MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 955 reincarnation

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Northern Snowland - Wangtianqu City.

At the airport outside the south of the city, Gao Qingchen and Jiao Tengda watched a military plane land slowly, and through the small window, they also saw a familiar face.

In the cabin, Rong Tao Tao Huai was holding a small charcoal and a cloud dog. The two little guys were curiously leaning against the window, looking at the vast snow and wind outside.

"嘤~" Yunyun Dog barked excitedly, it didn't like the cold world, it just lived here for too long and was used to the snow environment.

The small charcoal is a little confused.

The outside environment is similar to its hometown. It is also covered in silver and snow, but the question is, why is there no familiar soul magic here?

The little charcoal couldn't bear the curiosity, and before the plane stopped, it had already flashed out.

The little black cat suddenly appeared beside the airport runway, but it startled the soldiers who were watching from a distance. Such a magical and instantaneous movement soul skill has not yet been popularized in the world, and it is still a new thing.

The little charcoal lowered his head and sniffed the frost and snow, stuck out his pink tongue, and licked the cold snow, as if to confirm something.


The next moment, Rong Tao Tao Huai hugged Yunyun Dog, squatted behind Xiao Charcoal, and reached out to hug it.

Seeing such a scene, Jiao Tengda who accompanied the pick-up couldn't help grinning.

good guy~

It has to be you, Rong Taotao!

The cloud and mist body and the petal body are not enough, and this is another momentary movement.

If you don't go to be a thief and deliver couriers, you will be incompetent!

The delivery time is calculated in seconds, who can make the order faster than you?

"Dad." Rong Taotao shouted while trying to press the small charcoal into the soul groove of his wrist.

It's a pity that Little Charcoal is very curious about this side of the world and is not willing to go back.

On the contrary, Yunyun Dog was very obedient, and when Rong Taotao pressed it on his chest, the little guy shattered into a cloud and merged into Rong Taotao's chest.

"I'm back." Gao Qingchen nodded with a serious expression, "Principal Mei and Professor Zhu are at the commander's side, let's go."

In desperation, Rong Taotao put the charcoal on his shoulder: "Go."

Gao Qingchen seemed to suddenly remember something: "By the way, where is the distant mountain?"

"Ah..." Rong Taotao then remembered that he still has a father.

Rong Taotao turned his head to look at the military plane that had not yet stopped, and said, "My dad is still in the plane."

Gao Qingchen gave Rong Taotao a reproachful look: "Then wait."

"Yeah." Rong Taotao responded casually, and also came to Gao Qingchen's side. He noticed that Jiao Tengda was looking at the little charcoal curiously, and he handed the little guy over.

That is, Rong Taotao did this, and Jiao Tengda dared to give up his military posture and reach out to pick it up. Whenever someone else interacts with him, he is afraid that he will not turn his eyes away and not move at all.

Rong Taotao chuckled lightly: "Be careful, it's epic, if you scratch it off with one paw, the Adam's apple can tear us apart."

The Snow Realm Soul Warrior adds movement speed, not reaction speed.

Don't look at the small charcoal like a cute cat, if it really suddenly strikes, let alone his Jiao Tengda, even Rong Taotao can't react.

Only in terms of agility, there is no suspense for the black eclipse cat to crush humans of the same level.

"Oh." Jiao Tengda nodded again and again, and carefully took the little black cat under the envious eyes of the soldiers in the distance.

Jiao Tengda was very honored to be able to touch the epic-level void soul beast with his own hands. With Rong Taotao's reminder, he did not dare to act rashly, but just held it carefully and looked at it curiously.

Little Charcoal was not polite, and was quite curious about Jiao Tengda's glasses, and Xiao Claw threw the glasses down directly.

With no one around, Gao Qingchen whispered, "Can Principal Mei and Professor Zhu help you find the lotus pod?"

Recently, under the notice of missing people on the Huaxia Soul Martial Channel, the whole country has set off a wave of searching for Mei Hongyu and Wang Tianzhu, and the movement is not small.

"Yes, Dad." Rong Taotao nodded lightly, "My mother should have gone to the future before she left, and I don't know where she went and what year she went.

She just gave me a message. "

"What?" Gao Qingchen turned his head to look at Rong Taotao, he didn't know much about the details of the specific task, and only knew a general idea.

Rong Taotao said eight big characters: "Plum and bamboo in the old world, vortex lotus pod."

Gao Qingchen chewed this sentence secretly, and nodded thoughtfully: "Fenghua didn't say where she got the news? Is it reliable?"

Rong Taotao shook his head: "The situation was very urgent at the time, and she didn't have time to say, um... I'll tell you in detail when I go back."

"Well, that's fine." Gao Qingchen sighed softly, knowing the general situation, he understood that Xu Fenghua went to Gao Lingwei's place.

From this point of view, it can also give him a little peace of mind.

