MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 447 close the case

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  Chapter 447 closed

   However, this plane is not an airplane, but an airport bus.

  After get off work, Luke drove to the streets near the community, parked the car on the side of the road and waited for a while, when a blue airport bus drove over and stopped not far away.

  Luke also got out of the car, staring at the passengers who came off the bus one after another.

  Passengers are male and female, and many of them are tourists. After getting off the bus, they wait beside the bus to pick up their luggage.

  A middle-aged Asian man also got out of the car and looked around, as if looking for someone.

   "Dad." Luke greeted and went up to him.

   "Luke, you are so busy with work, you don't need to pick me up. I know your home address." Having said that, Li Zhaofeng was still very happy to see his son.

   "I just finished my work this afternoon, let's go." Luke picked up his father's suitcase, dragged it to the side of the Mercedes-Benz G500, and put the luggage into the trunk.

  Li Zhaofeng patted the black Mercedes-Benz, and said enviously, "This car has a lot of space and is half a head taller than me."

  Most men like cars, and Li Zhaofeng is no exception. It's just that at his age, there are too many places to spend money. Even if he has some savings, he is reluctant to buy a luxury car.

  Luke suggested, "Dad, are you tired? If you are not tired, you can take a test drive."

  Li Zhaofeng was a little moved, but also a little hesitant. He was really afraid of scratching such a good car.

  Luke saw his father's thoughts and sat directly in the passenger cab.

  Li Zhaofeng also took advantage of the opportunity to sit in the cab, and said excitedly, "This car has a great view." He moved the seat forward, and Luke was taller than him.

   It was the first time for Li Zhaofeng to drive such a high-end car and the operation of his car was somewhat different. After Luke briefly introduced, Li Zhaofeng started the car slowly.

  Li Zhaofeng drove very slowly, he didn't seem to dare to step on the gas pedal, and Luke didn't rush him, as long as he was familiar with it.

  At noon, Luke only ate a burrito, and he was a little hungry, "Dad, I just got off work, and I don't have time to cook today, let's go to barbecue!"

   "Okay, do you want to call your younger brother?"

  Luke didn't answer the call immediately, it doesn't matter if he calls Fatty or not. But it would be bad if he called him little fat man instead of his mother.

  Luke said, "Okay, the little fat man must be happy. I'll call Mom to see if the little fat man is at home."

   Li Zhaofeng also seemed to have thought of something, waved his hand, "Forget it? Today is too hasty, please invite them another day!"

  The two drove directly to the barbecue restaurant near the community.

   One barrel of draft beer, one plate of peanut and edamame platter, one roast leg of lamb, two roast lamb loins, twenty skewers, and ten roasted oysters with garlic.

  These dishes are enough for two people. There is a small stove on the table, which can be heated at any time. The two chat while eating.

   Li Zhaofeng was a little thirsty, and he drank half a glass of beer before saying, "Two days ago, I saw a shooting case in the news in Los Angeles. Your director specially appointed you to be in charge of the investigation. How is the investigation going?

   If you come to pick me up today, you won't delay the investigation, will you? "

  Luke said while peeling peanuts, "The murderer of the supermarket shooting has been caught at noon today. I guess you were on the plane at that time and didn't see it."

   "Did you catch it?"

   "Yes, I led someone to arrest me."

  Li Zhaofeng hurriedly looked his son up and down, "Are you okay?"

   "It's okay, I'm fine. But I also shot, and I can just rest for a few days. After finishing the house purchase, I will show you around Los Angeles."

  Li Zhaofeng warned, "You have to be careful in handling cases in the future, bring more people, you are also a leader now, don't always think about rushing forward."

  Luke nodded, "You're right. I rarely take the lead when I act now.

  Basically, they are in charge of command and dispatch on site. "

   Li Zhaofeng asked, "What time do you go to work tomorrow?"

   "It's fine until nine o'clock, what's the matter?"

"I'm still a little worried about buying a house. Before paying the money, I want to see the villa." Although his son has decided to buy a villa, it is worth several million after all. Li Zhaofeng still wants to help his son check.

   "Okay, let's leave early tomorrow." Naturally, Luke would not refuse his father's kindness, "What do you think is the right way to buy a house?"

  Li Zhaofeng said, "I think your stock market returns are not bad, so don't move the money in it for the time being. I will cash out your other assets and then take out a loan to buy a house.

