MTL - Lovable Package-Chapter 29 Little vampire 09

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When the sinking teeth gently bite Su's shoulder, the warmth of the breath also slams up, the wet heat wets the shirt, and the skin is followed by the heat. Su Shi’s little scream With one cry, I wanted to push away the sinking, but I was stopped by the other side.

"What are you going to do?" Su Shi asked nervously.

"You bite me biting very pain at the time." Shen Yan looked calm and stared at Su Shi.

"I'm sorry..." Su Shi looked at her eyes and suddenly found her heartbeat very fast. He had a feeling of drowning, more like a feeling of being sucked in by a vortex. Once sucked in, it seems to be There is no way to escape.

Su Shi slightly sideways, using the light to gently glance at the sinking, the other's eyes are pure black, like a pool of deep water, it seems that deep can hide all emotions in the eyes, Su Shi can not understand What the other person is thinking, but he can see what is in the other's eyes.

Have yourself. The sinking pupils are all in themselves.

It was a deep and strong feeling. Su Shi couldn’t tell what it was. He didn’t want to go deep into it. The emotions that floated on this strong emotional surface were obvious, angry, and angry.

This anger seemed to be ignited from the experimental class. As for why, Su Shi couldn't figure it out. He only felt that it was terrible to be indulged, but inexplicably lonely.

Su Shi did not struggle to run out of Shen Qiang's arms, but tried to behave as much as possible. Obediently, he looked up and looked at the tooth print on his neck. He thought that he might have really bitten his pain. He whispered: "I'm sorry, I won't be like this again next time."

His voice was soft and his tail was a little long. Like a fluffy soft marshmallow, he always pulled out some long sweet silk. Su Shi finished his speech and looked at his round eyes. The other party, like a small animal.

Shen Hao likes Su Shi like this. He feels that the other person is very cute. He can’t wait to hold Su Shi in his hand and hold it all the time.

However, sometimes Su Shi is very unscrupulous.

The other party sneaked out of the house, joking with other people in the classroom, and paying attention to An Shiyu, which made him very embarrassed. For the first time in more than 20 years of indulgent emotional life, the word "嫉妒" appeared. Very novel, but not very good.

He felt unhappy and he wanted to punish Su Shi.

So he lowered his head and held Su Shi’s shoulder and said, “You bit me, I will bite you.”

His voice was dull and his face was serious, as if he was talking to the other party with a very serious matter, but in fact Su Shi was scared by his unfair content, and quickly stunned and grabbed his neck.

Su Shi was shocked when he heard this, but when he thought about it, this method is still very fair. He bites the sinking, sinks his heart and is unbalanced, and of course he can bite back.

But he was a little scared. The human teeth are not as sharp as the vampires. If you want to bite the skin, you have to work very hard. Su Shi thinks that this way, his neck begins to faint.

But he can't refuse, or he will be swallowed up by himself.

Su Shi tangled, he looked up and looked at Shen Yan, but the other party was still a faint look, as if the next person to bite is not him.

Su Shi made a psychological struggle and finally bite her teeth and made up her mind. Isn't it just being bitten? He won't be like it!

So Su Shi slowly began to unbutton the button. When he reached the third button, he just showed his shoulders. He touched his smooth neck and whispered, "You mean it, don't. I bite it, I am so afraid of pain."

"Okay." Shen Yan nodded, his eyes were lighted. He leaned against Susie in front of him, and his head was low, and he touched the shoulder that he had been coveting for a long time.

Su Shi's skin is very soft, delicate like milk, he just took a shower, not as cold as usual, white skin with pink, round shoulders, like a strawberry milk cheesecake.

Sinking gently biting with his teeth, like the imaginary feeling, he couldn't help but hook the lip, one hand on the Su Shi waist, the other hand holding the Su Shi neck.

He began to grind his teeth, very light, not painful, with a strange feeling, Su Shi began to inexplicably soft, breathing began to increase, and finally leaned his head on the chest, so as not to stumble.

"Are you hurting?" Shen Yu asked in a low voice.

"No pain." Su Shi answered him.

