MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 832 graduation

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September 1st, the school season.

This year, the freshmen of Songjiang Hunwu University are very lucky. This is the warmest opening season since the establishment of Songjiang Hunwu University.

Blue sky and white clouds, the warm sun shines high.

In the absence of wind and snow, the temperature here is even close to 0 degrees!

What is this concept?

It's hard to imagine that you can experience such a warm environment in this Songjiang Soul City, which is deep in the snow, more than 200 kilometers away from the sky vortex.

You don't need a very experienced Snow Realm Soul Martial Artist, even ordinary people can live and work normally here.

And all of this is due to the successive generations of snow people, and finally this summer, snow people have made amazing achievements!

The students who ushered in the opening ceremony were very excited, and the reporters who rushed to the snowy realm were even more excited!

They are finally going to see Rong Taotao, who sees the dragon in sight!

Songjiang Hunwu made it clear that Rong Taotao, the leader of the third generation of Xuejing people and the outstanding graduate representative of Songjiang Hunwu University, will give a speech at this opening ceremony.

This is an incredible event!

The legendary Rong Taotao is indeed a person who does great things.

In the past, after the World Cup finals, he and Gao Lingwei once said in front of the camera that the two would be involved in the northern snow business and may not appear in the public eye again.

For Rong Taotao and Gao Lingwei, no news may be the best news.

That at least means that the two of them are still struggling in a corner of the northern snow, rather than accidentally dying.

But the reality is...

Although Rong Taotao no longer makes public appearances, the title of "Professor Rong" has become more and more brilliant, and the world is full of legends of "Rong Millions"!

Three Soul Skills in Snow: Defense, Perception, and Regeneration of Severed Limbs are released in sequence.

Large tracts of land in the north: Longbei Theater and Wudong Theater have returned one after another.

How could the world forget this young and naughty child with these proud achievements one after another?

And just this summer, there will be no more wind and snow in the snow, and there will be no more wars in the north! ?

Huaxia reporters are full of "crying troughs", I really hope that the whole world can hear...

Therefore, in the opening season of Songjiang Soul Martial University, major media have sent their troops to this brand-new northern snowy realm.

On the one hand, it is to record Rongshen's opening speech and try to find opportunities to interview Rong Taotao.

On the other hand, they also have to visit various towns in the snow, and present a brand new northern snow to the world.

At this moment, in the Northeast Stadium of Songhun, a team of students lined up neatly, listening to the speech of the leader on the stage.

Rong Taotao was in the entrance passage of the stadium, moving his body, twisting his neck and tiptoeing from time to time, looking very nervous.

On the side, Xu Fenghua put his hands in front of him, leaned his back against the wall, and looked at his children with a smile.

Gao Lingwei was pressing Rong Taotao's shoulder, pressing him firmly to the ground, and taking care of his hair with one hand.

Comb your hair into an adult appearance and put on a handsome suit?

doesn't exist~

The hair must still be naturally curly and soft, so that the face below looks very well-behaved and harmless to humans and animals.

The clothes must also be the snow camouflage, but it is different from usual. At this time, Rong Taotao's combat uniform is complete with epaulettes and armbands.

Under normal circumstances, you should wear normal clothes to attend such a ceremony.

But this is also one of the cultures of the Snow Burning Army. There are no uniforms in our team, only combat uniforms.

Not even the epaulettes were hard, they were always soft.

For a nineteen-year-old young man, if the "green" armband on Rong Taotao's arm is amazing enough.

Then the "two bars and four stars" on his shoulders can scare people even more...

Further up is the wheat ears, this is no joke!

"To be honest, I always feel that these epaulettes and armbands limit my performance." Rong Taotao muttered softly, seeming to be a little dissatisfied.

Rong Taotao wanted to give a speech as a pure graduate, but after hearing that he was going to give a formal speech as Xue Ranjun, he changed the speech overnight...

Gao Lingwei took care of his hair with a smile, and whispered: "Whether you wear it or not, you are in this position.

Hundreds of media outlets will not come to a small opening ceremony. You and I both know who they are coming for.

