MTL - Male Inferiority and Female Supremacy in the World of Immortal Cultivation-Chapter 103 . Born for the Sword

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   Chapter 103 103. Born for the Sword

  Sky Sword Sect, Yuxu Palace.

  When the tens of thousands of spiritual swords flew out from the buried sword, the state of mind of the three real people who had cultivated for many years was almost broken.

  Realist Yujian stared wide-eyed, Reverend Xuanjian opened his mouth slightly, and even Reverend Lei Jian, who was always paralyzed by the collapse of Mount Tai, was breathing heavily at this moment.

   The organ has not seen such a spectacle in more than a hundred years of cultivating immortals. The three real people have been cultivating immortals for a longer time. How have they ever seen such a scene?

   It is said that when the suzerain participated in the entry trial, he drew fifteen spirit swords in one breath, and was shocked by the Heavenly Sword Sect as a celestial being, and began to focus on training.

   Now there is a 10,000 one, how does fifteen compare with 10,000?

  Then those real people who only drew a few spirit swords at the beginning, should they commit suicide in shame?

  The reactions of the three real people are still like this, not to mention the two true disciples, Yu Qing and Xuan Ling, who have been frightened into dumb geese, and now they can't even speak.

   Master Xuanjian put away his relaxed posture, and said to Master Yujian: "Senior sister, will this child learn the long-lost sword control technique?"

   Although there is only one word difference between Yujianshu and Yujianshu, they are completely different systems.

  Royal Sword Art is an extremely brilliant supernatural spell that has been lost for a long time in the world of cultivating immortals, and Royal Sword Spell is a category name, and all spells that control swords can be summarized in Royal Sword Spell.

Master Yujian shook his head: "No, it is said that the lost swordsmanship is extremely difficult to practice, and it takes ten years for a genius to learn it. You can see that this son is only fifteen years old, and the level of Qi refining can't be achieved unless he was born in the mother's womb. It is possible to start practicing without eating, drinking or sleeping, but this is too bizarre to be believed."

  Master Yujian can be said to be an authority and expert in the field of Yujian magic, so her judgment can be regarded as a final conclusion, this child will never know Yujian.

   "Then how to explain this matter?"

  Real Lei Jian, who is always concise and concise, actually uttered seven words in one breath, which made Yu Qing and Xuan Ling look over in shock.

   It stands to reason that the three real people should be happy that such a talented person has come to participate in the entry trial of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

But this matter is too abnormal. If Ark activates more than a dozen spirit swords, the three real people may feel that the Heavenly Sword Sect will flourish for hundreds of years. If Ark activates hundreds of spirit swords in one go, then the real people may be happy With the dance of hands and feet, the status of Tianjianzong in the world of cultivating immortals will be improved unprecedentedly.

  But drawing tens of thousands of spirit swords in one breath, this gives people the feeling not of surprise, but of fright.

  If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. The three real people have to figure it out before they can feel at ease.

  Facing the junior sister's doubts, Yu Jianzheng muttered: "Two junior sisters, do you remember the Wuji Sword Master six hundred years ago?"

  Realist Xuanjian replied: "Senior sister said, but the sword master who has a sword that spans 30,000 miles and a sword that is radiant and cold in nineteen states?"

  Hearing the elders talking about the past, Yu Qing and Xuan Ling quietly pricked up their ears.

  Six hundred years ago, that was the last era in the world of cultivating immortals.

  After the immortal cultivator produces the golden elixir, his lifespan can increase by five hundred years, and he can be called a big boss in the immortal cultivating world.

And the past events of six hundred years ago happened to be just before a generation of bigwigs, and the bigwigs would come out to tell stories to others, and there is no sect in the world of cultivating immortals that records the past, so they can only rely on the sects of the sects to record the past events. To record a few sentences in the historical records, it must be something that is particularly important or has a huge influence.

  Over the past 600 years, countless sects have risen and collapsed. Times have changed, and many past events have been buried in history, and no one cares about them.

  So when the three real people mentioned Wuji Sword Master, the two true disciples didn't even know each other.

   "That's right, it's the all-powerful Promise Sword Master."

Master Yujian nodded, and said with a smile: "Wuji Sword Master and our Heavenly Sword Sect are quite related. It is rumored that she is born with a very high talent for Yujian. She even entered the Tao with the sword, no one in the present age can beat her, she was born with the sword, she once said that one sword breaks all laws, and one sword is the culmination of ten thousand swords, it is the supreme law..."


   Master Xuanjian coughed in dissatisfaction. This senior sister always brags about her imperial sword whenever she gets a chance.

   Master Yujian turned the topic back without changing his face: "So, this boy may be the same as the Wuji Sword Master. He is born with a very high talent for Yujian. He was born for the sword and is a natural swordsman."

   "A born swordsman?"

  Renren Xuanjian and Reverend Leijian are both silently reciting these four words.

At this moment, Master Yujian suddenly smiled at Master Xuanjian and Master Lei Jian: "You two junior sisters, I thought about it just now, and I think what the two junior sisters said is very reasonable. That Xia Wenqiu is bright and intelligent. , is very compatible with your Xuanjian lineage, and that Ji Congfeng sensed the Thunder Sword, which is obviously suitable for the Leijian lineage, as a senior sister, I must let the two junior sisters, I will not **** it from you."

   Xuanjian is so angry that his face is almost out of shape. I have never seen such a shameless person. Why didn't you know how to let the younger sister just now?

   Now that a more talented person appears, he immediately starts to be humble, and pushes the two low-talented ones out. Who doesn't know what you are thinking about playing, oh my!

   Master Xuanjian said angrily: "No need for senior sister, I suddenly feel that my Xuanjian lineage is full of yin and yang, and I need a talented male disciple to reconcile it. I think this one is good."

  Realist Lei Jian has already begun to emit faint electric lights all over his body, reflecting his face even more coldly: "This person, I want it."

  Realist Yujian didn't care about the fierce reaction of the two junior sisters, and still smiled like a spring breeze: "You two junior sisters, don't force yourself, this son is a natural born swordsman, and he is obviously suitable for me Yujian."

   "Since I am a natural swordsman, of course any sword will do."


   Seeing the three real people start to argue again, Xuan Ling was very worried.

  She didn't expect that she would hook up with a good-looking little man at random, and she would have such a high talent that the three real people would vie for it.

   What worries Xuan Ling is that she knows her master very well, and the real Xuanjian cannot beat the real Yujian.

  Yu Qing didn't have so many thoughts, but just cupped his hands to the three elders: "Master, Auntie, the new disciples have left Bujianfeng, let's take a look?"

  The three real people looked towards Tianguang mirror, and sure enough, those disciples who were regarded as beginners had already left Bujianfeng under the leadership of the organ, and came towards Tianjianfeng.

  The three real people looked at each other and reached a consensus in an instant. In this language competition, there was no way to tell the winner, and everything was still in accordance with the rules.

   Thanks to 'Nine Nine Two Zero Units', 'Nan Ting', 'Mu Bi', for their rewards, touch it



  (end of this chapter)