MTL - Mage Network-Chapter 1504 : New vs. Old

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Having said that, it doesn't make much sense to say more.

The ground mother began to fight, and the daughter of the last world took it seriously. The daughters of the last world laughed at them, but they didn't care when they actually played. Her current status is not full, because she lacks the power to `` steal '' from those seven things. This 'full strength' is just the former self, the full strength before he did not become the creation god.

At this point, Bai Shengnan moved.

At the moment of moving, Bai Shengnan had already walked four positions, but he didn't make any effort.

Her opponent.

The last man has four faces. This is not only a comprehensive insight into the four directions of the southeast, northwest, but also the comprehensive insight of the moved, unmoved, known, unknown. In other words, before Bai Shengnan moved, the previous man knew her punctuation. Similarly, before Bai Shengnan wanted to attack, the previous man knew where she was going to kick.

Therefore, Bai Shengnan didn't play because Bai Shengnan also felt that he had been ‘insighted’ by the opponent.

At this time the last man just smiled and didn't move.

Obviously, he didn't want to do it yet.

The opponent is already very strong, and also has great power of perfection. However, this degree does not mean that you can keep up with the seven people in the world. There is a big difference between possessing a certain kind of power and using it. If the strength is not high, it is just an apprentice apprentice, and you have a forbidden spell. The power of Wonderful Perfection is not inherently powerful, but the user is powerful.

The attitude of the man in the past shows that ... Bai Shengnan's level is not enough.


at this time.

Bai Shengnan also laughed.

Opponents are better than they know and imagine. But that's why it makes sense. If the last seven are weak, then all this is a joke. The enemy and I do not seek match and fairness, but at least we cannot disappoint.

Because of the actions of the last man, Bai Shengnan suddenly stopped.


I didn't even think about it, so I just watched the confrontation between the earth mother and the daughter of the last world.

This action ...

The man in the last world was a little surprised, but he did not expect that Bai Shengnan actually reacted in this way. At this moment, he couldn't move well for a while. Because he also felt that whether he charged or cast, Bai Shengnan could rely on quick response. Just as she is aware of her actions, the other person does not need to be aware but has everything to deal with everything quickly.

With a little surprise, the ground mother had already made a new move.

The power of the original eclipse really started, and the body of the ground mother began to slowly 'petrify'.

With the action of raising a hand.

The stone body is 'broken'.


Not scattered, but slowly turned into a state of mud. Then, it breaks again, smashes, and slowly produces a special dusty state.


This dust is not really dust, but a very stable primitive particle. Inside these primitive particles, energy is fused within the shell and surrounding. Because of this energy, this 'dust' body has a shape, a human form.

The daughters of the last world did not say much.

Just a finger.

In a flash, two large dolls of more than three meters flashed.

Everyone at the scene knew that this was not something called out. The daughter of the last generation did not prepare the puppet demon in advance, she was 'made' in an instant. As the former owner of primitive eclipse, the daughter of the previous age was more proficient in the use of eclipse than mother earth. Moreover, she is a Starforge, an existence that is better than anyone at creating life and living environments.

Two demon puppets appeared, one towards the mother, and the other towards Bai Shengnan.

The Mother Earth reacted more slowly because she didn't move.

Pounced on Bai Shengnan.

At the beginning of the save, there was no time to charge, the body had broken from the waist and split into two parts. In the next picture, everyone saw Bai Shengnan's foot movement. I also saw Bai Shengnan's slightly surprised expression.

In fact.

This kick was not kicked, Bai Shengnan went for 'Kick Broken'.


Goblins are more sturdy than expected.

Moreover, the truncated puppets changed when they scattered. It is not connected, but directly restored ... from two cuts to 'two'. Bai Shengnan kicked it and it became two. It seems that these two puppets are no different from the previous one, and their power is also the same. It can only be said that it has changed from one to two, and only increases without cutting.

At this moment.

A puppet rushing to the ground mother had rushed to the target, and raised a huge fist in a rage.

Next second.

The giant fist hit, the ground mother did not flash.

No energy shock.

There was no noise.

The giant fist slammed, and the fragile ground mother was fine, but the puppet itself shattered and became hundreds of pieces.

The daughter of the previous world was slightly surprised, but smiled at the corner of her mouth.

Mother Earth's defense is unexpected, but it doesn't matter. The remains of the puppets that turned into hundreds of pieces began to recover, just like Bai Shengnan kicked off, it ... No, they were not reconnected and reorganized, but directly multiplied into independent bodies. Hundreds of shards turned into hundreds of puppets in an instant. What used to be one-to-one has now become hundreds of one-to-one.

"You don't have a chance." The daughter of the world chuckled, and she didn't even move her hand.

The mother did not answer.


