MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2942 : Zhu Qiang's worries [large

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Chapter 2, 924: The worries of Zhu Qiang [Big Chapter].

"The eighteenth roads?"

The words of Xiaolong made the people present at the scene shocked for a moment.

It was only then that they realized that the composition of the eighteen layers of hell, in addition to the great power of the Pangu Great God, also had the merits of eighteen roads.

While everyone was stunned, they continued to look at Xiaolong and waited quietly for his next words.

"Yes, it’s the 18th road!"

Xiaolong nodded and said: "The ancient Mozu is in a strong position, and there are many strong people. If there are no such eighteen roads to help, it is difficult to suppress all the demons by only one person." The horrible battle was suppressed. If there were no 18 strong-tracked people as the base, then it would not be really formed, and it would be broken by the Mozu!"

After such explanation, Du Shaozhen, Lu Jingyun and others finally realized that the ancient eighteen strong roads were used as the base, and each layer of the eighteen layers of **** was suppressed. It was formed as part of the huge battle. .

Everyone thinks and understands very well. With the power of the Mozu, it is absolutely impossible to stay in the 18th floor of hell. When the Pangu Great God's battle is overwhelmed, they will certainly make a terror rebellion.

You must know that in the devil world, there are eighteen gods of the ancestors, and there are many devils, all of whom are horrible and horrible!

Once these people joined forces to launch an impact, the Pangu god, which was created in the war, may not be able to suppress it by one's own strength.

And with the 18 strong roads as the base, each of the eighteen layers of **** can be guarded!

"It is no wonder that thirty-three days have not even appeared in the territory of a road. The only thing that has been traced is that in the invincible Tianzhong Yuanfeng, the remains of the blood ancestors were suppressed. Those who are strong in the beginning of the heavens and the earth are almost buried here!"

Du Shaozhen, Lu Jingyun and others have given birth to a boundless feeling.

Everyone has the meaning of sorrow. In ancient times, I didn’t know how many souls fell. Even the most powerful roads that could not escape this kind of robbery, even if they did not die in the hands of the Mozu, they also paid their lives. The price.

Fortunately, under the efforts of the Pangu world, the Mozu was finally suppressed and sealed in the 18th floor of Hell.

"In the plan of the boss, there is a huge battle placed outside the 18th floor of Hell, and there will be no more fear that the Mozu will come out and attack for thirty-three days. Because of the constraints of this battle, The Mozu can only be confined to the 18th floor of Hell. It will be the final battlefield! So, no matter how terrible the war is, it will be difficult to make a huge impact on the 33rd day!"

Xiaolong was also an open-minded voice. He said that he had indulged for a moment and immediately said: "With such an opportunity, we have the opportunity to destroy the original battle of the 18-story Hell and rescue the 18-bit road as the base. !"

When Xiaolong’s words came out, they couldn’t help but pick up their eyebrows.

"Rescue them? Can you say that those who are strong are still alive?"

Such doubts came out of Du Shaoqi’s mouth.

He turned to look at the dragon **** around him, with extreme shock.

Lu Jingyun and other people's expressions are similar, not very surprised.

At the time of the 18th time in the ancient times, it helped the Pangu Great God to lay a powerful seal on the 18th floor of Hell, which was absolutely unimaginable.

After countless years, have those strong people still alive?

And if this is the case, then it is really something that is worth looking forward to!

But what is surprising is that Xiaolong did not affirm their conjecture, just said three words: "I don't know!"

But very quickly, he seems to think that this answer is not appropriate, and then said: "In fact, you should also be able to perceive that in many places of the eighteen layers of hell, there will be some strange life forces fluctuating! And this life The power is exactly what the eighteen-strong powerhouses of ancient times exude!"

As Xiaolong said, Du Shaoqi and others immediately remembered that they could feel that there was a strong life in the dark at many levels of the 18th floor of Hell, and that it was like a hammer between the one breath and the other. Hit on their chest, it makes people feel pressure.

At the beginning, Du Shaoqi, Lu Jingyun and others all speculated that it was very likely that they were the strongest of the Mozu, and they were given a 12-point cautious mind.

However, as the depth deepened, the people also discovered that the volatility of life in the dark did not seem to wake up, and everyone would not pay too much attention.

At this time, through Xiaolong’s explanation, they finally realized that those breaths were radiated by the powerful Taoists in the Pangu world in ancient times. Those who helped Pangu were sealed with eighteen layers of hell.

