MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 828 Wild Flower

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After a wave of supplies in the First Empire, Rong Taotao and Xu Fenghua drove the Crystal Dragons, carrying 2,000 people who were going to return to the snowy realm and take shifts off duty under the cherished farewell of Father Gao and Professor Song. Soldiers, they once again embarked on the road to return home.

The mood of the soldiers is very complicated. On the one hand, they are a little worried and afraid, on the other hand, they are excited!

This is the wild and reckless Snow Realm Dragon Clan!

Can there be a "riding" option? Why don't you sit and try?

It's all worth it!

In the future, there will be materials for blowing with the children. Your grandfather and I were the ones who rode on the dragon's head!

Indeed, this group of soldiers are really lucky. They were supposed to leave for their hometown two days ago, and Rong Taotao, who was just in time for the return journey, was going to settle in the First Empire, so they didn't wait in vain.

It is worth mentioning that due to the blood lotus entering the body, Rong Taotao's thirst for food is not as huge as he imagined.

But Rong Taotao was not in a state of fullness all the time as Xu Fenghua said.

As for food, Rong Taotao can still eat in, but it is the kind that can be full after a few bites.

How to describe it...

Rong Taotao seems to have regained the amount of food a normal person should eat!

This was something Xu Fenghua never thought of. Through such a result, she finally realized how many treasures Rong Taotao had brought to him.

Even a single blood lotus is not satisfied with the offering?

You know, this is still when Rong Taotao only has the two treasures of the snow and the cloud by his side!

If the fragments of the Hoshino family that are far away in the vortex of Hoshino are recalled to the body, Rong Taotao will probably continue to eat too much...

Rong Taotao, who returned to his heart like an arrow, kept urging the crystal dragons to fly forward. In less than five days, he returned to Baisui Hancheng - the first vortex.

On the head of the crystal dragon, Rong Taotao and Xu Fenghua looked at the majestic city expanded below, not to mention how comfortable they were!

Looking ahead, it is the result of hard work!

It is no exaggeration to say that everything, such as the calm and peaceful snow planet, the thriving imperial city, etc., was created by the mother and son with their own hands!

Rong Taotao also has reason to believe that when he returns to Songhun City, Songbai Town and other human cities, there will also be a peaceful and prosperous age.

At the same time, outside the vortex, on the banks of the Dragon River.

Gao Lingwei stepped on the glacier, looking up at the vortex above her head, her beautiful eyes with a trace of longing, patiently waiting for a familiar figure to appear.

Although she replaced Xu Fenghua's position, the girl is not alone.

At this moment, not only are the soldiers of the Longhe base standing in the distance, but also the commander-in-chief who leads his troops and personally comes to welcome the return of the general!

This is a scene that has never happened before.

As the commander-in-chief of the Snow Ran Army, it is impossible for He Siling to appear on the banks of the Long River.


Naturally, it was because of the terrifying crystal dragon under the glacier.

As the top commander of the Snow Burning Army, He Siling certainly can't have any accidents. This has nothing to do with greed for life and fear of death, but he is responsible for the entire Xuejing.

But today...

He Si gave Gao Lingwei enough trust, and the entire Xue Ran Army also gave Xue Jingrong's 100% trust!


Suddenly, a huge crystal dragon head probed its brain from the vortex and slowly swam out.

The huge body of ice crystals shone brightly under the illumination of the winter sun, shimmering with dreamlike colors.

The Snow Realm Dragon Clan is undoubtedly the nightmare of the Northern Snow Realm people since the vortex opened.

Under the coercion of the Snow Realm Dragon Clan, generations of Snow Realm Soul Warriors went one after another, shouldering the responsibilities of each generation, throwing their heads and shedding blood, no matter what.

finally! Finally wait for this day!

He Siling suppressed his inner excitement, clenched his fists, looked up at the ice crystal dragons with their teeth and claws, and slowly swam towards the Dragon River.

The monstrous pressure of the Dragon Race is still there, and the breath is still terrifying.

It's just different from the past 60 years. This time, the soldiers who witnessed the Jinglong group diving are full of confidence!

And the figure who gave the soldiers, and even the entire snow, the endless confidence, is standing on the crystal dragon head at this moment!

Two figures on the left and right, holding the crystal dragon horns like a towering tree, and looking at the people who were greeted below.


"Kacha! Kacha!" The shutter sounded, and the flashes flashed one after another.

This is indeed a historic moment.

But there are still people on the banks of the Long River carrying cameras and taking pictures? This is the first time ever.

What is Huaxia doing?

Don't pretend, I have a showdown?

6... ah no, 7 crystal dragons, all of them are ours?

Russian bears, you are greedy, and the world is trembling, right?

Shouldn't it be?

After all, it is a big country, so won't it be as profound as Rong Taotao?

"Tao Tao."

"Huh?" Rong Taotao turned to look at Xu Fenghua.

Xu Fenghua looked up and down at Rong Taotao, and seeing that he was neatly dressed, he nodded with satisfaction: "Let's go down."

"Oh, good." Rong Taotao said, and fell down with Xu Fenghua's figure.

The huge crystal dragon group that covered the sky and the sun was swirling around the sky above the kilometer, swimming slowly.

Two tiny figures flapped their wings and fell slowly.

For a time, everyone's eyes were focused on these two, and Rong Taotao found a familiar figure in the middle of the Dragon River.


Gao Lingwei was stunned, and suddenly felt a crack in the mental barrier in her mind?

The girl reacted immediately, and immediately scattered the mental barrier.

And Rong Taotao's eyes flashed a strange luster again.

As soon as the screen turned, Songsoul Campus.

