MTL - Marriage of the Di Daughter-Chapter 175 Private prison

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On the fifth day of the Princess Yongning being defamed as a citizen, Yanjing City has another major event.

Xue Huaiyuan, the county magistrate who was framed in the Tongxiang case last time, or Xue Lingyun Xue Daren, who used to be the book of the North Yangong Ministry, went to Chang'anmen early in the morning to play the stone lion.

The stone lion in front of Chang'an Gate has been silent for many years, but in just half a year, it has been awakened twice. The owners of the two cases seem to be the same person.

This time is not like the last one, because the last time the Tongxiang case was of great importance, the above discussion made people understand that the poor county magistrate was once a heavy minister of Beiyan, so Hong Xiaodi was very Pay attention to it and meet with you personally.

And soon, Xue Huaiyuan’s sensation to be sued also came out. Xue Huaiyuan sued the princess today, no, now it is Yongning of the untouchables and Shen Yurong, who used to be a Chinese scholar. The two men secretly sang a song a year ago, conspiring to kill the murder, and falling into the scam of Xue Fangfei and others. In fact, for the sake of one's own desires. This is one of them.

Xue Huaiyuan also sued Jing Jingfu, who is now colluding with Princess Yongning, and murdered his son Xue Zhao, Xue Fangfei’s younger brother, killing Xue Zhao, acting as a murderer and destroying evidence. This is the second.

The two sued in the Yanjing City immediately set off an uproar, to know that the year of the champion Mrs. Xue Fangfei and the people's affair, the Yanjing City was full of enthusiasm, no one knows no one knows. Now Xue Huaiyuan jumped out and explained that it was due to the case. The people of Yanjing City began to talk about it.

If it is false and not mentioned, but if it is true, the Princess Yongning and Shen Yurong can be said to be really wolf-hearted, and there is no trace of humanity. Although the matter has not yet come to the fore, the people believe that this matter is true. Aside from watching the lively people, at least the previous one on the Golden Temple has confirmed that Shen Yurong and Princess Yongning have an affair. If Shen Yurong really does not regret his deceased wife as he seems on the surface, how will he be with Princess Yongning. This can only show that this person is a different person in the table. If so, he can do this kind of thing to his wife, it is not new.

On the other hand, people immediately recalled that when the Tongxiang case was very troublesome in Yanjing City, there was a rumor that there was a rumor that Feng Yutang, who was originally framed by Xue Huaiyuan, was obeyed by Princess Yongning. It was only at that time that the royal order was sealed, and no one was allowed to say it. Moreover, there was no conclusive evidence for this matter. There is no need for Princess Yongning to go to the embarrassment of a county that has never had an intersection. It seems that this matter has a lot of articles.

Xue Huaiyuan is Xue Fangfei's father. Xue Zhao is Xue Fangfei's younger brother. Xue's family has been in trouble for two consecutive years. If it wasn't for Miss Jiang's second return to Fuyang, she learned of this matter and saved Xue Huaiyuan. She was afraid of Xuejia. Today, three people, one has not stayed, there is no Xue family in the world. In just one and a half years, Xue’s family is so unlucky. If there is no one behind it, no one believes. Not to mention the results of this case, only Xue Huaiyuan’s accusation came out, Yanjing City people suddenly became clear, and the interests were clear, things almost became clear.

This is clearly that Shen Zhuangyuan wants to catch a princess to be a Hummer, but the original match is beautiful and virtuous, so why not pick the mistakes to take a divorce. Simply do not do two endless, directly killing the original match and the flesh and blood in the abdomen, even the old father and brother in the original family have not let go, can be described as cruel.

People can't help but think of the talented woman Xue Fangfei who once glared the capital.

Now think about it, the beautiful and gentle Mrs. Shen, who only learned the character in Yanjing City, is one of the best. The lady who has been with her has felt like a spring breeze. Shen Zhuangyuan did not want such a good lady, to please the Princess Yongning, it is also very greedy power. Not only that, but a couple of days and days, he can actually kill his wife, how ruthless it is.

For a time, Yanjing City was full of voices of Princess Yongning and Shen Yurong's adulterer. But I don't know, these people who are now sturdy, did not have to succumb to Xue Fangfei.

Because this case is of vital importance, if it is convicted, it is a murder of the bureaucrat. The sentence of the prince breaking the law and the sin of the people is not useful for most of the time, but it is very good to beat the dog here. Princess Yongning is no longer a princess, and Shen Yurong is not a courtier. Of course, Hong Xiaodi does not mind to "severely punish" them again. The people's heart is a very subtle thing. The people's scolding and dislike of the Princess of Yongning at this moment will naturally be a part of the transfer to the king. For the future of Cheng Wang, It is also very unfavorable.

