin's left side and talked to him.

   "How long are you going to stay this time? Or will you be leaving in a few days?" Lian Yue took the cup handed over by the maid and respectfully poured him coffee.

Qin Shanglin made sure that she had no major problems, and after her face looked good, her heart fell. Okay, we'll go after that."

The corners of Lian Yue's mouth rose with a smile, "You don't have to take care of me, didn't you mean that every corner of the world should have your footprints, such a great thing can't be delayed because of me, besides, I am young at this age. It's not normal to be injured a little bit, you are getting older and older, you should go for a walk while you can still move your hands and feet."

   He heard it, this little girl never forgot to run on him, and it's still the same after so many years.

   "You girl, are you talking to your godfather like this?" Qin Shanglin glared at her, but there was no reproach in his tone.

   "I'm telling the truth, you can't disobey the old man."

   Seeing the two getting along, Qin Zhong smiled.

   "Dad, there's nothing wrong with her. It's a good thing to go out this way. You don't have to worry about her." Qin Zhong took a glass from Lian Yue's side and poured himself a glass of water.

  Qin Shanglin looked at the pair of children in front of him. He grew up with these two children. He had a good relationship since childhood. After Lian Yue disappeared this time, he had a lot of thoughts in his heart.

Although he knew that Lian Yue didn't have Qin Zhong in his heart, he just treated him as a big brother, but after following these children in the base for so many years, he also thought that it would be the best if Qin Zhong could marry Lian Yue. , but Lian Yue has always disliked Qin Zhong, which made him very troubled.

   "Are you hungry, I'll ask the kitchen to make you something." Lian Yue looked at him.

   Qin Shanglin nodded, "Let's have something to eat together, we haven't had a family meal together for a long time."

  Lian Yue turned around and instructed the maid, "Let them cook something that my godfather likes to eat, and bring the red wine I brought back from country E last time."

   The maid nodded and headed out to the kitchen with a smile on her face.

   "Waiting here is also waiting. When I just came here, I saw that they were having a bonfire party. It hasn't been so lively in this base for a long time." Qin Shanglin said.

   Qin nodded, "Today is the National Day of country T, and they are all celebrating."

Today is the most important day for country T. Although the country was divided into two parts, the day when this country was established by defeating the invaders a hundred years ago and driving away the enemy is something that all citizens will remember. It is a day that represents freedom.

   Such festivals are held in such a war-torn place, and are also full of desire for peace and good expectations for the future.

   "It's National Day today?" Lian Yue was stunned.

   "You slept for half a month, of course you don't know anything. Today is National Day." Qin Zhong smiled.

   She bowed her head, the black and white day and night here and the imperial capital are reversed, she woke up in a daze without looking at the calendar, so to calculate, tomorrow is the day of engagement.

   "Yue'er, I heard that you are in the Imperial Capital this time?" Qin Shanglin put down his cup and looked at Lian Yue, "You have never been to Country M, so I guess you have experienced a different cultural style this time."

Country M is a restricted area for mercenaries. It is a powerful country with a sturdy army. Naturally, they do not need them. Moreover, this country never employs any military force, so the whole IE people are afraid of Few have set foot in the M country.

   Even Yue doesn't like to hang out outside. Apart from having tasks for her, she spends the rest of her time wandering around a few small countries nearby. Before this time, she really hadn't been to this country.

   "Not bad, this country is more stable and peaceful than country T."

  Because there is peace, the spirit of peace is even stronger.

   "But you still have to be careful, and you should not go to the Imperial Capital in the future." Qin Shanglin ordered.

   Qin Zhong looked at his father, and there was a bit of inexplicable emotion on his face.

   The bonfire party in the center of the base was still in full swing. Lian Yue did not accompany Qin Shanglin there, and went back to the residence by himself. Just as he entered the door, he saw Concubine Wen waiting inside, with Xiong Ni and Lan Yin standing beside him.

   Seeing her entering the door, the three of them rushed over in a hurry.

   "Boss, you woke up differently from what we said. I've been looking around for a few times. If I hadn't seen you and your husband together, we would have all left the base." Xiong Ni snorted.

   "I'm fine, my body is already healed, you three don't go out to play with them, what are you doing here?" Lian Yue leaned on the sofa and stared at the three women opposite.

   "Of course I'm here to talk to you. You've slept for more than ten days, and you haven't explained anything, and we haven't dared to do anything. What are we going to do next, boss?" Lanyin was full of anticipation.

  Lian Yue leaned back on the sofa, "Next, go back to sleep, wait for the morning, and then Concubine Wen is going to accompany me to Mingyuan."

   "Boss! What are you doing in Mingyuan??"

   Now is the time to go to Mingyuan, no!

   "What do you want to say." Lian Yue looked at them in a flat tone.