Sinking "oh", his head lifted up and his teeth bite on Susie's neck.

"Hey!" Su Shi’s yelling only felt that his neck was like an electric shock. He was so flustered that he wanted to hide, but he took the opportunity to press him. When they moved again, they became you. I fell down on the bed.

Sinking with his arms around his body, staring at Su Shi, the two looked at each other. For a moment, Su Shi read the emotions hidden before Shen Yu.

Sinking bent a leg and placed it between Su Shi's thighs. Su Shi was shocked and his legs were shrunk. I don't know what to do.

"Do you want to seek revenge?" Su Shi asked twitchingly.

"Seek, you must find." Shen Yan suddenly smiled, his mouth raised upwards, a bit suffocating, but more is a pet.

He said: "We will calculate the account first, the first thing, why did you go to school to find me?"

"Ah, that..." Su Shi was asked about it. He went to school for the sake of the task. He did not want to tell the story, but he couldn’t tell the story. Not necessarily believe.

Therefore, Su Shi chose to be silent.

Shen Yan picked up his eyebrows and saw that Su Shi did not answer him. He was not very angry. He only slightly applied his hand and turned Su Shi over.

Then aim at the other's little **** and gently pat.

"Wow!" Su Shi suddenly became angry, and the **** is something that anyone can touch! Therefore, he had to resist. As a result, he just wanted to struggle to get up. He was pressed and pressed by one hand. He slammed his legs and eventually resisted and failed.

"Ah, ah, hooligans, what are you doing?" Susie asked, kicking his calf.

"Ask your question." After Shen Shen finished, he moved his hand to Su Shi's **** and pressed it lightly. He said: "If you don't say it, I will always shoot."

"You use the punishment!" Su Shi struggled.

"This is the normal step of interrogation." Shen Yan said seriously.

Su Shi was very angry, and his temper came up. He turned his head and said, "I just don't say, how can you treat me?"

Shen Hao did not speak, the finger belly gently pressed, Su Shi's **** soft like cotton, all of a sudden put his fingers in.

Shen Yan did not expect this, the eyes were all amazed, he looked up to see Su Shi, Su Shi was also flushed, the two stalemate for a while, Shen Yan finally reacted, took back his fingers, then the soft little The buttocks have returned to their original state.

This is simply...a world treasure!

He felt that his lower body was already hard. Fortunately, Su Shi’s back was facing him, otherwise he would definitely be scared away by him. Shen Shen reached out and put together his pants, and then asked Su Shi: “This question is skipped first, I will ask again. You, why are you so good for An Shiyu?"

"Ah? I am very good to her?" Su Shi is not clear, so after thinking for a long time, finally finally want to understand what is going on, Shen Yan is so angry, must be because he gave his diligence to the other party, after all, he likes the woman, Where can I endure someone else to marry someone I like?

Thinking of this, Su Shi suddenly became cheerful, so he turned around and asked: "Hey, you tell the truth, are you jealous?"

As soon as he heard it, the heart almost didn't jump out. He always thought that Su Shi was slow, but he didn't expect the other person to be so sensitive in his feelings. Even he could even see his jealousy.

Two love idiots can't help but feel complacent. One feels that they are about to complete the task and get rid of the bitter sea. One feels that they can immediately greet the love and send the dog food. In fact, the two of them think differently from the reality. It is almost bad. Ten thousand miles.

Sutan looked at Shentan and didn't talk. He knew that he had guessed it. He didn't pay attention to it. He quickly turned over and used his foot to lick the other's leg. Then he said, "In fact, your age is a good time to fall in love. If you like it, go chase. You look so handsome, the conditions are so good, she will definitely not refuse you."

Shen Yu was a hard and hard one by Su Shi’s little ankle. He only felt that the other party was suggesting something to him. His heart was so happy that he just wanted to talk to Su Shi and the other party interrupted him.

"But you have to interact with her more, be good to her, and finally come to love confession from time to time. When the time is long, you and the two will become."