And Hong Xiaodi, just to be more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, let the people of Beiyan see clearly, he is a fair and clear emperor.

In the public, Hong Xiaodi will not have reservations about Princess Yongning in this case. Even if Liu Taiqi cried to plead for love, and the king went to the side to attack, Hong Xiaodi only let Su Gonggong go out to deal with it, all not seen.

The case was tried by the Dali Temple, the Criminal Department and the three departments of the Ducha Institute.

When Xiao Deyin heard the news, he was also very surprised. These days, she has been staying in the government and has not gone out. She was very happy when she heard that Princess Yongning and Li’s family collapsed. When she heard that Princess Yongning was defamed as a citizen, she was more happy. But it is not foolproof, the wind and water are turning, now Princess Yongning is losing power, but if one day she makes a comeback, she will still be in danger.

At this time, Xue Huaiyuan’s accusation was like a timely rain that poured the heart of Xiao Deyin. If Xue Huaiyuan sues success, according to the law of Beiyan, Princess Yongning will die. In this way, no one knows what she did at the beginning, and Princess Yongning is even less likely to destroy her mouth, and she can truly sit back and relax.

Xiao Deyin just did not expect that Xue Huaiyuan, who had long been a legendary madman, would wake up, and the person who came out was Xue Huaiyuan. She thought that this thing was still coming out of Jiang Li, who knows that Jiang Li did not even have it. Out of voice.

But it doesn't matter, Xue Huaiyuan doesn't know himself either, whether it is Xue Huaiyuan or Jiang Li, who will sue, she will do the card, and on the road to the **** of Princess Yongning, push her more and let her She is hurrying.

Xiao Deyin smiled and fiddled with the guqin in front of him, and the haze of the past few days was swept away.


Yanjing City, because of the chaos of Xue Huaiyuan, the Princess House was also sealed up. At night, the guards of Fengfu stood at the entrance of the princess palace, and the gold and silver treasures in the palace were all sorted out. The servants were also sent away. This is just an empty house. Formerly the splendid Princess House, it’s embarrassing to go to the building in an instant.

It is only responsible for checking the bureaucrats of the Princess House, but there is no feeling of emotion. It is really because the treasures in the princess house are staggering. It stands to reason that although Princess Yongning is a princess, silver will naturally be less than others. But even more abundant than the family of a minister, it is intriguing. A princess is still like this, become a king? What is the person behind the king? Does it mean that the silver of the king is more than the one in the national treasury.

Some people look at money and money, and some people regard money as dirt. The Wen Ji and Zhao Yu, who are so engraved on the Princess House, have been waiting for the guards at the door to get drunk.

Although the guards can do something without getting drunk, they have to be troublesome. Being able to solve things easily is not to be discovered, of course, it is the wise man of their national government.

There are also some black people on the four sides of the eaves, all of them are people from the National Government, waiting to be here. Zhao Weidao: "Come."

At the same time, the two guards at the door, "squeaky", stumbled on the door frame, holding the wine jar and screaming.

It is not blaming these guards for neglecting their duties. It is really because this princess house has been evacuated. Since it has been evacuated, no one will come again.

Zhao Wei and Wen Ji glanced at each other and followed the eaves. When they arrived at the courtyard, they jumped and fell on the ground of the yard. There, Ji Yun has long stood waiting for them.

He finally stopped wearing gorgeous clothes, and his night clothes looked simple and neat, but his face was not so ordinary. He went to the innermost room. It was a tea house. There was only a low table with teapots and teacups removed and nothing left.

Ji Wei walked around the house, stretched out his hand and stroked it on the wall, and stayed until he was in a place. Pressing **** it, only listening to a slight "squeaky", the brick sag, and then the whole wall began to move slowly, so that a face was changed, revealing a door.

Ji Wei took the lead and went in. Wen Ji and Zhao Wei followed.

It was a long secret road with torches along the way. The light bulbs were also extremely beautiful, just like an underground palace. There is a faint sound of water inside, until the end of the secret passage, the space suddenly becomes bright, and the entire secret room is presented.

This is a private prison. Because of the jail that is surrounded by iron fences everywhere, it is as if it has come to the prison of the criminal department. It’s just that even the jail of the criminal department may not be cruel. There are blood everywhere on the ground, and there is a smell of rancid smell. Even some people behind the iron fence did not move, apparently died for a long time. However, no one has cleaned them out. It has slowly turned into a muddy mud here. Even the most intimate people have seen it, but I am afraid that I will not recognize it.

