MTL - Marvel: Start with Summoning the Shadow Troopers-Chapter 223

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"It turned out to be them...〃..."

Seeing the three figures that flashed past in front of him, especially the two extremely short figures, Gao Gang immediately knew who these people were.

It is the fried rice king Pilav who appeared in the first Dragon Ball, and his dog man Axiu, as well as the old beauty Xiao Wu who is now aging.

This Pilav trio should have calculated that everyone in the Temple of the Gods is now focused on the battle field deep inside, so they took this opportunity to go to the Temple of the Gods to find the secret treasure.

However, they never imagined that there are other people above the temple of the gods at this moment.

After all, there is Gao Gang here, no matter how good they are, they can't escape the capture of Gao Gang's sight.

Gao Gang looked at the three figures, like a thief, took out three more capsules, and suddenly turned out three steel mechas to wrap around him.

Suddenly something came to mind, so I decided to follow behind these three people to see what they wanted to do.

Just at this time.

The aftermath of the battle inside the Temple of Heavenly God became more violent, and even Gao Gang, who was in the outer area at the moment, felt the shaking of the ground.

And it is precisely because of the appearance of the Pilav trio that Gao Gang has a certain judgment about the identity of the man who is fighting against Sun Wukong, who has a strong aura and who is not manipulative, deep inside the temple at this moment.

On this side, the Pilav trio really looked like thieves. Even if they had entered the cockpit inside the three tall mechas, they still shrugged and reached into the innermost corner of the corner. A side room.

Gao Gang was a little amused when he saw the scene in front of him, but he still quietly followed the three of them.

To say that this Pilav trio can also be said to be the villain purchases that run through the entire Dragon Ball world.

Although in the later stage, it has been purely reduced to a funny role (no promise).

But the villain who has fought against Dragon Ball World Z warriors, especially Sun Wukong for the longest time, must belong to the three of them.

But they didn't expect that even after such a long time, these three people still haven't learned the basic skills of martial arts at all.

Otherwise, how could Gao Gang just follow the three of them without any concealment.

All the way to the side room, but did not notice the reaction at all. .

Chapter 516 The mysterious dark room (please subscribe)

At this moment, Gao Gang had followed the three of Pilav, front and rear, to the side room of the temple, which was dark and dimly lit.

However, Gao Gang's eyesight is not comparable to the three trash mortals of Pilav. Even with such a dim light, he can still see clearly the interior of this partial room at the moment.

I saw that this side room was extremely dark, and the decorations placed inside matched the dim environment incomparably.

They are all gray or white, with some kind of warning sign.

It is not like the temple of the gods, but rather like the 610 seals of monsters in the underworld.

And at this time.

The three of Pilav turned on the searchlights on their mechas, and slowly figured out the layout of the partial room in front of them.

At this time, the three of them were even more swift, as if this was their home, and they knew everything about this place for a long time.

Quickly ran to the center of the room.

That is, in the middle of the place where there is a wooden stake glass cover.

I saw that there was a thick layer of gray cloth covering the glass cover, as if it really sealed some terrifying monster, (cged) did not dare to reveal it in the sunlight of the world.

And this time.

The three of Pilav obviously have no such scruples, and it seems that they are familiar with the things placed under the thick cloth.

Even now, he didn't hide anymore, he drove the mecha recklessly, and walked quickly to the glass-covered stake.

Then, he pulled the thick cloth away, revealing what was covered by the glass cover.

With the help of the searchlights of the three, Gao Gang could see more clearly that the object covered by the glass cover was actually seven dragon **** with a dim and fierce light.

It's not just that the color is much darker than the Dragon Balls on Earth that Gao Gang is familiar with.

Even the head is a little bigger than the Earth Dragon Ball collected by Gao Gang before.

"It turns out that the source of the difference that appeared nearby that the system said was detected is indeed the dark seven dragon balls."