Su Shi old **** is there, he thinks that he is very handsome, like a love tutor, in fact, in the eyes of Shen Hao, he is a love liar, a small mouth open and close, casually said.

However, Shen Yu turned his mind and thought that since Su Shi had a good impression on himself, he said that he must let him do something to him, for example, let him interact with him more, and more with him, more ...and more with him, cough.

No matter what kind of indulging, I was expecting it, so he pinched Su Shi’s face and asked, “That teacher, I have no experience, what should I do?”

"Hey, don't pinch me!" Su Shi opened his hand and said: "Experience is to explore. The teacher teaches you what is in the book. You have to practice to be successful."

Sinking nodded, revealing an epiphany expression, then said with a low smile: "That teacher, I want to practice, do you agree?"

Su Shi wanted to take care of his anecdote and quickly waved his hand: "Agree to agree, you can try it."

The smile on the face of Shen Yan is more intense, and like what is cheap, he said: "Then I started."

"Well?" Su Shi looked blank. He didn't understand that Shen Shen had to go out to practice. Why did he start talking to himself? When he reacted, the other's lips had already touched his face.

The soft and dry touch is applied to the face, like a small fire, which instantly burns the entire skin, and then the porcelain white face is dyed red, then the slender neck and chest are also started. Rebellion.

Su Shi’s brain crashed, and the heart screamed through, and an unclear feeling rushed into the heart. He widened his eyes and didn’t know what to do.

After he was in love, he looked up and looked at him. He was calm and calm. In fact, he was very nervous. Before he kissed Su Shi, he was very afraid that he would be wrong, so that Su Shi was afraid and even hated him.

Fortunately, he found that Su Shi’s face was only surprised and shy, and he was estimated to be shy. Fortunately, he did not hate himself.

Indulging in this thought, I couldn't help but relax a lot. I reached out and touched Su Shi's cheek, and got closer, and kissed Su Shi's lips.

Just gently kiss, like a gentle touch, only the temperature and swaying of each other on the lips, Su Shi has forgotten who he is, where he is, he seems to be floating in the ocean, riding a leaf The boat was surrounded by a hazy sky, and the eyes were filled with a smile.

He was a little embarrassed and even felt so comfortable. At the same time, he was a little nervous. After all, it was the first time he kissed people. He had no experience and even his breathing was stagnant.

After he left his lips, Su Shi was able to breathe. He breathed a fresh breath in his mouth, and immediately stopped breathing in the second moment of confrontation with Shen.

Shen Yan gently clicked on Su's nose, and leaned down, and said to Su Shi's side ear: "Teacher, how is my practice?"

The hot air he exhaled went straight into the eyes of Su Shi’s ears, hot and itchy, and even the half body was crisp. Su Shi opened his mouth and was still immersed in the kiss. He said nothing to him. In fact, it is audible, but the brain can't analyze it.

When Shen Jian saw that Su Shi did not respond, he smiled and asked: "Teacher, what are you thinking about?"

Su Shi slowed down the gods and looked at them with big eyes. From the sinking eyebrows to the corners of the eyes, he continued to go down. He saw the kiss of his lips and found that the lips of the other side looked very good, not thick. Not thin, the color is also very good, looking at it, Su Shi began to think.

He traveled the sky like this, but he was extraordinarily cute. He was so eager to see it, and he couldn’t hold his heart and tangled. He finally got together and pressed Su Shi.

The lips of the other party are very soft and very sweet. He can't help but put it in his mouth. He will squat again. He thought about it in his heart. He wanted to go to the hook. He was very happy and couldn’t help but look up. See what Su Shi is.

As a result, Su Shi had already had tears in his eyes.

Shen Qian quickly got up, and his heart was like a big stone. The sweet feelings of the moment were broken into foam by the shackles. He realized that he might be too anxious and scared Su Shi.

"Why are you kissing me?" Susie asked.

"I... I like you." After Shen Shen finished, suddenly a little worried, he asked: "Do you not like me?"

"Who said it!" Su Shi suddenly sat up, he he likes how he likes to sink, even if the other person is very handsome and very good, very gentle to him, will take him to buy clothes will help him stop the vampire, often touch His head is still sleeping next to him, but, but...

