MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 830 Big Pillow's Ambition

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At night, Rong Taotao was lying on the bed in the lounge, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

Since receiving the news from Gao Lingwei at lunch, Rong Taotao has been a little restless this afternoon.

Getting a haircut, taking a shower, and writing speeches while lying at the desk, all afternoon was spent in such a muddled way.

Damn it, how do we break it?

At present, the other party's goal is only Yunding Arcana and Lei Teng Arcana.

But as the opponent's team gets stronger and stronger, the more they succeed, the more their appetite will grow...

"Boom~dong~dong~" A knock on the door sounded, awakening Rong Taotao from his contemplation, "Come in."


The girl in the snowflake wolf fur coat opened the door and found that the room was pitch black. She didn't turn on the light, but wiped it with her hand, and the light of the white paper lanterns filled the air.

"You're back." Rong Taotao sat up.

"Yeah." Gao Lingwei responded easily, took off her coat and hung it on the hanger, and stroked the long ponytail behind her head with one hand.

Since Rong Taotao told Gao Lingwei about the attack on Dalia Manlie at noon, and made it clear that these four Vikings did what, the girl's work condition this afternoon was not very good.

As smart as she is, of course she knows what the possible consequences are.


"Wang~!" Two small furry heads appeared in the coat pocket.

Two pairs of small claws clawed at the pockets of the clothes, looking out curiously, not knowing where they came from.

These two little guys were very happy. When their friends met, they were naturally cheering. They chased and played in Gao Lingwei's office all afternoon, and now they are rolling around in their coat pockets, so unhappy.

This Yunyun dog was indeed Rong Taotao's soul beast, and he only dared to give the Yunyun dog to Gao Lingwei to take care of.

Gao Lingwei seemed to have remembered something, and probed down with one hand.

Under the expectant gaze of Yunyun Dog and Edelweiss Cat, the owner's palm did not patronize them.

She turned over the clothes, dug into the pocket on the other side, took out a few naughty pieces, and threw them at Rong Taotao.

"Still worried?"

Rong Taotao took the little naughty and opened the candy wrapper, but did not answer, but asked, "How are you, are you tired?"

"The state is not very good." Gao Lingwei walked to the bathroom and said casually, "What about you? Have you written the speech?"

"Don't mention it, my head is big." Rong Taotao was even more distressed, and stuffed the sugar cube into his mouth.

At the door of the bathroom, the girl stopped, put one hand on the doorknob, and said, "I thought of a plan in the afternoon, and I'll tell you later."

"Hmm." Rong Taotao, with a little mischievousness, looked at the fair and charming girl's pretty face under the bright light, and blinked curiously.

Seeing this scene, Gao Lingwei couldn't help but raise the corner of her mouth.

Every time she sees such a look, she can always think of Yunyun Dog. As the degree of fit between the main pets becomes higher and higher, the two become more and more similar.

"Are you two coming?" While thinking, Gao Lingwei looked at the hanger at the door.


"Wang~!" In an instant, a trace of cloud and mist floated out from the pocket of the coat and went straight to the girl's direction.


It wasn't until the bathroom door was closed that the room fell into darkness again, and Rong Taotao recovered from the picture of the girl's slender figure.

So now the question is, what plan did the big pillow study?

Rong Taotao leaned his back against the head of the bed. In the dim room, only the paper cages of lanterns hanging on the streets of the ancient city outside the window reflected a little light.

He stared at the night outside the window, and there was a faint foreboding in his heart.

Rong Taotao hoped that his feeling was wrong, but since Gao Lingwei chose to inform in advance, it was obviously time for Rong Taotao to prepare mentally.

This is not a good phenomenon.

At night, the scenery of Wangtianque City is very beautiful. In the ancient city, there is a piece of silver-covered plain and all sounds are silent.

I don't know when a little snowflakes floated in the sky, but there was no longer the whistling wind and blizzard like in the past.

Looking into the distance, Rong Taotao also sketched the endless lines of snow-capped mountains in his mind.

From the moment the Crystal Dragons were escorted under the Dragon River, Rong Taotao believed that the Snow Realm had already been cleared.

He smashed through the snowy vortex, conquered empires, changed the environmental conditions of the snowy planet, and tamed the overlord of the snowy planet - the crystal dragon family.

Especially under the order of Gao Lingwei, the crystal dragon group that sneaked into the bottom of the glacier has gradually fallen into sleep and sleep.

Without the energy supply of Snow Lotus, under the pressure of Gao Lingwei, the Crystal Dragons had no room to resist.

Clearing the customs is the highest evaluation that Rong Taotao gave to himself.

