MTL - Master of Trading Star Card Game-Chapter 359 Last review

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On the morning of October 3, Xie Mingzhe submitted the eight cards that were full of special effects to the review channel.

When the official data engineers got to work early in the morning, they heard the familiar system sounds - there are 8 new cards submitted to the manual review channel, please complete the review as soon as possible.

Zhou Jiayao did not want to think about it: "It must be Xie Mingzhe, everyone starts!"

Zou Xiaoning curiously walked to the big screen: "Will it be another fairy deck? It is similar to Qixingjun and Baxian."

The colleague next to him touched his chin and said, "I think it is possible."

Zhou Jiayao did not speak, directly open the card information submitted by the database to enlarge it on the screen. The "race" column of the eight cards is clearly marked with two words: Terran.

Zou Xiaoning couldn't help but see here: "He didn't make a fairy card, but he started to be a Terran card? Are all eight people?"

Zhou Jiayao thoughtfully thought: "Only three links are linked. It seems that Xie Mingzhe is supplementing the card."

When I mentioned the card, Zou Xiaoning’s back could not help but burst into a cold. I couldn’t help but vomit: “The card he made is more annoying than the deck! When we reviewed the old card and sent the card, we all worked overtime. Up..."

When I heard her, the colleagues in the data department changed their faces at the same time. It is obviously recalling the painful experience of reviewing the balance of the old man and sending the son of Guanyin data. Even if the data is calculated all day, the seminar will be held. , work overtime until late at night!

Xie Mingzhe's card skills are particularly wonderful. The last time was to hold a red line to fall in love and let the card have a baby. This time?

Everyone’s heart suddenly raised a slight hunch.

Zhou Jiayao took a deep breath and said: "Today is still early, and now it is only half past eight. Everyone picks a few, first conducts a preliminary examination, and finds unreasonable places to come out and discuss."

Zou Xiaoning hesitated for a moment and picked up the two cards of Zhang Jiao and Yuan Shao. She felt that it was not too complicated for these two people to look at the name. And when you look at the name, Cai Wenji knows that skill design is not simple.

After getting the corner, Zou Xiaoning has a heart: there is only one skill, and he is really wit!

However, taking a closer look at the long skill description, Zou Xiaoning's smile immediately stiffened on his face.

Card uprising? Can this Nima card also launch an uprising? !

Although Zhang Jiao only designed a skill, this skill is super complicated, which is equivalent to the effect of all-in-one. When Zhang Jiao shouts the slogan "Chen Tian is dead, Huang Tian Dang Li" will launch skills... Zou Xiaoning sees here I immediately listened to it with my earphones, and the ear slogan sounded full of anger, and her mouth suddenly twitched.

Xie Mingzhe, you are really arrogant, you really gave Zhang Jiao a line with the words "Chentian is dead, Huangtian is standing"!

In a game, the cards also shouted slogans to launch an uprising. The cards of the cards were really much more exciting than the data engineers who were sitting in the office. Zou Xiaoning took a deep breath, stabilized the complex mood and continued to look at the skills.

After the opening of the "Yellow Turban Uprising" by Zhang Ye, the first is the whole group attack, attack speed, and crit promotion, which is equivalent to the buff gain. Within 23 meters, the enemy target is in a 3 second chaos. This is no problem. It is equivalent to a wide range of group control. However, while adding buff to the teammates and confusing the opponent, Zhang Jiao can also play 300% of the group's gold crit. Hurt, this is too strong, right?

Zou Xiaoning immediately marked this part with a red line and handed it to the director Zhou Jiayao: "Zhou Jie, Zhang Jiao group gain, group control, and at the same time they can also attack the group, the damage is too strong, need further accounting."

Zhou Jiayao nodded and handed this card to Qi Rui, who was responsible for data accounting.

The young data clerk with glasses, Qi Rui, immediately introduced the data of Zhang Jiao into the balance formula and quickly concluded that “300% of the group damage is indeed too strong, or cut into 200%, or attack the base of the corner. Force cut to 1200."

Zhou Jiayao nodded: "First make a note."

When the voice just fell, I saw Xiao Xiaoning crying and sulking: "Yuan Shao is too terrible! If the opponent can't stop him, will he always set up the ambush? If you set up five or six ambushes in the audience, the opponent will not have it. hit."

Zhou Jiayao immediately went to see it after hearing it.

Yuan Shao designed the two skills of ambush and chaos. She quickly understood that this is a skill similar to a "trap". The ambush can ambush invisiblely. A group of ambushes have a total of 40 arrows, and each arrow causes 5% damage. Adding up to 200%, the amount of damage seems reasonable. The key is that the ambush can always be invisible, and a group of ambushes are released in 30 seconds. If Yuan Shao lives for more than 3 minutes, he can set up more than 6 batches of ambush, and at the same time launch an attack, the opponent only has the ending of the group.

Of course, the opponent is not stupid, and will not look at Yuan Shao’s ambush. He will definitely find a way to kill Yuan Shao. It is difficult to see more than 6 batches of ambush in actual combat. It is theoretically possible to have it. The audit stage must have this possibility. Sexual assassination is in the cradle.