  Your stock market income can not only offset the interest on the mortgage, but also have some surplus. And if you need money urgently, you can also mortgage the stock. "

  Luke nodded. He also thought the idea was good, and then mentioned the matter of asset realization, such as the gold coins worth hundreds of thousands of dollars placed under the fish tank. And the one hundred thousand dollars he just picked up from the villa.

  Li Zhaofeng is an accountant. How to declare and pay taxes is his specialty. He can give Luke the most reasonable arrangement. It also relieved Luke a lot. Otherwise, it is not necessary to ask an accountant to spend money, and trust issues are also very important.

  The arrival of Li Zhaofeng can make a reasonable plan for Luke's property.


the next morning.

  After Li Zhaofeng got up, he followed his son to the Palisades community to look at the house. He was still very curious about this villa that originally belonged to gambling king Zhou Tiancheng.

  Los Angeles is much bigger than New York, and is more dependent on cars. In order to facilitate Li Zhaofeng's travel, Luke let him drive a Mercedes-Benz.

  Luke himself is riding a Harley motorcycle. He hasn't ridden for a while, and it happens to be fresh and fresh.

   After entering the Palisades community, Li Zhaofeng slowed down the speed of the car. The first thing he felt was that the community environment was beautiful and the greening rate was extremely high.

   Along the way, he also saw a lot of animals, whether they were wild or raised by the community.

  There are pedestrians who get up early and do morning exercises on the side of the road from time to time. Most of them are Chinese and white, and occasionally Indians can be seen.

   Luke leads the way on a Harley, the motorcycle slows down and stops on the side of the road.

  Li Zhaofeng also turned right and parked the car on the side of the road.

  Luke took off his helmet, pointed to the courtyard on the right and said, "Dad, this is the villa."

   Li Zhaofeng glanced around. The location of this villa is very good. There are tall trees planted around the yard, and the branches and leaves cover the buildings inside, so the privacy is very good.

  Father and son entered the yard, which was large in size and simple in layout, with green lawns, tall trees, and a wooden building.

  Li Zhaofeng is very satisfied with the rest, except that the house is a bit dilapidated, but whether it is renovation or reconstruction, it will cost a lot of money.

  However, considering the price of the villa, it is still very appropriate. Not to mention that the villa can be purchased at an ultra-low price of 3 million U.S. dollars, even if the appraised price of this house is 9 million U.S. dollars, it is not expensive.

  Li Zhaofeng has checked the average house price in this community, and it is around 10 million US dollars.

  As for Zhou Tiancheng's villa, both in terms of size and location, it is considered relatively good in this community.

  If the house is new, the house price must be at least 10 million yuan.

   It’s $1 million cheaper, which is equivalent to the cost of building your own house.

  Luke’s house is definitely for his own living. It is cost-effective to build a house he likes, even if it takes a little thought and time.

   Luke asked, "Dad, what do you think?"

  Li Zhaofeng smiled and said, "Yes, prepare the money."

  Luke also smiled, "OK, then I'll go to work, and I'll leave it to you to prepare for buying a house."

  Li Zhaofeng reminded, "Don't forget to ask your lawyer later."

   "Understood." Luke got on the motorcycle and waved goodbye to his father.

  Li Zhaofeng stood on the side of the road and watched the Harley motorcycle go away, then at the Mercedes-Benz G500, and then at the tree-lined yard, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

  It is not easy for my son to take this step, so it can be regarded as crossing the class, right?

  Luke's success is not just based on wealth, on the contrary, because he is successful, wealth follows.

  Li Zhaofeng has been paying attention to the news in Los Angeles. Although the supermarket shooting case is not complicated, but because the suspect publicly broadcast the killing, and the number of deaths is large, the nature of the case is very bad. This case has a great impact in the United States and even the world.

  Luke can become the specific person in charge and investigator of the case, which represents many things behind it.

  Li Zhaofeng knows very well that in this city he doesn't have to worry about being discriminated against, let alone being bullied by gang members.

  Luke's current status can already have a great influence on the family.

  The Chinese do not lack money-making minds and hard work. What they lack is a relatively fair, safe and stable development environment.

   And with Luke's influence in Los Angeles, even if he didn't take the initiative to come forward, no one would dare to come to make trouble.

   To put it bluntly, if one day the Li family is not doing well in New York, they will probably come to Los Angeles to join Luke.

   Fortunately, there is no one in the Li family who is particularly good at making money, and there is no similar idea yet.

  Li Zhaofeng never mentioned this idea to his family.

