MTL - Lord Xue Ying-Chapter 1 Snow eagle collar

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Longshan calendar 9616, winter.

Anyang Province, Qinghe County, Yishui County.

A boy with a red-toothed white fur coat with a red-toothed white fur coat, carrying a spear, is flying in the mountains, holding a black wooden handle spear in his right hand, chasing the front. A wild deer escaping from the wild, the surrounding leaves shook snow.


The boy in the flying scorpion suddenly raised the spear, the body leaned back slightly, and the waist and abdomen power passed to the right arm, suddenly stunned!


The short spear flew out in the hand, rubbed some leaves, crossed the distance of more than 30 meters, wiped from the back edge of the wild deer, and then plunged into the depths of the snow, leaving only a blood mark on the back of the wild deer, the wild deer Suddenly, I ran harder and sneaked into the depths of the mountain forest.

Suddenly a bang, a stone flew out.

Stones flow through the mountains, flying over hundreds of meters, the sound of snoring, running through the trunk of a big tree, accurately shot into the head of the wild deer, the hard skull of the wild deer also resisted Can not live, squatting by the inertia flew out more than ten meters and then crashed to the ground, the countless snow around the earthquake.

"Father." The boy turned his head and looked into the distance. Some helplessly said, "You don't shoot, I almost shot it."

"I don't shoot, the wild deer ran away. Your short spears are still running at high speed. You go back and practice five hundred spears this evening." The voice is loud, far from the distance, two far away. The figure is coming side by side.

One is a very strong black-eyed middle-aged man with a weapon box behind him. The other figure is more sturdy and strong, more than two meters higher, the arm is thicker than the average thigh, but he has a lion-like head, it is the lion's first human body! The messy yellow hair was scattered, and this was the lion's lion in the rather rare orc. He also carried a weapon box.

"Bronze three brothers, you see my son is very powerful, this year is only eight years old, has the strength of ordinary adult men." Middle-aged man smiled.

"Well, the Snow Eagle is good, and it will be fine if you are stronger than you in the future." The Lions are joking.

"Of course, it is better than me. When I was eight years old, I was still poor and happily playing with the children in the village. I didn't understand it, or I entered the army and had the opportunity to practice vindictiveness!" The middle-aged man said with emotion, "I am a father." I can't give my son too good conditions, but I can give it to him and cultivate him."

"Dongbo, you can become a nobleman from a civilian, become a heavenly knight, and can buy a territory to become a nobleman. It is already very powerful." The lion man laughed.

This middle-aged man is the lord of the Baili territory around him - Baron Dong Bo Lie!

The baron is the lowest aristocratic title of the Xia empire 'Longshan Empire'. When the Empire was founded, the nobility of the nobles was still very strict. Now that the empire has been established for more than 9000 years, this behemoth has begun to decay, and some low-ranking titles are even official. allow.

At the beginning, Dong Bolie and his wife decided to buy a noble title and buy a territory because of their children. This territory is called the snow eagle collar! With the same name as their son, you can see the love of this son.

Of course, this is just a small territory in Yishui County.

"I only cultivated vindictiveness when I was twenty, but my son is different. He is only eight years old this year. I estimate that I can cultivate a grudge when I am about ten years old. Haha, definitely better than me." Dong Bolie looked at the boy. The eyes are full of the father's favor and expectation for his son.

"Look at his strength, about ten years old is about." The lion man also agreed.

They have experienced too much, and their vision is naturally accurate.

"Father, are you so far, can you throw stones that run through such a thick tree?" The boy was standing next to the big tree, holding his hands and holding it, he couldn’t hold it completely, but the trunk of the big tree Being penetrated into a big hole, "So big trees, let me cut slowly, I have to cut it for a long time."

"Know that the Knights of the Heavenly Order are amazing." The lion man said, and Dong Bo Lie also smiled proudly.

"Is there a god?" The boy deliberately pouted.


Dong Bo Lie and the Lions were four times silent.

The founder of the Longshan Empire, "Dragon Mountain Emperor" is a powerful god. This is known to almost all the people in the world. Dong Bo Lie is also a member of the army. Can he compare with the gods? There is no way to compare it.

"It seems that I have to practice five hundred spears in the evening, but I still have less. Well, I will practice it a thousand times." Dong Bo Li said with a mouth open.

"Father!" The boy widened his eyes. "You, you..."

