MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 879 tragic tomorrow

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The first time he returned to the manor, Gao Lingwei took Rong Taotao to Xu Fenghua's room.

This inevitably gave Rong Taotao a feeling of greeting his mother.


In front of the door of the room, Gao Lingwei knocked gently on the door, and heard Xu Fenghua's familiar voice: "Come in."

"Mom." Gao Lingwei opened the door, and in the living room of the huge room, the girl saw two figures, Xu Fenghua and Jinyu, unsurprisingly.

This is a very loving picture. Xu Fenghua is teaching Jinyu to read and write, and there is a Mengmengxiao standing on Jinyu's shoulder.

Compared to Jin Yu, who was engrossed, Meng Mengxiao's concentration was much worse.

It was half-hearted, twisting its head for a while, and following its wings for a while, and seemed not very interested in reading words.

However, since Mengmeng Xiao is a beast-like soul beast, Xu Fenghua's requirements for it are not so high.

"Come back, Ling Wei." Xu Fenghua nodded with a smile, on the sofa beside him, Jin Yu stood up directly and looked at the hostess and hostess at the door.

"Mom." Gao Lingwei hesitated for a while, then said, "Does Mom have time?"

Xu Fenghua: "What?"

Gao Lingwei suggested: "Katya helped me prepare a bath and a masseuse. Would you like to go with me? I'm a little confused about Fangtian painting on this trip. Can you help me straighten my thoughts?"

Xu Fenghua smiled and said, "Yes, no matter how busy you are, you will never forget to practice martial arts."

Of course, Xu Fenghua will not refuse the request of her own child, she really has nothing to do right now.

And this sentence made Gao Lingwei feel ashamed. She was so focused on searching for the treasure, she really forgot Fang Tianhuaji.

Since Gao Lingwei does not have the property of lying, Xu Fenghua really thinks that Gao Lingwei has encountered some bottlenecks in martial arts, and is there any confusion.

Gao Lingwei glanced at Jinyu, she suddenly raised her long legs and shook her ankles.


Immediately, thick frost and snow were quickly assembled, and a huge snow-colored moon leopard was summoned.

"Lu" Moon Moon Leopard made a dangerous hunting sound as soon as it appeared, fell on all fours, and looked around vigilantly.

Every time Gao Lingwei summons the Moon Moon Leopard, it is on an extremely dangerous battlefield, which also makes the Moon Moon Leopard form a conditioned reflex.

Gao Lingwei raised her hand and patted the Yueyue Leopard: "Jinyu, help me take care of it, feed it some meat, it suffered a while ago."

"Okay." Jinyu beckoned to Yueyuebao.

"Go." Gao Lingwei patted the big furry head of Yueyue Leopard, and also replaced Xu Fenghua from Jinyu's side.

Gao Lingwei brought Xu Fenghua with her, of course Ekaterina would not refuse.

It's just that Rong Taotao is a little uncomfortable. The ladies go to bath and massage, but he can't get in.

However, Rong Taotao was not idle, and went to find his father Rong Yuanshan on his own.

Rong Taotao knew in his heart that this night was destined to be a sleepless night!

But the slap came too fast.

At night, when Gao Lingwei returned to the two-person bedroom in a fresh coat and a brand-new woolen coat, Rong Taotao did not get the news of the action tonight.

"What's the situation?" Rong Taotao sat on the sofa, looking at the girl curiously, Song Xue Wuyan turned on in his mind.

Gao Lingwei took off her coat, turned her head and glanced at Rong Taotao, and a strange light flashed in her eyes.

Snow Realm Soul Skill - Fenghuaxueyue.

The surrounding environment did not change, Gao Lingwei also walked to the sofa: "Dalia has to do some preparatory work."

Rong Taotao frowned slightly: "You told her. Are you sure of her identity?"

"Sure. She was also invited to massage, and I helped her lock the position of Lei Teng's avatar." Gao Lingwei sat down with a thoughtful look on her face, "Mom has determined the central idea of ​​this mission."


Gao Lingwei: "If you are not prepared for it, you will be killed in one hit."

Rong Taotao nodded approvingly: "It should be like this, let's start tonight?"

"No." Unexpectedly, Gao Lingwei shook her head, "Mom said that for an enemy of this level, a sneak attack under the conventional thinking cannot achieve miraculous results.

Two or three in the morning is the time when everyone is the most tired and relaxed, but it must also be the most vigilant time for such people.

You have been back for 4 days, and the lurkers still haven't started. From a mental point of view, they must be walking on thin ice, and they are most likely waiting for our Rong family to leave. "

"It makes sense." Rong Taotao thought in his heart, dare to live under Xu Fenghua's eyes, no matter how daring the artist is, he must be careful.

The deeper the night, the more alert the lurkers should be?

Rong Taotao asked, "When will my mother start?"

Gao Lingwei: "At breakfast tomorrow."


"Yes." Gao Lingwei nodded, "Mom said it and was caught off guard.

It is to suddenly attack the lurkers when they are awake and in their daily life. "

Rong Taotao: ""

"And at night, it is also beneficial for such people to abscond." Gao Lingwei also smiled and shook her head.

"What's wrong?"

Gao Lingwei: "Dalia is also afraid, the meals for the past few days are all served by Igor.

