MTL - Master of Trading Star Card Game-Chapter 4 The rules of the card are followed by the lively Xie Mingzhe.

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Xie Mingzhe, who has never played a holographic game, just got into the game and was shocked by the picture in front of him.

The vast starry sky and the galaxy of the galaxy, while riding the spaceship, can also see the meteor shower across the window. Numerous meteors dragged the silver-white light trails to the sky, just like the beautiful sky in the sky. Fireworks.

Xie Mingzhe excitedly squatted at the window to see the scenery, feeling like "Liu Yujin Grand View Garden" - the soil buns opened the door to the new world.

After a period of starry navigation, the ear finally slammed, and the crisp system sounded again: "Welcome to Gemini, the residence you are assigned here is: Gemini G Zone - 7498 Apartment Please enter your personal space."

The feet finally landed, and Xie Mingzhe took a deep breath to stabilize his heartbeat, and turned his head to look at the so-called "personal space."

The layout of the three-bedroom and one-bedroom is like a living room in the real world. In the living room, there are sofas, coffee tables and large LCD TVs on the screen. This TV is probably a world channel. There are a lot of text messages on it, and Xie Mingzhe is dazzled.

After leaving the living room, Xie Mingzhe followed the arrow at the foot to the bedroom, and the system sounded again: "When you are tired in the game world, you can go back to the bedroom to rest. Of course, the bedroom decoration style, furniture can be replaced, you still You can invite friends to come to the door."

This game also incorporates the "home" gameplay. Each player can share their own "apartment" in the game, and decorate and design according to personal preferences to make a virtual dating space.

Xie Mingzhe gave a compliment in his heart, came out of the bedroom and followed the prompt to the study.

The three walls in the study are all showcases. The light blue glossy metal showcases are divided into neat rows of small squares, each of which is a 20×20cm square. This design should be similar to the backpack in the online game. The cards and materials obtained in the game can be placed in the showcase.

In the middle of the study is a silver-white metal table. When Xie Mingzhe approaches, the system sounds: "This is the [card console]. All cards are produced, decomposed, upgraded and evolved here. Please Read the card operation instructions in detail."

The game must be carefully read and explained. This is the experience that Xie Mingzhe has played in so many games.

The finger is lightly stroked, and the detailed explanation of the animated version appears in front of it.

Star card storm, of course, card as the core of the game.

Cards want to improve their ability, one must upgrade, and the other must evolve.

The first cards are green cards of level 1 and one star. The card can be evolved into a two-star blue card. The 30th level evolves into a Samsung purple card, a 40-level four-star orange card, and a 50-level five-star silver card. The 60-level six-star gold card, up to 70, can evolve into a seven-star powerful black card.

Each time the card is upgraded, the skill gains a percentage increase. Every time you evolve, the underlying attributes will double. But the premise of evolution is that the card must be upgraded to the appropriate level, then swallow three cards of the same star, or devour 100 high-star pieces.

For example, if a "six-star card" wants to evolve into a "seven-star card," you must first raise the card to a level of "70" that can evolve, then swallow three "six-star cards" or eat 100 "seven-star chips." "This will evolve into a seven-star card that doubles in strength."

The upgrade is well understood, that is, the experience upgrade level. Card evolution, Xie Mingzhe understands it as a "level breakthrough" in online games, and each evolution requires a lot of resources, but the resulting high-star card will also repay the player with double the strength.

When the game is late, regardless of the copy or the arena, it is definitely the world of full-scale seven-star cards. A 70-level seven-star card requires a lot of experience and materials because of the high cost of training. Therefore, how to raise a card is also a question.

Xie Mingzhe probably understood the rules of the game.

After reading the novice prompt, the system sounds immediately in the ear: "Read the rules of card upgrade and evolution, let us enter the actual battle! There are countless wonderful illusions in the world of Star Card, and the challenge illusion can be enriched. Experience and material rewards. There are some alien creatures in the illusion, use the cards given to you to defeat them!"