Speaking of spirit, Tao Tao, you not only represent Songjiang Soul Wu University, but also represent the Northern Snow Burning Army. "

"Leader, hello official." Rong Taotao pouted.

Gao Lingwei smiled and patted Rong Taotao's face: "According to the speech in the speech, you are not allowed to play freely."

Rong Taotao revised the draft overnight, and Gao Lingwei naturally reviewed it overnight, for fear that he would run the train with his mouth full and say something surprising.

Obviously, Gao Lingwei is very satisfied with Rong Taotao's final draft.

Rong Taotao: "Don't I represent Songjiang Hunwu and Xue Ranjun? How dare you hit Songjiang Hunwu and Xue Ranjun in the face?"

The smile on Gao Lingwei's face froze: ? ?

Good guy, she can't stand this big hat.

She leaned forward a little and whispered, "If you do this again, I'll let my mother pull the belt."

Rong Taotao: "..."

"Rong Taotao."

"Here!" Rong Taotao turned his head and saw a teacher.

The teacher nodded with a smile: "Get ready, it's coming to you soon."

"Okay~" Rong Taotao nodded again and again, and after a while, he heard the host's invitation and warm applause.

"Come on." Gao Lingwei patted Rong Taotao's shoulder lightly, "This time, it's my turn to peek at you."

Rong Taotao: "Thank you?"

Gao Lingwei smiled and nodded.

Rong Taotao turned and left, and a sentence floated far away: "This is what you should do."

Gao Lingwei: "..."

She turned her head to look at Xu Fenghua helplessly, and saw her mother's uncontrollable smile.

It stands to reason that both Xu Fenghua and Gao Lingwei are eligible to take the seat, but they both chose to watch Rong Taotao from afar.

Rong Taotao followed the guiding teacher, taking three steps and two steps, to a temporary platform near the entrance of the stadium.

When he stepped onto the stage, there was another round of fierce applause and cheers.

Rong Taotao smiled and waved to everyone. He also saw a row of leaders sitting on the podium. There were quite a few acquaintances.

Among them, the generals of the Hundred Regiments Pass and One Wall garrison army stood up when Rong Tao Tao first came to power.

Rong Taotao hurriedly squeezed his hands and stopped him from saluteing himself...

Except for the instructor, everyone, including Mei Hongyu, stood up, smiled and applauded, and welcomed Rong Taotao.

Mei Hongyu, the old principal, Huang Kuanren, the police officer of Songjiang Soul City, Zheng Qianqiu, the dean of the Graduate School, and Cha Er, the vice dean...


How did the bully get into power?

What is her identity? A tyrant in the martial arts hall?

Is this the first time that my daughter and adoptive father are sitting on the same stage?

Rong Taotao nodded to the leaders again and again, took the speech, came to the center of the stage, put the manuscript on the podium, and looked at the black crowd below.

Songjiang Soulwu University has indeed expanded its enrollment. There must be 5,000 or 6,000 freshmen enrolled, right?

Interestingly, the team of instructors sent by Xue Ranjun was standing around the media square at this time, as if they were afraid that these reporter friends would rush up.

In fact, the reporter friends did their best to stretch their arms and take pictures, and the pictures turned out to be a little joyous...

"Dear teachers, classmates, and guests, hello." Rong Taotao, who was wearing a snow-burning military uniform, bowed to everyone as a last resort.

The salute after being specially trained by Xu Fenghua was unusually standard and quite effective.

After the ceremony, Rong Taotao, who relaxed a little, smiled and said to the crowd, "You know, I have many titles.

For example, the third-generation Snowlanders, such as Professor Rong, and the deputy commander-in-chief of the Snowland Expeditionary Force, Colonel Rong of the Qingshan Army..."


"Crack! Kick!"

The words "Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Snow Expeditionary Force" made the visiting reporters smell the big news!

Rong Taotao is undoubtedly the "official", which is his own admission.

These days, Xue Ranjun has only mentioned the "juvenile spirit" of the leader of the Xuejing Expeditionary Army, but has never revealed who that person is.