Su Shiyi thought of it, and he could think of one hundred. When he thought about it, he quickly warned himself to stop his mind and began to read in low voice: I don’t like to sink, I don’t like to sink, I don’t like……"

"I like Su Shi." Shen Yu interrupted his broken thoughts, held Su Shi's face, let the other person look at himself, and then repeated: "I like Su Shi, I like Su Shi."

When he finished, he smiled and said: "You see, I said it three times, more than you."

Su Shi looked at him dumbly and asked, "What will happen?"

"The two are against each other, and I still like Su Shi." Shen Yan bent his mouth and said.

Su Shi’s face was red, and he only felt that the words that were indulged were like a small hook, and his heart’s thumps were plopped, and even the words would not be said.

Su Shi opened her mouth and just wanted to struggle again, but she was covered with her fingers and covered her lips. The other smiled and said, "Look at my eyes and tell me, do you hate me?"

No... no annoyance. Su Shi thought, suddenly a little panic, he found that I did not know when he started, he already had a bit of love, and it was not a little bit, even when he just left his lips, he still had some attachment.

Su Shi has been confused about what happened to him. Maybe he will not say it. He will never find it. When he is gradually getting better with the woman, he may be sad, and then leave the world and start a new task. Soon he will be able to forget the sinking.

But now, everything is upset and downset.

He rushed to his face and expressed his whiteness. He also said that he liked himself. Su Shi was panicked. Like a bunny, he was pushed to the corner by a wolf. He shivered and couldn’t help but grasp his ears and wanted to hold himself. The tail, I want to hide my whole body, and then pretend that nothing has happened.

However, Shen is still staring at him.

"I am a vampire, I hate vampire hunters." Su Shi finally said.

"But what you hate is the group of vampire hunters, but you don't just hate me, right?" Shen Qian took a deep breath and tried to calm down his voice before asking.

Su Shi squatted, but did not know how to answer, he remembered that the system said that Shen Shen is a cold and hot person, he is cold and cold to everyone, and others are therefore afraid of him away from him until one person is full of heat. Come to him and melt the thin layer of ice around him, and he will feel his sincere feelings.

This fiery feeling did not vote for An Shiyu, but for Su Shi.

But Su Shi can't afford it.

"System, what should I do..." Su Shi’s voice trembled a little.

The system sighed and didn't expect this to happen. He thought that he would endure for a while in accordance with the insulting temperament. As a result, he did not expect that he couldn't help himself.

He looked at the face of Su's face, and suddenly he couldn't bear to blame him. He had to comfort him. "You have to reject him. You don't like him. You must remember the first task. Don't be afraid of the rest." The plot will naturally help you deflect it."

Su Shi should come down and take a deep breath and want to say to Shen Shen, "I don't like you."

But when the words came to his lips, he suddenly said no, especially when Shen Shen stared at him deeply, his heart was shaking.

"I'm sorry." Su Shi opened his eyes and said: "I may not accept your feelings. I didn't like anyone. I don't want to like others."

He thought that he was very cold-blooded, but he was easily accepted by Shen Shen. The other party just smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, as long as I like you, it is enough."

When he finished, he slammed Su Shi, opened the quilt, and took the other person into the warm bed. The light was turned off. He lay beside Susie and whispered, "Good night."

Do not leave a time for Su Shi to breathe.

Su Shi couldn't sleep, and wanted to turn over to see Shen Shen, but the other person closed his eyes, as if he was asleep, and he seemed to pretend to ignore him. Su Shi had no choice but to count the stars silently. When the number was five hundred, the sinking suddenly came over and the arms stretched out and pulled him into his arms.

The part of my heart that was lost was finally filled, and Su Shi closed her eyes and finally entered her dream.

After a few days of such peace of mind, Shen Yu did not mention the things that happened that night. He was a little busy recently. The school’s experimental class began to rush, and he often ran outside, plus a few days ago. The poems of the poems were scratched, and the vampires were recruited. Shen Shen was sent to secretly protect each other.