After all, the presence of Xu Fenghua means that there is life safety. What made Gao Qingchen uncomfortable was that in the past week, his daughter Gao Lingwei no longer appeared.

Now accompanying Cheng Yuan, Gao Ling has always been.

Just the day before yesterday, Gao Qingchen couldn't let go of his heart, so he found Gao Lingshi in private and called his little daughter.

He really called Gao Lingwei back!

However, Gao Lingwei didn't speak from the beginning to the end, just smiled and looked at her father and nodded lightly.

Gao Qingchen can read his daughter's eyes, she is reassuring him...

At this time, the whole family, only Cheng Yuan was kept in the dark, thinking that the youngest daughter was studying in Europe, trying to practice the Thunder Soul Technique.

"Plum and bamboo in the old world, vortex lotus pod." Rong Taotao murmured and turned to look at Jiao Tengda, "What do you mean when you translate it for the translator?"

Jiao Tengda rubbed his eyes, and with his glasses removed, he seemed a little uncomfortable: "Mei Zhu, it must be Principal Mei Hongyu and Professor Wang Tianzhu.

And Xu Hun will deliberately add the word "old world" in front of it, it must have a deep meaning. "

"Well." Rong Taotao took the charcoal back and handed the glasses to Jiao Tengda, "Continue."

Rong Taotao has always trusted the wisdom of bananas.

Jiao Tengda wiped his glasses silently, and suddenly asked, "What are the characteristics of people in the old world?"

Rong Taotao watched Gao Qingchen step forward to pick up Rongyuan Mountain, and he also said, "People in the old world are old people, and they are old people with strong mental strength.

Jiao Tengda: "What else?"

Rong Taotao: "They more or less have a feeling of being deceived and betrayed, and they will inevitably feel a little angry in their hearts, and they may also make unwise actions.

According to their words, this world is not real, it is different from the world they remembered in childhood. "

"Does these have anything to do with lotus pods?" Jiao Tengda put on his glasses and looked thoughtful.

Rong Taotao said suddenly: "The people of the old world have another power system. They can summon special patterns on their chests, and they can also inlaid the life beads of the dragon family."

At this moment, the two fathers came back and saw that the children were discussing the lotus pod, but they did not bother.

Jiao Tengda asked in confusion, "Do you want the two elders of plum and bamboo to be inlaid with Jinglong's life pearl?

As far as I know, Jinglong has a skill with a particularly large sensing range, which is very suitable for finding things? "

Rong Taotao shook his head and said, "If the lotus pod existed, I would have smelled its breath. In the past few months, I have visited the eight great whirlpools in the world."

Jiao Tengda: "Maybe your prison lotus can't smell the scent of the lotus pod?"

"Oh." Rong Taotao snorted, "I even doubt whether it really exists in this world."

Jiao Tengda: "From all angles, the 'vortex' in the second half of the sentence should be the snow vortex. Since it is a part of the nine-petal lotus, it has no reason to be in other vortices."

Rong Taotao: "..."

Jiao Tengda's heart moved: "Go to the commander-in-chief to report first, maybe the second elder Meizhu has some special ability to sense the existence of the lotus pod.

You also said that they have another power system, and we only know the fur. "

"Let's go." Gao Qingchen said in a timely manner, and also summoned his own snow night terror.

Jiao Tengda also summoned Xue Yejing, and muttered in his heart, "The news that Xu Hun will bring back from the future is a bit interesting, right?"

Thinking about it, Jiao Tengda's heart moved, does this mean... the end is doomed?

In the future, Rong Taotao has already got the lotus pod?

The more Jiao Tengda thought about it, the more likely he felt in his heart. Then again...

In the dark snowy night, Jiao Tengda turned to look at Rong Taotao who was seated behind him: "Apart from this sentence, there is no other news at all?"


Jiao Tengda didn't give up: "Then let's push it back and find Xu Hunjiang's foothold. Where is she going in the future?"

Rong Taotao: "Inside the Void Vortex."

"Inside the Void Vortex..."

Rong Taotao hurriedly said: "Don't fall into the misunderstanding, what she went to is not necessarily the inside of the Void Vortex in the future."

Jiao Tengda: "How do you know?"

Rong Taotao: "Because my mother is not the first person to use this precious effect.

Senior Wan'anhe also performed it. On the night of the Battle of Longhe, Senior Wan'anhe opened the treasure on the way to the battlefield and went to the future.

But his foothold was not Longhe Road many years later, but Songjiang Soulwu University. "

Jiao Tengda nodded lightly: "In other words, where you go can be freely controlled."

"It doesn't seem to be either." Rong Taotao shook his head, "Senior Wan is also very surprised. I don't know why he would appear in the future Songjiang Soul Martial Arts campus."


Rong Taotao: "Senior Wan made it clear that he wants to know the result of the Battle of Longhe in advance.