The sound of the "叮咚" sounds in the ear - get the card [ice snake] × 1, [Thunderbird] × 1.

The plaid on the left side of the showcase lights up and two green cards appear inside. The first-level one-star green card is the initial card in the game.

Xie Mingzhe took the card and looked at it.

Ice snake (water system)

Card level: Level 1

Evolution Star: ★

Available times: 1/1

Basic attributes: life 100, defense 100, attack 20, agility 10, crit rate 1%,

Additional Skills: Frozen (freezes the target for 2 seconds and deals 20% water damage to the target)

Thunderbird (Gold)

Card level: Level 1

Evolution Star: ★

Available times: 1/1

Basic attributes: life 100, defense 50, attack 100, agility 30, crit rate 5%,

Additional Skills: Thunderbolt Link (rounds a spin in the air, causing 80% lightning damage damage to all targets in the range)

A control card, a group attack card.

The official send two cards to the novice, it should be enough to cope with the copy of the novice stage.

Xie Mingzhe took two cards into the first copy, and the scene in front of him changed.

Here is an empty square with a stone pillar in the middle. When Xie Mingzhe enters the scene, she hears a woman's sinister voice: "Hehehe, is there fresh food coming to the door?"

Xie Mingzhe looked up and saw a creature whose upper body was a beautiful woman and whose lower body was a snake. It was twisted and twisted by the stone pillar. There were several small snakes around her, which was obviously a BOSS and a mob that needed to be defeated in the copy.

System sound: "Please pay attention to your mental strength points, your current character level is 1 level, mental strength is 10 points, summoning a one-star card requires 5 points of mental power, and will automatically restore mental strength every second."

Xie Mingzhe who played the game understands it is not difficult - mental power, just like the blue bar in the online game, the summoned card will be consumed, which is obviously to limit the number of summoning cards, otherwise the player will summon hundreds of consecutive brains. Zhang cards, the game will definitely be chaotic.

10 points of mental strength, a card consumes 5 points, up to two calls, the official only sent him two, no more.

Xie Mingzhe summoned the ice snake and the Thunderbird together.

The ice snake is a pure white snake with a length of about one meter. The whole body is wrapped in ice and snow, and it is chilly. It is quite cute to climb up and down on the ground. Thunderbird's shape is not flattering, like a black crow, but also charged with electricity - really a fried hair killing Matt bird.

The ice snake's skill alone freezes the specified target, and Xie Mingzhe tries to use it to freeze the big snake. Thunderbird's skill "Thunderbolt Link" is a range group attack. Xie Mingzhe opened the skill and tried it. It really hurts the big snake demon and the surrounding snakes.

His past life is a science student, sensitive to the data, specifically observed the damage value - the attack damage caused by Thunderbird is about 80 points, from the card value, its basic attack power is 100 points, the skill description is 80% damage, just in line with the 100 × 80% algorithm.

In other words, the ultimate damage caused by a card depends on its base attack power and skill factor bonus.

With Xie Mingzhe's many years of game experience, I quickly judged this card data in general, it is not worth wasting resources to raise seven stars. It's no wonder that the card sent by the novice period will definitely not be the best card. In the later stage, there may be a good card with a skill factor of 200%, 300% and a higher base attack.

Good cards must be collected slowly, Xie Mingzhe is not in a hurry, first familiar with the rules of the game.

A simple newbie copy is not difficult for Xie Mingzhe. He counts the data while playing a copy, and soon clears the mob to hit the big snake to 1% of the blood.

At this moment, the big snake demon suddenly blew himself, giving the ice snake and the thunderbird all the second.

- Congratulations on your customs clearance!

——The level of ice snake and thunderbird is upgraded to level 3, and the extra bonus green star stone ×10, green repair stone ×2.

Xie Mingzhe is puzzled, and the intimate system begins to explain: "[Star Stone] is rich in a lot of experience, you can feed the star stone to your favorite card and upgrade the card. [Repair Stone] can repair the card, Each card in Star Card World has a limit on the number of uses. When the star card dies, the number of uses will decrease. When the card is reduced to 0, the card is damaged. It must be repaired with the same level of repair stone."