"Look, you dare to squash with me, remember, mix your mouth with your father, you will only suffer, well, back," said Dong Bolie.

The lion's brave man, 'Bronze III', took a black flute from his neck and put a low voice on his mouth, and the sound spread between the mountains.

Soon in the distance, twenty soldiers wearing armor were quickly coming.

"Bring the prey back," Dong Bo Lie said.

"Yes, Lord Lord." The soldiers are respectful.

Dong Bo Lie, the lion and the lion, took the boy snow eagle to the highest point of the mountain. There are a lot of horses and nearly 100 soldiers. There is a huge white blanket on the empty snow. The blanket is on the blanket. There is a purple robe woman with a breath of mysterious transcendentality. The purple robe woman is surrounded by a lovely two- or three-year-old child who is still running. The soldiers look at the purple robes of women.

Because this purple robe woman is a powerful mage!

"Stone, look, who is coming." The purple robe woman said with a smile, the two-year-old child immediately turned around and looked at it.

"Brother, hug, brother." The child twisted his **** and flew over.

The purple robe woman also smiled and looked at this scene.

"Stone." The boy Snow Eagle immediately walked to the front and his younger brother, Bluestone flew into his arms: "Brother, my brother."

The Snow Eagle picked up his brother and kissed his younger brother.

"Stone, hunt a wild deer today, look." The snow eagle pointed at the wild deer carried by the soldiers behind.

"Night furnace? Night furnace?" The younger brother, Qing Shiyi, had big eyes and an unclear voice in his mouth.

The younger brother, Dongbo Qingshi, was only two years old. Although he tried hard to speak, he could not speak clearly enough and did not understand the meaning.

"It is a wild deer, a beast in the mountains behind our family." Snow Eagle said.

"Snow Eagle, give me your brother." The purple robe woman also got up and walked.

"Yes, mother." Snow Eagle handed the younger brother.

The purple robe woman said: "I brought some sweet-scented osmanthus cakes still hot, just in the basket, hurry to eat."

"Pastry?" The snow eagle eyes lit up and the mouth was secreted. I felt the saliva flowed out quickly and immediately flew past.

"I want to eat too, I want to eat too." Brother Qingshi immediately struggled in his mother's arms. He mentioned that ‘sweet cakes’ was the most active, but he was very disobedient in eating.

"Of course there is yours, you are a little grin." The purple robe woman looked at Dong Bo Lie and the Lion Man Tong San who came in outside. "You two are also quick, and I have prepared some food for you."

"Haha... The master is not only a great spell, but also a good cook." The lion said.

This lion was a slave when he was young, and he became a servant of the purple robe woman. Although many years ago, the feelings of each other seemed to be relatives, but the lion man still insisted on calling the ‘master’.


After watching the snow eagle, the snow eagle looked far away, because the place where they camped was at the top of the mountain. At first glance, there were some mountains in the distance, and there were many farmland. Their eyes were all their own territory. My father and mother stopped their adventures because of their birth. They bought a noble title and bought a large territory. This territory was called the snow eagle collar!

The Dongbo Snow Eagle stretched out and was happy.

There are fathers and mothers who love themselves, cute brothers, and many well-meaning land people.

For such a day, Dongbo Snow Eagle is really satisfied...

The only thing that made him a headache was that his father’s training was a bit too bitter.

"To practice a thousand short spears, plus the original one thousand times ... and more major guns, and ..." Dong Bo Xueying's small face is bitter face.


As night falls, the dead moon hangs.

The wind is roaring.


In the high altitude of several kilometers from the ground, a huge bird like a dark cloud is flying at high speed.

This huge bird, with a wingspan of 20 meters, has four wings. It has reached the speed of near-sonic speed. It is a very fierce and terrible Warcraft 'four-winged vulture'. On the back of the winged vulture, two figures were sitting on the knees, a silver armor, and a gray robe with a dark purple wooden stick.

"Where?" asked the gray robe.

"The owner, has entered the territory of Yishui County, it is estimated that there will be half an hour to reach the snow eagle collar." The silver armor man overlooked the bottom, his eyes cold, clearly distinguishing the position below.

"There is still half an hour, I can see my sister." The voice of the gray robe is very complicated. "I really can hide. Under the chase of our family, I have been hiding for fifteen years... ”

The four-winged vultures go straight to the snow eagle collar in the dark!


The new tomato book is officially released!

Huh, I have to start a new world, and please remember to collect and recommend it~~~