Although there are still some small regrets for not being able to find Gao Lingshi during the mission, but in general, the difficult snowy period has passed, and the rest is only thriving.

The moment that should have been a big celebration, but because a few Viking youths stirred up the mood, I was really annoyed...

I don't know how long Rong Taotao pondered, the bathroom door quietly opened.

Gao Lingwei held a large bath towel in her arms, rubbed the wet Edelweiss cat and Yunyun dog, and stepped out.


"嘤嘤~" The two little guys were rubbed and screamed, hurriedly escaped from the bath towel, and rushed to the bed.

The Yunyun dog was even more trembling, and got in along the quilt.

The Edelweiss cat is not afraid of the cold, but since the Yunyun dog has drilled, it will follow.

Rong Taotao summoned a cloud lantern at random, lifted the quilt, and sent the cotton candy-like cloud in: "Hey, this is a little warmer."

"You're so used to them, you'll never grow up." Gao Lingwei said softly.

"It was originally a small one, and it's good if it doesn't grow up." Rong Taotao said, looking up, but couldn't help licking his lips.

After bathing, the big pillow was covered with long hair, and her white and tender face was dyed with a touch of blush. She, who has always been aloof and heroic, rarely added a touch of femininity.

"Come on." Rong Taotao lifted the quilt on the other side and patted the bed.

Gao Lingwei rolled her eyes angrily, just sitting sideways on the edge of the bed, she was wrapped around her waist by a hand and dragged into the quilt.


Rong Taotao hugged her own big pillow from the back, buried her face on her back, rubbed left and right, and felt her body temperature and the faint scent of bathing through a layer of cotton robes.

With her back to Rong Taotao, feeling his greedy little gesture, Gao Lingwei also showed a faint smile on her face.

"Can I tell you about my plan?"

"Well, let's talk." Rong Taotao's muffled voice came from his back. It could be seen that he really regarded her as a big pillow...

"I want to take my father back to Wangtianque City."

Rong Taotao nodded immediately: "Yes, my father is not too young.

Now that he has fulfilled his long-cherished wish, and he has settled all the affairs of the empire, it is also very good to bring him back to lead the Qingshan Corps in the base camp, and we can also take care of him.

The battalion commanders of Qingshan Heimian, including the battalion commander of the Dragon Cavalry Li Meng, have passed the test in experience and ability, and they are all good candidates for stationing in the First Empire. "

As the Qingshan Army continued to embrace the new and merged with the Empire Soul Beast Army, the captains of the Black Faces of Qingshan in the past have even been promoted to have their own teams.

Gao Lingwei sat up and leaned against the head of the bed, rubbing her long hair lazily with one hand: "Not only that, I want to hand over all the affairs of the Qingshan Army to you and him."

"Ah?" Rong Taotao was stunned for a moment. He got up and leaned on the head of the bed, looking at the girl's profile with the faint light of the paper cage outside the window, "What are you doing?"

Gao Lingwei said softly, "Lei Teng Vortex."

Rong Taotao: "Lei Teng Vortex!?"

"Well..." Gao Lingwei dragged out a long nasal voice and pondered for a moment, "We have already done everything we can do here in Xuejing, and the next stage is a stable development period. The soldiers are fully capable of this task. item work.

I thought, I could go out and improve myself. "

Rong Taotao hurriedly said: "You are a Snow Realm Soul Martial Artist, and cultivating in this Snow Realm is improving yourself."

"Shh, don't worry." Gao Lingwei said softly, picked up Rong Taotao's fingers, and gently pinched his belly, "You know, I have a Thunderbolt Treasure."


Gao Lingwei: "Even if I didn't deliberately practice the Thunder Soul Technique, I'm already at the high-level four-star level, and that's because I've been in the snow vortex for a long time.

With this special treasure, my Thunder Soul Technique has great potential for development, and it grows very fast. "

On this point, Rong Taotao really has nothing to refute.

To be honest, putting such a passively cultivated Lei Teng treasure in the soul warrior who has been in the depths of the snow vortex all year round is indeed a bit of a waste.

If you give this treasure to a Thunder Soul Warrior, even if you don't enter the Thunder Vortex, but only in the Thunder Realm, the growth rate will definitely be flying... Wait!

What Dawei said just now was to "enter the Leiteng Vortex", not "Leiteng Realm"?

Rong Taotao said cautiously, "You said just now that you are going to Leiteng Vortex?"

Gao Lingwei gently twisted Rong Taotao's fingers and nodded silently.

Rong Taotao was shocked: ", did the Viking pirate brothers and sisters say something to you?