Even though there are thousands of speculations from the outside world, Xue Ranjun will not give the letter of approval, and today, there is finally a conclusion!

Just hearing this news, the reporters came to nothing.

Of course, Rong Taotao said that this kind of information is also what Xue Ranjun wants to reveal. Some news should be announced gradually, and it should be made in advance.

It is the beginning of September now, and in October, when the Imperial Capital City holds a commendation conference, what Rong Taotao and others have done will be made public.

Saying that, Rong Taotao swept his gaze across the audience and settled in a special small square: "But standing here, I'm just a graduate of Songjiang Soulwu University - Junior Class, Rong Taotao."

The direction in which Rong Taotao's eyes fixed was exactly the phalanx of the students of the second Songjiang Soul Wu University-Junior Class.

Rong Taotao and his first juvenile class, to be precise, the juvenile soul class, exhausted all the efforts of Songjiang Soul Wu University.

For four full years, Songjiang Hunwu has not opened the second youth class.

In the year after the youth soul class graduated, the second youth class finally opened.

Looking at the childish children in the phalanx, the young faces were obviously younger than those of the surrounding classmates, and Rong Taotao also recalled the time when he stood there.

At that time... the speaker on the stage was the outstanding representative of that session: Gao Lingwei.

What a wonderful feeling.

Rong Taotao pointed to an unfamiliar teenager in the phalanx of the youth class and said, "Four years ago, I was in your position."

The boy who was suddenly named had a pair of smart eyes and seemed to be aware of the gazes of the people around him. He bowed his head a little shyly.

Behind the boy, a girl whispered: "Shang Xue, Rongshen is very optimistic about you! Wow~ Does Rongshen know that you are also the second place in the entrance examination?"

Yu Shangxue: "..."

On the stage, Rong Taotao's speech continued: "At that time, I was full of excitement and curiosity about the world, and I stood there ignorantly.

Until a girl appeared on the podium, lighting up the dim world. "

As he said that, Rong Taotao turned his head and looked to the side. Sure enough, he saw Gao Lingwei's figure on the side of the stage on the steps.

Gao Lingwei glared at Rong Taotao with a smile, and silently made a few mouths: "According to the words!"

Rong Taotao turned his head and looked at the people below: "Literally, don't get me wrong.

At that time, the outstanding student representative Gao Lingwei called on us to display the lantern paper cage as soon as he came to power. "

"Haha~" Xu Fenghua's shallow laughter came from behind Gao Lingwei.

The girl who had always been calm and calm seemed to be unable to stand Xu Hunjiang's joking laughter, and her face was slightly rosy.

There was a hint of emotion in Rong Taotao's voice: "On that day four years ago, it was a little dark, the wind and snow were a little heavy, and the polar night was coming soon.

Unlike today, the sky is clear and the sun is shining brightly.

Maybe I should say sorry to you, the life of Songhun University without experiencing Jiye is incomplete.

Obviously, your Songhun University life has no chance to be complete. "

Rong Taotao grinned: "The girl I just mentioned not only lit up the dim sky on that day four years ago. She also wiped out the polar night in the northern snowy realm with her own hands in the past four years. "

"In her mouth, I heard the motto of Songjiang Soul Martial University for the first time." Rong Taotao looked at the crowd, "The wind and snow are endless, and the North has borders!"

"The wind and snow are endless, and the north has borders." Rong Taotao repeated the school motto, suddenly turned his head to look behind him, and found Principal Mei Hongyu sitting in the center of the leadership seat.

Rong Taotao said with a smile: "It seems that now, it should be 'the wind and snow are exhausted, and the northern country has no borders'?"

"Haha." Mei Hongyu laughed dumbly, and a childlike innocent smile appeared on the lifeless old face.

The wind and the snow are all over.

The sky vortex, which is always whistling with violent storms and snow, is indeed no longer smashing frost and snow. With the efforts of several generations of snow people, it has completely stabilized.

The North is boundless.

At this moment, a snow-bound planet is waiting for China and the Snow Burning Army to expand its territory, develop and utilize it.

Mei Hongyu suddenly tapped the cane and said, "Change!"

