MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 919 Shuangcai Xiangyun

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Two hours later, the sky in Viking Empire-Hanyelin City was still dark, and a black car slowly drove to a dilapidated apartment building.

Against the dim light of the street lights, little frost and snow fell slowly.

Snowflakes fell on the roof of the car and on the shoulders of the waiter.

"Crack." As the car door was opened by the waiter, a Russian bear lady in a white fur coat stepped out of the car.

In the quiet snowy night, whether it is a valuable vehicle or a beautiful woman dressed in expensive clothes, it is incompatible with this dilapidated apartment building.

Does she seem lost?

No, it doesn't.

The woman raised her head, followed the old peeling wall, and looked at the window of an apartment on the third floor, and then a smile appeared on her face.

Sure enough, you can always trust him.

However, the young man who stood in front of the window and looked down at the bottom had a little blood splattered on his face.

He is indeed the most reliable comrade-in-arms, but he doesn't seem to take care of himself very much.

"Dalia?" A man's questioning voice came from the other side of the car.

Dalia came back to her senses and reached out her hand, "Mr. Rong, please."

Rong Yuanshan didn't follow any lady's priority. He stepped into the apartment building. The old apartment building, even the door of the building was damaged.

Led by Yun Dian's avatar from Mount Rongyuan, the two came to the door of an apartment on the third floor, and the door was already opened before they could move.


Rong Taotao took two steps back to make way for the door.

The two people who walked in immediately fixed their eyes on the restaurant.

The layout of the house is not complicated. When you enter the house, you can see the kitchen. The two of them can see a table of dishes, and they can also see a headless corpse sitting in front of the table.

The huge headless corpse has been frozen, and in the relatively warm apartment environment, there is a slight chill outside.

Rong Yuanshan did not expect such a scene.

He deliberately rushed here from Moman Harbor City to pick up the hero and **** the safe transportation of the two cloud top treasures.

He never thought that the body of the Viking hunter would be frozen here, as if waiting for someone to come and claim it.

Rong Yuanshan closed the door with his hand and gestured towards the dining table: "What's going on?"

Rong Taotao: "I've settled with her."

With that said, he looked at Dalia: "She assassinated you so many times, destroyed your homeland, and killed one Manlie tribe after another.

I thought maybe you would need her. "

There was a smile on Daria's face, and that charming smile was equally out of place in this cruel picture.

Dalia walked to the dining room, took off her leather gloves, reached into her arms with one hand, and walked straight across the dining table, ignoring the frozen corpse.

She took out a handkerchief from her arms, soaked it under the faucet, then turned back and stood in front of Rong Taotao.

Dalia picked up the soaked handkerchief and gently wiped the blood on his face: "Thank you, Tao Tao, I like this gift very much."

Rongyuan Mountain: "..."

good guy!

Or do you spend a lot of time together, or do you know each other?

One is really dare to give, one is really like!

If it weren't for Rong Taotao's glorious resume, Rong Yuanshan would almost think that his children had become vicious people, or had been led astray by the Manlie family...

On the surface it appears to be so, but it is not.

Because Rong Taotao's attitude towards the enemy has not changed, since he plunged into the vast snow, his style has been cultivated and has distinctive characteristics.

How soft he was with his own people, and how ruthless he was with his enemies.

Over the years, Rong Taotao has faced endless battlefields and endless enemies.

During this process, he was always accompanied and guarded by his relatives, teachers and friends.

Such a unique growth environment allows Rong Taotao to find his own style of behavior. Facing the enemy and ourselves, his attitude shows two extremes, contradictory and unified.

"I'll have someone come up to clean, shall we go back?" Dalia suggested softly.

"Okay." Rong Taotao turned to look at the kitchen counter.

Following the child's line of sight, Rong Yuanshan also saw two tightly tied paper bags.

Rong Yuanshan moved in his heart and stepped forward: "Is there a treasure in the cloud top?"

Rong Taotao: "One is crimson, the other is golden. I don't know what effect it has. I didn't give her a chance to use it."

Rong Yuanshan slightly opened the mouth of the paper bag, and sure enough, a golden mist floated out, and he hurriedly put away the mouth of the paper bag.

Take Yunding Treasure as a blind box to open?

Good boy, it is indeed to a certain level...

"Let's go." Rong Yuanshan looked a little weird and walked back with a paper bag.

Rong Taotao: "You two go back, I'll go straight back to Xuejing."

