MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 811 Yunding Dragon Clan?

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As everyone got closer to the North Pole Camp, the huge vortex in the sky also came into view.

Rong Taotao has been crawling and rolling in the Soul Martial World until today, and he has only entered the Cloud Top Vortex once, and the Cloud Top Vortex located in Mauman Harbor City is highly developed, and no thick fog drifts out of it.

Coincidentally, the vortex on the top of the cloud at the North Pole is not as dense as imagined.

Instead, a little bit of frost and snow mixed with a trace of mist, swaying down from the gap in the sky, giving any kind of nondescript feeling.

It is neither as violent and snowy as the snow vortex, nor as mysterious and wet as the cloud top vortex.

Rong Taotao jumped off the military sleigh and looked up at the whirlpool with a strange expression.

He thought that what he saw would be a new "snow vortex", but the picture in front of him told Rong Taotao that the vortex environment was not as bad as he imagined.

It seems that the combination of snow lotus petals and the ability to display together can play its due effect.

With only 1/3 petals, the effect of lotus petals changing the environment is much smaller.

On the side, Colonel Yuri came over and said, "In the past month, the dense fog in the vortex gap has become less and less, and people's field of vision has broadened a lot inside the vortex.

Instead, it gives us direction and purpose.

Sometimes, the soldiers even joked that we were lucky in disguise, and the Snow Realm Dragon Clan helped us blow up the thick fog. "

Rong Taotao's smile is also a little weird. It seems that soldiers from any country have the mentality and ability to make fun of hardships.

It was indeed more than a month ago that the Jinglong group fled.

Rong Taotao returned to his hometown from the Snowy Vortex - the First Empire, and cooperated with the Feihong Army to draw a map. He spent half a month on the road and trained in the Qingshan Army compound for half a month. What's more, he was still in the Imperial Capital City. Stayed there for a few days.

"In the past month, the life of the Yunding Soul Beast has been miserable."

Colonel Yuri said, and shrugged his shoulders slyly: "However, due to changes in the environment, it is more difficult for the Yunding Soul Beast to hide its figure. With the help of the Snow Realm Soul Warrior, we have seen and gained. A lot of precious and rare cloud top soul beasts."

Rong Taotao: "..."

Isn't this a blessing in disguise?

Xu Fenghua said softly: "Since there is an unexpected joy, why are you still obsessed with destroying the Snow Realm Dragon Clan?"

Yuri nodded slightly to the two of them and took a step.

As the trio moved away from the soldiers, Yuri whispered: "Due to the increased visibility inside the vortex planet, a large number of soul warrior groups have poured in, including soldiers from various countries, as well as various forces and civil organizations.

The presence of a large number of power groups has completely disrupted the situation, making it difficult for us to carry out our work, and also restricting us. "

"Oh?" The more Rong Taotao listened, the more wrong he felt!

When he came, Rong Taotao felt that the Russian bear side was terminally ill, and he was eager to solve the dragon clan and the lotus petal problem.

But now it seems that Uncle Yuri's focus is on human beings instead?

Colonel Yuri: "The situation inside the vortex on the top of the cloud is very complicated. The arrival of the Snow Realm Dragon Clan has not only allowed us to see all kinds of novel soul beasts on the top of the cloud, but also brought out a force that the world has never seen before. "

Rong Taotao: "What power?"

Colonel Yuri: "Dragon Clan at the Cloud Summit."

For a time, Rong Taotao's face was extremely wonderful: "Huh?"

Colonel Yuri: "Five days ago, we learned about the location of the Snow Realm Dragon Clan through various means.

And when we arrived, there were already many countries and forces guarding it, and we were also turned away. "

Rong Taotao: ? ? ?

Shut out?

I wipe? Who has the ability to keep Russian bears out?

Hasn't the young man been beaten by the fighting nation?