"Since there are still fluctuations in life, does that mean that those who are strong are still alive?"

Du Shaoqi's heart beats a little faster, and they have perceived such a breath in the layers of **** on the fifth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, and thirteenth floors.

In this way, at least there are a number of strong trackers who are still alive. Once they are rescued, they only need to give enough time to return to the peak state and add 33 days of combat power!

"The distribution of the qi of life does not necessarily mean that the original strong is still alive! The strong man who is in the realm of the Tao, has walked out of his own way, and has a completely different atmosphere from the heavens and the earth! The original eighteen The road kills the 18-story hell, even though it is now dead, but the energy they left is still playing a small role! So, without breaking the seal, I can’t be sure if they really Live, unless the boss comes here personally!"

Xiaolong sighed slightly and said to everyone.

With his strength, it is also difficult to directly glimpse the specific state of the eighteen strong-trackers who make up the 18-layer **** seal.

According to the original plan of him and Lu Shaoyou, it was a decisive battle with the Mozu and the Devil, and at the same time, the seal of the 18th floor of Hell was opened. In that case, the result can be truly determined.

But now, the boss is reconciled to the singularity outside the world, and all the arrangements can only be put on hold forever.

"It turned out to be..."

Du Shaoqi and others nodded, and at the same time, they also gave birth to more helpless feelings.

If the eighteen strong-trackers can survive from ancient times and are now directly involved in the battle of the Mozu in full-fledged state, then it is a wonderful thing.

In that case, even if the minister is restored, the thirty-three days and the three thousand worlds will have a great deal of power. Coupled with the fact that many powerful people have spent countless years trying to figure out how to completely suppress the Mozu, it is not difficult. .

But obviously, this is just a good idea, not at all true.

"The boss doesn't know how long it will take to come back. We can't go on as planned! Without him, thirty-three days and three thousand big worlds, no one can find any one to reluctantly suppress the ancestors, hard fight Going down can only end a ruin!"

Xiaolong thought about it and said it again.

He and the boss's plan can no longer continue, entering the 18th floor of the hell, the purpose is to take away thirty-three days and three thousand big world of millions of strong people, to retain the fighting power.

This process is obviously not too difficult, but Xiaolong's eyebrows still have a touch of melancholy.

"The father is breaking through in the shadowless scene, and the ancestors are recovering quickly! It seems that it is time to fight now. Whoever takes the key step first, whoever can take the lead!"

Lu Jingyun thought for a moment and said with a slight sigh.

The ancestors are recovering, and at this time, his father Lu Shaoyou also got the chance to have a new understanding.

Thirty-three days and three thousand big worlds, the battle between the Mozu and the Mozu is on the verge of being triggered, and it is possible to open it at any time.

The key to this is to see Lu Jingyun's father and the demon ancestors. Who will first step out of the crucial step, this step is likely to determine the final victory, and has to be nervous.

"I am worried about this. I only hope that the boss will not delay too long. Now, the predecessors of the spirit have also left the world for three thousand years and cannot find traces. If the boss does not come back, We really can't compete with the Mozu!"

Xiaolong frowned and had deep worries.

Lu Shaoyou did not return to thirty-three days and entered the eighteenth floor of Hell. These people did not say that they were competing with the Mozu. Even if they wanted to rescue the ancient 18-strong powerhouse, they could not do it.

Once the ancestors regain their strength, all the creatures will face the catastrophe!

And this is exactly what Xiaolong is most worried about.

The traces of the pioneers of the Three Thousands of Thousands of Worlds are hard to find. In the thirty-three days and the three thousand and thousands of worlds, no one can match the front of the demon ancestors!

Du Shaozhen’s heart sinks and naturally understands the key points of this, and it is also a worry.

"Uncle Xiao Long is relieved, I believe that my father will return soon!"

Looking at the people around, they looked so heavy, Lu Jingyun spoke in a timely manner and said to them.

"It's a good talk. Although there are a lot of things to do with the kid, I have never lost the chain for so many years!"

Listening to Lu Jingyun’s words in his ears, Emperor Ba Tian also smiled and said in a loud voice.

Such discourses have made the surrounding Donghuang Taixuan, Yang Guo, Lu Xinyi and others all look relaxed.

In particular, Yang Guo and Lu Xinyu, as well as Xiaolong, when they were still weak, and Lu Shaoyou came along, the guy did indeed do things, but as Emperor Tiantian said, there has never been any flaws.