Gao Lingwei raised her eyebrows slightly, looked around, and found herself standing on the sidewalk in the campus, with the school cafeteria in front of her left.

Looking at it, Gao Lingwei's heart moved, as if she had remembered something.

This is the place where she and Rong Taotao made a promise.

That day, the two were on their way to the cafeteria.

At that time, it was the moment when the long polar night passed and the sun suddenly appeared in the sky?

Gao Lingwei, who fell into memory, only felt that the sun in the sky was getting more and more dazzling.

Such an illusion is exactly the same as what she felt when she experienced this scene...

Immediately, the girl also made the same action as that year.

I saw her raising her right hand to cover her eyes, looking at the increasingly dazzling light in the air through the slender fingers, and her eyes narrowed slightly.

Gao Lingwei said softly, "Since then?"

Behind him, Rong Taotao's voice came: "What?"

Gao Lingwei: "I'm looking at the sun, and you're looking at me."

She can completely restore her experience, and let the world of illusion bring her exactly the same feeling...

There is no doubt that when she was looking at the sun that finally broke through the polar night, when she was enjoying, rejoicing, and indulging in it, he had been watching her.

Gao Lingwei closed her eyes and said softly, "I thought you started when we qualified for the campus trials."

Rong Taotao stood beside Gao Lingwei and looked up at Dongyang: "What happened when you qualified?"

Gao Lingwei: "On the field, I was watching the excited audience, enjoying the cheers and applause, and you were watching me."

Rong Taotao's palm slid from top to bottom, the scorching sun in the sky fell rapidly, and a full moon, carrying the stars in the sky, quickly rose from behind the two of them.

The sun was no longer dazzling, and the dim street lights slowly turned on.

A little frost and snow filled the air, and the night was silent.

Rong Taotao turned to look at Gao Lingwei and said with a smile, "Is it a real stone hammer this time?"

Gao Lingwei: "What?"

Rong Taotao shrugged: "About who we love more."

"You bastard." Gao Lingwei had a smile in her eyes, "Why did you bring me here?"

Rong Taotao: "The goals we set here back then have all been accomplished.

About not leaving each other, about becoming stronger together.

Stand together on the highest stage and beside the Long River together. "

Looking at Rong Taotao's bright eyes, Gao Lingwei's heart palpitated slightly, and nodded lightly: "Well."

Rong Taotao changed the conversation: "It's just that we were too weak back then, and we were very careful in our dreams."

Indeed, those two little guys didn't dare to claim that they would win the World Cup, they only dared to dream of standing on the stage of the World Cup.

They didn't dare to say that they would take Xu Hunjiang home, they only dared to say that they were standing by the Long River.

Back then, they were just ordinary students. Now the two of them are already a dignified soul school.

They are even more powerful leaders, with the two-bar and four-star Xue Ranjun Colonel on their shoulders!

Having said that, it was only four years ago when I mentioned that. But these short four years of struggle seem to be as long as a lifetime.

Rong Taotao: "We still have a goal that has not yet been achieved."

Gao Lingwei looked at Rong Taotao quietly, waiting for him to speak.

Rong Taotao: "Gao Ling style."

Gao Lingwei said softly: "You and your mother have just completed a daunting task, and it's time to celebrate. Let's talk about it when we go back."

Regarding the arrest of Gao Lingshi, Gao Lingwei was pessimistic in her heart.

Within the vortex, there was already little wind and little snow.

The sky and the earth are big, and the Gao Ling style can go anywhere.

Just like He Tianwen and Man Qingchen, these people who once worked hard for their own goals and for the sake of the snow-land cause, they all disappeared when the vortex sky cleared and the wind and snow stopped roaring and pouring.

In this way, he disappeared into the vast snow field and disappeared from people's field of vision.

If you don't take the initiative to come out, where do you go to find such top-level snow spirit warriors?

Rong Taotao: "Isn't there any news about her from the empire?"

Gao Lingwei shook her head gently: "Our first empire, Xu Taiping's second including the third empire we haven't visited before, there is no news about it."

Rong Taotao wanted to speak again, but was interrupted by Gao Lingwei: "Let's go back and talk again."

Rong Taotao: "You know, in a romantic world, the flow of time is close to nothing."

Gao Lingwei: "Let's go back and talk, let's let the Snow Realm Dragon Group sneak into the bottom of the Dragon River. By the way, are you hungry?

I asked the team to prepare a big meal, and in a while we returned to the Qingshan Army compound. "

Looking at the girl's smiling appearance, Rong Taotao hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "I'm very hungry."

"Okay, see you later." Gao Lingwei leaned forward, her thin lips pressed lightly on Rong Taotao's face.

Then, she felt a flower in front of her.

Rong Taotao, who landed steadily, followed Xu Fenghua to the front of He Siling with a straight waist and gave a standard military salute.

With a solemn expression, He Siling looked at the two generals who had gone overseas and returned in full glory, and immediately returned a salute.

Behind He Siling was a group of powerful soldiers in snow camouflage.

With endless respect and admiration in the eyes of the soldiers, they saluted the two of them in unison, giving the highest courtesy of the Snow Burning Army.

Behind Rong Taotao and Xu Fenghua, ice crystal dragons slowly buffered.

Right next to Gao Lingwei, who was stationed at the glacier, they smashed the thick layer of ice, and the exquisite dragon head slammed into a huge gap on the frozen river, slowly entering under the dragon river.

A picture is also fixed.

this day,

The ideal flower that is exclusive to the wild and snowy realm finally blooms romantically and takes root in this realistic land.

For sixty years, generations of people living in the snow.

Not ashamed of the bones of the spring, not ashamed of the soul of the world.


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