Zhou Jiayao screamed at the temple: "How do you change this card, Xiaoning, what do you think?"

Zou Xiaoning looked at the skills, carefully pondered for a moment, and made suggestions: "Let the ambush inherit Yuan Shu's 10% of the blood volume? The small soldiers will kill the blood very well, and the opponents will have a living path by using the group attack skills to kill the ambush. In addition, the ambush The stealth time is no more than 90 seconds, which limits Yuan Shao's arrangement of three batches of ambush."

Zhou Jiayao turned back and asked Xiaoqi next to him: "If the three batches of ambushes, will the amount of damage be exceeded?"

Qi Rui pushed the glasses and quickly gave the result: "At the same time control the three batches of ambush to put the arrows, it is impossible to let 120 arrows all hit, the actual damage will be greatly reduced, Yuan Shao's operating ceiling is very high, the key depends on the ambush s position."

Zhou Jiayao nodded: "For the time being, let's test the damage later."

Liu Jie, next door, also completed the preliminary examination at this time. The report said: "The director, Cai Wenji's skills are not a big problem. Liu Xie's card has a brand new design. His belt can be circulated among the friendly cards. The cards enhance the attack and refresh the skill."

Zhou Jiayao went in with interest and looked at it: "Is the belt belt 诏? Is it equivalent to a gain buff item?"

Liu Jie nodded: "It's a bit like the game of 'Drums and Flowers'. Where is the belt smashed, and when it hits its card, it can gain a gain effect. This is a limited skill, only one game in a game, but the opponent does not solve the clothes. With 诏, it can be passed on and all the cards in the game refresh the skills."

Zhou Jiayao said: "If the belt is protected by other cards, it is really a bug. What do you think?"

Liu Jie thought for a moment and said: "Maybe you can add a precondition to the circulation of the belt, such as 3 seconds to circulate? Give the opponent a little reaction time."

Zou Xiaoning agreed: "I feel that the line and the belt are quickly spread throughout the audience. All the card skills are too terrible to refresh. After 3 seconds of circulation, the opponent can find a chance to destroy the belt."

Zhou Jiayao nodded: "Well, what about Sun Quan?"

Liu Jie said: "1 skill is to pull 3 cards, and give 3 cards gain effect, refresh skills, high intensity, but it is reasonable, but Sun Quan refresh skills can not be used with other refresh skills cards, otherwise A bug that causes an infinite refresh."

Zhou Jiayao said: "Of course, in the description, add 'repair your skills by other cards, and take effect at most once in 3 minutes'."

Everyone is relieved, and my heart is voicing. Xie Mingzhe’s wonderful skills are really uncomfortable for the data engineer.

Zhou Jiayao said: "Lao Zhang, how about your three cards??"

Lao Zhang squatted his forehead and said: "The card will fall in love, but also his mother triangle love!"

Zou Xiaoning immediately ran over to see the excitement: "What triangle love?"

Lao Zhang pointed indignantly at the joint technique, saying: "She told Dong Zhuo that Lu Bu was bullying her, and that Lu Bu said that Dong Zhuo would force her. Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu also liked it. This is simply a triangle love Shura!"

Zou Xiaoning: "..." People who haven't talked about love don't want to talk.

Liu sister curiously said: "Listen to you saying this, I still want to know the follow-up. Who are you with?"

Zou Xiaoning: "I also want to know..."

"This is to ask Xie Mingzhe!" Lao Zhang angered the table: "We as a card reviewer, actually chased the "card love story", is this appropriate?"

Zou Xiaoning laughed and laughed. While reviewing Xie Mingzhe's cards, he also praised Mingzhe's card love story. They are really the most sad reminders of a group of official data engineers. They have the opportunity to ask Xie Mingzhe privately. Who do you like? With whom?

Seeing that the card review department has become a "card love story gossip seminar", Director Zhou Jiayao immediately stood up and controlled: "No matter these messy emotional entanglements, see skills. Lao Zhang, are there any problems with these three cards?"

Lao Zhang said: "According to my preliminary calculations, Lu Bu's design is no problem. A typical single crit harvesting card, refreshing the skill after killing the opponent, can't be killed without killing, and the endgame is very strong."

The refreshing skill of the harvesting card is self-contained. For example, Pan Jinlian is also refreshing the skill after killing the opponent. This is different from the "additional skill refreshing skill and linkage refreshing skill", so it is not refreshed only in 3 minutes. limit.

Lao Zhang followed up and enlarged Dong Zhuo in the projection screen, saying: "Dong Zhuo's shield should be measured in detail. The group **** blood up to 20% of its own shield, and the monomer absorbs 20% of the blood on the opposite side into a shield. After 5 seconds of rupture of the shield, this card is hard to kill."

Zou Xiaoning interjected: "From the design of the shield taunt card, Dong Zhuo's strength is similar to Jia Baoyu? I remember that Jia Baoyu can summon Xue Baozhen, Lin Daiyu, and Xue Baozhen can always give him a shield."