When Gao Gang saw the scene in front of him, he naturally guessed the origin of the Dragon Ball, and then said:

"It seems that Bakuma's time machine is indeed a success. I really used her time machine to come to the future Dragon Ball gt time and space. Now there is nothing wrong."

"Hahaha... I can finally rule the world! The three of us have finally managed to find all the seven dragon balls, and they are the Black Star Dragon Balls created by the more mysterious former **** of the gods!"

I saw that the little fried rice king Pilav jumped out of the mecha, hugged his two subordinates, and cried bitterly there, lamenting that it was not easy for him to come down after so many years, and that he finally found it after all the hardships. The joy of the seven black dragon **** in front of you.

Those who are familiar with the original work know that this Pilav trio is indeed the most tragic representative in the Dragon Ball world.

In the whole story, the villain who first knew the role of Dragon Ball was always bent on collecting seven Dragon Balls to achieve his ambition to dominate the Earth world.

But without exception, it was smashed by Sun Wukong and others, or to be precise, by the hands of Sun Wukong alone.

Therefore, when the three Pilavs arrived, in addition to being obsessed with collecting Dragon Balls and wishing to rule the world, it was the revenge and fear of Sun Wukong. .

Chapter Five Hundred and Seventeen Dragon Wishes (Subscription)

Therefore, when they finally found the seven black dragon **** that appeared in front of them, it was conceivable how joyful the three of them were in their hearts, as if the million-dollar prize was about to be won.

At this time, it was obvious that he had suffered too many losses and had too many precedents of failure as painful experiences.

Therefore, unlike the leader of the trio who was already out of control at this time, the fried rice king Pilav, his two subordinates were more calm.

"King Pilav! Don't forget what happened before! We can't delay here any longer, business matters!"

The dog-shaped man, Axiu, hugged his king, while wiping tears on his face, he persuaded his impulsive eldest eldest.

The old beauty Xiao Wu on the side, after hearing what his companion said, also echoed:

"Yes, Your Majesty, we have already suffered too many losses. This time we are so close to success, we cannot make the same mistakes again! So, now we must quickly summon the dragon and make our wish to dominate the world to him. The most important thing!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, don't forget that boy Sun Wukong and the gods on this earth are still in the temple next to them. No one knows when they will end the battle."

"Moreover, their group of people are too sensitive. At the moment, they are in the heat of battle, and they may notice the three of us sneaking in later."

The two continued to advise, and finally brought the fried rice king Pilav, who had lost his mind and almost fainted, back to the emotion of reality.

"Okay, I understand! Who am I, King Pilav! How can I make the same mistake again!"

"Don't, Your Majesty, you've said this sentence hundreds of times..." Before Pilav could finish speaking, the dog Axiu poured a splash of cold water on the spot.

Hearing his subordinates refute his words, Pilav's face suddenly sank, and he continued with embarrassment:

"Idiot! I haven't finished speaking yet, even if we make the same mistake, this time the three of us are so close to success, there is absolutely no chance of it happening again!"

"Cough! Cough!" The beautiful girl Xiao Wu on the side coughed helplessly, warning her king not to waste time.

・・・・・ Ask for flowers 0・・・

"Okay, you two guys, you are really not expected to do big things, and you are not as calm as this king..."

"Forget it, since you are so worried, King Benpiraf, hurry up and summon the dragon to open your eyes."

After saying this, Pilav said loudly to the seven Black Star Dragon Balls that had been placed together in the glass cover:


"Come out! Shenlong!"


boom! boom…

As soon as the voice fell, there was a burst of lightning and thunder over the entire temple.

Then dark clouds loomed and the sky darkened.

Immediately afterwards, a huge oriental dragon snaked between the layers of clouds, sticking out its huge dragon head and staring at the three Pilavs who had just summoned it.

It's just that this dragon, compared to the dragon that appears in normal time and space, is larger in size and darker.

At this moment, Gao Gang on the other side was still watching the show.

The reason why he didn't grab the seven dark dragon **** in the glass cover just now before the three of Pilav. seven.

