MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 855 Gathering is a fire

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The wedding of the red smoke duo went very smoothly, in every sense.

As the old saying goes: Ming media are getting married, and eight carry a large sedan chair.

Although Rong Taotao didn't know where to fart, pee, and mud when Yanhong fell in love, he was still regarded as a "ming match".

Aunt Hong's sedan chair was also carried by eight people, seven little souls plus a smiling Xia Fangran.

Fan Lihua and Sun Xingyu were not allowed to help lift the sedan chair because the two girls were relatively petite. However, when they actually lifted the sedan chair, Rong Taotao and others discovered that Jiao Tengda could also be lazy!

Jiao Tengda was well prepared. He has a very clear understanding of himself. If someone else carries it on his shoulder, then I will hold it with my hand~

Help me ~ don't be ashamed!

In fact, the Shi family sisters once proposed to summon the soul pet female Frost Death Shi Huan and Snow Prison Fighter Stone Ghost to help carry the sedan chair.

It was unanimously rejected by everyone. After all, these two guys look different, their eyes are red, and they are not very good-looking...

In addition, the two tall and mighty humanoid soul beasts were two meters apart in height.

As soon as the two of them came out, everyone else would become "Jiao Tengda", and they had to hold it with their hands.

Gao Lingwei's black-and-white hero is very similar to the stone-ringed stone ghost in terms of body shape, but the appearance is also not good-looking.

One has no eyes, one has no mouth, so strange, so strange~

In the Songjiang Soul Martial Arts Arena, the two Hongyan had a slightly long but happy wedding ceremony.

You know, there are only 20 small round tables in the guest area, and a table can sit around 2 or 3 people at most.

Those who are eligible to participate in the wedding of Yanhong are basically comrades-in-arms who are born and die together, and they all come with sincere blessings.

However, there are also people that Rong Taotao is not very familiar with, such as Songhunjing Jujuchang-Huang Kuanren.

Before the wedding ceremony, Huang Juchang came to Rong Taotao's table and took the initiative to say hello to Xu Fenghua.

Afterwards, Rong Taotao also said a few words to Huang Kuanren and Juchang for the first time.

What's interesting is that Huang Kuanren and Juchang seem to know a lot about the love story of the two people, at least he knows that Rong Taotao is the "little matchmaker".

So much so that Huang Ju said half-jokingly, hoping that Rong Taotao would help Sihuanian also find a person worthy of trust.

Rong Taotao could only say that he would try his best, but he did not dare to fully agree.

The other half of the bully is not easy to find, especially Rong Taotao's eyes have been raised, how can ordinary people like it?

On the contrary, Si Huanian once said that he wanted to block He Tian asking after school?

Which one does this let Rong Taotao go to?

Besides, Si Huanian also said to have a chat first, but he didn't really like others.

Anything that doesn't suit her appetite, it's trivial to talk about the collapse, and the bully will be kicked over with a single kick...

This matter is not the most headache for Rong Taotao, because many people are like him, waiting for someone to appear.

Mei Hongyu!

However, until the end of the wedding, the old principal did not come to the scene.

Regarding this matter, everyone is also tacitly aware of it, and they have not said it on the surface.

The wedding of the two teachers of Yanhong, under the skillful control of the host, ended in a lively and festive atmosphere. It can be said that everyone is happy and full of happiness!

In fact, there is also the link of making a bridal chamber.

And Rong Taotao also participated...

But the little souls didn't enter the house, they clawed at the windows of the martial arts hall one by one, and probed inside to probe their brains.

You must know that the residence of Yanhong and the two is the residence of Yuan Sihuanian, which is the second floor!

But it doesn't matter, Rong Taotao has snow ghost hands...

Although the little guys are not noisy or noisy, but the toads lie on their feet, don't make noise, you are disgusting~

Chen Hongshang opened the window with a smile, distributed a few pieces of wedding candy to each person, and sent all the children away.

In the end, it's just a cutscene.

After giving the two teachers a perfect ceremony, Rong Taotao, who fell to the ground, finally completed the task. Looking at the quiet grove, Rong Taotao couldn't help feeling emotional.


"What's the matter, are you tired?" Jiao Tengda asked. After a busy day, it was a good life experience.

"Back then, Dawei and I used to practice calligraphy here." Rong Taotao raised his head slightly and tapped the grove in front of him with his chin.

"Haha." Jiao Tengda grinned, "Can't you come back?"

Rong Taotao shrugged, it was indeed difficult to come back.

He still has the status of a student now, but there are very few personal wishes, and more of it is that Songjiang Hunwu University needs to let Rong Taotao have a name.

