MTL - Marvel: The King-Chapter 21 Breaking the mind magnetic field

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The twenty-first chapter breaks the mind magnetic field (seeking collection

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A power of energy slammed into the Soviet War in an instant, and the tremendous force retreated the Soviet Union by several steps. There was a feeling of being torn apart. hair

"This is a power attack?"

The Soviet Union slammed his mouth, but fortunately his body was strengthened by the desperate virus, otherwise it would be terrible. However, the desperate virus is really strong. It was only the pain that was felt by the power attack, but it was not hurt.

"Hey, enough, I am not a guy with a **** puppet master. I just saw you as if I have trouble and want to come over and help." Su Zhan looked at Susan and shouted.

"Hey, do you think that if you say this, I will believe it? Just talked to me, and now I am following the doll made by the puppet master. Do you think I will believe that you want to help? Do I need your help?" Susan shouted sneer.

When the Soviet War looked at her, she knew that she was a little drunk, and some of them were unclear. It seems that this misunderstanding is unclear.

It’s bad luck!

The Soviet Union was depressed and muttered, saying: "Whoever, anyway, it would be unreasonable to talk to a woman, let alone a drunk woman. Since you misunderstood me, then I will go."

After that, the Soviet war turned and prepared to leave.

"Is it broken, so I want to run? No way!"

Susan snorted and her hands again attacked.

Powerful and invisible forces go straight to the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union hurriedly hid to the side, and heard a loud bang, and the ground cracked open.

"Rely, this is my life, three times and five times, I really thought that drunkenness is great!" Looking at the damage caused by the power attack, the Soviet War was really angry, and I still felt that I could meet Susan luck. Not bad, but now it seems that it may be a good luck to meet Susan, but Susan may not be able to meet the drunkenness.

"This is what you forced me. I can only wake you up first."

Looking at Susan's intention to stop, she began to gather her mind to form an invisible magnetic field around her, and the Soviet war was ready to start.

"Let's talk about it, I want to see if you have the ability to make me awake." As the invisible magnetic field became stronger and stronger, a transparent aperture gradually appeared, and the layers of the ripples opened up. The stronger, even the air has a sizzling voice.


The lighter emerged as a flame, and then it became bigger and stronger. It gradually surrounded the battle of the Soviet Union and tumbling layer by layer. At this time, the Soviet war was like the **** of war coming out of the flame. Cold.

"Look at me? Then take a look, I have the strength to make you awake!"

The Soviet War sneered and said that the flame around him suddenly accelerated, like a sea of ​​fire instantly rushed to Susan.

"Oh, you can control the fire, but it's just not enough..." Susan said, suddenly the body shook, and the clothes on her body instantly turned into pieces, revealing the tight-fitting suits of the magic four.

I have to say that Susan wearing a tight-fitting suit is really great.

The sea of ​​fire came on the scene and instantly rushed to the magnetic field of Susan's mind. Susan’s expression is somewhat smug, and her mindfulness is very strong, and it’s definitely not so easy to be shaken.

"That's it? I said it, it's just not enough. It's still bad..." The word has not been spoken yet, and Susan's expression has changed dramatically.

Because the Soviet War has come to her, it seems that it is necessary to grasp the magnetic field.

It’s just that it’s not worth Susan’s surprise. What really surprised him is that the flame is entangled in his hand, like a fire fist. In the flame, his hand gradually changes and becomes red, like a magma. The high temperature made Susan feel that her mindful magnetic field seemed to be melting and was being squeezed out a little.

"This is impossible!" Susan was incredible and increased her mind.


The flame is beating, the transparent light of the power field is confusing, and it starts to change somewhat unstable. Susan raised her hand, biting her teeth, and constantly holding on to her mind, but the effect was minimal.

"You really thought that your magnetic field of mind is invincible. I was too lazy to care about a drunk woman, but you only thought that I was mud? What do you think? Now, I am looking forward to waiting. The moment I let you wake up..."

The Soviet Union looked at Susan coldly and raised his other hand slightly.

The power gathered in the hands, the fire in the distance came to the hand, and the circle was entangled, the fire was getting bigger and bigger, and the air was burned out.

Power, very powerful power.

Susan can feel that if he punches down, his magnetic field will definitely collapse. She has almost used all her strength to bless the magnetic field.

"Give me broken!"

The Soviet Union screamed and the fist slammed into the magnetic field.

Hey, hey. The invisible mind magnetic field is like an ice cube, emitting a cracking sound from the place where it is hit, and then instantly cracking and breaking open...

The boxing wind generated by the fire fist, the fragmentation of the magnetic field of the mind, and the two forces together, let Susan fly directly out of the earthquake. In the blink of an eye, the wall has already hit the wall, and the blood flow from the corner of the mouth...

"Oh... it seems to be too heavy!"

Looking at Susan’s sitting down on the ground, she couldn’t get up. The feeling of resentment and contempt in the Soviet War has followed. Although there is such a slight apology, sometimes, if you want to solve the problem, you must prove that your strength is not?

"Now, are you awake?" He went to Susan's face and asked the Soviets.

Susan looked at what the Soviet War seemed to want to say, but suddenly she stunned.

"No? Is this dizzy?"

The Soviet War is speechless, and Susan has fainted at this time. What should I do? Can't let it go. In desperation, the Soviet War bent down and checked it. It turned out that... Although she was injured, it was not too serious. The reason why she would faint was because she was drunk... drunk...

The face of the Soviet Union is dark.

"Forget it, wait until you wake up and talk."

Su war hugged Susan and prepared to go to a nearby hotel to open a room to settle down Susan.

"Hey, brother, you'd better put her down, otherwise... I'm going to be rude to you."

When Su Zhan just picked up Susan and was about to leave, he heard the sound coming from the air.