MTL - Mage Network-Chapter 54 : In the college entrance examination, the brain is not registered.

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In life.

Some people even have a high-pitched snoring, and at most they are the level of sensationalism. Some people will always emit different radiance, no matter how low-key. For example, Bai Meiren's ability and performance are very common, barely squeezed into the middle, she is still the most eye-catching person in the whole school. For example, Lei Da Zhuang, he is not too rich to be considered a handsome, because the audience is as tall as the audience.

Tang Shidao was originally a relatively invisible student.

Gao is not as strong as Lei, and Yan is not better than Bai Meiren. The knowledge of money and finance is no more than the top class of a class.


Since the celebration of the flying knife show, Tang Shidao has been remembered by everyone.

No matter what age, what kind of life, people who have the ability will always be looked at a high. Especially in places like school, playing basketball is particularly good, painting is very good, singing is particularly good, and even playing games in the boys group is particularly powerful. These ‘skills’ will be recognized by everyone.

Not to mention the skill, the face looks good is also a kind of skill.

When Tang Shidao got the first place in the mock exam, he watched his eyes ten times more.

Not only students.

Even the teachers are just as eye-catching.

"Tang Shidao classmates, do you mind making up a lesson? I don't need to do more exercises, I will take some papers for you to do, all related to the college entrance examination. As long as you play a stable, our school has a great chance to take another college entrance examination. The champion. The school also let me give you a special assessment, rest assured, will not spend a lot of time." The class teacher found it.

Is this a small stove?


Because Tang Shidao did not show any performance in the past, the school and the teacher did not notice. Now suddenly, the speed of progress, the teachers naturally do not want this small sapling to grow up. The most speechless, the child is only close to the college entrance examination, and time is too late.

"Teacher, I have decided to go to Chacheng University."

"Oh, that's okay. The teacher only wants to know your strength, and it's OK to take a high score. The tea city score is not high, are you sure?"

"In addition to composition, other perfect scores should be easy."

"You are so confident?"

"Well, I have already taught myself university courses online. I know about 12 foreign languages, including various professional terms." Tang Shidao is really stress-free. As a mage, every language can be recognized by nature.

Have the ability to remember, and the large library, the ‘time pause’ classroom, can be used, and there is no problem in learning.

"The teacher will help you test it?" The class teacher was a little shocked.

"Yes, call the fat man and the beauty."

"no problem."

Just do it.

Teacher Yang prepared the paper and asked several other teachers to help.

Lei Dazhuang and Bai Meiren also have a share. Obviously, they are a bit timid about the ‘question bag’, but they know that the teachers are good for themselves. The college entrance examination is imminent, and this opportunity can not be sought by others. Although Lei Dazao has given up treatment, it is not retreating to accompany the brothers.

The assessment begins.

In less than an hour, Tang Shidao has finished all the papers, and Lei Dazhuang and Bai Meiren have not even done a good job.

"Dao Shi, are you taking medicine?"

"Yeah." Tang Shidao smiled.

I did take medicine... In the past, Tang Shidao ate a total of 5 bottles of primary intelligence. Learning in that state has exactly ten times more effect. After practicing intermediate meditation, Tang Shidao did not need the temporary gain of intellectual medicine.

The teachers were shocked.

Speed ​​up the assessment.


"In addition to the composition, the rest are all full marks. Composition... I also give full marks when I comment on the volume. After all, it is not easy to write in classical Chinese, and some sentences I have to ponder over and over again. I can't help myself with this level."

"Oh, this is really..."

"Tang classmates, how is your hearing? Can you communicate in a spoken language?"

"Yes." Tang Shidao also does not need Tibetan mastiffs. He talks freely with foreign language teachers, and the whole process is smooth.

Foreign language teachers can also be patient.

In exchange for three languages, the two still smashed a big pass.

"Hearing is steady." The foreign language teacher erected the thumb, saying that this is not the level of the students, it is already the level of the professional elite.

Not long after.

The news is reported to the principal. The headmaster did not say anything. He only told me: "You will hurry up and **** the three children for the final journey. Don't go wrong with Tang Shidao, how much can you make up with Lei Dazhuang and Baimeiren classmates."

Because of the relationship of Liuyuan Temple, the principal really needs to "take care of" three people.

They did not affect the future.

However, the teacher's duties do not allow them to be lazy.

time flies.

Soon, the college entrance examination that decided the fate of the high school dog came.

"After more than ten years of hard work, I am finally going to use it today. The college entrance examination BOSS, see me blow you up." Lei Dazhuang is always so happy, do not understand what tension is.

The first day was finished.

"Dao Shi, in the college entrance examination, what can I do if my brain is not registered?" Lei Dazhuang looked confused.

The script is wrong.

After ten years of hard work, I haven’t rolled the car yet.

"Do you have a brain?"

"No." Lei Dazhuang admitted.

"Then you log in a hair, ask God to worship, wear red underwear to burn yellow paper, which one to use." Tang Shidao did not expect you to pass a test.

"It makes sense." Lei Dazhuang began to break down: "The shortest choice of three long and one short, the longest choice of three short and one long; the length of time is not the same as B, if you are uneven, you will choose D..."

In other words, there are still many students who have also made this idea.

no way.

There are fewer slags, and it is a compulsory skill to win the exam.

"Let your brain empty, the answer depends on guessing, you will succeed. Your brain can't, luck is always good." Tang Shidao encouraged.