Professor Zheng Qianqiu's postgraduate class has been open for a month, and Rong Taotao has not reported. Professor Zheng Qianqiu knew that Rong Taotao was busy and never bothered.

The master and apprentice met for the first time this semester, or at today's wedding...

As for Rong Taotao, Zheng Qianqiu agreed that the research topic of this semester should be on black and white heroes.

Although it is not our Snow Realm Soul Beast, systematically sorting out the information of black and white heroes can be regarded as filling the blank of the world Soul Beast.

In addition to Gao Lingwei's black and white heroes, there are only 2 pairs of black and white heroes in the world, the Viking pirate brothers and sisters, and the people of the Viking royal family are all hidden and tucked as treasures and not shown to others.

"It's still early, it's rare that people are so gathered together, let's find a place to chat." Gao Lingwei said suddenly, causing everyone to be stunned.

After all, Gao Lingwei is not someone who likes to party.

"Okay~" Sun Xingyu hurriedly responded and came to Gao Lingwei's side, pushing away Rong Taotao, who was next to him, and took Gao Lingwei's arm with her small hand, "Is Sister Wei hungry?"

"Let's go, go to Binghu Linjing and walk around." Gao Lingwei smiled.

"Huh?" Sun Xingyu opened her eyes wide, and a bad premonition rose in her heart.

This may not be a gathering, but this is probably a meeting of the leaders!

Around the front of the Yanwu Pavilion, many students are still training hard and fighting on the outdoor field.

The little souls looked around, all of them were their own figures over the past few years.

Under the leadership of Rong Taotao and Gao Lingwei, the little souls hardly completed their college careers. They came into contact with the Snow Ran Army as early as their freshman year, and went directly to the Longbei Theater and Wudong Theater for the third and fourth year. .

Under the circumstances, the team was much quieter.

All the way to the southwest, through the west side of the teaching building, everyone rushed to the ice lake forest scene.

Under the night, the moonlight reflected on the pavilion, the promenade, the trees and the surface of the icy lake, shedding a little brilliance, a beautiful mess.

There are very few people here, only couples and couples are skating here.

"It's a loss." Jiao Tengda said, adjusting the atmosphere, "I haven't been here with Lihua for four years in college."

Fan Lihua blushed slightly, holding Shi Lan's arm, her head resting on the girl's arm, and said nothing.

Gao Lingwei suddenly said, "Yesterday, Si Jiao asked me for someone."

Sure enough, this is the leadership meeting!

Sun Xingyu pursed her lips, but she dared not speak out.

Gao Lingwei: "Sijiao's achievements are obvious to all, and we have cultivated this group of people.

Before retiring, President Mei arranged for Si Huanian to go to Songjiang Hunwu Graduate School. While serving as the deputy dean, he also asked her to lead a graduate class in person.

The main purpose is to cultivate Songhun's own team of practical teachers, pass on teaching concepts, train teaching methods, and improve combat skills. "

Rong Taotao whispered: "What teaching philosophy does she have? She is not allowed to speak loudly? Ask someone to bring takeout?"


"Ha ha......"

Among the bursts of laughter, Gao Lingwei also glared at Rong Taotao with a smile, and continued: "All in all, this is a 3-5 year intensive training course.

After successfully graduating, they can stay in Songjiang Soul Wu, and the first batch of students has a total of 50 students. "

Shi Lan: "50 people? That many?"

Gao Lingwei: "The fundamental reason is that the snow environment has become better, and the training system has become more and more complete.

There are more and more students in the snow, and the quality is getting higher and higher. Enrollment in our university is inevitable.

You can go and learn about Soul Wu High School in Xuejing. Many new ones have been established. Our school has been siphoned away from a large number of teachers.

Our juvenile class is relatively detached. From the moment we enter the school gate, we follow the four seasons and four rituals, so we have no feeling about the departure of other teachers in the school. "

Shi Lan nodded thoughtfully: "Oh, so..."

Jiao Tengda moved in his heart and asked, "Sister Wei said just now that Si Jiao wants someone from you?"

"Yes." Gao Lingwei nodded lightly, "Songjiang Soul Wu paid too much for the Xue Ran Army, now that the Xue Jing has settled down, the focus should be on education..."

Talking, Gao Lingwei smiled and shook her head: "Forget it, let's not talk about the scene. Songjiang Soul Wu is reluctant to let us, no one ever thought that the youth class project would be so successful.

Sijiao, on behalf of Songjiang Hunwu University, hoped that the youth class would give back to the school and add to the teaching staff. "

Sun Xingyu raised her little face with a dazed expression: "But we are the Qingshan Army!"