An Shiyu originally lived in a school dormitory, but recently she always felt that the dormitory was not safe, and she shared it with a local human girl. It was a coincidence that she happened to be in this apartment.

Shen Yu and An Shi Yubao's courses are similar. Sometimes they leave school after school, and they are able to **** An Shi Yu back to the apartment.

The plot began to develop slowly. The attitude of Shen Shi’s thoughts on An Shiyu seems to have been salty and not faint. However, the two have already had an intersection, so they don’t have to worry too much. Maybe it won’t be long before the relationship between men and women will be connected. on.

Today, Shen Yu and An Shiyu went to participate in a lecture. When they came back, the weather was very bad. The wind was blowing straight, and it rained. When they didn’t bring an umbrella, they took an umbrella with An Shiyu.

Shen Yan wears a black suit today, holding a fan with one hand, and his posture is straight and loose. The An Shiyu next to him wears a long white dress, and the long hair is soft and blown away. It is both beautiful and temperament. People walk together and the picture is particularly beautiful.

If it is not rainy, someone will definitely give them a street shot.

Su Shi barely stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, his eyes fixed on them. As a vampire, his eyesight is dozens of times that of ordinary people, so he can see clearly every move, even a small expression. Clearly.

The wind is a bit big, the umbrella is very small, and it is inevitable that the rain will be blown obliquely. An Shiyu wears a little less, and when it rains, it can’t help but tremble. When she sees her like this, she will give her an umbrella. Tilted.

Su Shi wrinkled her eyebrows and her fingers were buckled on the glass window. My heart was very unhappy. The suit on my body was chosen by myself last night and night. Before leaving this morning, he gave the other party a bow tie. The result was less than a day, and the clothes were wet.

The last time I was soaked in wetness was for myself. This time it became An Shiyu. Su Shi suddenly felt a good air, and my heart was still blocked. It was obvious that the feelings of the man and the woman went one step further, but he was very annoyed.

Su Shi didn't want to look any further, but when the eyes just moved away for a second, they couldn't help but stare. The more he looked, the more he looked, the more his own things were robbed.

Every time Shen Jin walks down to his home, he will look down at the window subconsciously. When Su Shi stays at home, he will secretly watch him, but once he is on his eyes, he will immediately slip away.

As a result, Su Shi did not run this time, and he looked at himself so straight.

Shen Yu actually had some troubles. He stopped and looked up at the umbrella. An Shiyu followed and looked up. He also saw this scene.

For a while, the smell of gunpowder was a bit thick.

An Shiyu was a long-sighted person. She knew that Su Shiding was misunderstood at the moment. Some of them wanted to go apart. Shen Shen shook her head, returned the umbrella to her, and hurried into the past.

Su Shi realized that she had just lost some of her gaffe, and then she sat back on the bed again, but her heart was still uncomfortable. The calf began to kick and kicked. It was not good to kick. The kick was the last time the broken pedal was kicked from the bag. Come out.

Before he put this thing in his bag, he hadn't had time to ask Shen Shen, and he was fainted by the other's confession, so he forgot about it.

As a result, this foot scorpion appeared again today, and it was a slap in the air, and suddenly the fire that Su Shi had suppressed for a long time was given.

He looked at the chain of feet, and all the pictures appeared in his mind. The indulgence seemed so serious. I didn’t expect my heart to be so abnormal. This kind of fun foot, the normal person will be hiding at home? And before he came, did he not be indulged and used by others?

When Su Shi thought of this, the whole person had to be bombarded. He didn't know why he was so angry, but he couldn't stand it when he thought of Shen Hao and playing with others.

Su Shi’s low pressure drifted over here, but he didn’t know that he was knocking on the door. Su Shi did not open it.

Looking at the performance of Su Shi, it is estimated that it is now angry. I don’t mind if I sinken the key. I opened the door and took off my coat. I saw Su Shi sitting on the bed with a cold face.

Like a sulking little young master.

Suddenly, I suddenly wanted to laugh.