On the wall is a hook with blood, and a red-burning iron is thrown to the ground in a mess. The rats in the dungeon screamed and held a group of **** and fuzzy things. A whip with salt water, a wooden horse with a thorn, and a silver needle with a medicine. Rao is a well-informed bodyguard like Wen Ji and Zhao Wei. Seeing everything in front of him, he can’t help but feel a little disgusted. They are guards, and they have seen it on weekdays. Princess Yongning is a princess. It seems that there are no people who hate and hate on weekdays, but they must torture them with such means.

"Looking for Jiang Youyao." Ji Wei said: "If it is awake, throw it out and throw it at the door of Jiang's house. If you are not awake, feed Situ's medicine to her, don't let her die."

Zhao Wei and Wen Ji led the life. It is not easy to find Jiang Youyao in so many dead and half-dead people. Everyone here is dark and stinking, and it’s really unclear for a while. Zhao Wei and Wen Ji went to find someone, and Ji Wei walked slowly in prison.

They have a slight movement on their faces, and they are not afraid of recognizing them at a glance. However, these people behind the iron fence, in addition to the dead, fainted, the remaining living people, or have been tortured to lose their wisdom, singing and dancing in it. Either I haven't lost my mind yet, but I have no life. Even if Ji Yun walks by, I just stare at it, and I don't say a word, like a fool who doesn't know how to ask for help.

For a long time in such an environment, combined with the torture of the Princess Yongning, I want to come to these people and already cut off hope. If you say that you are most hopeful, you are afraid that you can come to the individual to give them a knife and let them end this ignorance pain earlier.

Ji Wei walked casually in jail. In this hellish scene, his look is still self-sufficient, as if he was still in the night banquet, not affected by a little.

Until I got to a jail.

The man seemed to have heard the sound long ago, crawling out of the inside little by little. It is said to be "climbing" because there are two clear bloodstains in the depths of the prison and in front of the iron fence. His knees don't know what's going on, and the blood has solidified. The whole person was kneeling on the ground, and the whole body seemed to be fished out of the blood pool, and he could not distinguish his face.

This person is in the private residence of the Princess House. The only one is moving and looks like a living person. Although his appearance is terrible, but the eyes of this person are very clear and stubborn. He pulled the fence with his hands, and his hands were full of scars. He wanted to pull the boots of Ji Ji through the fence, but he seemed to be afraid of blood on his hands. He stopped in front of Ji Yun’s boots.

Ji Yun looked down and was in contact with the eyes of this person.

The face of the man was all scarred and bloody, and nothing could be seen clearly, but the eyes were not stained with a little sludge. He even tried to squeeze a smile at Ji Yun, even though the smile was terrible in the gloomy private prison.

At the end of the Wenji, Jiang Youyao was found. Zhao Yugang came over and saw Ji Yun stopped in front of a strange prisoner. Zhao Wei asked: "Adult, this person...?"

The man opened his mouth and tried to talk, but I didn’t know why it was because of the dumb medicine, or because the scorpion couldn’t make a sound for a while, and there was no sound. But still can see his mouth clearly, and the words spoken are about four words.

He said: Please, save me.

"Take him back." Ji Wei said: "See if Situ can cure."

"Hey?" Zhao Wei is a bit strange. Ji Yun has never been a kind-hearted person, and it is even more impossible to see the road to help. The people in this private prison are the enemies of Princess Yongning, and there is no relationship with Ji Yun. Today is here, but for the sake of Miss Jiang, I am looking for Jiang Youyao. As for other people, it is not necessary to say that the people of the National Government are not sympathetic. It is really because these people are saved even if they are saved. For these people, the best relief is to die.

"It's cured, I will be a companion for you."

Zhao Weidao: "..... Adults, this person's legs are afraid of being scrapped."

They are all martial arts people. Zhao Yan can see at a glance that this person’s two legs are afraid of being interrupted long ago. After a long time, it could not be cured. It was saved, and I was afraid that I could not be a guard at the National Government.

"It doesn't matter." Ji Wei said: "It's useful."

The blood-stained person listened and immediately showed a grateful look. At the moment, he has to distinguish his expression, only from a pair of eyes. Fortunately, his eyes are born to speak. Zhao Wei looked at it and suddenly felt that this person's gaze was somewhat familiar, and it was similar to Miss Jiang's second. Gentle and calm, in the dark, dirty private prison, like the sun, this **** is lit up.

"He looks different from everyone else." Zhao said: "I don't know where I offended Princess Yongning, but I fell so badly."

"Go back and look up his bottom." Ji Yun finished, looking at the other side, Wen Ji is coming from behind, Wen Jidao: "The master, Jiang Youyao found it, but it seems that the mind is unclear, for the time being is not acceptable. The master's command, she was given the medicine of the Situ girl, and she did not have to die within a few days."