Rong Taotao: "Huh?"

Rong Taotao froze in place, this was something he never expected...

Due to the problem with the vocal cords, Mei Hongyu turned slightly and whispered a few words with Zheng Qianqiu.

Afterwards, Zheng Qianqiu looked at Rong Taotao with a strong voice: "From now on, the school motto of Songjiang Soulwu University should be: There is no wind and snow, and the North has no boundaries!"

Rong Taotao: "..."

After reacting for a while, Rong Taotao turned his head and saw a group of students below who were equally astonished.

The students looked at each other in dismay. This time, it was the reporters who took the lead in applauding. Then, a flood of applause and cheers came.

The school motto is of course serious and cannot be changed at will.

And these few words of change are announcing to the world the great achievements of the northern snow people from generation to generation!

It is also announcing to the world that the northern snowland has completely entered a new chapter!

Tsk... Today's news headlines are indeed a bit too many?

The applause and cheers continued for a long time, and the children may not understand too much.

But the teachers on the stage, the team of instructors of the Snow Burning Army, and including Rong Taotao, this group of people who are fighting for the snow, are really full of emotion.

Rong Tao Tao Qiang suppressed the turbulent emotions in his heart, squeezed his hands a little, looked at the students below, and said, "Fortunately, the school motto is not long. It's just that the senior left homework for you.

As a new generation in the history of Songhun School, you must memorize the school motto! "


"Okay!" Rong Taotao looked down at the speech amid the bursts of responses.

Under one glance and ten lines, he sighed deeply.

The sudden arrival of the old principal really shocked Rong Tao Tao.

He thought and thought, turned directly to the second page, looked serious, looked up at everyone: "We are all living in the best of times, and we are all walking on the shoulders of giants.

Since you have chosen Songjiang Soul Wu University, I think you have expectations for your own future. "

Rong Tao paused and continued: "Xuejing, Xue Ranjun, Songjiang Soul Wu. This is the trajectory of my life in the past four years.

The snow has shaped my body.

Every lonely and cold night, may you grow savagely in the company of frost and snow like me.

Songjiang Soul Wu shaped my soul.

Competition venues, examination venues, and martial arts venues, I hope that in the next four years, your footprints will spread across every corner of this campus.

He holds a book and a sword in his hand, and a poem and a sword in his chest.

Break out of this campus, break out of the border, break out of the imperial capital, break out of your own fame.

Snow Burning Army shaped my spirit.

I hope that after you become famous, you can come back here, back to the land that nurtured you.

Longbei and Wudong, that is the belief that every snow warrior should have to guard the frontier.

Inside the vortex, on the snow-bound planet, is the dream of every snow-bound warrior in his heart. "

Rong Taotao's eyes swept across the young faces, looking for the light in each child's eyes:

"The me four years ago was you.

Four years later, may you be me. "

Saying that, Rong Taotao leaned forward, leaned in front of the microphone, and said softly, "I'll be waiting for you in the future."

Facing the silent stadium, Rong Taotao took a step to the side, straightened his clothes, faced the students, and saluted again.

"Pa~pa~" As the old principal's dry palm patted gently, the teachers on the stage stood up one after another, clapping their hands and applauding.

Zheng Qianqiu, Cha Er, Si Huanian and others all had pride written all over their faces, looking at the back with a straight military posture, their hearts were filled with emotion.

The huge stadium was filled with thunderous applause, overwhelming like a tide, rushing towards the figure standing on the stage.

After the ceremony, Rong Taotao turned to look at the side of the stage, where stood the two most important women in his life.

The same proud smile.

One applauded softly, with kindness written all over his face.

A soft applause, the emotion in his eyes can not be restrained surging outwards.

Just like in the past, the two held hands and watched the moment when the winter sun broke through the polar night on the campus.

It was also like on this field a few years ago, the moment when the two joined hands to qualify and win hard.

It's just that, at this time, it is no longer the boy's unilateral gaze at the girl.

This time, the eyes of the two finally intertwined.

For Rong Taotao, maybe... this scene, this is his real graduation ceremony.


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