MTL - Martial Peak-Chapter 5984 Confrontation

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The avenue of time and space broke through the ninth layer together, and the foundation of the river of time and space was firm, and the efficiency of the river of time and space that swallowed refining, chemical and animal husbandry was also sharply increased.

In such frenzied devouring and refining, Yang Kai's attainments on other avenues are also rapidly improving.

Gun breakthrough...

Kendo breakthrough...

Dan Dao breakthrough...


Breakthrough on Yin Yang Avenue...

The accomplishments of each avenue are improving at an incredible speed, breaking through one shackle after another, and reaching a new level.

With every breakthrough, countless wonderful and magical insights burst into Yang Kai's mind, making his understanding of various avenues thorough.

Beyond the long river of time and space, the collision of light and darkness is endless.

Whether it is the first light in the world or the initial darkness, it is not a complete state at this moment, but relatively speaking, the power of darkness has been increasing over the years, so Mo's strength is much stronger than Zhang Ruoxi.

This is still under the premise that Yang Kai has sealed the town by more than 30% of the original power with the help of the door of Xuan Mi.

If there were not many backs left by Mu, Mo had complete power, and his strength would be even stronger.

With the help of the eight small stone clan guards to form a formation of nine palaces, Zhang Ruoxi can barely entangle with Mo. After all, this is not a long-term solution. Every time a confrontation with Mo, the eight ninth-grade little stone clan have been under tremendous pressure.

In just a few hours, the eight little stone clan's bodies were already covered with cracks, which could shatter at any time.

Zhang Ruoxi tried to postpone the time, but she didn't know how long she could last, so she could only secretly pray to Mr. to do it as soon as possible.

Every time the light and darkness collide, it is the mutual dissolution of each other's strength, the light disperses the darkness, and the darkness devours the light.

Time and time again... Zhang Ruoxi and Mo's powers are constantly weakening each other. The most obvious change is that the luster of the white wings behind Ruoxi has become a little darker, and Mo doesn't seem to be as crazy as it was at the beginning.

This is not a good sign, Zhang Ruoxi can see that as a consciousness born from the initial darkness, Mo cannot fully control this power. Countless years of accumulation and growth have made this power surpass the limit that Mo can control.

So when she showed up with the power of the first light, it attracted the crazy hostility of the first darkness, and instantly made Mo lose his reason.

But Mo's own consciousness has almost paranoid yearning and nostalgia for Mu's time and space. His subconsciousness does not allow anyone to interfere with Mu's power left in this world.

Power and consciousness are difficult to coordinate, and Mo will have the same contradictory behavior before, sometimes desperately chasing Zhang Ruoxi, sometimes turning around and rushing towards the long river of time and space.

It is precisely with this that Zhang Ruoxi can constantly provoke Mo and pester him.

But if Mo regained his sanity, it would not be so easy to deal with.

Mo at this moment, of course, has the power to surpass everyone in this world, but it is like an uncivilized beast, as long as the method is right, it can still deal with it.

But if he were to get his consciousness back, even if his strength was weakened, Zhang Ruoxi would not have the confidence to stop him.

However, whatever you are afraid of, Zhang Ruoxi can clearly feel the confrontation and collision, and the expression in Mo's eyes has gradually become clearer.

To make matters worse, her Xiaoshi clan guards couldn't support it.

Not only that, but the power of the sun and lunar yin harmonized by her celestial punishment bloodline also showed signs of imbalance.

The bloodline of Tian Xing is indeed powerful, and it is also the only medium in the world that can reconcile the power of the sun. After years of hard work, Zhang Ruoxi finally blended the power of the sun into the body and possessed a powerful strength.

However, the 9th-Rank Open Heaven realm was still slightly lower in terms of the power of the Sun Taiyin, and it could not bear the high-intensity battle for too long.

In the battle with Mo, Zhang Ruoxi didn't dare to keep his hands, every time he tried his best, the strength in his body was already a little unstable after the fights.

The state of the Xiaoshi clan's guards was not good, and his strength was about to be out of balance. Zhang Ruoxi knew that there was not much time left for him.

But even so, she didn't have the idea of ​​retreating, instead her eyes became firm, and she seemed to have made some decision.

After another violent collision, the two figures moved apart.

Zhang Ruoxi clearly felt that there were many more cracks in the eight small stone clan behind him.

She clenched the Heaven Xing Sword in her hand, and took a soft breath, waving her wings behind her back, and the momentum that shook the sky and the earth began to rise.

Opposite the void, Mo lowered his head, motionless.

Just when Zhang Ruoxi was about to make another move, Mo suddenly raised his hand and gently blocked it in front of him: "Stop!"

Zhang Ruoxi remained unmoved, her aura continued to climb, as if it hadn't stopped, but Mo's state at the moment made her a little concerned, and she couldn't help asking: "Are you regaining your sanity?"

