MTL - Mage Network-Chapter 1495 : A more bizarre cycle

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"The funeralist has not completely died, but now he is unable to protect himself." Tian Xixing suddenly said.

"Well." The fellow allies nodded slightly.

"Everyone uses snacks, and things are more troublesome than expected." Tian Xixing said again, but his face did not have the taste of "loss" and "frustration." Tang Shidao clearly won the battle, and it seemed like he had a way to deal with everyone, but Tian Xixing still looked indifferent. As if this game was just a warm-up exercise.


The remaining Starforges and allies of the raid team did not lie.

They heard Tang Shidao's words discolored, but that was not fear but accident. They did not expect that they would encounter such troubles at the first stop in the endless void. In their minds, the extraterrestrial sky belongs to another level. At the extraterrestrial level, the seven people in the last world are probably only half better than themselves. The endless void of the “creativity” of the last man and the last woman, the inner strongman is also a little bigger than the ants if they die.


From the proven information, the Scarecrow, Yong Ye, and Aoling are troublesome and may become a major resistance for everyone.

But it's just trouble.

Compared to the ability of both sides, the endless void 'force' cannot be compared with a small group of people in the sky. Besides, the Emperor, the Mother Earth, and the Zen Nine, it only took a little time at most. According to known information, the Emperor is only a 'craftsman' and not a martial artist. He is only good at academic research. In the extraterrestrial world, there are many such "scholars and craftsmen".

With respect to the experiment of the creation **** of the small void, the emperor can give a high look.


Compared with the world of flowers, the Emperor is just a small flower in full bloom ... the one that has not achieved results.

Until now.

It feels a little bit different when the mage loses and the funeral loses.

Emperor, there is threat.

"I'm coming." At this time, the array mage suddenly stepped forward, and motioned to let everyone back.

No one else was surprised.

At this moment, the array master's 'craftsmanship' was simulated and copied, and he certainly couldn't sit still. There is no simple character who can mix and survive in the dust. Moreover, their group is a group accustomed to ‘invasion and snatching’. They do n’t know how many times they have died. In addition to the endless void, other voids also have strong ones. Armed forces almost don't talk about snatching, and invasion cannot be invaded.

The array mage stepped forward.


A strange spiritual array underneath has spread, spreading like ripples.

At this moment, Tang Shidao has been affected by a new kind of influence, weakened. This effect is small, but it really exists. Theoretically, Tang Shi Tao can retreat, as long as it is out of the range of this spiritual array, it will not be affected. However, it is impossible to win by 'running' during the defense of the enemy. We must face the strength of the enemy.

at this time.

The second step of the array mage is to step back, a new special spiritual array is generated, diffused, and forms a limited space.


The third step, the fourth step, the fifth step.

The array mage is like a tourist walking on foot, not like a life-and-death duel, and walks step by step in front of Tang Shidao. At this moment, Downtown has been affected by more than two dozens. These effects are not strong, but they all take effect and cannot be eliminated or dissipated.


The role of these spirit formations is not to attack or weaken, but to 'monitor' every action of Tang Shidao.


Tang Shidao raised his hand, and when the red lotus industry fire was lit in the palm, the array master also lit a red lotus industry fire, just like Tang Shidao. This is not imitation, nor is it similar, it is exactly the same. Tang Shidao started Cosmic Armor in an instant, turning into a certain combat state. At this time, the array mage also starts Cosmic Armor, and the incarnation is in the same state.

Spells and physical skills are cast at the same time.

The same goes for the array mage.

Downstow attacked, so did he. Tang Shidao casts, and he casts too. When the two were close to each other, they ‘fighted’ hundreds of times, and some strange mantras came out of the collision. When these mantras drifted, others touched him and lost half of his body. Fortunately, there are no weak people here, and physical injuries are just a trivial matter that can be answered by them.

The two fought and the others were watching.

The situation.

Tang Shidao did not win or lose, because the opponents are ‘identical’. No matter how he moves, the array mage greets and offsets exactly.

At the moment.

Tang Shidao's "simulation" of the array mage's array power with the stars, seems to be only 90% similar.

right now.

The matrix wizard uses the same method to color, and the simulation is 100% effect, there is no difference between the two.

From a tactical point of view, the array mage just picks people's teeth and is not worth mentioning. However, judging from the actual results, the array mage has basically 'winned'. As long as Tang Shidao cannot take this step, he will never win, and he can only 'tie' with the array master. Because the array master is a simulation, not his true skill, so Tang Shidao has run out of power, and the array master has not yet begun.

It goes without saying that who is better than who is inferior.

Tian Xixing and others are also very satisfied with this result. Although Tang Shidao was not won, it is no longer a threat.

Of course, they also know that it is impossible to win so easily.


