MTL - Mage Network-Chapter 1486 : The difference between ephemeral and eternal

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"Have you ever thought about one person?" The conversation of the last seven people did not stop.

"Who is it?" The male and female voices sounded at the same time.

"The **** of arcane mystery, she is looking for us. No, strictly speaking, she is looking for you two. Whether this person is strong or weak, we are not sure. According to the information provided by the magic dome, Austria The rise of the spirit is later than the scarecrow, but its fame is incomparable. In the endless void, there is an era named by the ancient and modern generations: the Age of the Aol. "

"So what?" This time there was only a male voice, the voice of the last man.

"No matter how high we grow up, we are still mages. Mages are most worried about unknown things, including people. Unknown things, unknown people, are threats."

"Are you so knowledgeable, but so brave?" The last man chuckled.

No ridicule.

Faintly, it seemed that he didn't care much about the existence of Aoling.

At this moment.

The daughter of the last world said, "Let's not say anything that is misleading, after all, we have the same trouble. We know the character of Aoling, and have let the Devil Star probe many times. Since someone mentioned it, we can also explain it .The **** of arcane, mysterious spirit, her transcendental great power is the 'ruler', who has the highest control over spells, including opponents' spells. "

"Well." The response sounded two or three times without interrupting.

"It's just that this dominator is limited to a certain range, too far away. And this power is limited to what she already knows, and has no effect on unknown abilities, including the curse. It is like the power of Eclipse, it can Mastery of energy, but helplessness of energy in others. Aoling has extraordinary means, but also has the same limitations. "

"If that's the case, she shouldn't be famous."

"Yes. Just the dominator, Aoling is not a special character. She has three places better than the usual mage. The first is that she belongs to the Yuanzu Yuanling bloodline, the second is that she has the Yuanzu Olympic body, and the third is the most important. ...... She is based on infinite magic, and has derived the special skill of 'self-generation magic'. "

"Is this skill great?"

"It ’s powerful when it ’s powerful, it ’s not powerful when it ’s not powerful. The spirit of self-generation is like the literal meaning, Aoling can 'modify' her own power level. For example, when she was just resurrected, she was only the master level. Myself, rushing through the realm of supremacy and the **** of the magic spirit, directly ascended to the level of the elder spirit. "I don't know why, the daughter of the last world explained it in detail.

"Anything else like this?" One of the other five was ‘interested’.


He was ‘hooked’.

"Of course, it's nothing to own such a modifier. It doesn't matter if you improve yourself or accumulate slowly. Power is never the most important thing for a mage. Aoling is truly powerful because her ruler and the self-generating magic perfectly fit. Understand that, **** and modification, the unity of the two is free to modify. In other words, Aoling can modify not only his own power limit but also the power limits of others. "

"She can turn others into mortals?" The voice just sounded again, and her interest increased.

"Yes. It's not just one person and two people. If Aoling is willing, she can make the endless void‘ weaker than her ’into a mortal person.”

"Only for endless void?"

"Only for endless void." The daughter of the last world laughed.

Having said that, other people also understand why the man and the woman of the last world don't care about this 'Arcane God'. Regardless of the ruler or the self-generating magic, the Arcane God has not yet broken the limit of endless void. Maybe she's strong, but it's definitely not the strong one who is sitting on the seven and needs to worry about.

"Does she have the power of perfection?" Another voice asked.



Hearing this response, others despised.

at this time.

The daughter of the last world has not stopped: "We do n’t worry about Aoling, because the Endless Void is our creation. Aoling received the modifier, and only limited to the Endless Void. Within the Endless Void, she is extraordinary and powerful. But she left For the endless void, especially in places like Dust, she has no room to play. "

"Um." Everyone didn't pay much attention.

Different levels.

Understanding is different.

The Arcane God has not been able to escape the limit of the endless void, and in his eyes is not even as good as a cursed mage. Her power is only for the strong inside the endless void. Seriously, it's better to be troublesome than eclipse.

Even if it could be found, it was a reckless idiot.

"Aoling's opponent is Zen Nine." The daughter of the last world was still explaining, and seemed to want to finish it all at once. It may be that the seven meet very rarely, and it is rare to meet and make it clear: "According to the information of the magic dome, one of the eclipse's family, Tianhao Xing, has gone to find Zen Nine and is ready to fight. If Zen Nine fails, Well, apart from the Scarecrow and Yong Ye, everyone else is not worth mentioning. If they are tied, then Aoling and Zen Jiu are not good. "

"Even if Tianhao Xing loses a little, Zen Jiu is not so good." The voice of ‘interest’ sounded again.