  In his opinion, help should be mutual, and he should not find a group of drags for his son.

  The best way should be that while the son can bring shelter to the family, the family can also bring benefits to the son. This is a more stable mode of getting along.

  You can't let your son suffer.


  Novis Hospital Ward 307.

A white young man of seventeen or eighteen years old was lying on a hospital bed. His left wrist and ankle were handcuffed on the hospital bed, and his right wrist and ankle were wrapped in bandages. His shape was indescribably weird and even a little funny .

  It is difficult to connect this innocent-looking teenager with the heinous shooting suspect.

   With a "creak...", the door of the ward was pushed open from the outside.

   Luke and Jackson walked into the ward.

  Brown Bryant glanced at the two of them, but there was no reaction.

  Luke took the initiative to say hello, "Hey, buddy, how is your body recovering?"

  Brown Bryant still did not respond.

Lu pulled a chair and sat on the bed, "Your mother has been contacting the police to inquire about your situation. She cares about you very much. If you don't want to talk to us, I can invite her here so that you and your mother can have a chat. "

  Brown Bryant responded, and said firmly, "No need, I don't want to see her."

  Luke continued, "When you reach my age, you will know that the people who care about you most are your parents."

  Brown Bryant said disdainfully, "Put away your rhetoric! It's useless to me.

  I know why you are here, and I know that I will never get out of prison again in my life. It doesn't matter to me whether I assist you in your investigation or not.

   So, you guys get out! I don't want to talk right now, I don't want to see anyone. "

  Luke did not refute, nor did he leave immediately. Instead, he walked into the ward, "I feel that your mood is a little depressed. Is it because the ward is too stuffy? Let me help you ventilate, maybe you can feel more comfortable."

  Luke opened the window and looked at the entrance of the hospital, "There are a lot of reporters outside, probably they are here to interview you, no, they can't see you, to be precise, they should be here to interview me.

  The shooting was a big one this time, and a press conference must be held to give the public an explanation. What do you think I should say? "

   "That's your business, you can investigate it yourself if you have the ability."

   "We have already investigated what should be investigated, and we have also captured Carl Smith and Porch Carmela. They have admitted to hiring you to carry out the shooting at the Rogier supermarket.

  Where did you put the money you received?

  30,000 US dollars, this should be your employment fee.

   Is it worth killing someone for such a small amount of money?

   This is the meaning and value of your life, to be a failed killer? "

  Brown Bryant snorted, "Clumsy aggressive method, I'm not one of those brainless chimpanzees, so I won't be so easily fooled by you."

  Luke nodded, "Well, you are very smart, but smart people are a minority after all. I will tell those reporters that you received a $30,000 employment fee.

  Those reporters will also report truthfully, in the eyes of the public you are a poor man who killed for $30,000.

  Those real killers will also despise you and refuse to work with you because you are too cheap.

  By the way, there is also the Tsundere Boys organization, what would they think? What did you tell them?

   They trust you, or trust the police investigation. What will they think of you in the future?


   Still a bear! "

   "Stop talking." Brown Bryant suddenly interrupted Luke, showing an angry look, "I can tell you all, but you can't slander me anymore, I'm not for money, no, absolutely not.

Luke complained, and sure enough, the age of seventeen or eighteen is the time to save face. He cares about what others think of him, hopes to be recognized by the tsundere boy, and hopes that people in this organization know that he is fighting for his beliefs, not the poor of thirty thousand dollars.

  Luke took advantage of the situation and asked, "OK, then why did you tell me?"

  Brown Bryant said in a high voice, "God made me do this. Chimpanzees are damned. They are defective products of evolution. Now they are riding on our heads. I really can't understand what's going on in this world?"

  Luke was glad that he had the foresight and didn't let Xiao Hei come, otherwise Xiao Hei might beat him violently if he was impulsive.

  Jackson said, "Hey, little guy, you are too extreme. There are good people and bad people in any race. There are excellent people and ordinary people. They cannot be generalized. We are all Americans and should not be divided by race."

   "Did you say it or I said it, huh?" Brown Bryant stared at Jackson, dissatisfied, "I hate being preached by others, so you'd better shut up when I'm talking."

   Jackson "…"

  Luke didn't mean to stand up for Jack, and he didn't like to be lectured.

  Secondly, this guy's charges have already been topped. The police and the law no longer have much deterrent effect on him. Luke also stimulated him with things he cared about, so that the interrogation could progress.

  Luke said, "Tell me about the process of planning the shooting with Carl Smith and Porch Carmela.

