MTL - Mage Network-Chapter 1516 : Seven People in the Past

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"Daughter of the last world, if Tang Shidao had a trap, what would it be?" Li finally asked.

"No, I don't know. But if it's just speculation, it probably has something to do with the power to destroy the group of Tianxi Star. Tang Shidao is very different from the eclipse. The eclipse survives for the clan, and he destroys everything else. . Tang Shi Dao originally had good power, but stopped because of the calamity of endless void. Therefore, Tang Shi Dao will never bet on endless void. "

"What the **** do you mean?" Li could not help asking.

"I mean, Tang Shidao doesn't just want to deal with us, he may also deal with eclipse at the same time. He even wants to send us to fight with eclipse, and then solve the problem at once." The daughter of the world guessed.

"That's impossible. Eclipse will definitely restart Chaos."

"This is where I can't figure out. Tang Shidao cannot take this risk. The endless void is not ready yet. The power of Chaos Restart is irresistible and there is no way to avoid it. Even if the Emperor is willing to suffer, Chaos Restart will also It cannot be reversed or changed. The disaster of endless void must be endured by the endless void itself. "The daughter of the last world wondered what Tang Shidao was thinking.

It is not good for them to induce seven people to go to war.

The hidden dangers of the eclipse, the endless void is even harder to bear.

at this time.

One of the seven people from the past appeared again. On the surface, he is no different from ordinary young scholars and looks very weak. He was holding a book in his hand and the cover of the book was a tree. This tree has the same shape as the omniscient eye, and every leaf on the tree has a mark of ‘eye pupil’.

This 'scholar' has been the most mysterious of the last seven.

He rarely speaks.

However, when he speaks, it is always an answer. Even so, this 'answer' may not be understood by everyone.

In this small group.

The other six did not know the true name of the scholar, but everyone knew the power he gained: The Record of the Last World.

Therefore, everyone is used to calling him ...

"Lu, do you have something to say?" As a wise man, the daughter of the last generation never dared to ignore the words of Lu.


"Please say it."

"I don't have any idea, I just think: If the eclipse is launched, the endless void will definitely bear the power of chaos restart. The endless void cannot escape, it must bear." .

"Well." This is nonsense, but the daughter of the last world did not listen to it as nonsense.

"From another angle, we have created endless void."

"Well." This is still nonsense, the daughter of the last world still dare not listen to nonsense. The recorded speech must be meaningful. It depends on you whether you understand it.

"From another perspective, now that we have created endless void. So, are we not the 'source'?"


Hearing this, all six were silent.

Lu also stopped talking, and replied silently looking at the book in hand.

We are the source.

This sentence……

It has to be said that it is meaningless and it is also meaningless. If everything is shredded, reorganized, simplified and integrated, the harm of the eclipse is plain ... he will blow up the endless void!

Who? Eclipse!

doing what? Blow it up!

Who fried? Endless void!

The whole thing is so simple in essence, there are thousands of reasons and grievances inside it.

Now add a sentence ... We are the source.

Ask again.

Who? Eclipse.

doing what? Blow it up.

Who fried?

Who fried?

Who fried?

"..." The daughter of the last world opened her mouth, but she couldn't say a word. The recorded phrase ‘we are the source’ is too much to extract. Many of the "must be" answers have also become "may be", and many of the "must be it" answers have also become 'might be other'. Everything was fixed, now everything is blurred.

The emperor has a trap, for sure.


Who is it?

Hang Tian Eclipse or Seven of Himself? Or eight pits?

"If we join forces, power can destroy all tactics and traps." The power that possesses the power of the world is still convinced that power can destroy all resistance. As long as it is powerful enough, nothing is impossible. He is power and has the power of the last world. He only believes that ‘power’ can solve everything.


There were seven of the last seven, and the other six did not possess such power and did not think like him.

Because the last success was a success of stealing power and being lucky, they don't like adventure now. They knew that something could not be lost. Once lost, you will not be able to retrieve it again. It seems that there is such an endless void. I do not have the ability to create it for the second time. The previous experience is useless. It is only the success of illusory.

Force proposal.

Join forces to enter the endless void, destroy the magic of all beings, and kill the Emperor Tang Shidao ... This idea is very good.

But what if it doesn't happen?

Change the angle.

It succeeded, it won, and the trouble was lifted ... how should Eclipse deal with it? After exposing your abilities, you may be more targeted. In addition, Chen Tiantian also has seven people who are ‘strength’. In the process, if there is something wrong with the seven of them, even if they win in the end, they will attract more enemies.