  Xiong Ni leaned over to look into her eyes and said word by word, "Boss, why are you so calm? Tomorrow, you won't forget what day tomorrow is, right?"

   "What day tomorrow?" Lian Yue looked at Concubine Wen and Xiong Ni.

   "Engagement! The day Quan Jingting got engaged to you?!"

   This day cannot be forgotten.

  Xiong Ni originally thought that when Lian Yue woke up, she would rush back to the M country without stopping, but this person is good, so calm, calm as if there is no such thing, what's wrong with the boss.

  Lian Yue bowed her head, and after a while, said something while the three of them were watching, "We shouldn't be in charge of Dijing's affairs. As for engagement, there's nothing to worry about."

  Xiong Ni became anxious all of a sudden, the boss wanted to give Quan Jingting over to that woman, right? That's not good, "Boss! If you don't go back, Quan Jingting will be engaged to someone else!"

   She roared like this, and Lian Yue raised her head and frowned, "Someone else?"

"You've slept for so many years, and I didn't make it clear to you last time. The daughter of the Qing family, Qingyu, went back. That woman has the exact same face as you, and it's almost impossible to tell the difference." Concubine Wen looked at her and said. .

   "Yes, so if you don't go back, boss, that woman will steal your man!" Xiong Ni followed.

   She can't take this breath, the boss man, can't be robbed by that woman without saying anything.

   "What's going on?" Lian Yue looked at Concubine Wen and asked.

Concubine Wen put all the things she brought in front of Lian Yue, and after unfolding them one by one, they were all pictures of Qing Yu, "She used to have a different face from yours, so she had plastic surgery and was in a car accident. Before, her face was 80% similar to yours. After coming back this time, she is exactly the same as yours. I found all the information in country H. This woman had plastic surgery in country H, and I also asked people to find her. The plastic surgeon came here, this is an underground organization, and its craftsmanship is not bad."

   It is because of these eight-point similar faces that Qing Jianye brought Lian Yue, who was dying under the sea cliff, back to Dijing, making her a 'Qing Yu'.

   "Underground organization?" Lian Yue was interested and raised her hand to indicate, "Go ahead."

   She hasn't been able to figure out until now why Qing Jianye chose her to pretend to be Qing Yu, but she didn't expect such a period.

"This underground organization is also very powerful, and it is hidden very deeply. If it wasn't for the girl under Lanyin's hand to go there for micro-plastic surgery, I would not be able to find it. We have already controlled the doctor, and we will bring it tomorrow. Follow him and go to Dijing together."

  Lian Yue looked at the women opposite, "What am I going to do in Dijing?"

   "Get married!" Xiong Ni blurted out.

Lan Yin nodded, although what Xiong Ni said was too rude, but it was the truth. Even if she didn't rob the marriage, she couldn't let the dead woman with the boss's face succeed. For people, the simple and rude method is the most direct, rushing to Qing's house with a gun to kill those villains.

  Lian Yue stared at Qingyu's original face on the data for a while, and understood that everything was connected in series, and everything made sense.

   The three of them held their breaths and looked at Lian Yue, waiting for Lian Yue to take them back to the imperial capital.

  The high-profile woman finally threw her things aside, "Go out when you're done, I'm going to rest."



   "Go out." Lian Yue said again.

   The three of them looked at each other, but still took the things and exited the room. This was the first time they saw the boss's expression like this.

   "What's wrong?" Xiong Ni didn't understand this wave of operations.

   Isn't the boss the one who likes Quan Jingting the most? How can he watch him get engaged to another woman?

   "What should I do? The boss is not just kidding. She really won't go back to the imperial capital this time." Lan Yin said.

She didn't speak just now because she hadn't been to the imperial capital, nor had she seen how the relationship between Quan Jingting and the boss was, but Concubine Wen and Xiong Ni both thought that Lian Yue should go back, which showed that the boss and the boss had been together during this time. Quan Jingting is really emotional.

   Concubine Wen looked back at the closed door, "Give her some time to think about it, she is still conflicted and thinking, so let's not force her."

   "I'm still thinking about it. When the boss thinks about it clearly, the day lily is cold, and the two may even have children!" Xiong Ni said dissatisfied.

   Anyway, she can't swallow this breath. If the boss really doesn't go back, she will go to Dijing and smash the engagement venue. She wants to see how the Qing family can do.

What Xiong Ni said was not unreasonable, Concubine Wen thought for a while, and handed the information in her hand to Xiong Ni, "You can go, no matter what you do, anyway, this woman can't be engaged to Quan Jingting, you arrive at Dijing and Na Ya is tossing around casually, but one thing is, the identity of the boss cannot be revealed, Naya is a person who has shown her face, so no matter what, you must not let others know the relationship between the boss and Naya."

  Xiong Ni rejoiced in the result information, "Is this an official authorization?"

