MTL - Martial Arts: Just Finished the Patrol, the Beginning is Ruthless-Chapter 16

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Chapter Thirty-One: Cold-blooded and confused, Xia An really did it?

Xia An secretly thought about it.

But as far as the name is concerned, this thing is actually not unfamiliar.

However, there are some discrepancies, what Xia An had heard before was Black Jade Intermittent Ointment.

The unique magic medicine of Vajra Sect has the effect of regeneration of broken bones.

This Black Jade Intermittent God Ointment has an extra word of "God", so the effect should be better.

Just when Xia An wanted to study it carefully, there was a sound of horseshoes in the distance.

Looking up, there are all familiar figures.

The man from Six Doors has arrived.

Although the location of the Golden Knife Gate is somewhat remote, it is still within the capital city after all.

The fight between the Qingcheng faction and the Fuwei Escort was very dynamic, if the Six Doors didn't notice it, Xia An would have wondered if this group of servants were just for nothing.

"Why are you here?"

The leader is none other than Leng-Blood.

Leng Xue looked around first, then set his sights on Xia An and Huang Rong.

From the moment he received the news, he rushed to the scene with the people from the six doors.

It stands to reason that no one should be faster.

Then the only explanation is that Xia An was already there.

Xia An didn't speak, but just pointed in a certain direction.

Turning his head coldly, his eyes fell on the place Xia An was pointing at, and then a dazed look appeared on his face.

Because there, what was lying there was the corpse of a Tang Sect disciple.

"You tracked all the way here?"

Leng Xue withdrew his gaze and asked quietly.

"I ran into it by chance, so I stopped by. I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen."

Xia An said, this is also the reason why he dragged Tang Men into the water.

Creating chaos is secondary, the most important thing is to give yourself a reason to be here.

Otherwise, a police patrol appeared earlier than the head arrest, which would be strange no matter how you look at it.

It would be much more reasonable if the investigation followed the Tang Sect.

"Do you know the specific situation?" Cold-blooded asked.

"I don't know the details, but the general situation is that Qingcheng sent robbery darts and wiped out all the Fuwei darts."

"As for why the Tang Sect is involved, I'm not quite sure."

After what happened, Xia An was naturally clear, but he naturally wouldn't tell the whole thing.

It's half true and half false.

Sometimes it's more convincing to tell a lie.

"Miemen? How courageous."

Hearing this, Leng Xue's face instantly darkened.

where is this place?


It is directly under the jurisdiction of the six gates, and the security of the entire area is directly in charge of the six gates.

I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. This is undoubtedly a slap in the face of Six Doors.

"Where are people from Qingcheng? Which direction are you going?"

"If nothing else happens, it should be on Huangquan Road."

"Huangquan Road?"

Leng Xue froze for a moment, and couldn't help but let go of the hand that was pressing on the hilt of the sword.

What is this called?

Xia An smiled, "It's a fluke, the people from the Qingcheng faction seemed to have fought against the Tang Sect before, and they were poisoned, so I shot them dead on the spot."


As soon as Xia An said this, the scene fell silent instantly.

Lines of sight converged in unison.

"The body is over there."

Knowing that they didn't believe it, Xia An pointed in the direction of Yu Canghai's corpse.

Immediately, with a cold-blooded jump, he landed beside Yu Canghai,

"It turned out to be the head of the Qingcheng faction?!"

After seeing Yu Canghai's face clearly, Leng Xue couldn't help but gasp.

Because of the pursuit of the Tang Sect, in the past two days, he even read the files of various sects in the Bashu area.

For the Qingcheng faction, cold blood has an impact.

And its head, Yu Canghai, is by no means inferior in strength to his own, he is an innate master.

"Are you sure you killed it? You have to be clear, the crime of falsely claiming credit is not small."

He glanced at Xia An coldly, but didn't believe the latter's words.

In his opinion, even if Yu Canghai was poisoned, it was definitely not something that a small patrol could match.