The heir of that kind of family will do anything for the benefit of the family, you can't trust it all. "

Gao Lingwei: "Bella did tell me a lot, but don't worry, even if I go to Leiteng Vortex, I will not cooperate with them."

Saying that, Gao Lingwei turned around and looked at Rong Taotao with a serious face: "Thunderstorm Oscar is holding a high bounty and has a high insurance, and went to the whirlpool to collect soul beasts with the thought of never returning. , Soul Orb."

Rong Taotao: "So?"

Gao Lingwei: "Leiteng Vortex is no better than any other Vortex, no matter how bad the environmental conditions of other Vortexes are, such as Snow Vortex, Lava Vortex, at least people can enter these Vortex.

But the Lei Teng Vortex is different, the thunder and lightning falling down all the time may kill the soul warrior at any time. "

Gao Lingwei paused and continued: "Only people with a high level of soul magic can barely pass through the Thunder Vortex.

The self-cultivation-type soul skill, Lei Teng Contract, which is adapted to the Samsung Thunder Soul Technique, must at least reach the master level, or even the hall level, in order to be regarded as a ticket to enter the Thunder Vortex.

But that's just a ticket. Whether or not he can survive in the end depends on his fate. "

What Gao Lingwei said makes sense, you are qualified to enter the vortex, and you have the ability to get out of the vortex safely are completely different things.

And the potential value of the soul skill Lei Teng contract is only 6 stars, that is to say, its highest level is the legendary level.

However, even the Legendary Leiteng Contract is still not enough to guarantee the safety of soul warriors entering and leaving the vortex.

This also means that the countries that own the Leiteng vortex have a very low degree of internal development of the vortex.

It stands to reason that in such an extremely dangerous Thunder Planet, there should be no living beings.

But the rules of the Soul Martial World are confusing.

Inside the vortex, whether it is a powerful soul beast or a weak soul beast, the chances of them surviving are not low.

According to the report made by Leiteng Country, the thunder and lightning falling from the inside of the vortex seem to be chaotic and completely random, but this is not the case. Rai Teng life.

But such rules are not in line with Thunder Soul Warrior.

Even if they have the Thunder Teng Soul Beast in their bodies, and they are next to the Thunder Teng Soul Beast, they should be hacked without delay...

Especially in the area of ​​the vortex gap, it is the hardest hit by lightning!

It is said that the lightning and thunder at the gap of the Leiteng vortex are far more dense than the interior of the planet!

Planet Lei Teng taught the world a good lesson from the gate, and completely cut off the thoughts of Xiao Xiao.

And when you really enter the vortex under the thunder and lightning, the internal environment is a little better, and the survival probability is a little higher.

"I'm different, Tao Tao." Gao Lingwei looked directly at Rong Taotao's eyes with her beautiful eyes, "Electricity can make my body elemental, and it's still in the form of thunder and lightning. I can't die there."

As soon as Rong Taotao opened his mouth, a slender finger touched Rong Taotao's lips.

She said softly: "Not only can I not die, but in that environment of lightning and thunder, I am even invincible, and I will have endless thunder and lightning energy.

I don't need to deliberately absorb any soul power at all.

The thunder and lightning that fell on me, the electric current that permeated the air, filled my body with energy all the time. Filling up my soul power and expanding my soul magic. "

Rong Taotao looked a little embarrassed, but nodded with difficulty.

Gao Lingwei: "Having lotus petals just makes our practice faster, but we still have to take the initiative to practice.

And with the first party · chemical electricity, combined with the special environment of Lei Teng Vortex......

I will sit in front of you like I am, obviously not practicing, but the chemical electricity in my body is still actively running, passively increasing my cultivation. "

In the girl's bright eyes, Rong Taotao saw full of persistence.

Suddenly, Gao Lingwei's face slowly approached.

Until her forehead was pressed against Rong Taotao's forehead, her eyes met and her eyebrows met: "Bella told me as early as the last time I stayed in Europe and practiced the Thunder Soul Technique with my Viking brothers and sisters. These.

But at that time, I was all thinking about returning from my studies as soon as possible, thinking about accomplishing our goals, thinking about killing the whirlpool in the snow, and thinking about fulfilling my father's long-cherished wish.

And now..."

A pair of thin lips were gently printed on Rong Taotao's lips: "I hope you can support me like I support you."

Rong Taotao silently felt the softness between his lips and teeth, and sighed deeply in his heart.

He could faintly perceive that Gao Lingwei's proposal was not as simple as cultivating the Thunder Soul Technique...

Read Monarch of Time
RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts