MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 825 Devil Master?

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Rong Taotao, who rushed out of the vortex on the top of the cloud, followed the route negotiated with Dalia's team before, and ran all the way to the southwest, looking for the nearest gap in the snow vortex, and plunged in again!

People may not believe it. At this moment, Rong Taotao feels a little bit like a master~

Hurrying through the vortex of different dimensions, just out of the top of the cloud, and then into the snow.

It sounds cool, and the six crystal dragons behind him are even more cool!

The Russian soldiers stationed around the snowy vortex are still delusional about tracking and chasing?

Eliminate! evildoer!

Eat my hair of frost and snow~

It's not you who I attacked!

Everyone knows that the weather in the snow has always been relatively bad, like Sihuanian's temper, stinky...

Xu Fenghua flew quietly beside Rong Taotao, silently paying attention to the various small movements of his children.

Occasionally, she would also smile, watching this naughty child, obstructing the Russian bear soldiers from chasing in various ways.

Until 2 people and 6 dragons disappeared in the vast wind and snow, the Russian bear soldiers could only sigh and sigh.

Although powerless, the Russian bear soldiers were a little overjoyed at such a result.

I tried my best, but I really can't catch up. This is the best ending! After all, no one wants to riot in the wilderness...

Do you really think that the Snow Realm Dragons are just kidding?

And Rong Taotao here was so happy that he almost sprinkled flowers.

This trip to the top of the cloud has been a complete success!

Under the situation of mixed forces and complicated battlefield situation, Rong Taotao and Xu Fenghua completed the task properly, and this result was the best solution that Rong Taotao could think of.

The difficulty of this task must be the highest in the world, right? Such a result, even ordinary people dare not expect!

It's very comfortable~

First time on a mission with my mom and it was perfect!

Otherwise, the people around him have boasted about Rong Taotao for so long, but as soon as he and Xu Fenghua performed the task, the chain fell off, which would be a shame!

After flying for a long time, Rong Taotao, who had adjusted his mood, was full of joy and flew to Xu Fenghua's side: "Shall we go to sit on Jinglong?"

"Jinglong?" Xu Fenghua raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Ah...ah!" Rong Taotao stammered for a while, "Look at them, they are made of ice crystals all over their bodies. They are bright and shiny. I named them."

Xu Fenghua's expression seemed to be puzzled, but the slightly raised corner of her mouth betrayed her heart, and there was an indescribable strangeness.

It's just that Rong Taotao's mentality is chaotic and busy explaining, and he didn't notice this little detail.

"Let's go." Xu Fenghua nodded lightly, and the two also stopped high in the air.

The crystal dragons that were chasing them from the rear looked like they were showing their teeth and claws, but when they noticed that the two humans had stopped, the six crystal dragons braked in unison!

In an instant, the "big rolls" stopped not far from the two of them.

And when Rong Taotao fanned his wings and flew towards the crystal dragons, the crystal dragons all looked like they were facing a formidable enemy, and they even stepped back a little?

Rong Taotao: "..."

Such a picture even made Xu Fenghua secretly praised it.

A small human being, shocking the beasts in the sky, and making this group of behemoths that cover the sky and the sun retreat again and again, is really too dreamy...

"Run for what, come here." Rong Taotao waved repeatedly.

This seemingly harmless holy Cupid does have the potential to be a world-class BOSS.

After tossing for a while, Rong Taotao and Xu Fenghua could be regarded as sitting on a crystal dragon head, and they could finally rest their feet.

The crystal dragon rises again and flies forward!

"Yohoo~" Rong Taotao held the crystal dragon horn like a towering tree with one hand, feeling the oncoming gust of wind, and couldn't help cheering excitedly.

Xu Fenghua sat silently at the back and watched this scene with a smile. In just a few days, Xu Fenghua fell in love with performing tasks with him.

In particular, Rong Taotao showed the child's character. When he was joking and cheering, he always made her fill the void in her past life.


"Huh?" Xu Fenghua came back to his senses and looked at Rong Taotao.

"Crack!" "Crack!"

Under the explosion of the ice flower, Rong Taotao walked back to Xu Fenghua and sat down: "Let's relax, let's discuss your performance on the battlefield."

Xu Fenghua: ? ? ?

This kid is used to being a leader, and is he going to hold a meeting for me?

Such an experience is also novel.

Xu Fenghua nodded with interest, and seemed to be looking forward to what his child would say.

Rong Taotao: "There is something wrong with the way you use your spirit skills."

Xu Fenghua was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that what he wanted to discuss was not the task itself, but her.

Rong Taotao: "Your actions have completely subverted my understanding of the spirit skills in the snow, and you have even changed the rules of the soul martial world.

