MTL - Martial Arts: Just Finished the Patrol, the Beginning is Ruthless-Chapter 19

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But as the letter of appointment continued to be read out, Xia An gradually realized that things were far from that simple.

This is not only a letter of appointment, but also a transfer order.

Xia An will be transferred to Hengshan City.

As for what to do, I didn't say anything clearly, I just said that Hengshan City was a bit chaotic, let Xia An take over the position of head arrester, and cooperate to suppress all heroes from all walks of life.

Obviously, Hengshan City is not very peaceful.

The first thing Xia An thought of was Liu Zhengfeng's Golden Basin Handwashing Conference.

This incident was also a massacre.

And this also represents the beginning of the integration of the Five Sacred Sword Sect.

"Another good opportunity to touch the corpse."

Xia An was thinking to himself that he really participated in it. After all, the more chaotic the situation was, the more benefits he would gain from it.

"Get ready, get going as soon as possible."

After reading out the letter of appointment in cold blood, he left after exhorting one more sentence.

"Congratulations to Brother Xia for his promotion."

"Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations."

The other policemen didn't leave, but kept congratulating Xia An.

His eyes were full of admiration, and the flattery was so obvious that it couldn't be more obvious.

In fact, Xia An's current reputation has already spread throughout the capital.

After all, Yu Canghai's body is still hanging on the top of the city, intimidating all heroes.

And in order to maximize this deterrence, it is naturally impossible for Six Doors to say that Yu Canghai was killed after being poisoned.

It just said that after committing the crime, Xia An was shot dead on the spot by the police.

The impact of these words on the heroes can be imagined.

A congenital expert was killed by police officers.

The image of the six doors instantly became even more unfathomable.

In order to deepen this impression, the six doors naturally publicized this matter.

Even with the name Xia An, everyone from the octogenarian to the yellow-haired and curly-haired has heard of his name.

All of a sudden, there were people with good intentions who gave him the title of famous arrester.

Whether this is good or bad is unknown.

But what we can know is that if Xia An's name is reported in Zhongdu City, no matter whether it is an official or a person from the Jianghu, all three parties have to be favored.

This is prestige.

Chapter Thirty-Six Huang Rong: I'm Following You

Xia An was chatting with several people.


At this time, I don't know whose stomach is ringing.

The scene fell silent in an instant.

"Hey... Then what, I have been busy investigating the case yesterday and now, I am a little hungry, I'm sorry."

The man scratched his head in embarrassment.

"If you don't mind, sit down and deal with them together." Xia An smiled and greeted casually.

"Then we will be disrespectful."

"I'm a little hungry."

"Since brother Xia is so kind, I'm a little ignorant when I retreat."

Immediately, several people took advantage of the opportunity to sit down.

This is what I was waiting for.

Long before they entered the door, the scent was hooked by several gluttons.

When cold-bloodedly read out the letter of appointment, several people were so greedy that their mouths were drooling.

While staying to congratulate Xia An, he also wanted to see if he could have a meal.

Sure enough, the future Xia Tutou is still very good at dealing with the world, and he doesn't have any pretensions.

For a while, several people's affection for Xia An gradually increased.

"Don't stand still, move your chopsticks."

Xia An said hello, randomly picked up a piece of meat, put it in his mouth and chewed it a few times.

"How is the taste?"

Huang Rong immediately looked over eagerly, full of anticipation.

"That's right, I didn't expect you to have this skill."

Feeling the taste of sliced ​​meat mixed with various seasonings bursting on the tip of his tongue, Xia An was very satisfied.

I have to say that Huang Rong's culinary skills are really superb, and she can still cook such delicacies with few seasonings.

It was indeed a correct decision to keep such a little cook.

"Of course."

Seeing Xia An enjoying the meal, Huang Rong narrowed her eyes and smiled, feeling a sense of satisfaction in her heart for no reason.

"This little brother made this dish?"

"It's delicious, and it's even better than those chefs in restaurants."


Xia An, who had tasted all kinds of cuisines in his previous life, was still amazed, let alone the others.

One by one, they ate so voraciously that they almost swallowed their tongues.

Speaking of which, these arresters have traveled around with cold blood, and they have seen the world.

Moreover, as this kind of police officers, who are always on the verge of life and death, they are stingy about spending money when they are not investigating cases.

Either go to the Jiaofang Division to have fun, or go to the restaurant to satisfy the appetite.

But to be honest, I was never so amazed by a little beggar's cooking skills as I am today.

They somewhat understood why there was such a little beggar in Xia An's residence.

This craftsmanship is absolutely perfect.

"It's a pity for this little brother to be a beggar with this skill."

"Are you interested in coming to Six Doors to be a cook? With your cooking skills, I'm sure you can do it."

"Yes, I think you can be an imperial chef."

"Speak as if you have eaten the dishes cooked by the imperial chef."

Several people chatted while eating, even with Xia An present, they all started to poach the wall.

"Not interested in."

Huang Rong curled her lips, lacking in interest.

For the sake of money, she doesn't need to be a cook.

Besides, with her temperament, asking her to cook for someone every day would be a lot of torment.

Even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu is here, it won't work!

Of course, Xia An was an exception, but it was quite interesting anyway.

The meal was full of wind and clouds, and there was not even a soup left.

Even with Xia An included, there was still something to be desired. Huang Rong only made a portion for two, which was obviously not enough.

But Xia An didn't ask her to cook more dishes.

Letting these arresters stay was out of sophistication, but Xia An didn't intend to please them.

What's more, it's fine to bully this girl by yourself, but if you really treat her like a maid, it's too much.

On this point, Xia An still has a sense of proportion.

The few policemen were still waiting eagerly for a follow-up, but seeing that Xia An didn't mean it, they were reluctant to speak.

After staying for a while, he left.

Before leaving, everyone looked at Xia An with envy.

This is what other people live!

He is handsome and has high martial arts skills. He became a head catcher at a young age, and he has such a superb cook by his side.

And there is still some unclear relationship with such a beautiful woman as Wuqing...

Tsk tsk, I am so happy like a fairy.

"Forget you, a stinky policeman." The corners of Huang Rong's mouth twitched slightly.

"Don't call me patrollers all day long, I have a name." Xia An said lazily.

"I don't know your name, so I can only call you Smelly Patrol."

As soon as Huang Rong said this, Xia An was taken aback for a moment.

Yes indeed!

The two have also been together for several days, and it seems that they haven't officially introduced themselves yet.

However, it's not Xia An's fault.

He and Huang Rong just met by chance, and he didn't think they would be close friends. Moreover, he had already guessed Huang Rong's identity.

Subconsciously, he felt that the latter should also know his name.

Even if they don't know, with Huang Rong's intelligence, it's not difficult to find out.

Unexpectedly, others didn't think so at all.

So he said softly, "Then I'll tell you now, my name is Xia An."

Huang Rong nodded, "Understood, stinking police officer."


Xia An's face was full of helplessness, "On patrol, it's patrolling. Don't smear the word. Besides, strictly speaking, I should be a head hunter now, and I should be called Xia Butou."

"Good stinky patrol."

"Forget it. I'm going to Hengshan City in two days, are you still following?"

"Well, it must be more fun there, I'm going to tell you a stinky policeman."


Yes, this is really a piece of brown sugar.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Night fell.

The lights of Wanjia lights up, and the palaces and pavilions complement each other. The green willows on the riverside sway in the wind, and the ships decorated with red lanterns go down the river.

Even in the evening, on the row upon row of streets, shouts and noises are still continuous.

This is the capital.

The capital with power over the world.