A burst of dust spread, and in a moment, hundreds of demons ... including the two facing Bai Shengnan were all powdered together. This is not tearing and breaking, but turning into powder, flying away like soot.

Bai Shengnan's unbreakable devil, the ground mother only needs to wave his hand.

"Fun." The last man chuckled.

"Indeed." The daughter of the world also smiled, but was not disappointed.


The ‘powder’ scattered all over the sky began to recover. They were not connected and reorganized, but each individual was formed independently. Less than ten breathers, hundreds of millions of puppets filled the entire airspace, and surrounded the four people in the field like a tide. As a matter of course, they only have one target: the mother.

"It's weird, it seems to be a little less." Bai Shengnan didn't move, only frowned slightly.

The mother did not speak, but watched silently.

at this time.

The daughter of the last world said: "Well, the total is a little less. After all, there is nothing that is created out of nothing in the world, only energy building and material composition."

Bai Shengnan also agreed: "Then why did they exist? I have noticed that you have not consumed them."

"It's endless void, it supports me."

"is it?"

"Of course, do you think I'm a savage fighter? No, I'm not. Some people like sports and others don't, and I just don't like the type of sports. Although in theory our level of sports is more effective However, popular theory does not represent everyone, and there are special examples. Body skills, spells, summoning, curse of invasion, and any power mode may reach the top. I like summoning, it is more suitable for me. "

"The endless void cannot support you." Bai Shengnan did not believe this.

"Do I need it to agree?" Said the daughter of the world proudly, and said, "Did you forget, I was the original owner of the original eclipse, once the master of everything here. When I need to use its power Do I need to ask for his consent? After all, you are still children, knowing that there is no solution to forcibly fight against them. Go, put out these two little flames. ”The daughter of the last waved.

She doesn't want to have more trouble now and finish it as soon as possible.

A gesture.

The puppet army swooped up and rushed to Bai Shengnan and the ground mother.

In the minds of the last daughters, it is enough to form such a quantity. Even if they could fight back, they could not defeat the army of this size. Moreover, even if they can fight this way, they can continue to increase the number of puppet legions themselves.

Right now, there isn't a small chance of winning.

The puppet legion charged.

Next screen.

Countless monster puppets rushed forward as if the mud cows were entering the sea, all of them were submerged in a dust vortex. This 'dust dust vortex' is the ground mother herself. She turned her body into a dust cloud and swallowed up all the puppets in an instant. The daughter of the last time beckoned, trying to retrieve a part of the puppet army. However, this did not work, and all the puppets were still 'automatic' invested in it.

Less than two minutes.

The dust vortex is deformed, returning to the original appearance of the ground mother.

A little different.

At this moment, the earth mother is not a dust body, but a glowing dust, such as tiny star fragments. The elder man and the elder woman can see that the smallest particle of the earth mother's body has changed into something similar to the 'planet', which is covered with complicated law patterns. Of course, they are still the size of particles, but the content is 100 million times richer.

There is a feeling.

The ground mother was asleep, but now she is awake.

At this moment, the daughter of the last world frowned.

She knew that ... the legion army she made was eaten, and the attack failed, but instead became the other party ’s nutrition.

"You're right." The mother said calmly, and said, "You don't need endless void consent, you can forcibly seize and create the weapons you need. You are also the former owner of the original eclipse, once it was everything here Master. But the point is ... once. "

"..." The daughter of the last was silent.

Former owner.

Former owner.

That was once ... not now.

Now, the Mother Earth is the master of the original eclipse.

Now, the Endless Void has no master, it is a completely independent existence.

"It seems that your summons are the result of Taji's tacit consent. Without Taji's tacit consent, you can't do it so easily. I can understand that this is equivalent to making a big meal just to satisfy Taji's full The right meal. "Bai Shengnan didn't understand the original eclipse, but felt the change of the ground mother. The Daughter of the Last Summoned the Powerful Legion, which became the food of the Mother Earth.

From a certain point of view, the daughter of the last world can be regarded as 'helping' the mother earth to improve her strength.

of course.

Bai Shengnan knew that the mother earth was not only for 'eating', but also to analyze the power of the daughter of the last world. The daughter of the world is good at summoning, then there is no better analysis than eating her summons. On the other hand, the last man and the last woman are both Starforges. The best way to understand Starforge is to analyze their ‘work’.

The created living environment is a work, and the cultivated life is a work.

Summoning things are also works.

"No wonder the original eclipse will choose you, but it's still a little level. But ..." After the daughter of the last world was surprised, she smiled on her face.

The next action.

The four arms pulled themselves back and ‘torn’ from the middle.

One tear.

"You have the outdated primitive eclipse, and I can have the evolutionary meta-eclipse." At this time, one daughter of the last world became two daughters of the previous world, and both spoke at the same time. There is no difference between them, any one is the same as the other.

This is the true power of the last daughter.

She can copy even herself.