Dalia folded the blood-stained handkerchief and said, "The journey is long, and you have to fly for a long time. Go back to the manor with Auntie first. I will send someone to take you back, which will be faster and safer."

Rong Taotao thought for a while: "Also."

Rong Yuanshan also knew why his child was in a hurry to return to the Snow Realm, because this was the body of a lotus flower.

In this place on the top of the cloud, Yaoliantao couldn't cultivate at all, and he wasted so much time in cultivation for as long as he stayed here.

Of course, the blood lotus in Yaoliantao's body is nourishing him all the time. After returning to the main body, his cultivation will naturally increase.

But this is the passive cultivation benefit given by the blood lotus.

The difference between Rong Taotao and Ye Nanxi is that he not only has to collect rent, he also has to go out 996...

I would rather exhaust myself than kill the world.

A group of three left, and a few Manlie people entered the apartment to clean up the scene.

Ordinary law-abiding people will have certain social activities and certain social relationships. The sudden disappearance of such people will always attract attention.

But Viking hunters are different. She walks in the dark, hiding her identity and whereabouts, avoiding the attention of the world.

Whether she disappeared or not, no one would notice at all.

Only after a long time, when the landlord comes to collect the rent again, look at the bright windows and the empty apartment, and scold the tenant for leaving without saying goodbye?

Who knows.

Rong Taotao believes that the Manlie family will handle all subsequent issues well.

Although Cold Leaf Forest City and Murman Harbor City belong to two different countries, the straight-line distance between the two cities is only 300 kilometers.

Under the rumbling of the helicopter, in less than an hour, Rong Taotao and others had already landed at Manlie Manor.

Under Dalia's arrangement, Yaoliantao took the Manlie family's private plane and flew to Wangtianque City for the first time.

At the same time, Rongyuanshan's clone also followed Dalia into the central castle and came to the study.

The issue of the ownership of the two Yunding Treasures is indeed a bit sensitive, but it must be resolved through positive communication.

Rong Taotao is naturally the absolute main force to complete the task, fighting alone.

He lived with the Viking hunters and forbeared for half a month, and finally he was able to keep the clouds open to see the moon, and he was happy with his revenge and killed him with one blow.

But the Manlie family also played a key role in the mission.

If it weren't for the intertwined roots of the big tree Manlie and the complicated network of relationships, it would be impossible for the Rong family to get news of the Viking hunter.

From detecting the buyer's problem in the black flea market, to locking the target, delaying the target, to restarting the transaction, and agreeing the time and place, Ren Rong Taotao met the buyer with the people of the black flea market.

All this is done under the operation of Dalia.

One is for intelligence, planning and operation, and the other is for field work and solving goals. Who deserves more credit?

If it is a pure exchange of interests, that's all, Dalia is best at talking about business.

The problem is... The Rong family is not an ordinary partner. Between life and death, and the entanglement of fate, Dalia has long since put away the face of the family patriarch.

In the study, Dalia looked at Rongyuanshan sincerely, and Rongyuanshan also looked at Dalia quietly.

This scene is really interesting.

After a long silence, Dalia was the first to speak: "One day, Katya will inherit everything from me, and she will also become the helm of the Manlie family.

When our generation gets old and gradually retires, Tao Tao and Katya will join forces to face the world.

Mr. Rong, I want a cloud for Katya. I believe this cloud will help her and face the future more calmly with Taotao. "

Rong Yuanshan hesitated for a moment, then nodded lightly: "What do you think about the efficacy of these two clouds?"

Dalia was settled in her heart, and then shook her head: "One of the clouds should have the effect of locking the location of other cloud top treasures.

As for the other one, we don't have any information. "

In response to this, Rong Yuanshan was also in trouble.

Of course, he knew that Rong Taotao had an inner soul map, and he also knew that Rong Taotao could identify the name of the treasure.

The problem is, if it is a treasure such as a star or a lotus, the function of the treasure can be guessed by its name.

But the colorful clouds are different.

According to Rong Taotao, the five colors of clouds are named after the colors.

Guess what?

Punishing the lotus and sinning the lotus, at first glance, it is a brutal output.

Chemical power and wind power, the answer to the mystery is written on the mystery.

But this red cloud is yellow cloud...

According to the name of the five-colored auspicious cloud, guess according to the yin and yang five elements?

Rong Yuanshan's heart moved, and the body in the Huaxia-Stone Small Courtyard immediately took out his mobile phone and called out, "Tao Tao, come here!"

While shouting, Rong Yuanshan also searched for information.

Green corresponds to wood, representing growth.

