MTL - Ma’am, Your Little Dragon Cub is Four and a Half Years Old (Lady Is a Dragon)-Chapter 892 Space Tunnel 1

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  Chapter 892 Space Tunnel 1

  Si Lisao kissed her face with a smile, and sighed, "Siyuan, I will worry about you in the future."

   "Why are you worried about me?" Ye Siyuan felt puzzled.

  Si Lisao leaned close to her ear and smiled lowly: "I'm afraid you will be eaten to death by me."

What's the meaning?

  Before Ye Siyuan understood, she had already been pulled into bed by Si Lisao, and she was held in his arms and kissed by him.

  Yesiyuan wanted to have the backbone to resist, and after resisting for a second, he dropped his armor and let Si Lisao do whatever he wanted.

  If you don’t remember the doctor’s instructions, it’s best not to have **** within two months. I think I will be wiped out tonight.

   "Do you want to eat sauced duck?" Si Lisao lay beside her, reaching out to gently rub her head: "I went to the mall to buy it, I haven't had dinner yet, let's have some together."

   "Huh? What time is it? Why didn't you even eat dinner? Did you work overtime late today?"

  Ye Siyuan is indeed the most unprincipled newlywed daughter-in-law, she feels sorry for her husband, even Si Lisao feels that the girl will be eaten to death by him in the future, the warmth in her eyes cannot be melted away.

   "You wait, I'll let the kitchen make food for you."

  Ye Siyuan was about to get up, but Si Lisao dragged her back and said, "Lie down, just make a phone call."

  Si Lisao called the butler and asked the butler to cook a bowl of noodles and bring it over.

  At night, two people watched a movie and had dinner in the bedroom. One ate noodles and the other ate duck in sauce. Occasionally, they raised their heads and looked at each other with a smile.

  Ye Siyuan smiled sweetly, because the sauced duck was delicious, she breathed out so hot that she still wanted to continue eating.

"...So, you don't want to cooperate with Qu Liushang and let him take advantage, but you want to take advantage of him. If it works well, you will jam Gendaya's economic throat in the future, and you want to sanction him economically in the future. Sanction him financially?"

  Ye Siyuan must ask clearly, the bottom line for her not to be angry is that she must clean up the cup.

  Whoever destroys her return gift, she is her enemy!

  Si Lisao wiped her mouth with a tissue, and said, "This is not something that can be accomplished overnight. Economic wars, military wars, technological wars, cultural wars... Isn't that the game between countries? Cooperation is a game."

  Ye Siyuan's anger was completely relieved, and she drank milk tea with a smile on her face.

  Si Lisao held her hand, took out the wedding ring from his pocket, put it on her ring finger solemnly, and said solemnly: "In the future, don't take it off and return it to me. This is the only time."

  Ye Siyuan was arrogant again, drinking sweet milk tea and said: "That's not necessarily true, if I find you bullying me, my brother, or my family, I'll take it off and return it to you!"

  Si Lisao reached out and rubbed her head vigorously, and said, "No, it's not that stupid."

  Ye Siyuan was completely satisfied, she ate and drank enough, and went to brush her teeth with Si Lisao.

  There are two people's electric toothbrushes on the sink, the same style of couple cups, and even the towels are of the same style and different colors.

  Ye Siyuan is very good at living, and also pays attention to the details of life.

  Every decoration in their bedroom is full of her carefulness. The slippers worn by the two of them are all custom-made. There are two small dragon horns on the front of the women's slippers, and a beautiful mermaid tail is printed on the men's slippers.

  When she was walking, the two little dragon horns on the slippers wobbled, Si Lisao looked speechless and helpless.

  Ye Siyuan liked it very much. She ordered two pairs and dangled these slippers at home every day.


   On the other side, near the space tunnel.

  Mo Yinhe sent troops to station near the space tunnel, and a military base has been established here.

  Mo Yinhe's plane landed at the undersea military base. He walked out of the flying saucer plane with his daughter in his arms, and was welcomed by the stationed generals to the meeting room of the military base.

  Bo Leng arrived one step ahead of Mo Yinhe, sitting in the conference room drinking coffee, with Su Zhi sitting beside Bo Leng.


  Su Chaoyang saw Su Zhi sitting in the conference room, and immediately ran towards Su Zhi, hugging Su Zhi's long legs.

Su Zhi was amazed and pleasantly surprised. When the cute little boy flew to his eyes, he immediately hugged Su Chaoyang and held him high. His excited voice did not hide his love for this child: "My baby, why did you come here? here?"

   "I begged Dad to bring the baby."

  Mo Yinhe walked to the conference table, pulled the chair opposite Bo Leng and sat down, saying, "It's early enough."

Thin cold and slender fingers tapped twice on the conference table, the rhythmic tapping sound was full of deterrence, and said: "The contract has been drawn up, please see what needs to be changed, if there is no problem, We sign now."

   "Okay, let me take a look first."

  Mo Yinhe picked up the document, read it word by word, and suggested a few things that needed to be changed.

  Bo Leng's secretary immediately turned on the computer and made changes on the spot.

   After making changes, print them out in duplicate.

  After reading it, Mo Yinhe felt that it was all right, so he picked up a pen and signed his name in a fluttering manner, and so did Bo Leng.

   After the two parties signed, they stood up and shook hands to celebrate.

  Su Zhi sat next to him and played with Su Chaoyang in his arms. After talking about the business here, he couldn't wait to say: "Is it done? We're done, let's go to the space tunnel for a few laps."

  The space tunnel is guarded by troops sent by Mo Yinhe. It has become a luxury for Su Zhi to travel through the space tunnel in a submarine. Now that the contract is signed, he can always try it out, right?

  Bo Leng stood with his hands behind his back and said, "Alright, call all the researchers, including the fifty researchers you hired?"

   Mo Yinhe didn't care, he made a gesture and asked Feng Jue to prepare for it.

   Half an hour later, Mo Yinhe, Bo Leng, Su Zhi who was hugging Su Chaoyang, and a group of researchers boarded the submarine.

Most of the people here have passed through the space tunnel many times, such as Bo Leng and his researchers, so they have a flat mind and don't think it's new, but those researchers dug by Mo Yinhe just imagined it, but they didn't really Having seen the space tunnel, they were as excited and looking forward to it as Su Zhi.

  After everything was ready, the submarine headed for the space tunnel.

   All personnel came to the command module of the submarine.

  The command cabin has a huge screen, just like the cockpit of an airplane, with a wide field of vision.

   Those researchers who had never seen it before stood, discussing the space tunnel excitedly.

"I knew that there are space tunnels under the sea. I have seen some scientists speculate that there may be several space tunnels hidden in the deep seabed of the vast sea. This is the first time I have really seen it. I don't seem to be able to see anything special with the naked eye. .”

   "If the teleportation technology is developed, we can teleport an astronaut directly from the earth to the International Space Station in the future, then we no longer need to launch rockets. This is definitely a historic innovation in science and technology!"

  (end of this chapter)