Gao Lingwei patted Sun Xingyu's head and said with a smile: "That's why the school found me through Sijiao, because I am the head of the Qingshan Army.

Teachers can be appointed on a temporary basis in the Snow Burning Army, and the Snow Burning Army can also support Songhun.

This is said on the bright side, but you have seen the life trajectories of Mei Zi and Yang Chunxi. Once you enter the Xue Ran Army, it will be difficult to come out.

Conversely, the same is true. "

"Do you want us to be teachers?" Zhao Tang frowned slightly, but he was in trouble.

The snow vortex has just been won, and a large area of ​​barren land is waiting for him to open up new territories!

More importantly, the Qingshan Army happened to be an army that opened up territory. In Zhao Tang's heart, he was walking on the path that he liked most.

After winning the World Cup this time, Zhao Tang still wanted to do a big job, but the school...

There is no doubt about the feelings of the little souls for Songhun. If the school really wants someone, it is difficult for the little souls to refuse, because everything they have is given by Songhun.

Gao Lingwei: "It's voluntary, don't worry too much. Going back to the source, Xue Ranjun and Songjiang Hunwu are also a family."

In particular, the Qingshan Army under Gao Lingwei is a family with Songjiang Hunwu...

She continued: "Sijiao has provided some welfare policies for our juvenile class, and admission to her graduate class is exempt from exams.

Secondly, in addition to the student status, the little souls who join will also have the status of teaching assistants.

So strictly speaking, as long as you choose to accept the invitation, it is equivalent to becoming a teacher at Songjiang Soul Wu University. "

Huaxia's top-level Hunwu college teacher, this title is quite tempting! Not to mention a series of welfare policies working in Songhun.

At the level of Rong Taotao and Gao Lingwei, resources such as money, soul beads, and soul pets are no longer considered.

Even as early as his student days, Rong Taotao had fallen into the dilemma of "the gold owner is actually myself".

Although the other little souls are a lot worse, as long as they follow the right people, what resources will they have in the future?

Therefore, the welfare policy of Songjiang Soul Martial Arts University is very attractive to ordinary soul martial artists, but it is very less attractive to small souls.

Whenever the little souls accept the invitation, the first is their personal development willingness, and the second is the strong emotion of Songjiang Hunwu.

After all, not everyone is like Zhao Tang, who dreams of conquering the battlefield and opening up new territories.

For example, Fan Lihua at the moment.

She was indeed a little excited about staying at the university to teach.

A quiet and well-behaved girl is always overlooked, but people who care about her always pay attention to her.

When Jiao Tengda noticed signs of Fan Lihua's heartbeat, he also made a choice in his mind.

Pine soul, Qingshan. Although it is a family, it is undoubtedly two life trajectories.

Only from the perspective of personal career development, it is undoubtedly the most beneficial to follow Rong Taotao and Gao Lingwei.

But from personal considerations...

So, does a shrewd person make unwise choices?

Gao Lingwei: "Tao Tao and I will not focus on Xuejing in the future, but you don't have to worry, the Qingshan Army will be represented by the old chief Gao Qingchen.

Moreover, the Qingshan Army has a big business, and there is a planet waiting for us to develop.

Now here are just a few of us. If you want to stay in Songhun, you can directly say that in the future within the Qingshan Army, you can also directly tell me what route you want to take. "

Saying that, Gao Lingwei smiled and looked at everyone: "You don't shy away from relatives, and everyone in the world knows your abilities and potential."

Having said that, this is not at all to "promote" the virtuous without avoiding relatives. As long as Gao Lingwei speaks, it is not a recommendation, but an appointment.

Of course, the appointment is also to deploy the little souls to the favorite troops for development, not to be leaders, and the ranks and positions must be fought for by themselves.

With the vortex mission unfolding, the Qingshan Army has grown into a behemoth, even more brilliant than in the early years.

There are members of the Qingshan Army in various units and bases.

Do you want to be a civilian or a military officer?

Do you want to do logistics, be a clerk, join or do you want to join a reconnaissance battalion, a guard regiment, or a cavalry regiment?

Do you want to go to the first empire in the depths of the whirlpool, or to watch Tianque, Lotus Fall, and the Dragon River...

In any army, in any position, in any area, with Gao Lingwei and Rong Taotao here, the little souls can choose and start their favorite life.

This night, when the little souls returned with glory after the World Cup, and drew a perfect end to their college life,

Beside this quiet ice lake and forest scene, Gao Lingwei provided the little souls with everything they could.

This "Sister Dawei", they called it well.

It's just a pity that no one is called "Tao Tao brother".

Although the little souls are very clear in their hearts, Gao Lingwei can be today because there is a "Tao Tao brother" standing behind her.