Zhao Wei told Wen Jidao: "Take the handle, the adults let this person rescue."

Wen Ji heard that there was a hint of accident on the surface, but still did not say anything, and took this person out of the prison. When I found out, I found out that the corner of one of the people was white. He was not wearing a reddish brown dress, but a white coat, all soaked in blood.

Still not dead?

It’s not surprising that I have never seen a determined person, but it’s not dead to have so much blood. Ji Yun looked at this person and thought a little. He said: "The Princess Yongning has done it, deliberately leaving him a life and slowly tormenting."

Zhao Wei and Wen Ji understood that the Princess Yongning was afraid that this person would die. It was too easy to die. He deliberately or sent medicine to hang this person's breath, so that this person would not lose his life and slowly torture.

"But he looks quite awake," said Zhao. "It's not easy. Ordinary people have been tortured for so long. They have been crazy for a long time, or they are ashamed. He is quite alive. He can't talk or move now. Oh, if the legs are not abolished, it looks like a good seed."

The man heard the words, his eyes stunned, but soon disappeared, Ji Wei looked in his eyes, thoughtful.

"I don't know how he offended Princess Yongning," Zhao said while whispering and licking the blood man. This person is also hungry like a piece of paper. Zhao Hao does not feel heavy on his back. :"Pity."

The three men went out of the private prison of the Princess House. When they left the house, Ji Wei and Zhao Wei went ahead. After the two left, Wen Jizhen lit a bamboo outside the tea house in front of the private prison.

The loud noise of "Peng" was especially bright in the late night Yanjing City. The two drunken guards at the door were awakened, jumped up and yelled at "What happened" and rushed to the tea house.

The figure of the literary figure is hidden in the night.


On the other hand, in the government office, Zhao Yufei, who had ordered Ji Yun, rushed back, and put the **** man on his shoulders outside the pharmacy room of Situ in September. He shouted: "Miss Situ, Miss Situ!"

The door "啪" was opened, and Situ appeared in the door in September, impatiently saying: "What?"

"The adults rescued the individual from the outside, I don't know if I can cure it. If Miss Situ has nothing to do, please help me to see it." Zhao Wei wiped the sweat, and Ji Yun did not return to the government after coming out of the Princess House. After doing his own thing, Zhao Wei did not dare to ask. However, the people on the back did not dare to neglect. This is the person who Ji Yin personally sent to save, and he could not handle it casually.

“Ji Yu rescues people?” Situ’s eyebrows were slightly stunned in September, saying: “What joke are you talking about?”

"It is true." Zhao Yusheng was afraid that Situ would not be saved in September. The Situ was very arrogant. If she couldn’t see it, she would dare to disobey the Emperor. She only had a reluctance to listen to it. Zhao Weidao: "September girl, this person is very heavy, and adults don't know if they can save. But this person is very interesting. You should check it first and then decide not to save."

"I said that I am not a doctor." Situ was not happy in September, but still leaned to the side of the door, indicating that Zhao Wei came in.

The words "very interesting" attracted her. There are so many interesting people in the world. If they meet, of course they will save, because this is also an interesting thing.

Zhao said that the man came in and placed the person in the pharmacy room with a small bed that only allowed one person to fall asleep. Situ looked up in September and the man actually had consciousness. He just couldn’t move and smiled at her.

Situ was in September.

She has seen many mouths in her life, the gratitude, fear and the hatred and hatred she encountered when she was a doctor. No matter which face, salvation or destruction, it will not be so calm. People can't be calm in the face of the extremely important things that are related to themselves.

But this person can still smile at her, calm, calm, and even a smile of harmony. Reminiscent of the March sunshine, precious and beautiful.

"What is he?" Situ asked in September.

"I don't know, the adult asked to check the bottom of this person," Zhao said. He did not swear by Situ in September. "It was found in the private prison of Princess Yongning."

“Yongning Princess?” Situ raised her eyebrows in September. “It’s her? Ji Yun, this is to help Jiang Li.”

Zhao Yu scratched his head, smiled, and the master, what can he say? Just smile.

In September, Situ reached out and opened the clothes of this man. His clothes were almost connected with the flesh. When he picked it up, he made a sound of separation.

The person on the bed trembled and seemed to be extremely painful, but still resisted.

Zhao Wei took a breath.

The man’s body is full of scars, and there is no perfect place. About Princess Yongning can use all the penalties that are used on him.

"Miss Situ," Zhao said, looking pitiful. He asked: "This person is hurting a bit... I think his legs seem to be broken, can you still be good?"

Situ glanced at the man’s knee in September and said, “Impossible.” js3v3