Lao Zhang said: "The key is that all the shield skills of Dong Zhuo will be refreshed after the linkage. The opponent will not be able to get rid of his two shields. After refreshing the skills, he will **** two more. This survivability is too strong."

Zhou Jiayao frowns and contemplates that Dong Zhuo has no major problems in terms of skill design. The shield sneer card is also more common in the league. Two shield skills, one 60 seconds, one 40 seconds, the cooling time is also reasonable. However, the existence of 貂蝉, linkage refreshing skills, so that Dong Zhuo's strength has improved a grade.

Zhou Jiayao decided to make a decision after the decision: "First of all, the linkage of the cricket is made into a limited skill. Only one game is launched once. Don't let her go through a few tens of seconds and go to Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu. It is too much to trigger the linkage repeatedly. Dong Zhuo has no problem with this card design. If he wants to weaken, he can only cut the basic data."

Xiaoqi interjected: "The basic defense of the gold card and the blood volume reached 1800, and Dong Zhuo did not rely on the blood volume to resist the injury. The key is the shield. The basic value is reduced to 1600, and the specific calculation is further."

Zhou Jiayao nodded: "Okay. What about this card? No problem?"

Lao Zheng has a headache: "This card... Hey, I don't know how to say it. I want to avoid other cards to avoid it, which is equivalent to group exile, which is more powerful than any hard control skills."

Zou Xiaoning carefully read the skill description of Hao, and rounded his eyes: "Because it is too beautiful, other cards are ashamed to be more beautiful than her, so we must avoid it? Then our data engineer is not as beautiful as her, can you avoid it, don't review her?" ”

Zhou Jiayao can't smile: "Xie Mingzhe's skill description is this embarrassing style, don't worry about this."

Zou Xiaoning wants to catch Xie Mingzhe to fight for a meal - with all kinds of card love stories to stimulate the single dog of the data department, even said that the card is too beautiful to avoid, looks like a general data engineer to review such a beauty card, Is the pressure great?

If you want to pass this card, Zhou Jiayao feels embarrassed.

2 skills are scope group control without any problems. The key is 1 skill "worship the moon", forcing the opponent to not call a new card within 3 seconds, or forcing the card to avoid within 5 × 5 meters, both options are abnormal.

Regardless of whether it is control skill or dominance skill, it is effective for the cards present. It is good to knock out the cards directly. This design is very innovative. From the emotional point of view, Zhou Jiayao really likes the design, but Reason tells her that this card can't pass easily, and it has to go through repeated data tests, otherwise it will affect the balance of the game.

At the end of the first trial, it was already noon. Everyone rushed to have lunch, and in the afternoon, detailed data calculations began.

I thought that Xie Mingzhe submitted the card early this morning, and it was definitely possible to review it before leaving work. Whoever expected this card skill design is very complicated, everyone once again worked overtime until 10 pm, and finally completed the review of eight cards. .

After the completion of the class, everyone went to eat late at night. Zou Xiaoning guessed: "On the 10th, the card group will be announced. Will the 8 cards submitted by Xie Mingzhe be the last one? If you do a new card, it will be too late. What?"

Zhou Jiayao said: "There is this possibility. No matter whether he will make cards any more, we will be completely relieved after the 10th."

Everyone heard the words of the director are very emotional - relief is a good thing, but why is there some empty heart? In the future, there will be no strange cards from Xie Mingzhe to stimulate them. Will the life of the data department become particularly boring?

Zhou Jiayao saw through everyone's thoughts and followed: "Don't panic, there is next season, next season."

Everyone: "........."

The director is right, the relief is only temporary, as long as Xie Mingzhe continues to do cards, their data department will never be bored.


The next morning, Xie Mingzhe woke up and received an official review email.

This time, the mail is longer than any previous one. The article lists the detailed revision opinions of the eight cards. For example, Dong Zhuo downgraded the basic attributes, and Sun Quanyi’s skills increased the description of “Refresh the skill for 3 minutes.” The group is attacked into 200%, the belt is set to limit the transmission of 5 seconds, and so on.

The design of the skills has not changed much, but many details have been modified to make the cards more reasonable. It can be seen that the official data engineers are also ruined for these cards, and certainly after a lot of data verification, especially 貂蝉, the official said that although this card is very strong, but the operation is more skillful, you can Approved.

Xie Mingzhe quickly revised the card as required, and sincerely replied to the email: "Thank you for the data engineer. I have done a lot of weird cards this season. You have to review them one by one, and everyone is working hard!"

Zhou Jiayao, who received the reply, had a mixed taste in his heart.

As the data director, emailing Xie Mingzhe can't bring too much personal emotion, but she would like to say that most of Xie Mingzhe's cards have been adjusted by the data department, just like the children who grew up watching the data department - she Will pay close attention to every game of Nirvana, I hope Xie Mingzhe can use these cards to get good results.

Xie Mingzhe added the new eight cards to the card pool, and Nirvana has completed the card pool in the eleventh season.

Looking at the rows of familiar characters in the card showcase, Xie Mingzhe’s mouth raised a confident smile.

Team match, we are here!