MTL - Mage Network-Chapter 1499 : Let me turn you into 'stars'

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One move and two moves, ten moves and one hundred moves.

The ‘Stars’ in the sky have no fighting power in front of Tian Xixing and others. The more they kill, the weaker, and the more they kill. Although everyone felt that something was wrong, it was an indisputable fact that the other party became weaker. This method, this method, really does not help. Against mortals, quantity may prevail. To deal with the mage, the number is just a joke.

After hundreds of annihilations, the stars have weakened to the level of ‘no light’.

as if.

No need to attack.

In fact.

After the stars are getting weaker, it is really a matter of breath. They have been farther and farther from life in the endless 'death', and gradually transformed into the mode of energy. Although they are constantly resurrected and reborn, they are no longer ‘alive’. It can be expected that soon they will be completely finished and there will be no chance to recover.

Seeing this situation, everyone is not anxious.

In their battle history, there are countless successful opponents and countless failures. Either way, they win in the end.

Hundreds of times.

at last.

The stars seemed to disappear, and there was no glimmer in the airspace.

"People, your trick is over. Come out, I know you're still here." Tian Xixing whispered, and didn't care if Tang Shidao had any tricks. In front of their absolute strength, no trick is useless.

The cry came down.

A human figure slowly emerged.

at this time.

Everyone was preparing to ‘sneer at it’ and suddenly found that something was wrong. The person who appeared was not Tang Shidao, but ... the spiritualist.

"Me?" Seeing the characters appearing, the spiritualist beside Tian Xixing was also shocked.

Two spiritualists?

Is this imitation?

"Hum." After a moment of shock, the Evocation Spirit snorted again. It doesn't take much action, and with a wave of his hand, a 'spirit spear' consisting of death is shot instantly. The opposite 'Soul Evangelist' was too late to evade, and the Spirit Spear had penetrated through the body. Theoretically, this spear must take away the life of the enemy, and those who are not proficient in the energy technique of 'Death of Death' simply cannot defend.

However, the results were unexpected.

The other 'Ecstasy' did not die. Not only were they not dead, but they were not damaged. Not only is it harmless, it has strengthened a little bit.

It feels like that soul spear is a tonic, it is 'charged' for a moment.

At this moment.

With another one-stroke one-handed one, a 'spirit spear' emerged in the palm of your hand and turned into something like a melee weapon. Unexpectedly, the spear-catcher had shone, and the spear pierced the true spirit-magist himself. Of course, this swift strike does not take effect. It is no wonder that the characters of the spiritualist can be hit by the ‘power’ they are most familiar with.

The Soul Rider not only uses the Soul Shield to block it, but also turns the Soul Shield into pieces. Once he changes hands, he will split his opponent who imitates himself into pieces.


Such a 'division' approach has not taken effect.

I don't know for any reason, the spirit seeker's attack did not hurt the imitator, only the effect of "supplementing nourishment". The harder the spiritualist attacks, the stronger the imitator. At this time, the spiritualist also tried 'healing' the protector, and the result ... still nourishing effect.

"Stop it for a while." Tian Xixing whispered, preventing the spiritualist from continuing to fight.

"..." At this time, the spiritualist didn't have time to pay attention, and the imitator's attack didn't stop.

See this situation.

Tian Xixing could only signal to the funeral to step forward and block the imitator's offensive.

Next second.

The funeral's blood fist shocked the imitator, and the imitator ‘injured’ flew tens of meters away, everyone was relieved at first glance.

"Recruiter, don't do anything for the time being. This star image is weird, it seems to be able to absorb your power. You also saw it, the funeralist hit it with a punch, but your attack was only tonic. The attack made it 'learn' something, and now you shouldn't do it. When the funeral corporal cleans it up, let's slowly ... "

"Wait a minute, there is something wrong with me, too." The funeral corporal holding his fist of blood energy did not wait for Tian Xixing to finish speaking and sang softly.

The crowd turned their heads again.

The shadow of the stars imitating the spiritualist has changed. It doesn't get stronger or bigger, and it splits into two spontaneously. One had bloodstains and the other did not. In other words, one of them looks like a spiritualist, but the other looks a bit ‘like’ a funeral. Of course, this 'image' is just an image, not exactly the same as the funeral.

After seeing this scene, everyone finally knew what ‘bad’ was.


The second 'burialist' rushed up, and a slightly **** fist banged. The funeralist flew with a wave of his hand. However, the slightly angry face also became surprised. Because, this imitator has also 'absorbed' a little bit of his power. Not as many as the imitator of the spiritualist, but at least one or two percent of the power is absorbed by the other party and becomes tonic.

Everyone saw the face of the funeral, and they didn't need to ask and knew what happened.

At this moment.