"Your ice snake and thunderbird have been damaged, repair them with repair stones!"

No wonder the snake demon will blew two cards in the end, just to let the player learn the repair function of the card.

Xie Mingzhe repaired two cards and continued to go to the copy brush experience as prompted.


Outside the door, Chen Ge just came out and there was a tall girl who said to him: "Chen Ge, I received a big order."

Chen Ge’s eyes are bright: “What list?”

The sister said: "Someone posted a rewarding task at the trading house. The seven-star wooden property fragment, a total of one hundred, the reward is 20,000 gold coins, completed in three days, I robbed it."

There was a cheering around: "A Qing is amazing!" "One hundred pieces, there is a lot of work!"

Chen Ge waved his hand: "Everyone is ready to go to Jupiter to brush the material."

The girl reminded: "The Jupiter copy is a five-person squad. We can't get into the four. We have to find another one."

Chen Ge thought that he had just recruited a new person today, and then walked back to the room next to him. He said to Xie Mingzhe: "Xiao Xie, the studio is not enough. Are you familiar with the game? Come and make a copy with us."

Xie Mingzhe, who had a good place, immediately ran over and greeted several "colleagues" with a smile and sat next to them.

Everyone was in the game, so he didn't care about his greetings—wearing a helmet and not seeing him at all.

Chen Ge commanded: "Jupiter, a collection of copies of the foggy forest."

Xie Mingzhe was cheeky and asked: "Chen brother, where is the foggy forest?"

Chen Ge patiently replied: "There is a room in the personal apartment, which is a big map of the world. If you want to go directly, you can send it."

Xie Mingzhe had just brushed the copy according to the system prompts before he went to the study room and the task was not finished. He put down the task at hand and went to look at the next door. It was found that the last room in the three-bedroom and one-room room had a big map of the world—the vast cosmic sky map, and each flashing little star was marked with text.

Is the galaxy in front of the star card world? This is too spectacular...

Xie Mingzhe stunned God for two seconds, and soon found Chen Ge’s "Jupiter" from the dense stars.

There are stars in the solar system such as Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn, and Mars, but you can't see where the Earth is. Xie Mingzhe carefully found that there are also water and gold attributes on the card. Are these Jupiter and Mars related to the card attributes?

Xie Mingzhe sent to Jupiter with doubts and found a copy of the "Mist Forest" entrance, Chen Ge sent a team invitation. When Xie Mingzhe entered the team, he heard a cold female voice in his ear: "What's new? Is there any card in your hand? I will assign the task of playing a copy later."

Xie Mingzhe summoned two cards: "I only have ice snakes and thunderbirds."

The sister looked at the cute little white snake crawling up and down under his feet, and the flying-headed bird flying overhead to fly all over the body. He almost didn't come up in one breath: "Do you bring this first-class card to play a seven-star copy? Are you not mistaken?"

The man wearing glasses next to him said with a smile: "The attacking power of your Thunderbird is only 100 points, the BOSS of the seven-star copy, the blood volume is 1 million."

A group of crows flew overhead...

Xie Mingzhe’s expression in the game is very innocent: Didn’t you call me?

The culprit, Chen Ge, touched his nose: "Forgot to forget, he is a newbie, playing this game on the first day."

The air suddenly calmed down...

After five seconds of silence, Chen Ge screamed at the temple with a headache: "Forget it, Xiao Xie, you will follow the fun!"

Xie Mingzhe excitedly smashed his hands and sat up as straight as the students who listened carefully: "Good Chen Ge, I will follow the fun, never give you trouble!"

The author has something to say: the early stage of the world view, the game description will be a little more, the game settings are newer than the previously written keyboard online games, so the rules must be written clearly.

You can understand the card as a "call", and the card you call has different skills. This is an open card world where all players can create their own decks, and each player in the text will have its own set of cards.