MTL - Mage Network-Chapter 19 : A box opens the feeling of a full set of costumes

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After reading the history of the world, Tang Shidao felt that the hiding of the blood count was more difficult than the wolf poisoning division. Living in an interstellar civil society, a little bit 'unscientific' will attract everyone's attention. In the case of a star ship flying overhead, he can only hide in the city.

The reward for this resurrection mission is 99 mana and a Master Chamber.

this means:

The Earl of Blood is absolutely capable of destroying everything. Do not say anything else, it is not difficult for him to build a 'revolutionary army' to smash the entire interstellar empire. Having the knowledge and power of the Master Network, and thousands of years of experience in governing politics, coupled with his secret accumulation of wealth, it is not difficult for him to overthrow everything he built.

However, the blood count does not want to do this.

He is a big one, but he does not want to see everyone in the flames of war. He is not as squashed as Lei Shi and the Wolf Poison, just because he is not used to ordinary things. In a few days, the ‘university’ was rounded up by a group of killers and was eventually taken away from vampire rings and research materials. In order to destroy the mouth, the killers burned the manor’s manor and body.

Tang Shidao knows: These killers are the blood counts themselves, and the useless materials are also sent to the other three hundred vampire dignitaries who are about to die.

After the death of the Earl of Blood, a 'sleeping' soul automatically floats out.

Just like a contract.

The blood count is now in a state of sleeplessness of 'I don't know the outside world'. In other words, he doesn't know what he is being saved, is a spell, is an alchemy ring, is a resurrection armor, or a resurrection scroll, the sleeping soul will not know .

Tang Shidao ventured to accept this task, precisely because he believed in the contract of Master.

A reincarnation is born again.

The Earl of Blood was resurrected smoothly. When he saw Tang Shidao, he did not ask anything. He first cast a memory break on himself.

After a while.

After changing clothes, the Earl of Blood laughed and said: "Thank you, Mr. Owl."

Tang Shidao nodded lightly, knowing that the other side was broken only in the memory of these days, it is impossible to remember everything. The fragmentation of memory is very targeted and can even destroy only the memory within a day. The broken memory is only broken, not all forgotten.

"The news outside... very good, I am already dead. I have completed the task in just four days, and your efficiency is amazing. Mr. Owl, are you interested in signing a contract with me? Please rest assured, whether you are Willing, I will support the rewards, and will not affect the previous contract. You know, no one can violate the contract of the Master." Blood Earl smiled.

"Tell me."

"We will sign another contract: When I need ‘Death to Resurrection’ next time, you will accept and help me again, and the conditions will come back later.”

"I don't necessarily find resurrection items every time. Even if I find it lucky, I need to keep a copy for myself." Tang Shidao deliberately said.

"It doesn't matter. My next resurrection of death is at least five hundred years later. If you don't have a resurrection item, I can wait, as long as you save my body or soul. The resurrection item of course gives priority to yourself. I absolutely agree with this. I I only ask you to help me when you have spare time. Although I have survived for so long, I am still not ready to accept death." The Earl of Blood said frankly.

Tang Shidao deliberately silently thought.

The room is silent.

About half an hour later, Tang Shidao asked: "If I promise, what can I get extra?"

The Earl of Blood smiled: "A moving castle."


"Grateful, Mr. Owl." Earl of Blood breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

"Win-win cooperation, Mr. Blood Count. Can you ask me, what about those vampire alchemy rings, how do you live next?" Tang Shidao asked.

“Those rings are antiquities, and they can be preserved naturally. Even if the first generation wearer dies, the ring can be preserved for the next generation. At the right time, I will put another 50 to 100 pieces to make this exist. Rationalization. I will be a biologist, I have learned relevant knowledge, and found a very good original strain on a colonial planet. I will open a company, of course, a wealthy scientist. As long as the business is smooth, wealth is enough More, it is possible to get a vampire ring."

Tang Shidao nodded.

In this interstellar civilization, the group of 'vampires' has formed a veritable circle, accepting only the most powerful talents.

The people of the Empire are also very relieved.

Because vampires are not infectious diseases, they are not mythological creatures.

A person without a ring is injured even if he is bitten by a vampire. Moreover, these three hundred vampires do not **** blood, and the ring only brings a little strength and a long life. In essence, this ring is similar to the genetic potion. The only difference is that the ring can be passed on and the potion can only be injected into one person.


Tang Shidao signed a contract with the Earl of Blood: a second aid contract for resurrection.

After the completion.

Tang Shidao asked: "Mr. Blood Count, can you give me a technology product?"

The Earl of Blood is strange: "Mr. Owl, I don't ask about your world's technology, but, do you want to change your world?"

Tang Shidao gently shook his head and didn't want to get a UFO back to the emperor: "I didn't intend to change the world. I only need a technology product that predicts earthquakes. It must be kept secret and cannot be translated by outsiders."

The Earl of Blood probably guessed the meaning.

The other side did not even have an earthquake predictor, and the distance between the interstellar civilizations was still thousands of years away.

"Yes, you can install a private management brain. You can also buy a 'Lingu Spirit' spell to let it attach to the brain to take over the authority. In doing so, the spirit of the old tree that is absolutely loyal to you will become you. Personal assistant. I secretly set up a private management room on all the major colonial planets, and there are dozens of brains of the ancient tree spirit." Blood Earl gave a better suggestion.