Chapter 518 Gao Gang's Plan (Subscribe)

This is completely because, when it is determined that it has come to this Dragon Ball gt time and space.

Gao Gang asked the system how to get the seven unique dark dragon **** in gt time and space.

Is it still like collecting the seven normal dragon **** like in the previous earth time and space, it can be regarded as a successful completion of this so-called source of difference.

Sure enough, the system, as Gao Gang had guessed, then denied the statement "Nine Seven Zeros".

Gao Gang thought in his heart, after all, it is one of the two main tasks involving the origin of the gt time and space, and it will definitely not be so easy.

Then, the system continued to supplement and explain the normal operation of harvesting the dark dragon ball, which was completely different.

After hearing the system's explanation, Gao just realized that even if he rushed in front of the three of Pilav and **** the seven dragon **** placed on the glass cover, it would be of no use.

Even if the former **** of the gods, the complete body of the Great Demon King Piccolo was actually placed inside the glass cover, and what kind of warning formation was arranged, it would be easy for Gao Gang to steal the seven dragon balls.

After all, even a waste like the Pilav trio can easily summon the dark dragon, let alone Gao Gang.

I am afraid that Gao Gang stole the seven dark dragon balls, and the Pilav trio could not find who took the flying ducks that were right in front of them and thought they belonged to them.

Therefore, Gao didn't take action just now, because the system mentioned that the Dark Dragon Ball, which has been sealed for so many years at this moment, is still in a state of deep seal before being successfully summoned.

It has no effect on Gao Gang wanting to complete the mastery of the source of difference.

Only after the long-sealed dark seven dragon **** are reused, scattered throughout the seventh universe, and collected again.

After that, awaken the evil seven-star dragon that has been darkened for thousands of years.

At this time, defeating these evil seven-star dragons can be considered to be useful to Gao Gang to complete the source of difference.

In fact, in simple terms, it is equivalent to the same scene that appears at the end of Dragon Ball gt.

All the dark seven-star dragon **** were defeated by the evil dragon formed by the evil negative energy body inside, washed the dark energy, and returned to the original pure dragon ball of God.

At this time, the person who defeated the evil dragon, that is, the person who rescued the seven-star dragon ball, can be regarded as having obtained the approval of these dragon balls......

That is, it has obtained this source of difference, which is called by the system.

That is to say, in the last scene at the end of GT, all the seven-star Dragon Balls poured into Sun Wukong's body.

And the ending after Sun Wukong, no one knows, some people say that he became a new dragon, some people say that he entered the world of dragons, and some people say that he just died.

However, in any case, it is an undeniable fact that Sun Wukong has gained new divine power since then.

In terms of the system, it is to grasp the origin of the difference represented by this dark dragon ball.

Therefore, after hearing the explanation of the system, Gao Gang quickly figured out how to carry out the collection plan for the origin of the Seven Star Dragon 3.1 Pearl Difference.

Now summoning the dark dragon and making a wish is the first step.

Originally, in fact, this first step, Gao Gang can also implement without the three of Pilav, but because Gao Gang also thinks that the three of Pilav, in the entire Dragon Ball world, are indeed too miserable. .

Chapter 519: The Oriole Is Behind (Subscribe)

Therefore, giving them a taste of the wishing dragon can be regarded as a kind of humanitarian act.

Moreover, Gao Gang didn't know whether this wish achieved by using the Dark Dragon Ball would also have some unknown negative effects.

After all, even the system calls this dark dragon ball the two sources of difference in the lost world of gt time and space.

Things that involve the origin of a world have always been a no-brainer.

Related to that, there are never little things.


Therefore, Gao Gang naturally did not dare to take risks easily. Anyway, the Pilav trio stood in front of him, trying to make mistakes.

Moreover, it also fulfilled the long-cherished wishes of these three little people, which can be regarded as a good deed every day.

In this way, why would he not be happy.

Therefore, he has been staying in this undiscovered corner, watching how the drama of the Pilav trio unfolds.

"Summoner, say your wish!"