You stepped out of the pillar of ice with your foot, and you stopped the snowstorm with your hand, changing the one-time burst type spirit ability into a continuous output type spirit ability. "

The more he talked, the more excited Rong Taotao became: "Mom taught me!"

"Haha." Xu Fenghua shook his head with a smile, not a rejection, but a little helpless, "I have improved some of the self-cultivation-type soul skills."

At this moment, Rong Taotao's eyes were extremely bright!

New soul skill?

Facts have proved that Mother Mother has the ability to create soul skills, and the famous soul skill An He Dian was created by Xu Fenghua.

The reason why this spirit ability was not included in the textbook was because the effect of this spirit ability was too terrifying, equivalent to a strategic resource.

On the other hand...

The audience for this soul skill is too small, so small that only a few people around the world can be found to practice?

Even the famous Professor Rong is not qualified to study.

Start mythical! just kidding...

Rong Taotao said with heartfelt admiration: "It's amazing, it has improved the Snow Realm Soul Skill."

Xu Fenghua smiled brightly, looked at Rong Taotao's small appearance, and said softly: "If you stand alone on the Dragon River for 20 years, you must have improved more soul skills than me."

Rong Taotao: "..."

This sounds really sad.

Twenty years, such a long time, as long as a person's aptitude is not bad, no matter which aspect he focuses on, he can achieve certain achievements, right?

Xu Fenghua also realized that he had ruined the atmosphere, so he continued: "This is not a new type of soul skill.

It is said to be an improvement, but it is more inclined to improve the quality of soul skills and break through the potential upper limit of self-cultivation soul skills. "

Rong Taotao's head suddenly froze!

Potential limit?

Rong Taotao is very sensitive to such words! And when such words are spoken from another mouth...

So, Mother Mother did not improve the new spirit ability, but broke through the upper limit of the potential value of the spirit ability based on the original spirit ability?

For example, the highest quality is the elite snow spirit skill, Pillar of Ice.

When this soul skill breaks through the shackles of the rules of the world and reaches the master level, the accompanying actions can be changed accordingly, no longer need to kneel to probe, just stomp your feet.

For a time, Rong Taotao's thoughts turned sharply!

In the limited time she spent with her mother, she didn't show much soul skills.

Especially during the half-month battle, Xu Fenghua used the Snow Realm Soul Skill the Snow Soul the most.

And where her Fang Tianhua halberd passed, there were no lines of frost and snow to outline it.

At least in the soul skill of Snow Soul, Xu Fenghua failed to break through the shackles of the rules of the world.

So much so that Rong Taotao woke up abruptly until the two performed this mission, and there was something wrong with Xu Fenghua's soul skill!

"Our path is the same, Tao Tao."

Xu Fenghua stretched out his hand and lightly pressed it on Rong Taotao's head, his cold fingers twisted his natural curl: "You have also improved some of your soul skills, such as the snow soul with frost and snow lines, Another example is your high-quality snow pedals."

For Rong Taotao, a cloud top soul martial artist, high-quality snow treads are obviously unrelated to him, but...

The reality is that Rong Taotao can fly on snow, which should be the ability given to Xue Yejing by the soul beast Xue Yejing, but Rong Taotao did it without Xue Yejing.

Xu Fenghua took care of Rong Taotao's natural scroll: "Have you tried teaching others?"

"Mmmm." Rong Taotao nodded again and again, "But others can't learn it."

"This is also the answer I gave you." Xu Fenghua lowered his gaze, looking directly into Rong Taotao's eyes, "I think we are a kind of person."

Rong Taotao:! !

He always felt that there was something in Xu Fenghua's words?

The two looked at each other quietly, while Rong Taotao's heart trembled violently.

Not right!

Rong Taotao directly cut off Song Xue Wuyan's spiritual connection, and after it was completely closed, his voice trembled a little: "I have... um, some soul pets, typically like Nightmare Xue Xiao, the quality of this race is the highest but the master class.

But I found that my body is amazing, it can help Meng Mengxiao break through the shackles of the soul martial world rules, and help it break through the upper limit of racial value. "

This secret was originally known only to Gao Lingwei.

Xu Fenghua put down his hand, and there was a little playfulness in his words: "Maybe I should try a soul pet too?"

No surprise, no surprise, no excited response.

This! Do not! just! often!

Seeing Xu Fenghua's performance like this, Rong Taotao couldn't help but sigh in his heart!


"Huh?" Xu Fenghua responded with a nasal voice, looking at Rong Taotao's hesitant appearance, as if he was expecting something.

Rong Taotao: "Have you heard of the inner vision soul map?"

At this moment, Xu Fenghua suddenly laughed.