"Thank you for your advice."

"You're welcome, now your safety is also beneficial to my life." Blood Earl said frankly.

Tang Shidao no longer has more words.

Not long after.

The Earl of Blood brought back a little information and a one-meter-sized ball: this is the earthquake prediction instrument!

Because it is a resurrection task.

This time it was the return to the big library straw talents transferred to the blood count.

Harvest 99 mana.

Tang Shidao suddenly raised to 114 mana, surpassing this level to reach the level of senior mage. As in the previous one, the new realm will not automatically learn anything, but the openness of the big library is even higher. Now browsing the mission, Tang Shidao can also see the task of paying more than 100.

In addition to the 99 mana, the Blood Earl's mission has a Master Chamber.


The Master's Chamber of Secrets is ten times more valuable than the 99 mana, and the minimum value of the Master's Chamber of Secrets is also a thousand mana. This is also the reason why Tang Shidao ventured to use the reincarnation of rebirth: one bite or one death, both consequences are in this task. Fortunately, the contract of the Master Network is absolutely effective, and it can guarantee that you will not expose your own talents.

Another additional contract to move the castle.

Its value is similar to that of the Master's Chamber of Secrets. In theory, it is several times larger than the Master's Chamber of Secrets. Unfortunately, it is easy to expose and is not liked by the Master. It takes about 10,000 points to think of the lowest level of 'resurrection', and the price is similar.

Big harvest day.

The Master's Chamber of Secrets and the Moving Castle are for the time being.

"Give me a spirit of ancient trees, a hunter training, an intermediate meditation, a dragon pressure, a gravity pressure, a flash, a stealth." Tang Shidao mad Purchase 7 spells, and the mana limit will drop back to 80 points.

"Huihui 34 points." The Scarecrow smiled.

"Give me another tiger man deformation." Tang Shidao knows that the werewolf is going to be deformed by 5 points. Think about whether the tiger man is deformed at 10 o'clock and is more powerful.

"Happe 10 points."

"If I want to transform the appearance of a moving castle, for example, how much mana does it take to become a giant turtle carrying an ancient small town?" Tang Shidao asked. The Master Chamber requires a 'fixed' position, which is reduced by one point for each move. Moving the castle is just the opposite. It is not fixed and can move like a car or an airplane.

"1 mana." The Scarecrow completed the wave, and turned the blood nest of the original giant insect into an ancient windy city carried by the giant tortoise.

Tang Shidao is a bit speechless.

Forgot the goods in front of me is the omnipotent Master Network staff. I am afraid that this 1 point mana is paid a little bit, and the shape of the item is only a small matter for it.


This time, Tang Shidao thoroughly realized the feeling of being lucky enough to be a mage.

Just one mission.

Tang Shidao has a feeling of being the number one prize in the world. Close to the Master's mana remuneration, the Master's level of the Master's Chamber of Secrets and the Moving Castle. A comprehensive calculation, this harvest is better than the quick aura. The 'Kameto City' moving castle became a ring and was worn with a refining ring. The Master's Chamber is still a hidden pattern, which needs to be fixed at a certain position to actually open.

"Give me another physical incarnation."

"Happe 10 points."

After Tang Shidao’s mad purchase, there were 59 mana remaining, and the task took half of the time.


The strength has expanded to this stage, and everything in life has enough ‘costs’ to cope. After practicing intermediate meditation, you can make up 10 points of mana, plus the application of earthquake predictors and private brains. Everything that you can think of as a high school dog is ready. You don't need to return to the Emperor's Star to directly summon the spirit of the ancient tree in the big library, let it attach to the private brain, authorize the use, and finally name it the ‘wisdom tree’ housekeeper.

Returning again, the time is just the next morning.

As usual life.

The students are preparing for the college entrance examination. Only when Lei Dazhuang is free, he will be surrounded by the white beauty, and we are very familiar with it.

I took the class.

Lei Dazhuang took Tang Shidao out to eat and drink, and his face sighed: "White beauty is so beautiful, beautiful against the sky. Only high school, that skin, that waist, that leg ... you **** don't do it. Hurry Go chase, rest assured, brother will give you sponsorship funds."

Tang Shidao looked at you and said what the demon moth was.

"This is for your good, Taoist. Such a beautiful girl is actually no one to chase, and there is Wang Fa? Hurry, you go chasing... Yes, in the future, you will be stunned with the white beauty, shoot it, I am a thousand Block to buy with you."

"You are crazy." Tang Shidao heard that it was still that big thunder, still crazy, or that damage, or that.

"If you don't have that life, you can only look at it. Don't let you suffer. Go back and send the 500G inventory to you, and give you more experience and properness." Lei Dazhuang read the beauty of the world. I sincerely hope that my brother will return to the beauty.

Tang Shidao smiled.

He knows that Lei Dazhuang is joking. The skill of this product can't be deleted. The secret meaning is to urge himself to take off. Looking at the big and crazy, Tang Shidao also feels: This is the true youthful taste! The idea is not to brain screen, what to say when you think of it. When you talk to a friend, you don't have to go online.

Tang Shidao did not answer much, and the application of the thoughts of the heart was enough. It was time to find something to make Lei Dazhuang do.

Then, it is the beginning of the official implementation of the Master's ‘Task’.

The plane is infinite.

How can you afford to win yourself?