MTL - Marvel: The King-Chapter 735 Zeus's Thunder, Anna's heart! (

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Seven hundred and thirty-five chapters of Zeus's Thunder, Anna's heart! (The second is to ask for flowers)

The Soviet Union’s words made the original Boss Jackson, who had wanted to refute, not knowing what to say. He paused for a moment and he just wanted to speak. He suddenly felt the violent shaking of the shield in his hand, and he flew away in a flash and fell to the Soviet Union. Hands. Look at the ‖毛‖线‖小‖ says

The Soviet Union fiddled twice, and suddenly he slammed it, and he heard the snoring. Luke sent his baby shield to the sound, and followed a bright home.


The Soviet squad will break into the shield in two halves and still reach the ground. The energy body of the lightning shape has been held in the hand, and the whole body is blue, which is nourishing and flowing current.

"It's the thunder of Zeus, how can it be in the shield?"


"It’s Luke, he stole the Thunder and put it in the shield."

The three men were shocked and didn't expect the Thunder to be here, but soon they thought of the ins and outs of things and were angry.

Holding the Thunder, the Soviet War can feel the powerful power contained in it, and he has the ability to say lightning, and the reinforcement is not weak several times, but it is much worse than this Thunder, but from the perspective of the power of lightning It is the top artifact on the earth level.

"Good things, whether they are integrated into weapons or the ability to devour them, the energy contained in them is huge. It is no wonder that Zeus can become the Lord of the gods by him. It is no wonder that he has not appeared in front of me until he has no artifacts. Without the Thunder, his strength is greatly reduced."

The Soviet Union handed the Thunder to the next Clarity and said with a smile: "Feel it, this is also the artifact of Zeus."

Clarly was very curious, holding the Thunder casually.

"Thunder, you, you have already got it, you can put my mother." Posey Jackson asked quietly.

"of course!"

Su Zhan smiled and his hand rose slightly. For a moment, the mother of Posey Jackson had already appeared, and the mother and the child met and hugged together. Su Zhan said with a smile: "Although I know one, but now the underworld is my site, and I can't let you go in and out, gems, I will help you find them, so you can leave with gems."

"Thank you." Half-man and half-brother said gratefully.

The suicide of the Soviet War is not a word.

Although the Thunder fell to the hands of the Soviet War, but has already eluted his own suspicion, Zeus and his father Poseidon should not go to war, the wine returned to the mother, he wanted to leave the place, and now took out the gems.

The use of gems is very simple. Put them on the ground, smash them, and think about where you want to go.

But the problem is coming!

There are three gems, but now there are four people!

The impression of Posey Jackson reveals an ugly expression. Half-man and half-brother and Anna Beth are here to help themselves. It is impossible for them to stay. Although they know the Soviet war, he is even new to Hades. Pluto, the previous road helped to make it out because of boring, he is not so kind.

Leave yourself or let your mother leave?

Percy Jackson bit his teeth and said: "You go, my mother is pleased with you."

"No, I still stay, I am your patron." Half-man and half-brothers, when they argued with each other, Anna Beth didn't open her mouth. She looked at the smiling Su with that complicated look. In the war, she suddenly felt that the Soviet War had long known that this would happen!

"Are you deliberate? Deliberately... want me to stay?"

Anna Beth thought in her heart and suddenly said: "You don't argue, I stay."

"No, you are here to help me, how can I let you stay." Posey Jackson hurried.

Anna Beth shook her head: "I am for my own experience, not all to help you. Not to mention... I am the only one who should stay!"

Posey Jackson has to say it again, but he found Anna Beth watching the Soviet war. He saw it, and Anna Beth seemed to have some special feelings about the Soviet War.

"Don't say it, that's it. You should leave now," Anna Beth said resolutely.

Seeing her like this, everyone was speechless and silently took out the gems on the ground.

"be careful."

Stepping on the jewels, the three turned into smog, rising, and flew out of the underworld in a blink of an eye...

Watching them leave, Anna Beth turned and faced the Soviet War suddenly felt inexplicable and relaxed a lot. "you made it."

Su Zhan shrugged with a smile: "I know you will stay."

“Why?” asked Anna Beth.

Su Zhan looked at her like a smile, and Anna Bess looked at it and said that "because you like me."

Because you like me!

This sentence is drilled into the ear, and Anna Bess has a sense of impact on the heart in an instant, as if something has been broken, so that she can see through her heart for a moment.

It turned out that I had already liked him unconsciously.

It turned out that the broken thing is... confused.

Anna Beth smiled, isn't it? I used to like him, and it is also very good! At least, you don't have to envy Clarly's heartfelt happiness and happiness when he is with him, because... he will be there soon!

She nodded heavily and her eyes were bright and firm: "Well, I like you!"

Clarice grinned and said, "I am going to go out with Beth Fanny."

When I heard the words of the two, Clarly could not know what was going on, and naturally would not stay as a light bulb. Although my heart is somewhat sour, I think that there are more women around the Soviet Union during the college. It is very enjoyable to be alone with the Soviet War during this time. It is very memorable.

"She, she won't be angry?" Anna Beth asked with some concern.

Su war smiled: "If you are afraid that she is angry, don't waste this opportunity. Otherwise, she is not white?"

"Do, do..."

Looking at the value-for-money smile of the Soviet War, Anna Beth was nervous and nervous. The Soviet War did not answer, but hugged her waist and pulled it directly to her side, feeling the thick and strong chest. Anna Beth’s subconscious hands clasped the Soviet war, followed by the Soviet war and told the actual action. What is she going to do!

Bow down, the battle of the Soviet Union is heavy! \')

Chapter 736