MTL - Ma’am, Your Little Dragon Cub is Four and a Half Years Old (Lady Is a Dragon)-Chapter 918 What is the solution? 1

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  Chapter 918 What is the solution? 1

  Si Mingjing smiled in his heart, how could she not understand Mo Yinhe's intentions, but they came to visit someone else's house, and the host's house was busy, so they fell asleep unceremoniously, is it really okay?

   Okay, Mo Yinhe will take her to take a nap for a while.

  The four Taoist masters are busy with their own work, and no one has time to worry about what the two of them are doing.

   Half an hour later, the eggs were brought back, the fish were caught, and the porridge with preserved eggs and lean meat was still slowly boiling.

  Fourth master is old and strong, regardless of his age, he is very quick at killing fish.

   Kill the fish, wash the fish, stew the fish soup, and don’t forget to count the exam questions given by Yangyang when you take the time.

  Before the change, the fourth master would only be perfunctory and perfunctory to Yangyang, and was too lazy to help her. But now that Yangyang has a high fever, of course he can't be angry with the child anymore. If the child is angry, what will they do in the future without successors?

   Master Master, Second Master, and Third Master are also counting exam questions.

  Then, they all frowned.

   Not good, not good.

  Yangyang's little koi brother is a bad omen!

   No wonder Yang Yang has a high fever and has to come all the way here, because he wants to seek their help!

  The master stroked his gray beard and asked the second child's opinion: "What do you think about the little koi that is about to jump over the dragon's gate? Is there any way to resolve it?"

  Second Master shook his head, with a troubled expression on his face: "Difficult!"

The third master said: "Yangyang is so anxious that she has a high fever. We must help her find a way. The key is that there is something staring at the little koi and wants to give him a fatal blow when he jumps the dragon gate. If we can eliminate that Something, maybe there is still a glimmer of life."

  The fourth master said: "I also figured out that there is something that wants to kill the little koi when he jumps over the dragon gate, but I can't figure out what it is..."

  The master pinched his fingers and calculated: "It should not be a human being!"

  Second master echoed: "It's not a beast either!"

  Third Master thought hard: "What could it be?"

  Fourth Master speculated: "Could it be a resentful soul?"

With one word to wake up the dreamer, the master and the second master said in unison: "Yes, it is a resentful soul! No wonder I feel strange no matter how I count it. It is not a human but not a beast. It can only be a resentful soul. This is because the resentment is too deep in my heart. , wandering in the sea and unwilling to leave, seize the opportunity of the little koi jumping over the dragon gate, and die together with the little koi!"

  Si Mingjing and Mo Yinhe took a nap for half an hour. When they came out of the children's room, they happened to hear the conversation of several Taoist seniors. Their faces sank like water at the same time, and they looked at each other with dark tides in their eyes.

  What kind of resentment can a small mutual affection provoke?

  He is just a little koi, and he is always accumulating blessings on weekdays. It should be because there are many people who are grateful to him!

  The four Taoist masters were discussing, when they saw Mo Yinhe and Si Mingjing coming out of the children's room, they immediately stopped the chatterbox, and there were four words of secretiveness written on every aged face.

  Mo Yinhe went to the yard, picked up the gift boxes on the stone table, and sent them to the four Taoist masters respectively.

"Senior, in a hurry today, I only prepared a small gift, and I will definitely make another one in the future." The master accepted a gift box, stroked his gray beard, and finally nodded in satisfaction, but said politely: "Young man, come here. Just come, what gift do you bring, don't be so polite."

  Mo Yinhe: "..."

  Mo Yinhe said sincerely: "It's not an expensive gift, I hope seniors will accept it with a smile."

   "For your sincerity, I accept this gift."

  The master pretended to be courteous, and then hurried into the kitchen to see if the lean meat porridge was stewed.

  Mo Yinhe followed, stood beside the master, and asked: "Senior, I don't know how the resentful soul you calculated will harm my son? Can you calculate the specific actions of the resentful soul?"

   "Do you think I'm a fairy?"

  Master pointed at Si Mingjing who walked in afterwards, and hummed: "If we are gods, can we be destroyed by the dragon clan? Hmph, I didn't expect the queen of the dragon clan to ask for her one day."

  The four reclusive Taoist masters have deep resentment towards the Dragon Clan.

   Unfortunately, they accepted a dragon girl as a closed disciple.


  Si Mingjing smiled awkwardly, saying that it was not her fault that the Taoist sect could not survive in Mu Dalu?

  However, she is the Dragon Clan and the Queen of the Mu Continent, so she can only bear this blame in silence.

Mo Yinhe pretended not to hear the resentment of the master, put away his bad temper, and continued to humbly ask for advice: "Senior, can you tell me where you are going? If there is no room for development in Mu Continent, I, Atlanta Sri Lanka will open its doors to welcome seniors."

  The master blew his beard and stared: "Come on? You Atlantis only believe in the **** of the sea. I'm already old, so I ran to suffer that crime?"

   Do you think that after they were wiped out by the mainland of Mu, they didn't want to develop in other places?

   Tried it hundreds of years ago!

  The development is worst in Atlantis. The people there are as if they have been brainwashed too much. They have no interest in Taoism. They only believe in the sea **** mermaid, and when they encounter unfavorable things, they will only pray like the sea god.

  They established a Taoist temple in Atlantis, with great ambitions, because it can bloom everywhere like in the continent of Mu. They never thought that it would take a whole year to let any people enter the Taoist temple.

   Moreover, in the absence of official control, none of the people entered the Taoist temple.

Forget the past.

  Mo Yinhe touched his nose, took a peek at Si Mingjing, and seemed to say: Tough.

  It is indeed a hard bone, it is difficult to pry it, I am afraid that only Yang Yang can do it.

  At this time, Yang Yang's voice called: "Dad? Mom?"

  Si Mingjing heard a voice: "Yangyang woke up?"

  Mo Yinhe said: "Let's go and have a look first."

   Before the two of them reached the door of the kitchen, they suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing from the side. The master who was checking the preserved egg and lean meat porridge had already rushed out, so fast that the two of them almost didn't see his figure clearly.

  When Si Mingjing and Mo Yinhe rushed to the children's room, Yang Yang was already surrounded by four Taoist masters who were asking for their health.

   "Yeah, baby is fine~~"

  Su Chaoyang seemed unable to bear the sudden warm treatment of her masters. Ma Liuer jumped off the bed, ran to Si Mingjing's side, and said, "Mom, you didn't even sleep with the baby."

   "Slept, your father can testify, my father and I both slept for half an hour."

  Si Mingjing touched his daughter's forehead with his hand, it was still burning.

  She picked up Yang Yang, went back to the bed, and said: "Hey, sleep again."

   "No, I don't have time, it's important to save my brother."

   Baby Su Chaoyang raised his head and asked the four masters, blinking and waiting for the four masters' answers.

   "Master, have you figured it out yet?"

   "Second Master, how about you?"

   "Third Master, Fourth Master...?"

  (end of this chapter)