So, if he can freely determine the position, then he should go to the battlefield in a week or two.

Or the third wall in a month or two? "

Jiao Tengda nodded in approval: "It makes sense. If you want to know how the battle is going, go to these two locations and check it out. You can tell at a glance.

The first choice is Longhe Battlefield, followed by Wan'an Pass with Three Walls, and Songjiang Soul Wu in the rear is not the best choice.

This is difficult to do. If the location is random, it is difficult to guess, and it is even more difficult to guess who provided information to Xu Hunjiang. "

On the steed beside him, Rong Yuanshan suddenly said, "The random location can't be such a coincidence.

The world is such a big place, and he happens to be in the northern snow area, and he happens to be in Songhun Campus? "

Rong Taotao looked at Rong Yuanshan: "Dad?"

Rong Yuanshan: "Perhaps, Songjiang Hunwu University is the most important place in his life and the place where he has the deepest emotional bond.

There are his life and death comrades, there is me, there is your mother. "

Rong Taotao opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't speak.

Jiao Tengda nodded secretly in his heart, it is such a reason, how can there be such a coincidence in this world?

Saying so...

While talking, the four people and two horses broke into Wangtian Que City all the way, and came to the front of the office building compound.

Shi Longcheng was already here, but what surprised Rong Taotao was that in front of the courtyard, Rong Taotao also saw Xia Fangran and his wife Mei Zi, whom he had not seen for a long time.

In front of the office building, the atmosphere was solemn, and everyone didn't chat too much.

Rong Taotao understood Mei Zi's eyes and said to several people, "You all go back to the Qingshan Army compound first. After I report the work, I will try my best to bring Principal Mei and Professor Zhu back to the Qingshan Army."

"Okay." Mei Zi nodded, from her eternally sad eyes, Rong Taotao rarely saw a little gratitude.

Xia Fangran didn't say much, but nodded to Rong Taotao without saying anything.

Rong Taotao no longer delayed, and under the leadership of Shi Longcheng, he and his father Rong Yuanshan quickly went to He Siling's office.

The trio were silent all the way until they came to the door of He Siling's office. Shi Longcheng knocked on the door lightly and pushed it open. Rong Taotao finally saw the familiar figure.

"Report!" The rules should not be messed up, Rong Taotao stepped forward and said loudly.

"Yeah." He Siling directly pressed his hand and motioned for the father and son of the Rong family to take their seats, and felt a little emotional in his heart.

When he left, the Rong family consisted of three people, and when he came back again, there was one less...

He Siling's mood is a bit complicated. On the bright side, the Rong family has achieved results, and the Huaxia Legion is one step closer to the mystery of this world.

The bad side is that after Xu Fenghua left, Gao Lingwei was completely silenced, and everyone still knew nothing about the so-called "end of the world".

However, the three big characters "Xu Fenghua" are the guarantee for the success of the mission. He Siling is still very confident about the future.

"Principal Mei, Professor Zhu." Rong Taotao looked towards the sofa and hurriedly said hello.

"Heh." Mei Hongyu's laughter was still hoarse, and her solitary eyes looked at Rong Taotao, "You are incredible."

"Principal Mei?" Rong Taotao raised his eyebrows slightly, not knowing why.

Mei Hongyu: "Use the strength of the whole country to find us."

Rong Taotao: "..."

Mei Hongyu slowly sat up straight and said hoarsely, "My name was mentioned in Fenghua's prophecy for the future."

Rong Taotao nodded: "Plum and bamboo in the old lotus pod."

Mei Hongyu turned to look at Wang Tianzhu: "But I'm not from the old world, she is."

"Ah?" Rong Taotao's face was startled. In his mind, Mei Hongyu's various conditions were in line with the characteristics of people in the old world. How could he think that Principal Mei was a normal person?

Rong Taotao looked at the silent Wang Tianzhu: "Professor Zhu, long time no see."

Wang Tianzhu was still dressed as a monk and nun, but this time it was more like it, with a gray monk hat on his head.

Seeing that Wang Tianzhu didn't speak, Rong Taotao continued: "After awakening the memory, Professor Zhu's mentality is still good?"

Wang Tianzhu spoke softly, with a flat tone: "The old ghost follows him, good or bad, it doesn't matter."

Rong Taotao pursed his lips and said, "Professor Zhu, do you mind if I look at the pattern on your chest?"

"I can't use it." Wang Tianzhu was not surprised that Rong Taotao knew about people like this in the past, and a broken pattern bloomed on her chest.

A broken Zen staff?

The left half of the star map was torn away, so that the rod of the rod was broken from the middle. Fortunately, the head of the rod was intact and did not interfere with its beauty.

There are a lot of star slots in the pattern, but they are all empty, and there are no star beads inlaid. this with the lotus pod?