Everyone is watching Tian Xixing, hoping that this wise man has some idea. Such opponents are troublesome, and the emperor is still hiding here, not just the trouble of these imitators.

"Use the magic weapon." Will Tian Xixing disappoint everyone?

will not.

His intelligence is not just talking.

The imitator's ability is troublesome, but Tian Xixing thought of a solution as soon as he thought about it. Different techniques and abilities of the instrument, the essence of the instrument is different, it cannot be imitated completely. Just like the spell forbidden spells, the magic instruments are also considered as independent individuals. They belong to the easiest to 'copy' and the hardest to 'copy' individuals. Ordinary instruments, trying to copy is just a breeze. Special instruments are harder to simulate than craftsmanship.

As soon as Tian Xixing finished speaking, someone in the crowd already knew.

Two glazed flying knives shot out, two imitators were instantly penetrated and flew away.

Next breath.

Thousands of glazed flying knives flickered, and with a single stroke, they would cut two injured imitators. At this time, the two imitators moved their hands, and the slightly larger glass flying knife with four handles twirled, attacking the flying knife one by one.

Instruments ... they can still be imitated.

And imitated exactly the same.

"It's impossible." Among the crowd, the star-maker who held the glass-blade knife was stunned. His 'glazed flying sword' is not a common weapon, he built it with his 'glazed bone'. In theory, no one can simulate the same thing. This uniqueness is not just unique in rules. Even if someone steals his glass bones, he cannot build the same thing without his approval.

Tian Xixing and others are also stunned.

They are acquaintances, and naturally know that this 'method' cannot make up for imitation.

did not expect.

"Is it strange?" At this moment, the two imitators holding the glass flying sword in their hands spoke at the same time, and the voice sounded like Tang Shidao's voice. They are not one opening, but two speaking at the same time: "This is a forbidden star, and the stars belong to the creation cloud map. Are they strange to imitate your power? Dear guests, you have the ability to escape from the void, but also The ability to enter the extraterrestrial sky, but does not mean that everything is unknowable. "

"Dignified, do you hide and shrink like this?" Tian Xixing taunted deliberately.

"I've left." Tang Shidao's words were surprising, and then he heard: "I did not leave the circular world, but just left you one battlefield. There are also your alliances in other regions, I need to go and take a look. Your team The strength is the strongest, but the fight is also the best, and I am more assured of you. "

"Do you think this little trick can deal with us?" Tian Xixing hummed softly.

"Wisdom and cynicism will not change the scale of victory. Victory requires strength and ability. For the sake of your being an experiment, let me explain to you."

"Hm." The strong men hummed at the experimental objects.

"First and foremost, the stars have the experience and knowledge of the creation of the world map. Most of the power and objects can be imitated. You can enter the extraterrestrial sky, and you definitely have the methods and power to escape from the void. However, you just have This power does not mean that everything is out of this bound. I will ban curse, it does not mean that all my spells are banned. In this regard, you need to be awake. "


"The second thing is that the original authority master of the cursed star is the creation cloud map, and the creation cloud map of the extraterrestrial sky. Therefore, the stars have not only my knowledge and experience, but also some knowledge and experience that I do not know. You Do n’t understand, it does n’t matter, the third thing ... ”

"..." Everyone was getting stranger when they heard this.

"Now I'm trying to sacrifice it to the Genesis Cloud Image." The third thing about Tang Shidao is more scary, and then listened: "You remember, the first Starforge once introduced the Genesis Cloud Image to the endless void, he It was successful. As for me, I started the creation experiment of Little Void, which is also an attempt to build a new void. So, I need some special materials, such as ... you. "


"Of course, this kind of experiment is difficult to succeed. However, this always requires someone to try it, right. Introducing the creation cloud map, or removing the small" small "words, you are all essential materials. Also, because trying to provide The relationship between the sacrifices, the power of the stars will be greater, to the extent that I do not know. Now understand, you are fighting with me, half with the creation of the cloud map. "

"You ..." Hearing here, Tian Xixing and his party finally panicked.

It is not difficult to deal with the emperor.

Is it possible to win against Chuangshi Yuntu? Isn't the creation cloud map dead?

Is it to stop the sacrificial effect?

"I hope you can think of a way, really." As if hearing the voices of everyone, Tang Shidao's voice sounded again: "Because, Eclipse has kidnapped the endless void, I have imitated him and kidnapped the creation world. If you can think of a way Stop it, your method may also be used by me. Work hard, you may win the stars. At that time, I will definitely come back to say hello to you after the lap. If you lose, it doesn't matter, relax, let me let you Become a 'Star'. "

"..." Hearing here, there was only silence left at the scene.


The emperor is not a problem to fight a large group, from beginning to end ... the emperor is just doing experiments.

This is not a showdown.

This is just an experiment.