MTL - Mage Network-Chapter 1507 : The Special Abilities of the Last Men and Last Women

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"Really boring."

The daughters of the last world and the males of the last world held hands and split into dozens of themselves. Each is a special clone, not a similar replica. In this case, she is basically invincible. This special avatar is like a curse, which can be imitated but absolutely not exactly the same. In theory, the perfect person, Yuan Xiao, can no longer 'simulate' this special avatar if he has the ability.

In terms of ability, this is the special ability of the last man and the last woman. It is not something you can imitate.

at this time.

If the two sides fight again, Yuan Xiao has no chance of winning.


Yuan Xiao looked at only one sentence, "It's really boring." She had no fear or surprise on her face.

"Oh? Bored?" The daughter of the previous world thought Yuan Xiao would be shocked, but did not expect the other party to react in this way.

"Yes, it's very boring. Did you get something wrong? I'm here to learn, not to fight with you. If you don't believe it, you can't help it. I can only say that there is nothing worth learning about this method Yes, "Yuan Xiao repeated twice, for learning.

The men and women of the last world naturally do not believe.


In fact, Yuan Xiao really wanted to learn, not to win the ‘split’ of the last man and the last woman.

"Can't you learn?" The daughter of the last world gradually became unhappy.

Although it is only a clone, the control is still the control of the deity. In another place, the true daughter of the last world is 'gazing' and 'controlling' all this. Yuan Xiao's reaction was very upset. One of the seven people in the world, one of the creators of the endless void, was actually overlooked by a little life inside the endless void of creation.

For the daughter of the last world, the endless void is an ‘item’. How can you allow someone inside the object to look down on you.

"Maybe, you are not too tender, you are too old." Yuan Xiao said lightly.

"what did you say?"

At this time, Yuan Xiao no longer wanted to speak. Reaching out gently, as if a dance invitation, slowly, a translucent figure, a feminine figure appeared in front of Yuan Xiao. I saw ‘she’ put her hand gently on the palm of Yuan Xiao, and gently danced and rotated. In the blink of an eye, dozens of Yuan Xiao and female dancers appeared.

Like the last man and the last woman, Yuan Xiao also split himself.

this moment.

The daughter of the last world is stunned, so is the male of the last world.

They can see that the 'female figure' is neither life nor spell, she is some kind of power of Yuan Xiao itself.

"It's flawless." Yuan Xiao turned gently, then calmly said, "The power of great perfection, flawless, you know for sure. If you want to ask me how to do it, I can also say. I am at this moment Separate it, and make it a separate existence. Then, imitate your ability with the perfection ability I have. "

During the conversation, the woman's figure disappeared.


'She' doesn't exist, 'she' is just a figurative representation. Why is female figuration? It is probably the result of Yuan Xiao's deliberate "mocking" of the last man and the last woman. For the two of them, Yuan Xiao can do it alone. There is no distinction between male and female abilities and spells. The more deliberately it is shown, the more it is ridiculed.

at this time.

In fact, the men of the world and the women of the world still have the upper hand. They can continue to split and be very easy to do, but Yuan Xiao is more difficult.

However, they did not do so.

Because ... Yuan Xiao will.

Yuan Xiao's appearance was only for learning, and victory or defeat has no meaning to him. Now that the other party has 'learned', repeating the same method again is meaningless. The confrontation between the two, the call of the last daughter, does not work. The daughter of the last generation, by virtue of the ability of the male of the last generation, splits and still does not work.

Her battle with Yuan Xiao can be said to have been defeated.

more important.

Yuan Xiao has almost no special moves, just the simulation of the perfect person wins.

The daughter of the last self confessed to the category of ‘transcendence’ of the endless void, but did not expect that she was easily defeated by the mage of endless void, and she was helplessly defeated. Although she could not admit that she had failed, she thought that she was still advantageous in combat. However, this 'persistence' has no meaning. In this battlefield, Bai Shengnan and the ground mother are her opponents. Yuan Xiao just passed by to learn.

To win, Bai Shengnan and Di Mu are the real opponents.


Now these two 'opponents' cannot be found, and they are still hidden in front of them.

"It looks like I can't do it anymore." The man of the last step forward slowly, reaching out and pressing on the shoulder of the last woman, as if to say: it doesn't matter, and me.

Yuan Xiao gestures slightly, indicating that you can start performing.

The last man smiled and raised his hand gently. Like the daughter of the last generation, he is also good at calling.


The last man did not summon Warcraft, nor did he summon warriors, nor did he duplicate the priests such as Tang Shidao and Scarecrow. What he summoned was so basic that even the average magic apprentice knew it. This summoning is not the most commonly used in the summoning system, but it must be understood by everyone.

It's ... Summoner.

Swords, guns, daggers, bows, crossbows, whips, rings, shields, armors, and summoning weapons are not complicated, with only a few dozen types in total.

Because the mage turret and the summoner do not like to carry weapons, they often choose to learn the spell summoning. Of course, the "weapon" that is summoned is far different from the real one. They consist of energy and have no material properties. Similarly, the enchantments and inscriptions of general instruments are also difficult to possess.

Of course, this refers to ordinary mage, such as magic apprentices.

A little higher.