Colonel Yuri: "The location chosen by the Snow Realm Dragon Clan is very special. Thirty kilometers away from where the huge lotus is located, there is a gap connecting the Maple Leaf Country-Arctic Archipelago's sky vortex.

The geographical location of the cloud top vortex is too deep. It is located on a barren Arctic archipelago. The environmental conditions are too harsh. Maple Leaf Country has not focused on development before.

And when an Inuit folk group entered through the gap, the surrounding environment was clear at a glance, and they also realized that they had broken into the territory of the Snow Realm Dragon Clan. "

Rong Taotao: "The eye of the wind!"

Uncle Yuri: "Wind eye?"

Rong Taotao and Xu Fenghua looked at each other and realized that the situation was difficult.

The location of the crystal dragon group seems to be prepared. Once you notice that the situation is not good, can you immediately escape along the vortex gap again?

However, if you put your home next to the vortex gap, aren't you afraid that hunters can enter directly through the vortex gap?

In hindsight, the harm outweighs the benefit!

No, the vortex gaps used by the Crystal Dragons as a back-up actually made them discoverable faster.

Colonel Yuri continued: "After the Inuit group reported the situation, the Maple Leaf Nation immediately increased its forces and controlled the vortex gap.

Later, Sam Kingdom also came. Although the vortex belonged to Maple Leaf and was also on Maple Leaf's territory, Sam still achieved a leadership position and controlled the vortex inside and outside. "

Rong Taotao: "This story sounds familiar."

I said who dared to keep the Russian bear out of the house, it turned out to be Meiying... That's all right.

Since this is the case, then you bears will go to fight with the eagle, what are you doing with our rabbits?

We are vegetarian animals, we only like to eat grass, build nests, and don't like to fight, we are not in the same circle as you...

There is a saying that is good, the circles are different, don't be rigid

Colonel Yuri continued: "But you know, there is no law inside the vortex, it is a realm where strength is respected!

Even if the vortex is the maple leaf's territory, but inside the vortex, it is the top of the cloud planet.

The development level of the cloud top planet is better than that of the snow world planet, but it is also limited. The development boundary is also limited to the surrounding of the cloud top vortex, which cannot be compared with your Hoshino vortex.


Rong Taotao smiled wickedly: "So you entered from the local vortex of the North Pole, hurried inside the vortex, and stayed on top of other people's maple leaf vortex?"

Colonel Yuri shrugged his shoulders: "It's not just us, there are many countries, many civil organizations. There are people who are more violent and tough than us."

Rong Taotao looked incredulous: "Just blow it, who can be tougher than you?"

"Thank you for your compliment, but it is true." Colonel Yuri smiled and said a word: "Viking Empire."

"Huh?" Rong Taotao couldn't help blinking his eyes.

Those Vikings?

That's fine...  

There seem to be many countries in this world, but from a certain point of view, there are actually only four.

A bear who is about to die, a fierce and fierce eagle, a rabbit that secretly grazes, and a group of irascible pirates.

Colonel Yuri: "Every faction has its own ideas on how to deal with the Snow Realm Dragon Race.

No matter how you deal with it, what is certain is that everyone wants a piece of this mysterious dragon species. "

Rong Taotao nodded again and again and said, "Go ahead, where is the Yunding Dragon Clan?"

Colonel Yuri continued: "At this point, the scene has reached a deadlock, and no one wants to act rashly.

And just two days ago, the deadlock was completely broken. For the first time, the Yunding Dragon Clan appeared in our field of vision!

It may be because the environment of the homeland has been changed, the Yunding Dragon Clan is very angry and irritable, and they are inseparable with the Snow Realm Dragon Clan.

In that battle, we saw the strength of the Dragon Clan, and we are glad that we did not rashly take action.

Casualties are unavoidable, and the battle that destroyed the sky and the earth ended with the disappearance of the Yunding Dragon Clan and the deaths of countless affected soul warriors. "

"Good guy!" Rong Taotao couldn't help smacking his lips, "What is the Cloud Dianlong Patriarch like? What abilities does he have?"