   She has to go back and have a good toss, and the Qing family is so scheming with Lian Yue, their IE is not easy to bully, and they have to make a mess.


  Lan Yin looked at Xiong Ni, this person is most likely to get carried away when he is happy, she still reminded a few words, "You better be careful, don't be self-defeating."

   "Don't worry, I'll do a good job, then I'll pack up and leave in a while."

   Looking at Xiong Ni's bouncing back, Lan Yin looked at Concubine Wen worriedly, "Can she do it?"

   Every time Xiong Ni goes there, she can do something earth-shattering. This imperial capital is not a place in an ordinary country, and you can't afford to be offended easily. If Xiong Ni goes too far, the boss and the commander will not be able to explain it.

"Give her some confidence, Xiong Ni and Naya are the youngest, so they can ignore the tossing, the Qing family has to suffer, besides, the boss said yes now, no one will say no to what happens in the future. allow."

  Lian Yue's thoughts are hard to guess, but she is stubborn. Concubine Wen still doesn't want her to regret it. If they don't take action at this time, I'm afraid that in the end, even Yue's regret will be weak, and this is also a guarantee.

  Xiong Ni took the document and went to her room, she had to go back to pack up, she could arrive at Dijing overnight and find Naya to discuss it. It was still daytime there, so she didn't have to worry about anything.

   Qin Zhong accompanied Qin Shanglin for a while and then went to deal with the work. During this time, IE has been busy for a long time since it began to accept the commission again, and could not relax.

   When Qin Shanglin returned to his residence from the campfire, he happened to meet Xiong Ni, who came over here with a smiling face. The little girl was very happy with a smile on her face.

   He remembered, this is the sister of the white bear.

   "Sir, are you back?" Seeing Qin Shanglin, Xiong Ni greeted him with a smile and hugged him.

   "Did you just come from Yue'er? Why are you so happy?" Qin Shanglin looked at the document in her hand and smiled.

The oldest group of these people in the base, like Qin Shanglin, have long since retired. Now they are all young children, and these children are also very good. Qin Shanglin was the founder of IE at the beginning, and the current IE is when he was back then. It was established on the basis of the Legion, and has an absolutely lofty position in the base.

   "Sir, I'm going to Dijing tomorrow, so you won't see me these two days." Xiong Ni was a little disappointed.

Strictly speaking, Bai Xiong and Xiong Ni were brought to the base by Qin Shanglin. They came here when they were very young. Their parents died under stray bullets and became orphans. Qin Shanglin adopted them and brought them to the base. He even helped Bai Xiong and Xiong Ni change their names.

  Although I sometimes feel a little embarrassed, I still thank him. His status has been different in the hearts of the White Bear brothers and sisters over the years.

   "Oh? What are you doing in Dijing?" Qin Shanglin was interested.

"I'm going to help the boss get married. There is a woman who takes the name of the boss and wants to marry the man of the boss, but the boss doesn't seem to want to go back for some reason, so I'll help her." Xiong Ni's face was full of pride .

   Her words made Qin Shanglin feel foggy. The girl's way of speaking up to now is still the same as Naya's, and she is always confused.

   "You made it clear to me, what's going on."

   In the end, Xiong Ni said righteously and passionately, and together with Lian Yue lost her memory in the capital, she became Qingyu, and the biological daughter of the Qing family. Even Qingyu who had undergone plastic surgery was clearly torn apart by her.

   In short, it boils down to that Lian Yue was used as a gunman, so she has to go back now to avenge the boss.

   "That's what happened, sir, do you think I should go?" Xiong Ni stood on the spot with akimbo, angrily.

   Qin Shanglin's face was calm, but he could still see some fluctuations, "I see, you go first."

   "Then I'll go first, goodbye sir."

   Qin Shanglin glanced at Lian Yue's room over there. The lights were still on, but he could still see the lamp that was lit up.

   What kind of person Quan Jingting is, Qin Shanglin knows very well, the young **** of war is also a member of the Quan family, a child of the Quan family, such an excellent young man is naturally a highly anticipated existence.

   It's just that he never thought that Lian Yue would be related to the Quan family again.

This child is probably very tangled in her heart. Indeed, the identity of a mercenary is indeed unworthy of the Quan family, so she will not go there. Otherwise, according to Lian Yue's temperament, it is her thing. Nobody wants to move.

   Qin Shanglin stood where he was and sighed deeply.

   Fate is really wonderful,

   "Sir, are you going back to rest?" asked the lone wolf behind him.

   "No, take me there to find Qin Zhong."

   It’s fine if he doesn’t know. If he knows, he still has to ask the matter clearly, otherwise, there will be endless troubles.

   It is estimated that the day after tomorrow will be robbed, hahahaha



   (end of this chapter)