MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 823 muffled

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"Colonel Jason."

"Colonel Jason!" Although people's field of vision was very low in the storm and snow, the soldiers were more numerous, and a few people really found Jason.

Several soldiers covered their mouths and noses and endured the violent wind, snow and air waves.

The ground under their feet arched small earthbags, wrapping their lower bodies tightly, and while helping to fix their bodies, they also moved a few people to the side of the backbone.

"Colonel, those guys want to swallow the Snow Realm Dragon Clan alone?" A soldier covered his mouth, looking for the direction of the leeward, and said anxiously and loudly.

"Nonsense! You idiot, do they have good intentions to blow everyone away and help us get out of danger?" Jason rarely couldn't control his emotions, and he was a little cursing.

Colonel Jason, who has always been taciturn and whose emotions and anger are indistinguishable, suddenly said such a voice.

Facts have proved that people who get angry every day are just like that when they get angry. Anyway, everyone is used to it.

And a person who rarely shows emotions suddenly burst out, it is definitely powerful.

It is indeed difficult for Colonel Jason to go deeper. As early as the moment his brother's spiritual connection was cut off, Jason was already broken.

At this time, his troops were not just as simple as chasing the Snow Realm Dragon Group and losing, unable to get a share of it, and unable to destroy other countries' possession of the Dragon Clan.

You know, his brother Jielon is still in the hands of the other party at the moment!

And it's still bad luck.

Since the spiritual connection in their minds has been broken, my brother's soul beast should be dead!

But Colonel Jason couldn't do anything, he didn't even have the ability to catch up, so he could only let those **** guys take his brother away.

Then again, how can you catch up?

Brother Jielon is a dignified soul school!

It is precisely because of Jielon's self-contained strength that he dares to take risks alone, thinking of fleeing with a single blow and escaping thousands of miles away.

From the actual situation, Geron should have such confidence. When he turned around and ran, no Russian bear soldiers could stop him.

It was just Xu Fenghua's shot that completely subverted Jielung's understanding of the world of Soul Martial Arts.

The Chinese soul general, who had not been born for nearly 20 years, turned a great soul school that the world looked up to into a fragile lamb as soon as he made his move.

A lifetime of hard work and practice was easily destroyed by people like this.

"Damn." Jason slammed his fist on the ground.

There was a muffled sound of "Boom", and the churning air waves stirred up a burst of dust, but it quickly disappeared without a trace.

Because the dust and dirt were thoroughly washed by the holy frost and snow, and were blown away by the wind and snow in an instant.

There is a vast expanse of whiteness between heaven and earth, as if this is the original appearance of this world.

"Damn! I remember you!!"

Incompetent fury?

It's a pity that in this violent snowstorm, no matter how harsh Jason's screams were, they couldn't resist the snowstorm.

Such threatening words would naturally not reach Rong Taotao's ears.

At this moment, Rong Taotao was flapping his wings and galloping fast against the ground.

Xu Fenghua has been watching his children silently. Ever since he released this terrifying blizzard, he has been closing his eyes and his expression has been constantly changing, apparently fighting against the emotions of Lotus.

"Tao Tao, shall we just keep running away like this?" Dalia's questioning voice came from beside him.

She also discovered an interesting fact.

No matter how dense and loud the ice bombing in the rear is, the ice will not cover the travel route of everyone in the team. This...


Still don't dare?

If you don't dare, why are you still chasing it?

Various contradictory signs indicate that Rong Taotao must have done some earth-shattering feat in private when he disappeared!

But Dalia is shrewd, she will never break it, and with her in this squad, she will not allow other soldiers to break it.

Nominally, this troop is the Russian bear troop, but in fact, from the leading Colonel Yuri to the soldiers in the team, all of them are their own.

For taming the Yunding Dragon Clan, Dalia has made perfect preparations. She could not tolerate the presence of outsiders in the team, and she wanted to avoid accidents to the greatest extent possible.

The special composition of the troops, coupled with the special identities of Rong Taotao and Xu Fenghua, made this strange mission go smoothly.

Rong Taotao still closed his eyes and said solemnly, "Yes, Aunt Dalia, let's escape back to the Arctic Cape camp."

Hearing this, Dalia and Colonel Yuri looked at each other.

This kid intends to hurry inside the cloud top planet and run directly back to the Russian Federation area from the Maple Leaf site?

"It's foggy." Xu Fenghua said suddenly.

I don't know if she deliberately changed the subject, or simply said what she saw, but no matter what, the previous topic came to an end.

Hearing this, Rong Taotao finally opened his eyes, turned his lying body over, looked forward, and saw a faint mist.

Sure enough, after losing the snow lotus petals, the top of the cloud planet will gradually return to its original appearance.

For Rong Taotao, it is also a virtue that the creatures on the top of the cloud can return to their familiar hometown environment.

"how can that be?"

"Is there less wind and snow turbulence?" The soldiers were surprised. The conditions for fog were naturally the wind and snow gradually ending.

At this moment, Dalia and Colonel Yuri suddenly felt in their hearts!

The two, who were already looking at each other, saw the same emotion in each other's eyes.

Shock! stunned!

I think of the scene when Rong Taotao summoned the lotus and released the violent storm and snow to force back the thousands of horses...

So, before everyone knew, the lotus flower of the Snow Realm Dragon Clan had been taken away by Rong Taotao?

The moment he disappeared just now, did he go to **** the Snow Realm Treasure Nine-petal Lotus?