This is what the dead party has. If it is an ordinary friend, I will tell you on the spot.

After a sleepless night.

the next day.

The charge of the high school dog is over.

Tang Shidao saw some of the classmates coming out of the examination room, bursting into tears, and could not help but feel incomprehensible: they did not test well!

Maybe they have a good grade, but they are equally tragic when they encounter problems.

"These people are really pitiful." Lei Dazhuang was slightly sympathetic.

"Do you have them at 80%?" Tang Shidao is speechless, and what is the qualification of your **** to comment on them.

"No, I don't think they are half. The same **** as mine, I won't cry if I get worse. Just because they are a bit level, I feel sorry for it."

"We have a lot of classes like this." Tang Shidao thought that his class only sighed.

"Do not worry, Taoist, I will take care of them. Everyone is a classmate of 314 class. I will not go to school in the future, come out to work, I will keep them a comfortable job. Excellent students will go to college and work hard. Later, I will mix a small manager under my hand." Lei Dazhuang said that I am not fighting for the results, the fight is the trick.

"If you are not strong, you are very likely to be killed when you are young."

"It's better to have a good exam. It's better to vote for a good job. Taoist, I only state one fact."

"You tell the truth, so you have a high chance of being killed." Tang Shidao also stated a fact.

Gossip without talking.

The college entrance examination is completed.

Another big show started.

Before the finale of the Xie Shi Ban, another event called the ‘white feast’ began. What ‘Who, Who, I Love You’ and ‘Who, Who, I Like You’, one person smashed the beginning and hundreds of people followed.

Among the many confessional animals, Bai Meiren harvested 70%.

Of course, they are also a glimpse.

Everyone knows that this beauty can only be placed in the heart and on the phone, and will not appear in real life. Acacia has more than enough, then no one will call up the phone photo at night...

In short, the arrogance and courage are only the moment of today.

"White beauty is more and more beautiful. In the past, it was just super white and super beautiful. Now you look at the skin. Is this fat, white jade? That is the case? Recently, I tried hard to strengthen my body. The skin is even better. I can feel the bullets. Hand. Taoist, said, touch it?" Lei Dazhuang did not leave the old line, his hands squatting on the roof of the barrier, looking at a group of female students downstairs to make fun of laughter.

"No touch."

"I want your hands to be useful."

"It was my hand."

"Go drink at night."

"Do you have a pit in your head? How come you want to drink?"

"Graduate the gang, all the classmates go. This is a very serious celebration, don't give me any thoughts." Lei Dazhuang looked upright.


"I have opened up the room upstairs, looking for an opportunity to turn the white beauty up."


Tang Shidao is speechless, and the seriousness of the celebration is said. There are 24 hours a day, 60 minutes an hour, and 60 seconds a minute. 86,400 seconds a day, you can't do it for three seconds?

at night.

All of the 314 classes were assembled. The boys are dog-like, the girls are dressed up, and a group of ‘no stress’ people start to sing crazy.

Wine is inevitable.

But, fighting power... a group of slag.

The tea city five non-professional journalists sent back the on-site report: one bottle of Erguotou, three wall-to-wall; four pounds of old white, five people slipped. Seven bowls of hangover soup, eight drinks and nine spit; ten points of the drums, none of them are wine glasses.

Hey, one can play no!

Oh, no, one can drink!

The most drinkable of the classmates, Lei Dazhuang, also turned over the table. He was stunned by Tang Shidao. Originally, he still wanted to overthrow the Tang Shidao. By the way, the white beauty was helped to take care of it, and then the door was locked and the key was thrown away... The plan was very good, that is, the combat power did not match.

Do not.

If Lei Da Zhuang does not blame the Tang Shidao, one person can turn over seven or eight slags.

Unfortunately, he married an unscientific creature called a mage.

"The fat man is okay?" The white beauty drank a little wine and his face was red.

"It's okay. The fat man's wine is very good. When he gets drunk, he sleeps. The Thunder doesn't wake up. Don't worry, it's his most serious moment to fall asleep. I will send you home first, and then I will find a place to dispose of him." "Tang Shidao held up 1 for 95, and it was effortless, and it was not bad to mention a big puppet."

"Oh... that... a holiday, where are you going to play?"

"Not available for the time being."

"Hey." Bai Meiren was slightly disappointed.

"Reassured, I want to go to you, I want to go." Tang Shidao said again.

"Yeah." Bai Meiren smiled and waved to worship.

"By the way." Tang Shidao waved, thinking that the life of the high school dog is finally over.

At this moment.

The Mage Network has come to an end and the life of the student dog is about to start a new page.


It must be sunny.

"Master, I didn't want to disturb your good mood. But there was a little trouble in the sanatorium. There was a group of eccentric people who installed some kind of equipment, as if they were monitoring the sanatorium. That place was well guarded and could be mixed around. Definitely not an ordinary person. Master, should you inform Zhang Mingbo?" Xiao Jin reported.

"They have a gun?" Tang Shidao heard it strange. Dare to monitor the sanatorium, the courage is not small.


"No guns? Xiaojin, what do you think is weird?"

"Master, I feel the fluctuation of magical energy." Xiaojin said seriously.

When I heard this, Tang Shidao was really surprised.

Here is the landlord star.

Except that there are no other mages, the instruments are just those few refining rings... How come the magic can fluctuate?