MTL - Mage Network-Chapter 1541 : The weirdest page

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"Tang Shidao, long time no see, have you won the relics of the last world?"

"First Starforge?"

"No, my name is Queen of the Stars."

Back to the Master Network to find the answer, Tang Shidao accidentally found that the dead traitor who had never moved was gone. The position of the staff member is another. The woman who owns the first star caster ‘Xing Yi’ is a self-proclaimed queen of the stars. In fact, she is really the Queen of Stars.

But the power is like the first Starforge.

this moment.

"I'm here, are you surprised?" The Queen of the Stars called for a barrier talk early to isolate outsiders from listening.

"At one point, you actually called me Downtown."

"Isn't this your name?"

"Yes but……"

"Sorry, I don't remember any more. I only remember your name, how you look, and your power induction. This induction tells me that you are called Tang Shidao. And you are also a member of the Master Network , Harmless existence to the mage network. "Star Queen said calmly.

"Then, no more?" It was strange that Tang Shidao could not see the problem before the situation.

"Anything else?" The Queen of the Astral Slightly surprised, suddenly took out a familiar book of ten thousand ways, and opened a special page. I took a closer look and said, quite surprised, "Oh, we are so familiar, we have fought together before. I used to build a body, and the materials were collected by you, and there is such a thing."

"You don't remember?" Tang Shidao asked.

"Yes, I don't remember you. I don't remember everything recorded in this book. As the gatekeeper of the wizard network, I don't even remember anyone in the last post. However, there is a record here, it is called ... Scarecrow .Other, no, I don't have any impression. It feels like I should remember you, but I don't know why I don't remember. "

"Zen Jiu, do you know?"

"No." The Queen of the Stars flipped through the book and said, "There is no record."

"What about Olyn?"

"She ... well, she is my friend. The record says that she is my friend. But what she looks like, what race she is, and when she became a friend with me, there is no record." , It feels like talking to a stranger. Tang Shidao deliberately asked Zen Jiu first, and wanted to know the response of the Queen of the Stars.

As a friend of Aoling, she could not actively forget this person.

do not remember.

There must be something special.

"Let me ask again, do you know Yong Ye?"

"I don't know."

"Mother Earth?"

"I don't know."

"Bai Shengnan?"

"I don't know."


"Well ... there are records. She took Kun Peng into the extraterrestrial sky. This star warrior is very powerful. It would have been very difficult to win the original creation **** alone. Except for the elder who has the magic of beings, she can be defeated alone. There are not many people in the original creation god. Xing Xingdou, she can drag Xun Peng through that level. Presumably, she did not pass the level, she really won the original creation god.

"You know Dust?"

"Of course, there are very detailed records here." The Queen of the Stars motioned to the Book of Thousands of Laws.

"Is this book left to you by the last gatekeeper?"


"..." Downs Road was silent.

The Queen of the Stars is not stupid or memory loss, but she has no memory of her own. This is not just memory, there are no traces of the 'endlessness' in the endless void. As if this group of people never existed.

It's not like malicious erasure.

in contrast.

It's like a law of nature.

For example, somewhere is too dark to see things in the eyes. Again, it's too bright and just invisible.

"Yuan Xiao, do you know?"

"of course I know."

"Can you talk about him?" Tang Shidao asked.

"Since the Book of Thousands of Laws has your record, and we are friends again, I can tell you. Outside, ordinary mage masters don't know this secret. Yuan Xiao, one of the secret guardians of the endless void, can Alone to win the existence of the original creation god. Unlike the old man of chaos, Yuan Xiao was a member of the Tiandao organization, but later retired and became a free man. Due to the reason of being hidden forever, his existence was slowly forgotten by people. There are very few people who know Yuan Xiao in the endless void. Basically only the ancestors of the Xunpeng era knew him. "

"You still remember Yuan Xiao, but you don't remember Zen Jiu?"

"Who is Zen Nine?" The queen of the astral world was also very surprised.

"How is your strength?"

"What do you mean?"

"I find that your power has an additional layer that obscures your true combat power. I can forcibly probe, but it will destroy your power form. So, I want to ask, what level is your power in the endless void? "Tang Shidao found that the Queen of the Stars had a layer of protective clothing, and that was her additional strength.

"You can see my creation star suit?" The queen of the astral world was slightly surprised, surprised by the "sight" of Tang Shidao.

"No, not that, it's something deeper."


Upon hearing this, the Queen of the Stars was shocked.

She was even a little scared at this moment, because she was hiding under the Genesis Cloak, and she did have another power. That power came from the unknown power placed by the last gatekeeper in the Book of Thousands of Laws. She has never used this power, because her strength is extremely powerful. With the creation of the Star Dress, except for the ‘Magic of All Living Beings’ and the chaotic old man and Yuan Xiao, there is no comparable in the endless void.

Now, in front of him, he can see through the power of ‘I dare not use it’.

And he also said: Can forcibly probe.

I do n’t dare to inquire about that power.

"You don't have to worry, I'm not malicious. I know who the Scarecrow is." Tang Shidao said lightly.

"Really?" The Queen of the Stars subconsciously looked at the book of all kinds of laws.

Tang Shidao nodded.