There is a feeling.

The owner of this voice likes 'the strong one' very much. As if, he has a similar personality to Tianhaoxing, and when he hears an interesting strong man wants to ‘see’.

"That's what intelligence knows, and you know what you think. Now we have to use their power to deal with the eclipse, which is not easy for the time being. If the endless void restarts, the seven things are likely to be destroyed. Without them We cannot create the endless void for the second time by ourselves. Therefore, the trouble of eclipse must be removed by somebody. "The daughter of the last world defined it, but it was not an order.

The seven people present were of the same status.

The power is similar.

One thing was learned from the conversation: they couldn't make the endless void a second time. It was successful because of the help of seven things. Now they have lost this assistance and can no longer do it.


At the last success, they were 'confident' they could do without those seven things, so 'abandoned' or 'abandoned'. Later, when they wanted to come back again, they found that they could not succeed, and then they wanted to find it again. Unfortunately, at this time they already had some resistance ... such as eclipse. Or, there are other resistances.

In short, they cannot 'pick up' those seven things again.

According to their attitudes that do not take too much attention, the importance of those seven things is also academic, not strength. They have self-confidence in strength, but they lack some academic stuff.

Borrowing the eclipse by someone else's hand is a bit weird.


There is very little communication between them, and outsiders don't even know their identities, so there is no way to guess. Including them, they can't guess the mind of the ally. This has been the case for a long time, and no one asked why. It can only be said that they have the same goal on a certain road. As for other things, everyone has their own ideas.

End of the meeting.

Five people disappeared, leaving only two people: the last man and the last woman.

When others disappear.

At this time.

Only the male and female of the last world slowly revealed the prototype. They look very strange, their bodies resemble human modalities. However, both have four arms. The arms of the last man are thicker, and the arms of the last woman are softer and longer. Another difference is that the last man has four faces, with faces in front, back, left, right, and four directions.

The daughter of the last world has only three faces, front and left, and no rear.

Now they are not in combat, and their bodies are not the special energy body of the Starforge. However, in the surface layer of their skin, the star pattern unique to the Starforge during the battle appeared. It seems that you have that power without being in a combat state. They don't need a state to be strong, they are always the strongest.

"Are they going to be fooled?" The last man suddenly said.

"I don't know. There are probably four who won't, and one is likely to." The daughter of the last generation mentioned five people, not sure if it was the five who just left.

"So sure?"

"Of course, the one who got the power, he was originally an 'impulsive' person. His power is too strong, usually it is not easy to find an opponent. I deliberately told the story of Aoling and Zen Jiu, and he was sure inside I'm interested, but it's just being calm. "

"Are they really good at calculating this?"

"There is no calculation, just to meet their wishes. Those who like to fight, find some opponents for them." The daughter of the world did not agree.

"I don't really need to do this, do I?"

"Yes, no. Because of the previous events, the seven of us couldn't trust each other at all. The two of us were born together as a 'majority' in their eyes, which is more advantageous than them alone. Therefore, we are naturally protected. If We act, they definitely don't trust, maybe they will fight against us behind them. Let them act, but they don't want to do it. We are two people, and sending one person is ridiculous. "

"We don't have that meaning."

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that I and you are two. Each of them is one. Balance, sometimes more important than anything. Those seven things have no power, but they are still useful. At the very least, they are also included. The same amount of knowledge. Can you understand this distrust? Seven people, seven things, one of us was suitable at the time. However, they have no strength, they do not have to be one. If greedy, one person will Can finish. You say, can they believe that we reach out? "


"In this case, it is better to guide them to do it."

"Do you believe them?"

"I don't believe it, but I believe in you. Even if one of them gets it and swallows it alone, you and I are still‘ double servings ’. Do n’t worry about this new threat.”


"Did you know that since we decided to do it that way, the result has been doomed. Trust this kind of thing, once destroyed, it can never be repaired. We are mages, we have eternal life, we only have 'never betray 'And' Never trust 'two options, without forgiveness and letting go. Limited life can be changed constantly because time is limited. Eternal life is determined: once we choose, it is also eternal. "

"Can't regret it?" The last man sighed.

"If life is limited, yes, because time is not worth remembering mistakes. But we can't. If you do it again, people who have a limited life will reflect, change, and cherish it. If we do it again, the result is still Again, we will do that again. Knowing that it is wrong, we still choose to benefit ourselves. Because that is eternal benefit. "