Mo raised his head and looked at her. Although there was a sense of struggle in his eyes, his previous madness was gone, and he responded, "Thank you for this."

Zhang Ruoxi naturally knew what he was talking about.

The original dark power was above Mo's consciousness, making it difficult for Mo to fully control, so he became mad.

But as he confronted Zhang Ruoxi again and again, the power of light and darkness melted and swallowed each other, and at this moment, both he and Zhang Ruoxi had weakened a lot of power in his body.

Consciousness once again surpassed strength, which allowed Mo to regain his sanity.

"That's not necessary." Zhang Ruoxi replied lightly.

Mo frowned slightly: "Use this trick, you will die!" He could see that Zhang Ruoxi wanted to urge all the power to fight him for life and death.

"You probably won't die, but you will definitely not get better." Zhang Ruoxi continued.

"So stop, I don't want to kill you." Mo persuaded.

Zhang Ruoxi didn't give the slightest intention to give up, nor did he respond. She just kept urging her own momentum and strength to express her determination with actions, and the eight little stone clan behind him made a creaking sound.

After this blow, the eight ninth-rank little stone clan will definitely be broken into pieces.

Mo's eyes turned cold, and he shouted in a low voice: "You insist on dying, I can fulfill you, but you have thought, if you die, how about Yang Yang?"

Zhang Ruoxi was taken aback for a moment.

If you die, your husband must be very sad, right? that's enough…

Seeing that Zhang Ruoxi didn't flinch after listening to her words, instead, a smile appeared on the corners of her mouth. Mo felt a headache and couldn't help but said, "Why are the women of the human race doing so arbitrarily? You think you died in my hands to protect him. It's a good death, but have you ever thought about how much suffering and self-blame the living will endure? If you really think about him, I urge you to calm down, and from his standpoint, your life is more important than anything else. "

Zhang Ruoxi stared at the ink blankly, with huge questions pouring out of her heart.

what happened? As the controller of the darkest power in the world, even in this line of life and death, he explained the principles to himself...

If he can't help but feel unreal, what makes her feel outrageous is that what this guy said is quite reasonable.

If he instinctively feels that this guy is afraid that there is no conspiracy to be displayed.

Mo faintly said: "You don't have to look at me with that kind of look. I have also watched and helped the human race and lived together for many years."

I also had a very important person who wanted to help her, but it was a pity that I messed up...

Seeing Ruoxi at this moment, he couldn't help but think of himself. When Mu made the decision to ban him, he must be very painful in his heart.

He finally disappointed her.

Mo turned his head to look in the direction of the long river of time and space, and then said: "It's better to wait here for you and me. When he comes out, I will fight him."

Zhang Ruoxi frowned and looked at the ink, not daring to relax in the slightest.

Mo turned to look at her: "There is nothing to worry about. You can take a blow at any time and fight me hard. As you said, that's true. I can kill you, but I will never get better. When he comes out, maybe It's not his opponent anymore."

Ruoxi doesn't understand Mo's thoughts at all.

As Mo suggested, it is naturally a good thing.

She still has the strength to make a full blow and can make a move at any time, so agreeing to Mo's proposal is a trade that will not lose money.

Even if Mo has any conspiracy, she can stop it immediately, but if Mo is really willing to wait quietly, then after her husband comes out, she can also join forces with her to besiege Mo.

"You'd better not act rashly." Zhang Ruoxi thought for a moment, slowly reducing her momentum.

Mo smiled lightly and stood quietly: "Naturally not."

Zhang Ruoxi nodded.

The two powerhouses who had only met in life and death before, were living together in a void quietly and peacefully.

With a defensive heart, Zhang Ruoxi even went around a big circle, bringing her eight Xiaoshi clan guards to a position between Mo and the long river of time and space, and stopped in front of Mo.

And when she acted like this, Mo Jiangen had no intention of stopping, which made Zhang Ruoxi even more unable to understand Mo.

But having said that, she had never had contact with Mo before. In her original perception, Mo Li was an extremely treacherous and violent existence, but after the real contact, she realized that it was not the case.

Staring closely at Mo's eyes, Zhang Ruoxi vaguely saw some clues from it, and couldn't help asking: "What are you going to do?"

Mo's gaze crossed her figure, staring at the huge space-time river behind her, and answered the question: "It's magnificent and beautiful, isn't it?"

Zhang Ruoxi did not answer, frowning puzzled: "So what?"

Mo opened his mouth and said: "It saved me from the endless darkness, so to me, it is the light of the world. This is what she left behind. Since she has chosen the heir, I want to see the last What was the result? If her heirs really had the ability to kill me, it would be a good destination. After all, I did something wrong and should pay some price."

Zhang Ruoxi said: "If you want to die, I can fulfill you!"

Mo Dan glanced at her indifferently: "The only one who can take my life in this world is the one who gave me a new life. No one else is qualified."