The Queen of the Stars thought for a while before slowly speaking: "You want to know our strength, you can also. Generally speaking, the endless void is the old man of chaos, Yuan Xiao and I are at the same level. In the world star costume, Yuan Xiao is the first, I am the second, and the Chaos old man is the third. I use the creation star clothes, my first Yuan Xiao is the second, and the Chaos old is the third. Yuan Xiao and I can't beat each other. "

"I know how powerful the 'magic of beings' is." Tang Shidao was strange.

The magic of beings is created by oneself.

Speaking of it, the queen of the stars didn't know her relationship at all. As if, the magic of beings is something that appears out of thin air.

"If I use 'Chaos' ... I don't know the result."

"Sure enough." Tang Shidao nodded slightly.

The answer is already known in the heart. Without the magic of all beings and Kun Peng, it is probably impossible to beat the "chaos" power left by the Scarecrow.

Think back to the beginning.

I challenged the body of the world myself and actually explained it in advance. Once he left for a long time, Kun Peng will take over to complete his own affairs. They stayed with Jinwu and Pingxing, and nothing could be out of the endless void. In addition, Tiandao can organize most of it, and Xun Peng only needs to point the way.


The situation is not right now.

Characters such as the Scarecrow and Aoling disappeared, and Peng Peng left the endless void and went to the outer world. In this case, he didn't even have a person asking.

"The queen of the stars, please help me open the 'human throne plane'. I'll go back and take a look before I talk to you." Tang Shidao suddenly thought of his hometown.

"Emperor ... bit plane?" Star Queen was slightly surprised.

Think about it.

Checked the law again.

Then he looked up and looked down at Tang Shidao. You didn't joke.

Seeing this strange expression, Tang Shidao instantly understood ... the traces of the throne of men were gone.

"do not have it?"


"Have you heard of the Seven Remains of the Last World?"

"For the first time, is it related to the relics of the last world?"

"Well, where can I find Yuan Xiao?" Tang Shidao suddenly felt that the person in front of him might not be the Queen of the Astral Realm. A long time ago, for some reason, Mrs. Deep Space, Mrs. Yun Yun, Mrs. Yan Yan, Mrs. Gem and Chaos Stone were combined into a complete life. The people outside the name: Elemental Queen!

Later, the Queen of Elements and the Queen of Stars were united, presumably for the purpose of ascension or salvation.


The queen of the stars is actually the star-maker of 'six in one'.

right now.

This 'Queen of the Astral Realm' does not have the true feelings of a Starforge, but is wearing a layer of 'Creation Star Dress'. It felt that she was only wearing this layer of strength, not by herself. She is similar to Pingxingxing, but the two are different. Puppet Star is ‘dead’ originally, it is the energy life of the nothingness world. The Pleiades is integrated with the eclipse, which is a normal fusion.

The queen of the astral world in front of her, it seems that ... something is taken away from the inside, and only a 'shell' remains.

"I don't know. No one knows."

"Where is the old man of chaos?" Tang Shidao heard this sentence without guessing the invasion and guessed: This star queen is not the star queen, she should be ... the chaos stone. Induction, the part of the Queen of the Astral Circle and the heads of the four major legions disappeared.

If the divine mind invades, the truth can be determined.


She is the gatekeeper of the wizard network, and Tang Shidao does not want to 'destroy' her integrity.

It is not difficult to invade her.

The creation star suit is not difficult to understand, but the outer layer of 'Chaos' must be 'competed'. It can also be said that what Chaos Tao does not want to destroy is chaos.

"At the dimensional entrance of the original creation god."

"Thank you, I'll go to him."

"You're welcome, you can come to me again if you have any questions." The Queen of the Stars called Tang Shidao rude, but she was very polite, a completely stranger model.

Tang Shidao smiled and nodded.


go away.

Within two breaths, Tang Shi Dao calmed his mind and teleported to the dimensional entrance of the original creation god. As a matter of fact, there is no entrance, just that the heavenly organization deliberately created a transmission zone. It is convenient for the strong to enter, and it is also convenient to block those who are not in control.

"Hello, my name is Yun Zhongjun ..."

"Good luck."

The name was deliberately not reported, but the old man Chao and the fourteen elders resigned politely.

This is not familiar, but a tribute to the strong.

With a little coercion, Tang Shidao could immediately prove his qualifications.

Have a conversation.

The result is ... the old man Chao does n’t know himself, other elders do n’t know himself. Moreover, they do not know who the ‘Great Curse King’ is, and they have no record of ‘Mr. Long, Tang Feng and Yun Zhongjun’. Xun Peng did exist, but many things were forgotten in the Xun Peng era. The Chaos old man remembers the days of the Celestials, but he does not remember the days of the Aoling.

After talking to them, Tang Shidao had an illusion.

It's like the history of the ordinary world.

Obviously, some ‘high-tech content’ were found in ancient fossils, but they could n’t explain where they came from.

right now.

The old man in chaos still remembers some historical changes, but he doesn't remember who promoted them and who changed them. Listening to his tone, it is not that he has forgotten, but that he has not reached that height and failed to ‘witness’ with his own eyes. Therefore, like the myth of the ordinary world, everyone has heard and imagined, but no one can be sure who has done these things.

After talking.

Tang Shidao thought of eight people ... seven people and one person!

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