MTL - Marvel: I Get the Power of the Spell To Play Superman-Chapter 62

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"Resurrect, my goddess!!"

Li Ye opened his hands and shouted.

In the white light, the Statue of Liberty slowly changed from a stone statue to a girl in white, holding a torch and a book in her hand.

"who I am?"

A voice came from the mouth of the Statue of Liberty.

"Ahhh~~~This... is impossible!"

"The Statue of Liberty Comes to Life!"

"God! Your word is so crazy!!"

The surrounding crowd were stunned when they saw this scene.

Li Ye's operation shattered everyone's three views.

"Superman... You are God's little boy who was raised by Bichi!"

Looking at this scene, Magneto couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

The ability to turn dead things into living things, let alone seen it in his life, he had never even heard of it.

This has gone beyond the realm of man and belongs to the authority of God.

. . . . . .


Nick Fury slapped his hands heavily on the table.

"Superman, Superman, is this guy still human? How is this possible?!"

Nick Fury couldn't believe it.

"It is impossible to transform a lifeless stone into a living carbon-based organism!"

Coulson was shocked.

"But it sure did happen to Superman!"

Nick Fury replied.

" many other abilities are hidden?"

. . . . . ,

"who I am?"

The Statue of Liberty asked herself over and over again.

Li Ye teleported to her shoulder.

"You are the Statue of Liberty who upholds freedom, democracy, and justice!"

Li Ye shouted.

"I remember, I am the Statue of Liberty who upholds freedom, democracy, and justice!"

The Statue of Liberty muttered to herself, then turned to look at Li Ye on her shoulder.

"and who are you?"

"I am the Creator who resurrected you!"

Li Ye replied.

"You are not lying, the power in my body does come from you!" The Statue of Liberty nodded, and then asked, "What is the reason why you resurrected me?"

"That thing over there is trying to trample on freedom and democracy, go and destroy it!"

Li Ye pointed to the metal giant in the distance and said.

"Yes, my Creator!"

The Statue of Liberty nodded.

Then aimed the torch at the metal giant.

"Evil devil, disappear!"


The flame on the torch instantly expanded into a pillar of fire and released towards the metal giant.

Chapter 79 Statue of Liberty vs Magneto

The pillar of fire reaching the sky quickly hit the metal giant.

Magneto quickly controlled the metal to form a huge shield in front of him.


The pillar of fire hit the shield, instantly producing a huge explosion.

The terrifying high temperature made the entire shield turn red.


Seeing the way the Statue of Liberty fought, Li Ye himself was startled.

How can you use magic?

Shouldn't it be hitting people with the torch in your hand?

"Damn, why is it different from what I thought!"

Li Ye said helplessly.

He also wanted to see the beautiful image of the Statue of Liberty hitting people with a torch!

I have never heard that the Statue of Liberty can breathe fire!

"Ding—host, don't worry about this, the creature you resurrected with magic will naturally have supernatural power!"

The system popped up suddenly and explained.


Li Ye nodded in agreement.

[Jackie Chan's Adventures] In the world, the creatures revived by the rat spell are all transcendental, with obvious supernatural power.

Seeing that the attack was useless, the Statue of Liberty threw the nameplate in her hand into the sky, and in a flash of light, it turned into a long sword.

The date engraved on this nameplate is the date when the United States [Declaration of Independence] was issued, which has special significance.

The Statue of Liberty raised her long sword and moved in front of the metal giant, and the long sword in her hand slashed down.

"call out!"

The metal giant couldn't react in time, and was cut in half in an instant.


Magneto once again used its powers to restore the metal giant.

"Sword? Hahaha, so stupid to use metal in front of me!"

Magneto quickly activated his ability to control the long sword of the Statue of Liberty, but there was no response.

"How is it possible, this is obviously metal!!"

Magneto said in shock.

"Evil devil, your evil power doesn't work on me!"

The Statue of Liberty snorted coldly.

Because the Statue of Liberty is a magical creation, the long sword she transforms is naturally a magical creation, so Magneto's ability does not work.

"No matter what the **** you are, go to **** with me!"

Magneto roared.

Controlling the metal giant to wave his arms and fight with the Statue of Liberty.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

"Robots vs. Statue of Liberty?"

Seeing this scene, everyone felt very disobedient.

It seems that we watch Monkey King fighting Optimus Prime.

Since the metal giant is all metal, it is very cumbersome, and its agility is far inferior to the Statue of Liberty. It never attacked the Statue of Liberty, but was chopped to pieces by the sword of the Statue of Liberty, but returned to its original shape in the next second.

A battle between the two behemoths has shattered the neighborhood into ruins.

Li Ye didn't intervene, and watched all this with relish.

Seeing that the melee was no match at all, Magneto controlled the metal giant to distance himself, and then controlled countless metals to form a metal storm, attacking the Statue of Liberty.

The metal storm covered the sky and covered the sky, as if a huge wave was about to swallow the Statue of Liberty.

The Statue of Liberty put down her long sword, pointed the torch at the metal storm, and shouted: "Any evil devil who tramples on freedom and democracy will be burned in the holy flame!"

The flame on the torch instantly formed a monstrous pillar of fire, facing an endless metal storm.


The fire and gold collided violently, and a shocking explosion occurred instantly, and the surrounding area was filled with black smoke from a large amount of chemical reactions.

For a while, the two attacks were stalemate there.

"Come on, Statue of Liberty!"

"Defeat that monster machine!"

"Statue of Liberty, kill it!"

People cheered for the Statue of Liberty.

Although they don't know what happened until now, but the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of America, so she must be righteous, so it's right to cheer for her!

It's a pity that the cruel reality does not depend on people's will, and the pillar of fire is gradually unable to withstand the metal storm.

"Master Creator... I can't resist it anymore, I'm very sorry!"

The Statue of Liberty said to Li Ye.

"It's okay, you did a good job! Next, use my power to defeat it!"

Li Ye smiled.

Then endow the power of the dragon spell on the Statue of Liberty.

"Power...I feel a powerful force, is this the power of the Creator?"

The Statue of Liberty said excitedly.

"Evil devil, prepare to die!"

The pillar of fire instantly became several times thicker, crushing the metal storm fiercely, and the terrifying high temperature melted all the metal in an instant.

The pillar of fire hit the metal giant fiercely, and the metal giant couldn't last for a few seconds, and it instantly turned into a puddle of molten iron.


Magneto escaped at the moment of being attacked, otherwise he would have died in the attack just now.

"Damn it, Superman, you actually helped her!"

Magneto gritted his teeth.

I almost won by myself.

"Hahaha, Lao Wan, are you crazy? She was originally resurrected by me to deal with you. Of course I will help her!"

Li Ye sneered.

"Since the plan cannot be completed, I will take everyone to die together!"

Magneto said crazily.