It seems that she really has been waiting. When will Rong Taotao speak, when will he reveal his heart.

Or, she wants to know how far she can reach in Rong Taotao's heart.

Looking at Xu Fenghua's smile, Rong Taotao was completely stunned, grabbed her shoulders with both hands, and said in a trembling voice, "Have you heard of it?"

Xu Fenghua: "Not only have I heard of it."

While speaking, she slowly raised her hand.


"Hmm." At the collar of Rong Taotao's collar, Yunyun Dog and Edelweiss cat probed their brains.

Looking at the fingers of the woman, the two little furry heads came forward one after another, as if they were waiting for a caress.

However, the two little guys were disappointed, the palm did not reach the collar of the shirt, but was fixed on Rong Taotao's heart.

As Xu Fenghua's finger lightly touched Rong Taotao's heart, she whispered, "Not only have I heard of it, it once belonged to me."

Rong Taotao's face stiffened:! !


It "was" yours?

"Why... why?" Rong Taotao asked stupidly.

"This is a good question." Xu Fenghua sighed softly.

After a long silence, Xu Fenghua looked up at Rong Taotao again, and said with a chuckle, "Because I am partial, Yang Yang is also a good heir?"

Rong Taotao reacted for a while, and hurriedly said: "No, I mean, why did you give the soul map of inner vision to others?"

"Child, you don't know how difficult the situation was at that time." Xu Fenghua lowered his head and put one hand on Jinglong's ice crystal skin, "At that time, we were exhausted to survive from their claws. All out."

Rong Taotao opened his mouth stupidly, unable to speak.

Xu Fenghua looked down at the crystal dragon under his seat and murmured: "I once thought that I would never be able to leave the Dragon River in my life, and I would stay on the glacier for the rest of my life until I die.

And the way it obtains potential value is so single.

Stubbornly leaving the soul map with me is tantamount to ruining the world. It took me more than ten years to escape its temptation and to understand this truth. "

Rong Taotao hurriedly asked: "That is to say, can I also transfer the inner vision soul map to others?"

"No, Taotao, it's not as simple as you think." Xu Fenghua said softly, "I want to understand whether it makes sense or not, it's useless. We ourselves have no ability to transfer it to others.

We are all chosen people.

It's just that between me and China, I chose to stand on the Dragon River forever. "

Saying that, Xu Fenghua raised his head with a complicated smile: "Just now, I said that I was partial and didn't give it to Yangyang, but it was all a joke.

In fact, I don't have any choice. "

Rong Taotao clenched Xu Fenghua's shoulders, as if holding a key to unlock the world's secrets: "Who? Who is the other party? Who are we chosen by? What do they want us to do?"

Xu Fenghua shook his head gently: "I don't know who that woman is, let alone what she wants me to do.

But we can speculate in reverse.

Judging from the role of the inner vision, it is helping a person become stronger, so that this person is no longer bound by any rules of the world, right? "

Rong Taotao grabbed a word and hurriedly said: "Woman? The person who made the inner vision soul map is a woman? Is it a human?"

"Maybe, maybe it's human, she never said a word to me, not even on the day when I was deprived of my soul map." Xu Fenghua looked at Rong Taotao with a complicated expression, " see you past her."

Rong Taotao: ? ? ?

Xu Fenghua: "Your father described to me such a woman with distinctive characteristics. She used to be your master for two years."

Rong Taotao's mouth opened into an "O" shape!


Stick sticks stick to the buttocks, beat the devil master I call Dad?

Rong Taotao: "Isn't she my dad's colleague?"

Xu Fenghua shook his head: "The mysterious woman joined your father's guardian team somehow.

It wasn't your dad who begged her to help take care of you and be your enlightenment teacher.

In fact, letting her be your master is an order your father received from a superior, an order that cannot be refused. "

Xu Fenghua opened Rong Taotao's fingers tightly on his shoulders: "When I heard that she appeared in your life...

I knew that she abandoned the stubborn me and chose you. "

"No, it's definitely not stubborn!" Rong Taotao spoke directly and retorted, "If my devil master doesn't appreciate your persistence and perseverance, then she can't choose another person among your children to inherit the soul map! "

"Oh?" Xu Fenghua's eyes lit up, and there seemed to be one more angle to look at the problem.

Rong Taotao nodded heavily: "It must be so! If she is so disappointed in you, how could she still choose your son?

The dragon is born and the dragon is born and the phoenix is ​​born, your character is like this, your son is very likely to be a stubborn... eh? "

"Heh." Xu Fenghua didn't care about Rong Taotao's slip of the tongue, with a relieved smile on her face, she patted Rong Taotao's serious explanation face with one hand.

Sure enough, just like your dad.

is a warm person...


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