Dalia's green cloud is the treasure of the healing system, and it can almost reach the level of the living dead and the flesh and bones.

Rong Yuanshan nodded secretly, his fingers slipped.

White corresponds to gold, representing agglomeration.

Baiyun will turn Rong Taotao into a complete aggressor, trying to occupy everything within the range of perception. Is this a gathering?

Black corresponds to water, which means infiltration?

"Dad." Rong Taotao knocked on the door of the study.

"Come in."

"what's up?"

Rong Yuanshan: "What is the emotion and effect of the Black Cloud Treasure?"

Rong Taotao was stunned for a moment, and responded in a proper manner: "Prank, play the world. I can open a misty forest maze and trap the target in it."

Rongyuan Mountain's face is strange, this... infiltration?

Rong Taotao walked in, looked at Rong Yuanshan's mobile phone screen, and realized what his father was speculating.

It's just that the concept of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements is mysterious, mysterious, and quite profound. How can it be that ordinary people can study and understand it with three attempts?

Rong Yuanshan put aside his complicated thoughts and clicked on the screen of his mobile phone: "Red corresponds to fire, which means destruction. Yellow corresponds to earth, which means fusion.

According to the five elements and colors of the colorful clouds.

The red cloud is likely to be an output treasure. Huang Yun is the treasure of reconciliation and assistance, so his emotions should be milder? "

Rong Taotao hesitated for a moment and said, "Maybe, I don't know what yellow is, but red, I also think it should be an output type."

Rong Yuanshan put down his mobile phone and looked up at his son: "Dalia suggested that we and Manlie's family are a treasure, do you have any opinion?"

"Well, it's reasonable." Rong Taotao nodded and said, "When Manlie's plane lands, you can go back with the plane, absorb the colorful clouds, and see if you can make a breakthrough in strength.

I have enough treasures in my body, and I am different from you. When I need it, I take it directly from your body. "

"Haha." Rong Yuanshan laughed dumbly, "You're welcome, kid."

Rong Taotao pouted: "If you call your father every day, you can't call it in vain."

Rongyuan Mountain: "..."

Although Lao Tzu was speechless, Rong Yuanshan was very happy when he saw that the boy started to hate people again.

The more Rong Taotao's mouth is broken, the more it means that he has returned to his former state.

Now it seems that the child has a bad breath on the Viking hunter, which is very helpful to heal the body and mind?

Rong Yuanshan asked, "red or yellow, which one do you want?"

Rong Taotao didn't hesitate: "I want yellow."

Rong Yuanshan did not expect such a straightforward response, and he asked, "Why?"

Rong Taotao: "The output is only limited to the output. Relatively speaking, the effect of auxiliary treasures is more strange, and it can challenge our imagination.

And your output is almost overflowing. By the way, when you come back from Manlie Manor, teach me the three-inch Xingsha. "

A slight smile appeared on Rong Yuanshan's face: "Are you ready?"

Rong Taotao dragged out a long nasal voice: "Well..."

Rong Yuanshan was wrong, taking his son's hesitation as a confirmation, he said: "The plane has not arrived for a long time, I can teach you now, based on your understanding of soul skills... ."

Before he finished speaking, Rong Taotao said, "Dad, wait for you to come back. I just made up my mind, but I'm not ready.

In the past few days, I have turned my thoughts to the body of the remnant star and tried my best to get used to it. "

Hearing this, Rong Yuanshan closed his mouth and did not force him any more.

There is no doubt that each attribute soul power has its own unique aura.

For the current Rong Taotao, touching Hoshino's soul power will be an extremely difficult psychological threshold to cross.

After all, Hoshino Soul Power is the murderer who killed Rong Taotao hundreds of thousands of times, and it is also a cruel torture tool to execute It is normal to have psychological shadows or stress reactions.

Rong Taotao chose to use the remnant star Tao as a breakthrough, which is undoubtedly a very correct decision!

Ye Nanxi and her Youxing must be the best way to appease and heal Rong Taotao.

Canxing Tao has not actively cultivated for a long time, but he has been in Ye Nanxi's knees, staying in a comfortable and comfortable soul trough home, and passively receiving a little nourishment from You Xing.

As long as Rong Taotao is determined to face it and transfers his consciousness to the body of Canxing Tao, then the layers of positive buffs will nourish Rong Taotao's tormented soul like water.

"Huang Yun, Dad, let's see what it can merge into."

Rong Yuanshan: "You go with me, absorbing the treasure will bring a lot of soul power, and the opportunity is rare."