For Xia An to say that, he is undoubtedly claiming credit.

"Whether it's true or not, Leng Butou can tell at a glance." Xia An laughed.

"It's true. I testify that this short guy wanted to kill me just now, but it was the policeman who saved my life."

At this time, Huang Rong, who had been silent all this time, suddenly jumped out to testify for Xia An.

Leng Xue frowned slightly, bent down, and carefully examined Yu Canghai's body.

The body was still warm, and it was obvious that he hadn't been dead for long.

After careful inspection, apart from the severe poison, Leng Xue quickly discovered a residual internal force in Yu Canghai's body.

At this moment, this internal force is even rampant in Yu Canghai's body, destroying his limbs and veins.

Presumably this was the root cause of Yu Canghai's death.

"Since you said you killed the man, don't you mind showing your internal strength?"

He looked at Xia An coldly and expressionlessly.


Xia An smiled lightly, and a trace of internal energy flowed from his hands.


And the moment his inner strength was revealed, the expression on the cold-blooded face immediately changed.

It can't be seen from his strength that Xia An's internal force is of the same origin as the remaining internal force in Yu Canghai's body.

In other words, this Yu Canghai was really killed by Xia An?

But how is this possible?

Just relying on his small patrol? .

Chapter Thirty-Two

"No way? Could it be that this kid really did it?"

"I remember it was written in the file that the head of the Qingcheng faction is a congenital master?"

"Impossible... This kid really has this strength?"

"How can it be impossible? Look at the boss and his expression, it's probably okay."

"Damn it, I guess it's some **** luck, I picked up a ready-made one, this kid is probably going to be promoted."

"Shit luck? Why don't you give it a try, it's not so easy for a congenital master."

In the distance, other people from the six doors were discussing in low voices.

Looking at Xia An, his eyes were full of envy.

Although I don't know what happened, but Leng Xue, who has always been cold, can show such an expression.

As long as the head is not full of shit, you should be able to understand what this means.

half an hour.

Leng Xue sighed with a complicated expression, and then said: "I have a general understanding of the situation, and when the investigation is clear, it should be your credit, and it is indispensable."

"Thank you, Boss Leng."

Xia An smiled, "By the way, I have just fought in the humble position, and now I am really exhausted, can I leave and rest first?"

Cold-blooded: "..."

Looking at Xia An's face that was full of energy and tiredness, he didn't know what to say for a while.

However, after thinking for a while, he nodded.

No matter what, Xia An killed Yu Canghai, which undoubtedly did him a great favor.

Dozens of people from the Fuwei Escort Bureau were exterminated in Zhongdu City. This news will have to be spread tomorrow.

For the six-door, it will undoubtedly be a hit.

But if the perpetrator is killed immediately, it will be different, at least the negative impact will be minimized.

This is also the reason why Leng-Blood wanted to pursue him.

But to be honest, even he is not sure that he can really leave behind a congenital warrior.

Now just carry the corpse back and hang it in the sun on the top of the city to demonstrate.

Soon, Xia An returned to the six doors.

"I'm going back to the six doors, what are you still following me for?"

It's just that when he reached the gate, he didn't step in, but stopped with a helpless expression.

Followed by a follower.

"Can't you?"

Huang Rong wiped her plaster-covered face.

"There are six doors here, and it's not your house. You can enter if you want." Xia An said angrily.

"Brother, I'm a little beggar, where did I come from? You can do me a favor, you have the right to do good deeds, take me in, and sleep on the street, it's very cold."

Huang Rong was upright and confident, and she didn't have the consciousness to be a beggar at all.


Xia An was silent.

After so many days of getting along, he basically guessed the identity of this "little beggar".

A young island owner of Peach Blossom Island, instead of enjoying life, ran out to pretend to be a beggar.

It's quite relaxing.

"You can do as long as you want, buddy, there is no harm in taking me in. I spread the news for you two days ago, and I also served as your witness just now."