"You still laugh!" Su Shi had to spurt the gang. He pointed to the scorpion in front of him and asked, "You tell me, what is this?"

Sinking and saying: "Foot scorpion."

"Nonsense!" Su Shi put the chain in his hand, waiting for the sinking teeth to cut his teeth: "So fine, who can hold it, this is clearly that!"

"What?" Shen asked.

"Just, that...the **** toys." Su said for a long time, finally finally said.

Shen Yan did not deny it, nodded and said: "Yes."

Su Shi thought of thousands of indulgent answers, but he did not expect that the other party could admit it in a frank manner. He was angry and annoyed, feeling a **** scorpion, and wished to tear the chain apart. Throw it in the furnace.

But Su Shi still resisted. He had a lot of thoughts in his heart. In the end, he only sighed. He muttered, "You...have you used it for people?"

"Well, I used it." Shen Hao nodded, no matter what expression of Su Shi, he continued: "I just wanted to play with him, only to bring him, but he was very obedient, put on Didn't say that I have to take it off..."

Su Shi’s heart was tight and he didn’t want to listen any more. He said, “Don’t say it, I don’t want to hear it.”

Sinking is like a good memory. He didn’t listen to Su Shi’s words, but he still wants to be opposite to each other. He continued to talk: “He has very thin ankles, and it’s still a bit big to wear, but it’s pretty. In fact, he wears everything to look good, then I am afraid that he is not comfortable, he did not continue to wear him."

Su Shi heard, his eyes were a little red. He didn't expect Shen Duo to have such a passing, and it seems that his feelings for the person are still very deep, but in this case, why should he confess with him and kiss him? he.

Su Shi felt that Shen Yu was a big scum, and he was psychologically perverted. He didn't want to deal with each other anymore, but he couldn't help but wonder how Shen Shen and that person were.

"What then?" Su said with a grin.

"Later he said that he didn't like me, and I fell in love." After Shen Shen finished, Su Shi breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that he would not forget the person, and he advised: "There are many people in the world who are better than him. You don't have to hang on a tree."

Shen Yan shook his head and said: "But I think he is the best person in the world, I like him, even if he refuses me, I am willing to wait, and I feel that I am a natural match with him, sooner or later together. of."

Su Shi has been sad and can't speak. He feels that the indulgent smile is very glaring, and his tone is gentle and let him swear. Before, he obviously said this to himself. How can he become a substitute for Bai Yueguang? What?

Su Shi was uncomfortable. When he saw him sad, he said, "You don't have to be sorry for me. When I saw him today, I suddenly felt that I still had a chance. If I try hard, maybe he will accept me."

"I am not sorry for you." Su Shi sat on the bed, lowered his head and picked up his clothes. In fact, his eyes were already wet, and he even wanted to cry.

He rubbed the corner of the clothes with force, just like using the sinking as a cloth, while he groaned, he muttered, "You go with him. I don't have a broken foot. I love who you wear." Who to wear."

Shen Shen saw that he was too hard, and he cried Su Shi, and he was very helpless. He wanted to get together and hug each other. Su Shi pushed him away and shouted: "Let's go find it. Your white moonlight, don't come to me for this substitute."

When Shen Jian saw Su Shi, he had to say: "I am wrong with my baby. This is my friend who sent me a whole trip. I will also wear it for you."

Su Shi suddenly looked up, Shen Yu came closer, and continued: "I want to play with my little Susie, only to bring him, but my little Su Shi is very obedient, not wearing it. Said to be taken off..."

It seems that he said these things just now, but nowadays added people, Su Shi only reacted, and the "he" that Shen Yu said is his own.

Sinking over Su Shi’s shoulder, leaning the other’s small head on his shoulder, he continued to smile and said: “I think my little Su Shi is the best person in the world, I like him, even if I refuse, I am willing to wait, and I feel that I am waiting today."

Su Shi together, could not help but tears, Shen Yan quickly went to help him wipe the corner of his eyes, said: "I only like my little Su Shi, we are a natural pair, I like you, my little sugar... ..."

The last sound was swallowed between the lips and teeth, very sweet.