  Brown Bryant said slowly, "Carl Smith is my guide. He is the one who brought me into the Tsundere Boys organization.

  I had a good impression of him. One day he found me and said he wanted to buy me a drink, and then he told me about it.

  I haven't seen Pochi Carmela, but I've been in contact with Carl Smith. Carl Smith did give me $30,000 and gave me gear and a car, but I shot someone at Rogier's not because of the $30,000, but because I hated black people.

   They're damned. "

   "What did Carl Smith tell you when he found you? Did he tell you to go to Rogier's supermarket to kill people, or did he just ask you to make trouble and shoot empty guns?"

  "He didn't ask me to kill people, he just asked me to go to Rogier's supermarket to make trouble. I changed the plan myself. Because of this incident, the two of us had a big fight. He is a coward. I misread him.

  This coward is not worthy to be my guide. "

  This is the same as Carl Smith’s transcript. Luke continued to ask, “Why do you hate black people so much? I’m asking you, not God. Don’t use God to perfuse me. I want to know what you think.”

  Brown Bryant showed a self-deprecating look, "Look at me, what kind of person do you think I am?"

  Luke inspected for a moment, "A young white man with ideas, but his views on things are a bit extreme."

   "You're right, I'm white with a black last name, Bryant.

   I hate this last name but can't afford to change it.

  I live in a black neighborhood, I go to a school named after a black person, and everything around me is so black that I don’t fit in.

  Those **** never go a day without laughing at me and discriminating against me.

  'Hey, look, there's a disgusting white guy here. '

  ‘Why did this white-skinned pig come to the territory of the blacks? I really want to beat him up. '

  ‘Because his daddy is black! Ha ha…'

  I hear too many words like this, every day, don't they deserve to die? "

  Luke frowned, "So, you didn't kill people with passion, but you already had similar thoughts?"

  "Yes, this idea has been in my mind for a long, long time, and I have rehearsed it countless times.

  Although it was my first time to kill someone that day, I didn't feel any discomfort.

  Not only do I not regret it, but I feel much more at ease.

   They can no longer bully me! "

  Luke thought of the drug dealer they had captured before, "Do you know Dalsey Jordan?"

   "Yes, that **** hit me once. He thought he was very powerful, but he was actually a black trash. He only dared to provoke me because he had many younger brothers around him.

   How is that **** doing now? "

   "Caught for drug trafficking."

   "Haha..." Brown Bryant laughed, "Is he very grateful to me?"

   "Yes, he would like to send you to God immediately."

   "Haha..." Brown Bryant laughed even more happily.

  Luke glanced at his notebook and asked the next question, "Where did you get the equipment you used to attack Luther King No. 3 Middle School yesterday?"

   "Bought it for the thirty thousand dollars.

  This is also the purpose of my collection of money, I need more equipment and guns. "

   "Where did you buy it? Through whom?"

  Brown Bryant turned his head aside, "I've said enough, the rest is for you to investigate yourself."

  Luke tentatively asked, "Did you buy the guns and equipment through Tsundere Boy?"


   "Did the Tsundere Boys help you during the two shooting incidents?"

   "No. Today's conversation is over, I don't want to answer any more questions." Brown Bryant closed his eyes.

  Through the last two targeted questions, Luke found signs that the other party was lying.

  That means that he probably bought the guns and cars through the Tsundere Boy.

   Luke asked again, but Brown Bryant didn't answer.

  Luke could only temporarily bring the interrogation to an end.

  Facing a serious criminal like Brown Bryant, if he is unwilling to cooperate, the police don't have much to do.

  As for the investigation of the tsundere boy, Luke is going to hand it over to the anti-crime and anti-drug department. He can't keep his feet on the ground and let Jones and David watch.

   He led the robbery and murder department to catch Brown Bryant. He has already made a big splash, so there is no need to take all the credit for it.

   Moreover, through the previous interviews, the cause and effect of the case have been basically clear.

  The immediate cause of the incident was the conflict of interest between the owner of Carmela Supermarket and Rogier Supermarket.

  The fundamental reason is that Brown Bryant grew up in an environment where blacks were the main body, which had a certain impact and distortion on his body and mind, and made him have strong resentment and thoughts of revenge against blacks.

  Even if Carl Smith didn't hire him to make trouble at Rogier's supermarket, he might kill someone for other things in the future, even for a trivial matter.

  He is an unstable bomb.

  (end of this chapter)