Tang Shidao has already ‘struggled’. The Master is just ‘playing’. Needless to say, whoever is strong on the other is weak.

After dozens of more rounds.

As if Tang Shidao had no other options, he could use the power of 'Stars' again. This action was also expected by the audience. The stars are forbidden. No matter how strong the ability to imitate, it is impossible to simulate forbidden. When Tang Shidao showed 'Stars', the array mage smiled.

So does he.

Tang Shidao prepared the power of the stars, and the array mage 'activated' the power of the star's curse.

Obviously impossible to imitate.

Just because.

The array mage mobilized this power and used it in impossible ways.

Next second.

The stars flickered, and the two turned into meteor lights, fighting fiercely in front of everyone. It was just one collision every time, but now it is different. In a flash, it is tens of thousands of collisions. In this celestial realm, countless scattered starlights fly away every second, like the fragments of light and the debris of stars. They fly away with every collision.

Some of the people present were touched by star fragments to blow up their bodies, while others escaped easily.

Neither was really hurt.

None of them will be involved, not to mention this 'residual force' killing.

Fierce fighting.

Gradually, everyone watching the game felt a little abnormal. The "resilience" of Emperor Tang Shidao is too good, does this stop? Obviously he has been tied, even the star curse has been simulated. He has not given up or changed the method? Fight like this for a few days, months, and years.

This invasion has been found if ...

"Mage Master, don't play anymore, there is something wrong with the Emperor." Tian Xixing can't stand it anymore. The invasion plan should be made sooner rather than later.


No answer.

Streamers flew through the airspace, and the fierce battle continued.

"Array Master?" Tian Xixing shouted again.


Still the same, the second sentence remained unanswered.

as if.

The array mage is very busy now, so busy that he has no time to answer.

At this moment, the fool knew that there was a problem. The spiritualist waved his hand, the strange light flashed, proving that the array mage was fine and safe. Just wondering, why didn't he talk back? Judging from his "advantage" situation, he should not say a word that does not affect the outcome of the battle.

"Sorry, he has no time to answer." It seemed as if everyone heard the voice of Tang Shidao.

Next second.

Not only did the voice sound, Tang Shidao himself also appeared ... emerged from a star array.

"People, what did you do?" Tian Xixing's face changed slightly. At this time, the fierce battle in Skyrim continued, and it was not known to whom the array mage played so much joy.



"Well, Xingchen is a newly learned power of forbidden spells. I need to practice to become familiar with it. It just so happened that the array master helped me very kindly."

"Mage, stop, you're counted." Tian Xixing shouted three times.


"It's useless. He's busy and has no time to listen to you." Tang Shidao calmly explained calmly: "The technique of the formation method is amazing. Even the power of stars can be simulated 100%. As far as the cracking method is concerned, Except for the forbidden spell with absolute sovereignty, I am afraid that there is nothing to crack the array mage's spiritual array. As long as it is not a power limitation, the array mage can simulate and hold opponents 100%. "

"But you are out of combat." Tian Xixing was on guard.

"Yes indeed."


"There is no reason, that's it. Tian Xixing, who told you that an unsolvable power must be cracked? No. I'm not familiar with this power of the magical magic array, and I can't break the magic of the magic array. But, Why should I crack? There is no rule saying that you must crack to win. Isn't such a "tie" good? "Tang Shidao said lightly.

"What the **** did you do?"

"In simple terms, I used the stars to simulate what the array mage simulated, but it was not perfect, only 90% effect."

"The array mage didn't stop."

"Yeah, it's because of my 'imperfect' simulation that it needs to be patched and improved. Of course, I need a 'loop' to complete this simulation. So my imperfect simulation became a special loop, A very slow and very slow ascension cycle. The array mage is 'perfect', no matter how my stars are ascended, he can simulate perfectly. "

"What the **** do you mean?" Tang Shidao wasn't good at formations, and the spiritualist wasn't good at curse.

"Don't understand, it's very simple. Now the Master Mage 'can't stop', understand? My star is in a loop, skilled and promoted little by little, he is also perfectly caught in this cycle Medium. He can hear you and hear what I say, including my current sentence. But he must break the loop if he wants to get out of it. Similarly, he must simulate the loop if he wants to break the loop. "

"..." Everyone understood.

The simulation cycle produces a cycle, and the cycle produces a fierce battle. Disengagement requires breaking the cycle, breaking and simulation, and simulation again ...

It's a circle.


The matrix mage wants to get out of this 'loop' as if a cat wanted to catch up with its short tail.

The Emperor does not need to crack.

The emperor does not need victory.

This "tie" is very good ... it has completely become a practice tool for the emperor.

"You are all strong, I must admit it. But ..." Downstown paused.


"Your brains are really bad."