The seven could not help remembering that before they had stolen those seven forces.


He is carefree and does not fear. No matter what difficulties you face, you don't have to worry about anything at all. However, after stealing these seven forces, everything changed. Becoming careful, becoming wary of everyone, and becoming distrustful of anyone. After the success, there is no joy, but they are afraid that others will use the same method to take away their ‘fruit of victory’.

Since that day, I have lost even my friends and subordinates.

After so many years of hard work, I did not succeed in recreating the endless void for the second time. The success at that time was like a dream. After waking up, the same dream no longer exists.



If you think about it, you don't even know it yourself.

"Hit." Suddenly the last man said, and everyone was faint.

Everyone understands what it means.



"The magic of beings is not an inducement trap of Emperor Tangshidao, but his notice. He is telling us: You only have one last chance. If the sequence of magic of beings is established, Emperor Tangshidao no longer needs to deal with us, Because we are helpless about the endless void. Before it can be framed, we have one last chance. "The man of the last world said indifferently.


"You all know that after the magic of beings is built, we can't defeat any of them. In this way, any race in the endless void can stop us. Even if we know the seven things, we can't **** them back. You understand , Emperor Tang Shidao has done even better than Tian Eclipse. Tian Eclipse just 'threatens' us and makes us afraid to move. Tang Shi Tao is not like this. He closed the door and excluded us forever. After speaking, everyone was silent.

Yes, everyone knows it now.

With the establishment of the magic of beings, the endless void has the power to deal with its own group of people.

No one can match the strength of the strong in the endless void.

Miss this time.

The seven people in the last world have really become 'myths and legends'.

"Okay, do you have any opinions?" The daughter of the last world nodded, and asked very simply.

Enter the endless void.


How will eclipse react? do not know.


Since Emperor Tang Shidao dared to do so, he must have expected the ‘reaction’ of Eclipse. He even said that he had prepared a way to deal with the eclipse.

"I definitely don't have an opinion." Li is the most joyful one.

at this time.

"Record" holding the book also nodded gently.

The remaining three could only nod.

The last man, the last woman, Li, Lu, four of the seven have agreed, and their opposition is useless. This matter requires everyone to act together, and they do not want to oppose it. Whether or not the Emperor Tang Shidao can be solved, and after explaining him, can he solve the eclipse? This is a 'gamble' ... just like they did everything they could to become a creation god, they could only 'gamble'.

At this moment they even thought: the powerful men of endless void must find the door soon, and the seven of them did not have much time to hide.

Now this period.

Regardless of the endless void or eclipse, they have the highest priority to stare at their party.

Assassinate the Emperor.

Or take that embryo.

Or find seven relics.

It's best to do all three things. It's good to be able to do one or two things before you can do it. No matter how bad it is, it is good to be able to kill Emperor Tang Shidao. If they fail to do so, then this operation is a big failure.

"lets go."


It is not difficult to dive into the endless void, but it is not easy to hide the eclipse. At this time, they need to rely on one's strength: Yan.

Yan who possesses the ability of 'the last god'.

Yan has the same ability to chaos, which can ‘fuzz’ the message and deceive the eclipse. As a matter of course, it is certainly able to conceal the powerful people in the endless void. However, this concealment will not last long. The eclipse is not the weak, and the strong in the endless void cannot be found, and he will also find traces. Especially after the hands-on, Eclipse will definitely visit the first time.

How long it can hide, it depends on the ecstasy of the eclipse and the battle encountered.

Seven people in action.



After a blink of an eye, they found that one thing was wrong: eclipse irrelevant, the most important thing to watch out for in the ‘sneak in’ operation is ...



"I am the elder of the heavenly organization. I have died once and have no name. If you don't mind, you can call me" Chaotic Elder ". Because this person is the first owner of the Chaos Forbidden Curse. I am honored that you use A force similar to chaos sneaks in. If it weren't for this, I wouldn't find you. "Elder ... No, the old man in chaos stood quietly, not far from the seven people in the last world.

at this time.

Numerous portals opened beside him, and familiar figures flashed.

Ten breathless.

Hundreds of millions of endless voids entered. This group includes the chiefs of the races of the heavens, as well as all members of the heavenly organization, and also includes scattered forces, such as the strong forces of Kun Peng and the Master Network. Except for a few celebrities, basically, the characters mentioned in the information of Devil Star appeared.

Seven people against Ivanhoe.


Seriously, Ivanhoe is male, and bland is seven people.


The most powerful group of endless void!

The other side.

Endless void ... the creator!

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