Thanks to her advance arrangements and perfect supervision, otherwise, it is possible that there will be problems with the food. "

Rong Tao Tao pursed his mouth: "Can Dalia be poisoned to death?"

In a word, Gao Lingwei was also asked.

Dalia's Soul Martial Treasure is almost reaching the level of "living dead, flesh and bones", whether she can be poisoned to death is really a question.

But what is certain is that at the soul martial level, the foggy soul skills such as "paralysis", "sluggishness", and "syncope" in Yun Dian's soul skills are absolutely effective on Dalia.

Rong Taotao: "Then what are we doing tonight?"

Gao Lingwei thought for a while: "Have a good rest and recharge your batteries."

Just do nothing?

Tsk~ A real **** of soul martial arts like my mother really has a style.

Rong Taotao: "Then let me remind Jinyu and Yueyuebao to keep them at night. You really need to rest."


With the cancellation of Fenghuaxueyue, Gao Lingwei finally hung the coat on the hanger, nodded to Jinyu and Yueyuebao in the living room, and walked to the bedroom.

Rong Taotao, who told the good soul beast to be on duty at night, followed up to the bedroom.

Looking at the big pillow resting on the bed, Rong Taotao could also imagine how hard she had been working this month, but he didn't bother her.

After washing up, Rong Taotao tiptoed onto the bed, feeling a little strange in his heart.

Thief tm exciting ~!

Rong Taotao thought that his experience was rich enough, and today's Manlie Manor gave him another lesson!

Knowing that the enemy was right under their noses, Rong Taotao and others still chose to work and rest normally, assuming that nothing happened. This is to recognize that the other party does not dare to act rashly, waiting for the four members of the Rong family to leave.

Regarding "artistic people are bold", Xu Fenghua gave Rong Taotao a perfect interpretation.

While Rong Taotao was thinking about it, the girl beside him turned to his side and lightly pressed his forehead on his arm.

"Go to sleep, there is me, don't worry." Rong Taotao was still careful enough, and Song Xue was speechless to transmit information.

"On the premise of not disturbing the lurkers, Dalia may not be able to find out all the lurkers." Gao Lingwei also responded with Song Xue Wuyan, "The other party has multiple Lei Teng treasures, we have reason to speculate that the lurkers are Viking Giant Hunter, with a total of four members.

Based on the information I provided, Dalia also gave her speculation that maybe there are only three giant hunters in the team. "


Gao Lingwei: "Because one of the Lei Teng clones is also included."

Rong Taotao blinked: "Oh, so in the giant hunter team, those two identical sisters are the same person?"

Gao Lingwei: "Dalia thinks so. For breakfast tomorrow, our main target is the lurker who owns a piece of half thunderbolt treasure, which is now Igor.

In various senses, if the main body dies suddenly, the clone will naturally shatter.

Even if that Lei Teng clone is not an ordinary soul skill, but comes from Lei Teng Arcana, my mother doesn't think it can exist independently of the main body. "

Hearing this, Rong Taotao nodded secretly.

This is of course reasonable speculation, but not supported by practical examples.

Rong Taotao also has clones, and there are even two, a body of a remnant star and a body of Yaolian.

The problem is that Rong Taotao's body has never died, at least not for a long time, and he came back to life in just a few seconds, so he can't provide a real case.

After a moment of silence, Rong Taotao's heart moved: "Does Ekaterina know that Igor has been transferred?"

Gao Lingwei: "Got it."

Rong Taotao hurriedly said, "How is she?"

Gao Lingwei: "There is no reaction on the surface, and she is not allowed to make any reaction. This is the premise of information exchange. As for what she thinks in her heart, I don't know."

"Hmm." Rong Taotao sighed in his heart, feeling that the world is impermanent.

If it were her nemesis in college, Ekaterina would have wished for Igor to die suddenly.

But now, Ekaterina has finally conquered Igor, and even turned the enemy into a friend and accepted him as a confidant, but she didn't want to, her size hurt Igor.

Or, as the first guard beside Ekaterina, Igor's identity is better to do some articles, so he is targeted.


This son of a **** world!

Rong Taotao and Igor don't have any personal feelings, he can't help sighing secretly, not to mention how touched the Empress will be.

Hope she can adjust herself.

After all, she is the woman who wants to be the empress.

Whether it is Gao Lingwei or Rong Taotao, they have mixed feelings in their hearts.

Some come and some go.

Reunion and separation are constantly being staged in this world, and at the same time, they are also reminding the two of how dangerous the soul martial world is.

To Dalia, Igor was still just a little guy.

Even a person like Patriarch Manlie, when she has a rare and strange treasure without the matching strength to protect it, will be destroyed. If even Dalia's strength is not worthy of owning a treasure.

That means a very serious problem: the combat power level of the entire Soul Martial World is constantly being raised.

"Rest, Dawei." Rong Taotao sorted out his chaotic thoughts, he didn't plan to sleep tonight.

Turning his head slightly, Rong Taotao's lips lightly imprinted on the girl's hair, and Song Xue said nothing again: "Sleep, I'll watch over you.

A tragic tomorrow awaits us. "

Hearing this, Gao Lingwei smiled, and said softly, "En", with a unique demeanor of a soul warrior.

Not to mention life and death aside, she and Rong Taotao have the same attitude towards extreme danger and crisis.


A tragic tomorrow awaits us.

The problem is, we all look forward to