Colonel Yuri: "The appearance of the Yunding Dragon Clan is similar to that of the Snow Realm Dragon Clan, but the body structure is different.

The Yunding Dragons are made up of fog, and the length can be about 5 or 600 meters? It is difficult to define exactly.

What is certain is that the Yunding Dragon Clan can summon and spit out mist, and can control the trajectory of the mist to bombard the enemy. "

Rong Taotao frowned slightly: "Since the entire body of the Yunding Dragon Race is composed of fog, how did it die... oh!"

As Rong Taotao spoke, he looked like he was suddenly enlightened.

Sure enough, Colonel Yuri confirmed Rong Taotao's guess: "The battle lasted for a long time, and the battlefield covered the huge lotus.

Later, the Snow Realm Dragon Clan spit out frost and mist, completely freezing the Yunding Dragon Clan composed of mist, and finally smashed the Yunding Dragon Clan with huge ice cubes. That is, those ice cubes buried many, many human soul warriors. "

The more Xu Fenghua listened, the more serious his face became, and inadvertently, the aura of a soul general appeared again.

Due to the special growth environment, Xu Fenghua is not like some of the soul martial gods, the stronger the strength, the closer to ordinary people.

For example, Si She and Dong Dongdong, they have no imposing manner all over their bodies, they look like amiable neighbors, uncles and aunts.

Xu Fenghua is on the contrary. The unique garrison location requires her to show her strength as much as possible, so as to achieve the effect of force threat and shock, making Jinglong Xiaoxiao dare not act rashly.

Her style has been finalized and can't be changed, but it hurts Rong Taotao and Yuri.

This is not a question of adaptability. No matter how gloomy and cold the solitary eyes of Principal Mei Hongyu are, Rong Taotao can adapt to some extent.

But Xu Fenghua is coming for real!

Although the outward momentum is invisible, but you can't breathe, your legs can't tremble, you don't have a B number in your heart...

"Boom" at the collar of the collar, the Edelweiss cat whimpered softly, and curled its fluffy little head into Rong Taotao's arms.

"Mom." Rong Taotao said cautiously.

"Well." Xu Fenghua came back to his senses, still looking solemn, "Dragon, it's easy to say. But it involves many The measurement is not easy to grasp, we have to report to the superior."

Colonel Yuri suddenly said: "The matter of the Snow Realm Dragon Clan can actually be put aside for a while."

Rong Taotao: ? ? ?

Xu Fenghua was also a little stunned, almost thinking that he had hallucinated.

What is "you can let it go"?

So what are you doing here with us?

Uncle Yuri: "The Snow Realm Dragon Clan group can be used as bait. Since there was a Cloud Summit Dragon Clan that came to fight, maybe there will be other Cloud Summit Dragon Clan looking for it."

Xu Fenghua's face became solemn: "We are here to solve the problem of the Snow Realm Dragon Clan, not the Cloud Dian Dragon Clan."

Colonel Yuri took a step back with a tense expression on his face, and turned to look at Rong Taotao: "Rong, Professor Rong. Mrs. Manlie is waiting for you inside the vortex. She wants to negotiate with you about the Yundian Dragon Clan."

Rong Taotao opened his mouth stupidly, reacted for a while, and then patted Xu Fenghua's arm with a trembling hand: "Mom, don't be angry, Manlie is our own."

This time, it was Xu Fenghua's turn to look quite wonderful...

The development of the situation is simply challenging Xu Fenghua's cognition of the world!

Colonel Yuri is in his government, but he is doing something for the Manlie family.

And listening to his own children, do you really want to help Manlie catch a Yunding Dragon? Why is Taotao so good to the Manlie family and has such a deep personal relationship?

The Manlie family, Mrs. Manlie...

Oh, amazing?

From this point of view, I really should have seen this Patriarch Manlie!