Above the sanctuary or the lord of the realm, the magical equipment summoned is very powerful. Take the Endless Void as an example. Before the Cosmic Armor Method came out, the ‘Magic Armor’ and ‘Dragon Armor’ summoned by the spell had hundreds of types, and the individual and combination elements accounted for most of them. Magic armor is not only good at mage healers and summoners, but the strong ones also need to practice.

It can be said like this.

Even if it is not a summoner, he has a good understanding of the summoning of artifacts. Otherwise, you don't even know what ‘weapons’ the public likes to hold.

The Cosmic Gong method can become a trend, the reason is that everyone has learned the magic instrument call.

The last man summons the magic weapon.


Very surprised.

It felt like a peerless master suddenly took out an iron sword. It's not a wooden sword or a bamboo branch that fits very well, nor is it a peerless sword that matches the identity very well. It's commonly used, it's idiomatic, and it's well understood by everyone but not great. Such an ability should really not appear in the hands of the 'God of Creation'.

Yuan Xiao was not surprised or careless.

Unlike the men and women of the last world, Yuan Xiao does not think that there is anything inevitable.

As long as it appears, it makes sense.

No matter who uses what ability, as long as it is really used, it is reasonable.

Next second.

When the man in the last world summoned the ‘opening sky stick’, Yuan Xiao finally understood why the man in the last world was better. This is not Kaitian stick, the real Kaitian stick is in the hands of Zen Nine. However, this is also a sky stick. As one of the creation gods who created an endless void, the man of the last world must know Kaitian Stick, and he must also know Kaitian Stick.

His simulation ... that's not simulation, he's 'reinventing.'


The man in the previous world is not holding a stick, but four ... he has four faces and four arms, and he can use four sticks at the same time.

"Be careful." The last man also started to wake up.

Not moving fast.

Four sticks struck.

Yuan Xiao's left and right hands summoned two sticks, successfully resisting the two sticks of the last man. But just two sticks.

The other two sticks.


Yuan Xiao bounced back with two deep stick marks on her shoulders.

"You can't hide." The elder daughter next to her sneered, and at this time four Kaitian sticks fell on her hands, seemingly ready to support.

"Um." Yuan Xiao did not deny.

The last man's attack is really inescapable, because his next move has been seen. At the moment of the block, Yuan Xiao tried to respond. However, at that moment, Yuan Xiao also felt that his actions had been seen in advance. No matter how he hid, the other party could prepare and deal with himself in advance. Hiding and not hiding, the results are the same.

at this time.

The daughter of the last world joined the battlefield, and the situation changed again.

Yuan Xiao originally thought that the skills of the last man were much better than the last woman, and it was easier for the last woman to cope when she joined the battlefield. Pig teammates are sometimes more terrible than the enemy. However, Yuan Xiao did not expect that the results were not as expected. The man of the past has the ability of the man of the past, and the woman of the past also has her speciality, that is ...

"Sorry, I blocked it again."


Yuan Xiao even hit several times. The daughter of the previous world easily blocked it, without any damage.

In contrast, Yuan Xiao.

He was slightly injured when the opponent hit back.

The two attacked together, Yuan Xiao was hurt again and again ... This is the opening warm-up, not really serious yet. To this extent, Yuan Xiao has completely fallen behind.

After a round of offensives.

The men and women of the last world also stopped, looking at Yuan Xiao, the broken left and right sticks, with only a slight smile.

"I can't hide from you." Yuan Xiao came to learn, and didn't care about 'injury' or 'defeat'. Just looking at the man in the world at this moment, he sighed softly.

The last man smiled without words.

"I can't beat you." Facing the daughter of the last world, Yuan Xiao was different again.

"Oh." The daughter of the last world only sneered.

"I probably understand that the two of you have different 'abilities'. The man in the world ... well, I can't escape your attack, I guess ... you probably have some kind of 'predictive' ability. Or, You are the implementer of the "plan." I have never been able to hit you, daughter of the world. You are probably the implementer of the "action." The two of you, one is the plan and the other is the action. result."

When they heard this, they were slightly surprised.

In fact.


The men of the world are capable of premeditating and judging, while the women of the world can see the results. Why can't Yuan Xiao escape? Because that is also expected. Why can't I hit the last daughter? Because attack is action, action is result. For the daughter of the last world, Yuan Xiao's attack is the result of 1 + 1 being equal to 2. The daughter of the previous world only needs to wait for Yuan Xiao at the 'result' of 2.


The man in the last world is a "first step" to make plans, and the woman in the last world is a "next step" to accept and determine the result.

Yuan Xiao attacks or defends.

The Boys of the Last World predicted before the start, while the Girls of the Last World waited for Yuan Xiao in the position of 'final result. Yuan Xiao, who is in the 'middle', can't be beaten by anyone.

"Your abilities are too special. I can only learn one, so I can't cope with two people at the same time." Yuan Xiao is not unable to imitate.

However, one person cannot, after all, simulate two different abilities at the same time.


"I watch the battle, watching the battle is also a kind of learning." Yuan Xiao flickered and then retreated, and her injuries disappeared in an instant. As if everything just played was just an illusion, Yuan Xiao itself was not damaged in any way. Or, this is the ability of the perfect. He can ‘perfectly adjust’ the state of life as long as it is not completely dead, and injury is the same.

The men and women of the world cannot ask much.

at this time.

Bai Shengnan's figure slowly emerged, and there was only a disgust on his face. As if, I don't have any good feelings for this avatar.