The key is that Rong Taotao has also succeeded! ?

Holy shit!

No wonder the performances of the Snow Realm Dragons are so contradictory that Rong Taotao actually stole the dragon family's home!

Including now, the Snow Realm Dragons also look like they dare to chase but don't want to chase, want to kill but don't dare to kill.

Without their habitat, they have nowhere to stay, so they can only chase the figure of Rong Taotao? But because of strength issues, I was worried that Rong Taotao and Xu Fenghua would really make a move. This...

It is undeniable that Dalia is indeed very intelligent. According to her knowledge of the world, this is the most reasonable guess she can make.

However, Dalia, Yuri and others would never have thought that the rampant and domineering crystal dragons had been completely tamed by Rong Taotao, and they would follow Rong Taotao back to the snowy realm and back to northern China...

It is impossible for anyone to guess such a story like this from the Arabian Nights.

Even if someone told Dalia and Yuri the real situation clearly at this time, I am afraid that neither of them would believe it!

Of course, if Rong Taotao is telling the story...that's another story.

"If...if the cloud top planet is foggy again, our journey this night will be dangerous." Dalia adjusted her emotions, her tone was calm, and she looked at Rong Taotao tentatively.

The Yunding Planet, which has recovered its original appearance, is a restricted area that ordinary soul warriors cannot penetrate.

The soul skill that can see through the clouds, Vision of the Clouds, has a very low visual distance. Everyone will be lost in this cloud forest, and they may not find their way home in this life.

"It's okay, fly with me." Rong Taotao said, nodding to Dalia as a sign of comfort.

Dalia frowned slightly. She didn't think Rong Taotao could easily solve this problem that had plagued the people of Yundian for decades.

But the actual situation is like this. Rong Taotao is very confident, so confident that he didn't take this matter seriously at all?

While thinking hard, Dalia suddenly remembered that before leaving, Rong Taotao had asked her for a private military tent, and she also thought that Rong Taotao had left a lotus avatar in the account.

Lotus clone?

So is it a lotus effect?

If this is the case, then from that time on, Rong Taotao had already anticipated that today's situation would happen, so he planned the game ahead of time?

It is also acceptable.

Everyone is not a fool, at least Dalia would not think that Rong Taotao contributed technical support for free.

Involuntarily, Dalia moved slightly and flew to Rong Taotao's side.

Because the wings of the cloud marks are too wide, if she wants to get close, Dalia can only choose to go up or down.

Finally, it was Rong Taotao's turn to be on top... Well, it was the other party's turn to lie on his back!

Then, Dalia stretched out her hand and dragged his collar slightly offset.

Rong Taotao understood, and the two left the army, but to Rong Taotao's surprise, Dalia suddenly withdrew his wings.

Rong Taotao: ? ? ?

He subconsciously stretched out his hand to support Dalia's waist. Rong Taotao was no stranger to this posture. After all, he had performed Snow Drill with a woman before.

"You mean, your lotus avatar can help you determine the direction and position." Dalia stood up a little, leaned into Rong Taotao's ear, and asked in a low voice.

Even though the troops were all her family generals, she still chose to talk privately in a low voice, obviously helping Rong Taotao keep information.

Auntie, are you kind?

Rong Taotao gave a soft "um" and responded with Song Xue speechless: "Lotus petals do have such an effect."

Dalia: "Do you think there will be clouds with such effects in the cloud top treasure?"

Hearing this, Rong Taotao couldn't help frowning slightly, vaguely remembering Dalia's previous words, he asked: "By the way, you said before that there is a team hunting you, and they are still rushing towards your cloud top treasure. ?"

Dalia: "That's what I meant. You said, since I have a cloud, can they keep track of my location at all times?"

Rong Tao Tao's face became solemn and responded: "There is such a possibility, but..."


Rong Taotao: "Not all treasures have the same effect, and, compared to the snow-land treasure, the nine-petal lotus..."

While talking, UU reading Rong Taotao stopped.

He wants to say that there are only 5 treasures in the top of the cloud, but there are 9 treasures in the snow!

But this information was told to Rong Taotao by the inner vision soul map. How could the world know that it was a "nine-petaled lotus flower" and "five-colored auspicious clouds"?

On the other side of Xuejing, the name "Nine-petal Lotus" has been circulated all the time. Even the orcs in the depths of the vortex know it, but the specific source of the information has long been untraceable.

And on the cloud side, does anyone know the name of "Five Colors Auspicious Clouds"?

Dalia will naturally think that there are as many treasures in the cloud as the treasures in the snow, and the effects may overlap.

Dalia noticed Rong Taotao's hesitation and asked, "What?"

Rong Taotao: "Each treasure is unique, with different emotions and different effects, so it's only possible."

Dalia was silent for a moment, then said solemnly: "It seems that you and I both have to prepare for the worst. If the opponent can locate us, it will undoubtedly be a disaster."

"Well." Rong Taotao nodded heavily, "Tell me about that group of people."

Dalia: "Of course you can, then would you like to tell me what you plan to do with the group of snow dragons following behind?"

Rong Taotao: "Lead them back to the snow vortex, and let them return to the land that belongs to them."

"Tao Tao."


Dalia pressed the back of Rong Taotao's head with one hand, her lips beside Rong Taotao's ear, and her voice was small and soft: "Tell me, did you steal their home?"

Rong Taotao blinked and thought for a while, then he suddenly grinned: "Hee hee~"

Dalia: "..."

What a fairy response...

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